Seeds of the Pirate Rebels

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Seeds of the Pirate Rebels Page 10

by Gregory Johnson

  The Grand Admiral was shot on her fluke. H'Ackre-Limwin screeched in pain, as she fired angrily at the task force. The task force threw a zoton grenade in H'Ackre-Limwin direction, as fired at them. She spotted soldier, as he threw a second zoton grenade and fired at his arm that had the grenade in it. The soldier fumbled the zoton grenade and it fell behind him. The first grenade went off and the explosion threw the Grand Admiral into a wall. The second grenade went off in the line of soldiers. The light was so intense that it vaporized the Argoni soldiers and cooked the Rularian soldiers in their exoskeletons. H'Ackre-Limwin looked like her skin was dried out from the grenade's energy signature.

  24 - Aboard the Shadow Hunter

  Horde was watching his new crew ready themselves for battle, as he toured his ship. The Shadow Hunter was suddenly pulled into real space by the same trio of Shadow Hound-Class Freighters that Xanatos was ambushed by. Horde was prepared for ambush for he was informed by Xanatos via view screen of the attack.

  “Captain on the bridge,” the communications officer announced to the bridge crew. The crew stood at attention when the officer made the announcement.

  “At ease, officers. We must take those Shadow Hound-Class Freighters out of commission if the Pale Dragon can have chance of defeating those War Lord Imperial scum on Layardia. Commander, tactical analysis of the War Shadow and launch all space fighters that are in the hanger,” ordered Horde, as a group of Argoni Quickstrikes made an attack run at the Shadow Hunter's bridge. “Hard to stern, fire all dorsal cannons,” Horde barked, but the Argoni Quickstrikes shot at the Shadow Hunter and fled the from view of the bridge.

  “Captain, we need power to the shields and forward cannons. The space fighters need cover from those Argoni Quickstrikes that attacked bridge,” the tactical officer reported, as the bridge shook from other attack run from the Argoni Quickstrikes. The front viewport began to crack.

  “Rotate shield harmonics, power up the front and dorsal cannons. Target those Quickstrikes and get me those tactical plans of the War Shadow,” ordered Horde, as the War Shadow fired directly at the Shadow Hunter's center Ghost-drive nacelle.

  “Shields are down to half capacity in the stern. The War Shadow is firing their main cannons,” the secondary tactical officer reported.

  “Captain, the Pale Dragon is on a channel,” the communications officer reported to Horde.

  “On view screen. Captain Xanatos, this is Captain Brad Horde. You seem to be in a bit of an ambush. I was told to assist in this battle and escort you to PRA Base Beta Gamma,” Horde replied to the image of Xanatos.

  Captain Horde, orders are heard and understood. We need to put those bad dogs to sleep for good. I have sent my space fighters to do that, but they need cover. I called for assistance from the Erif- Ki and the Storm Elves in this system. They will be sending ships as soon as they can. Xanatos stated to Horde with concern in his face.

  “I will cover your space fighters with my own ship if I have to. We'll kill those dogs, Captain Xanatos,” Horde replied with a smile on his face.

  “Captain Horde, a Captain Sleeshan is on channel three from the Crimson Stingray on the planet Layardia. He says it's urgent,” the communications officer reported.

  “On audio only,” ordered Horde, as a Talyardian's universal translator came on the ship's speakers.

  “This is Captain Sleeshan. The Grand Admiral has been captured by War Lord Empire. She was covering my retreat. I must have heard two zoton grenades go off when I left the compound heading for my ship. The Grand Admiral was brave for covering not only my retreat but the rest of the people in the compound, as well. If the War Lord Empire discovers the locations of them, our remaining bases the universe's freedom is at risk.” Sleeshan's words were caught in the air for moment.

  “Did anyone erase the memory of the main computer in the control tower?” Xanatos asked with worry in his voice.

  “Captain Zraxon of the Crimson Headhunter was in charge of forwarding and erasing the main computer's information on the control tower. She left the base the same time as myself and the Grand Admiral did. I saw the Crimson Headhunter leave the planet surface before I left the Strapped Spaceport. There is one hell of a battle here. I wish you be here for the fun.” Sleeshan joked on the speakers.

  “I could be there, and you could be here. We are all in a bit of a bind. I would say that there is a War Spy in the Pirate Rebel Allegiance. The only question that remains is: who is the saboteur in the Pirate Rebel Allegiance? Watch your back, Captain Sleeshan. Spread the word to your crew and the captains and their crew in the battlefield that you are fighting. May Valient be on your side.” warned Xanatos, as the speakers went dead. “Well, Captain Horde, we have work to do.”

  “You heard the man, let's get to work. Shields at full power, zotonic torpedoes fire at the War Shadow, on my mark,” ordered Horde, as the tactical officer prepared the torpedo bays to fire.

  The Shadow Hunter flew in an attack position toward the War Shadow. The Shadow Hunter began to fire plasma blasts at the flagship. The War Shadow fired zotium torpedoes at the plasma bursts. The torpedoes absorbed the plasma energy and hit the Shadow Hunter with the force of the plasma and zotium energies. The Shadow Hunter started listing to the right.

  “Captain, the War Shadow had drained our shields and now the engines are down. They used our own energy against us,” Chief Engineer Nortek reported.

  “Fire zotonic torpedoes at their engines,” ordered Horde, as the War Shadow fired zoton charges at the Shadow Hunter. The zoton charges missed the main engine by twenty-five meters. “That was close to the mark, now wasn't it, Commander Vault,” Horde signed in relief.

  “Sir, I might be to help with this battle,” Vault suggested as he felt the Knight Symbiont talk to his heart. The broach of Valient's Honor on his uniform was glowing brilliantly. He clinched to his fists as if he in pain.

  “Commander Vault, are you alright? How can you assist us in this battle? Commander Vault? Gary?” persisted Horde, as Vault fell to the floor of the bridge.

  “Gary Vault is not here at the moment. Captain Brad Horde of the Shadow Hunter, I will assist you in this battle to avenge myself and my siblings for what the demon Basilisk had done to us,” True Belt spoke through Vault's body, as Horde saw his First Officer transform into the True Belt. True Belt turned into a ball of blue light which phased through the bridge's front wall where the view screen was and left the Shadow Hunter.

  “Well, that was odd,” Horde thought aloud. He looked at the rest of the bridge crew, which were staring in awe at what had transpired on the bridge. “What are you staring at? Back to your duties, Condry take over Vault's station,” ordered Horde, as the War Shadow fired a zotonic charge at the Shadow Hunter.

  “Aye, Sir,” replied Condry, as replaced Vault at the Command Chair.

  The view screen was displaying the battle against the blue ball of light that was True Belt and the War Shadow. True Belt was throwing bolts of lightning that had a crippling effect on the War Shadow's shields. The War Shadow was getting black scoring along its grayish hull from the lightning bolts.

  “Captain, should we aide in the fight?” asked Condry, as the Horde looked in awe at display power that Lightning Claw gave off in battle.

  “No, this is his fight. I would recommend we stay out of it. Commander Bencon, how much power is True Belt dishing out at the War Shadow?” asked Horde, as the battle waged on.

  “Well, it's good he's on our side,” stated Bencon.

  “Why is that, Commander?” asked Horde.

  “The energy he is throwing at the War Shadow is five times that of raw zotium energy in three torpedoes or fresh fuel in an engine core of a Zotium- Drive,” Bencon reported.

  “Ensign Hecon, open a channel to the space fighters,” Horde ordered the communications officer.

  “Channel open, Sir.”

  “All remaining space fighters this is Captain Brad Horde, try to disable those Shadow Hound-Class Freighters, leave the War Sha
dow to True Belt. If we disable or destroy them the Pale Dragon will get a chance to escape, and save the Grand Admiral,” ordered Horde, when he saw some of the space fighters attacking the War Shadow.

  “Sir, the War Shadow has sustained heavy damage and appears to be retreating from the battle,” reported Bencon, as they saw True Belt return to the Shadow Hunter in his light form. The War Shadow left orbit and entered Phantom Space. The three Shadow Hound-Class Freighters and space fighters remained in orbit with their anti-phantom drives powered up. “The Shadow Hound-Class Freighters still show their wells are at full power.”

  “Malsvir must have sent reinforcements to continue their attack on us. Commander Vault, are you in engineering?” asked Horde, as the door to the main bridge opened to reveal a half-dazed Vault in front of the doorway.

  “Commander Gary Vault... reporting... for duty,” Vault said appearing exhausted.

  “Commander, you look like hell,” replied Horde as he paged the medics to the bridge.

  “Captain, I feel like I lost and missed something, after I felt a strong need to meditate,” Vault reported his captain.

  “What was the last thing you remember?” Horde asked curiously from his First Mate.

  Vault looked at his captain and cocked his head with curiosity. “I was on bridge looking at the War Shadow in orbit of the planet of Mesoplodon because we were pulled out of Phantom Space by three Shadow Hound-Class Freighters,” He reported, as two medics came on the bridge and were shocked at their readings. Horde saw their faces and knew something was bad on their readings.

  Vault looked like he had aged fifty standard years, and his hair that was once black was now white as snow. Vault looked like he had seen Valient, Himself in the spiritual form. Vault looked very exhausted, although medically his vitals were that of a teenager or young adult. Vault's vitals and looks were not adding up. Vault stood up and looked at the medics.

  “What are you staring at, Doc? I feel…” Vault stretched, “like a new man. What did you do to the medical scanner? Captain Horde, permission to return to my station?” Vault requested to his captain.

  “Gary, are you sure you are feeling all right?” asked Horde, as Vault stood at his station waiting for the captain to allow him back at the First Mate's station.

  “What did the medical scanner tell you about my well being, Doc?” Vault asked curiously.

  “Look in the mirror, Commander Vault. Then tell me that you feel fine,” the medic replied as if Vault was acting stubborn. The medic handed Vault a mirror and Vault took the mirror calmer than ever. He looked in the mirror than laughed at the medic, as if it were a joke.

  “This is really funny, Captain Horde. You even have the medics play along,” Vault laughed, as he looked at his captain and the medics.

  “I wish this were a joke, Gary. It appears that Valient has a sense of humor to this to you, Commander,” Horde explained to Vault.

  “You are serious. This is what I look like to you and the crew. I don't feel like that. I feel like a teenager again,” Vault said, as looked at the captain straight-faced. “I feel rejuvenated, like I bathed in The Everlasting Fountain of Valient, that only legends speak of.”

  “How do explain the pure white hair?” asked Horde, as the view screen comm bleeped.

  “The Knight Symbiont was radiating a lot of energy at the War Shadow in the battle an hour ago. The Knight Symbionts get their power from Valient Himself. It is possible that True Belt used Valient's power to frighten the War Shadow and the three Shadow Hound-Class Freighters off,” the medic reported to his captain.

  “What are you talking about Knight Symbionts for? I was never chosen by Valient to be one of His Knights that protect Argon. I was an archaeologist searching for Valient's Lost Temple in a forested area of Argon that logically would have been the Ancient Forest of Light. Sixteen of us went searching in that area. We split into four groups in the forest. One group found the Lost Temple and my group was swallowed up by a strange cave-in, all except me,” Vault started, as he scratched at his rank badge on his chest. “I found one of the groups and with their help we found the Lost Temple of Valient. We recorded everything in the temple. The last thing I remember from the temple was investigating a sarcophagus with Ancient Celestial writings on it. The next thing after that I was joining the United Alliance's Academy with one hell of a headache. I also had a vague dream of meeting Captain Xanatos as a Pirate Rebel trainee during my services on this ship,” Vault finished, as he rubbed his rank badge again.

  “Is your uniform bothering you, Gary?” asked Horde, as the comm systems went off.

  “Sir, the Pale Dragon is hailing us,” the communications officer reported.

  “On viewer. Yes, Captain Xanatos how can I be of assistance to you,” Horde replied to the visual of his nephew on the view screen.

  “The Grand Admiral of the Pirate Rebel Allegiance has been captured by the War Lord Empire and United Alliance's best ships are in orbit of Layardia with Shadow Hound-Class Freighters blocking any ships from leaving the system. There was a War Spy on board one of our own vessels on that planet's surface. The War Lord Empire has the leader of the Pirate Rebel Allegiance and one of their own in our mist. This is our chance to stop them at Layardia and save the Grand Admiral at the same time.” Xanatos reported to Horde.

  “The Shadow Hunter is at your service, Xanatos. You saved my ship, now I will help you in your rescue mission for the freedom of the universe. The Pirate Rebel Allegiance needs their leader to be saved from the clutches of the War Lord Empire. All fighters return to the Shadow Hunter,” Horde replied on the open frequency to the space fighters that survived the battle.

  “Thank you, Captain Horde. Pale Dragon Out,” replied Xanatos, as the view screen went back to the view of space. The space fighters began returning to the fighter bays on board the Shadow Hunter and the Pale Dragon. The two ships left orbit and headed for Layardia at their maximum speed in Phantom Space.

  25 - In orbit of Layardia, aboard the War Shadow

  Corvet`e was in the captain's chair waiting for orders from Malsvir on the view screen. The War Shadow was still recovering from the battle against True Belt and the Pale Dragon. The War Shadow had already sent out five flights of space fighters to aid the remaining ships in orbit. Corvet`e was proud of his War Spy for handing the Pirate Rebel Allegiance to the War Lord Empire on a silver platter.

  Corvet`e felt better about myself, knowing that Malsvir was gracious to forgive him of his recent wrongs. It was all thanks to his War Spy in the field. Corvet'e will reward his War Spy for her glorious deeds for the War Lord Empire. As he was thinking of how to best reward his War Spy the view screen was blinking, waiting to be answered. He signaled the communications officer to put the view screen on.

  He saw Malsvir looking impatiently at the War Lord. Corvet`e responded to his Master's face on the view screen by leaving his chair and kneeling to the image of his Master. “Yes, Master Malsvir. We are in orbit of the planet Layardia, where War Spy 313 has located a Pirate Rebel Allegiance hidden fortress. She has the locations of three other hidden fortresses that are in this system,” Corvet`e reported to his Master.

  “Excellent, Lord Corvet`e. Your War Spy has served us well. You are on way to granting yourself my mercy from your insolence. Your War Spy may have granted you seat in the War Lord Council. You have taught her well,” Malsvir rewarded with warning in his voice.

  “Thank you, my Emperor. Is there anything else you require of me, my lord?” Corvet`e requested with curiosity in his tone.

  “All in do time, Lord Corvet`e. For now command this bridge, as you are. We will discuss your reward later. I would like you to remain here until I return from the War Room Chamber,” Malsvir stated in a neutral tone in his voice.

  “Yes, Master Malsvir,” Corvet`e replied with a respectful tone, as Malsvir left the bridge and headed down the corridor to the elevator.

  Corvet`e waited until Malsvir left the bridge before he contacted his War Spy o
n the planet surface. Corvet`e looked at the communication's officer and nodded. The communication's officer looked at the dashboard in front of himself and put War Spy 313 on the view screen.

  “War Spy 313, this is Lord Corvet'e. Do you have the prize for the Emperor?” Corvet`e asked his War Spy. War Spy 313 grabbed someone from the out of view. It was H'Ackre-Limwin of the Pirate Rebel Allegiance and she was tied up.

  Yes, Master Corvet`e. I have the only Grand Admiral and leader of the Pirate Rebel Allegiance in my custody. I will be delivering her to Emperor Malsvir personally, my lord. War Spy 313 replied with a smile of confidence on her face.

  “Good, my War Spy. Give me your position, and I will come get you and your prisoner. We will finally be able to destroy the Pirate Rebel Allegiance once and for all,” Corvet`e replied.

  Thank you, Master. Come, Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin we have plans for you. War Spy 313 out. The view screen went black, as he saw his War Spy force the Grand Admiral out of view.

  “You have the bridge, War Spy 325,” ordered Corvet`e, as he was leaving the bridge.

  “That's Commander Malsvir, now. I am a War Lord now. I am your equal Lord Corvet`e. I will join you and your team. You have the bridge, War Spy 465,” Lord Malsvir ordered the War Spy and left the bridge with Corvet`e to the Dark Rider. “And one more thing Lord Corvet`e, Emperor Malsvir has made me captain of War Shadow and you will become my second in command. If this mission is success, I will be assigned to one of the newly crescent ships from Secret Shipyard Five. If this mission is unsuccessful things will stay as they are, with you as my second in command,” Lord Malsvir continued, as they boarded the Dark Rider.

  “What? Why would Emperor Malsvir do this to me? I thought that I was on good terms with him. Well, Captain Malsvir I will be. What are your orders?” Corvet'e replied with defeat in his voice. Lord Malsvir smiled deceitfully to himself.

  “Well, Commander Corvet`e you will go to the main computer of this Pirate Rebel Base and retrieve any information you can on their other Secret Pirate Bases. I will rendezvous with you after I have War Spy 313's prisoner along with her returning to the War Shadow. If there is any information on the main computer copy it on your wrist comm-unit,” ordered Lord Malsvir, as the Dark Rider left the War Shadow and headed toward the planet below.


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