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Creation Mage 6

Page 18

by Dante King

  Literally thousands upon thousands of doors of various kinds in a single wall that went on for what felt like forever. Each door had a very elaborate and fancy looking keyhole.

  “Denoting a fancy fucking key,” I murmured to myself.

  I ran my hand through my hair. I felt like I was basically standing in front of the Universe’s safety deposit box.

  “Well, it looks like we’ll still need to use the Skeleton Key,” I said. “But which damned lock do we put it in?”

  Leah started laughing to herself.

  “What is it that you’re finding humorous about this particular situation?” Mallory asked. Her usually placid face was tight with worry.

  “Oh come on, Mallory, you beautiful little worrier you!” Leah chuckled. “Look at this. This is outrageous!”

  I was inclined to agree with Leah.

  “The question of where to start is an apt one,” Mallory said, her face softening a little at the sight of Leah’s slightly despairing laughter.

  “One door is as good as another,” I said. “You never know your luck. May as well just dive in and see if we can’t pull something miraculous out of our asses.”

  “You know what I’ve always found interesting about miracles,” Mallory said as I approached the door directly in front of me.

  “What’s that?” Leah asked.

  “Is that people always see miracles as being synonymous with good. You know, you find a sack of money in an old tree or your dog gets its collar caught on a lucky branch just before going over a waterfall. But, just because something is bad—someone gets hit by lightning, for instance—doesn’t make it any less miraculous.”

  That was food for thought, certainly, but now was not the time to chew it over. I reached out a hand, grasped the door handle, and slipped the Skeleton Key into the lock.

  The door opened to reveal a portal. The portal was a greasy, opalescent, multicolored mess that spoke of pure magic, but almost as soon as the door was open, it changed and flowed into something that most closely resembled a window.

  A window that opened onto a white sandy beach.

  “Where the hell is that?” Leah blurted.

  It was a picture-perfect scene. A strip of white sand, a bright blue ocean behind and an even brighter blue sky above. There were a set of yellow and red flags waving to either side of the panorama. Gorgeous, plastic-looking women wearing tiny bikinis, with deep tans and fake boobs bigger than their heads strutted about. Athletic guys with bodies like Adonis, covered in tattoos and wearing caps backward prowled through the throngs of women muttering to each other and high-fiving. Almost everyone was holding a cellphone and taking pictures of their friends or themselves. Off to one side, I noticed a sign that read, Welcome to the Gold Coast, Queensland!

  “That looks like… like Earth,” I said, though I had no idea where the hell the Gold Coast was.

  “Must be a coast filled with gold,” Leah said. “That’s why everyone is so shiny and healthy looking.”

  “Whatever,” I said. “It’s not what we’re after.”

  I slammed the door closed.

  We moved onto another randomly selected door. This time it looked to me like we had opened up a portal that stared out of a locker in the locker room of the Golden State Warriors. It was either that or Klay Thompson had been abducted and sent to some other universe.

  The third door was filled completely with smoke, and there was only a single burning candle sitting on the floor.

  “Creepy,” Leah said and booted the door shut.

  Door four held the smell of baking, golden light, and a whistled tune.

  Opening door five, I came face to face with none other than Donald Trump sitting on the can and crying.

  “All right, that’s enough,” I said. “We need a way to harden the target here!”

  We lapsed into thoughtful silence. It was not a feeling that struck me often but, right then, I felt like I could have given up. I mean, when you’re faced with that sort of problem it’s difficult to ignore what all your senses and your brain is telling you: that you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell at figuring this problem out.

  If only I had someone to talk to, someone like my parents who had been here, who had more experience in figuring this sort of shit out…

  My thought trailed off, as another one came crashing into it like a truck T-boning a minivan.

  I couldn’t speak to my parents inside their staffs, but maybe they could help me out all the same. Maybe I could use their joint vectors, their twin spirits, to direct me.

  I pulled my mother’s white crystal from my pocket and made my father’s black crystal staff materialize in my other. I pressed the two crystals together, held them tight in my hands and closed my eyes, willing my problem into them.

  While I attempted to draw help from the two staffs, I pointed them both at the many, many doors that lined the wall opposite me.

  The staffs twitched in my hands. My eyes flew open.

  “Did you just see that?” I asked Mallory, who was watching me intently.

  The staffs twitched again, and then began vibrating. Twitching this way and that like divining rods that had locked onto water. Only they weren’t sensing water, they were sensing an answer; an answer to the problem that I had posed them.

  I followed the trembling vectors as they twitched and flicked. I walked back past the door that led to the corridor outside and one-hundred yards further on. I followed them until they led me to a shabby door covered with black paint. Under the peeling black paint, clean, white holly wood shone through.

  Black and white.

  “Seems almost obvious, doesn’t it?” Mallory asked from over my shoulder.

  “Pretty unobtrusive,” Leah said. “Just the place to hide a relic.”

  I pulled out the Skeleton Key to open the door. I twisted the knob, and the portal swung open. It revealed a bog-standard broom cupboard. A plain, gray feather quill with a sharpened nib of pure gold sat on the floor.

  “That’s our relic,” I said, vanishing my father’s staff and pocketing my mother’s crystal. I reached down, picked up the quill, and slipped it carefully into my pocket.

  Our business concluded, the three of us walked back toward the exit.

  Just as we reached it, the door burst open.

  The two guards who had been manning the door, disheveled and only half dressed, came charging out. They looked wild-eyed. Not surprising, really, what with them having just been turned into rabbits. The dwarf still had a fluffy tail.

  I tossed the Skeleton Key to Leah to keep her from performing any more magic on the poor bastards. They had just been doing their job and didn’t deserve to get cursed into any more unexpected shapes if it could be helped.

  “Open a door!” I yelled. “Any door!”

  The taller guard charged at me as Leah unlocked a door close by.

  He was still bamboozled in the head. I doubted he would have hopped toward me in the way he did under ordinary circumstances, flailing at me with his morning-star as if he’d like nothing better than to put an irreversible dent in my head.

  He swung the length of spike-ended steel at me, but his heart wasn’t really in it. More accurately, his heart was in it, but his arm and his head were on separate wavelengths.

  I stepped easily inside his guard and caught his right arm between my left arm and my body so that the morning-star was waving uselessly around behind my back. Generating the power from my elbow, rather than my shoulder, so I didn’t telegraph my punches, I struck the guard hard in the throat with my open palm. I had seen Jet Li do it in a movie once, and it worked a treat here. The guard squawked, and I drove my elbow into his temple before bringing my foot around to stamp hard on his ankle with my boot heel.

  Then with a hard shove, I pushed him backward through the portal that Leah held open for me.

  While I had been involved in my little bout of fisticuffs, Mallory had dealt with the dwarf by wrapping him in a spell that resembled fluff
y white clouds. His morning-star was lying useless and unbloodied on the ground nearby.

  The dwarf was struggling, his bunny tail twitching angrily as he hurled curses at Mallory. Raising her hands, the former priestess propelled the cotton wool wrapped guard through the door after his friend with a spontaneously conjured gust of wind.

  “I bet those guys will love it there,” I said as Leah pulled the door shut and locked it again. “Got to be better than guard duty outside the Hall of a Hundred Gazillion Doors anyway.”

  “What makes you say that?” Leah asked. “We might have just sent them to hell.”

  “Nah,” I said. “It was another little slither of Earth I saw in that door. If I read things right, we just dumped those two lucky little bunny rabbits through a time portal. That was the Miss America pageant of 1983 when Vanessa Williams won!”

  The two women looked blankly at me.

  I grinned, took them by the shoulders, and guided them through the door that led out of the Chamber of Lock and Key.

  “Trust me,” I said, “those guys are going to be A-okay.”

  And, with that, we closed the door and dashed back to the Inscriber’s workshop.

  Chapter 13

  Gertrude the Inscriber set down the golden-tipped quill, closed my spellbook, and then sat back in her chair. She handed me my spellbook and clasped her hands in front of her.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” she said, raising her ice-chip eyes to study my face. “Don’t you want to learn a new spell? I haven’t got all day, and I must ensure that my magic worked effectively. Can’t have you walking out of here only to have to come back tomorrow, can we?”

  For a second, I was nonplussed. “You want me to test it?”

  “Of course,” the old woman said. “What else do you think you should do?”

  “Here?” I asked.

  Gertrude pointed to the little door at the back of her workshop, the one through which Mallory had emerged earlier.

  “My bedchamber is through there,” she said. “It is not large, but it should be more than adequate for you to run an experiment.”

  I looked at Leah. I was after her Chaos Magic. I don’t know what sort of reassurance I was expecting to find in Leah’s face though. The woman probably would have been happy to have sex with me right there in the workshop. She probably would have invited Gertrude to join, and to hell with what we’d do to her once her hips had both been dislocated.

  “You’re sure?” I asked the Inscriber.

  “Get in there with the Chaosbane girl,” the old woman griped. “Before I pin you down and test it myself! I’ll get someone to come and tidy the place up before I turn in, don’t you worry.”

  “All right, then,” I said.

  Leah and I moved to the back of the room, leaving Gertrude and Mallory sitting in the workshop.

  Leah kicked the door closed behind us with a casual backward boot.

  I scanned the room we were in, feeling suddenly a little awkward. I mean, I was down like James Brown to fuck Leah, just name the time and the place. Using some purple-haired old love’s bedroom though, who I had only met a couple of hours before… Well, I could think of sexier places to do the horizontal bop. It smelled like tea, biscuits, and lavender in there.

  I opened my mouth to point this out to Leah, but Leah curtailed any objections by sticking her tongue down my throat. Her hands moved automatically, intimately, down my stomach and stopped when they got to the bulge in my pants. My penis was ready to rock and roll.

  “Whoa, what were you thinking about back in the office, honeysuckle?” Leah breathed into my face, pulling away from me a little so her lips brushed mine when she spoke.

  Privately, I was kind of surprised about Justin junior’s almost telepathic knowledge of what was going to go down. It was quite literally like having a dick that had a separate brain.

  “Creation Mage has got to be ready to fuck at a moment’s notice,” I said. “With great power comes—”

  “Great responsibility, right?” Leah growled, unbuttoning her high-waisted trousers so that they slid down around her ankles and she was left standing bare-assed in the middle of Gertrude’s bedchamber.

  “I was going to say: With great powers comes great strain on the lower back,” I said.

  Leah chuckled throatily while she fumbled with my belt. “This damn thing.”

  All the clothing I was currently wearing, bar my boots, had been constructed by Igor’s magical morphing cloak, exactly as I had pictured them in my head when I had got dressed that morning.

  “Allow me,” I said, and willed the cloak to revert back to its original, singular form.

  I was left standing completely naked except for my boots and the cloak fastened at my throat.

  Leah raised an eyebrow at me. “I simply love that look,” she smirked at me. “I can see that taking the capital by storm.”

  “Shut up,” I smiled back, kicking off my boots and reaching up to untie the cloak from my throat.

  Mimicking my actions slightly, Leah reached up and unbound her hair out of the bunches she had tied them into. She shook the spray of mad pink locks out and it cascaded over her shoulders. Then she peeled her baby blue sweater over her head, with all the grace and poise of someone who has downed a bottle of wine, then tossed it to the floor.

  I ran my eyes eagerly over her lithe frame, while she checked me out too.

  Her pale body gleamed like ivory in the soft light coming through the slitted turret windows of the small bedchamber. To my lust-filled eyes, she looked as fine and fuckable as any woman I had ever seen.

  My gaze moved from the mane of wild pink hair that surrounded her dark, roguish eyes down to her small, pert tits with their perfect pink nipples. Southward, her stomach was all flat perfection—not muscular and defined like Janet Thunderstones, but toned and without a spare ounce of fat. Her long torso drew my eye irresistibly downward to the glistening pink slit of her sex.

  Like me, Leah looked ready to go.

  The door opened, and Mallory Entwistle stepped into the room. Her composure did not slip one iota when she saw the state of undress that we were both in. The only reaction she made was to smile broadly at us. She pressed her back to the door of the bedchamber and bit her lip.

  “I understand that this is a test and that there is only one slot that can be filled in your spellbook, Justin,” she said. “But if it is not too much inconvenience, perhaps I might stay and watch? I’ve a feeling that Gertrude is going to nod off in a matter of minutes and this would prove a more invigorating way to pass the time.”

  I didn’t feel weirded out at all at the thought of being watched. On the contrary, I found the idea of a chick as hot and proper as Mallory Entwistle watching Leah and I fuck each other’s brains out quite the turn on. It’d be a thrill, like performing in front of a crowd at the Mage Games. Only much more intimate.

  “Sure,” I said, grinning at her and winking. “Take a seat and enjoy the show, priestess.”

  Mallory slipped into a small chair by a cluttered desk. Slowly, she pulled the hem of her gown up and began to tickle herself through her panties.

  “Don’t mind me,” she said. “I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.”

  “Right, then,” I said, turning my attention back to Leah, “where were we?”

  “Ladies first,” Leah said, after we had ogled one another for a few seconds more.

  The room was tight, with barely enough room in it to swing a cat—though why anyone felt like they needed to swing cats around to measure how big a space was had always been beyond me. It was made all the tighter by the addition of Mallory.

  Leah slid down so that her back was pressed to the one wall not lined with scroll-stuffed shelves. She tilted her head back so it rested against the wall, lifted one leg up, and peered at me from under heavy lids.

  I ran my gaze hungrily over her athletic body once more, my eyes stopping at her pussy, which was bedewed with wetness. Leah noticed me looking. Watched me delig
htedly as I checked her out quite brazenly. Casually, she reached down and spread the pale lips of her box with one hand, revealing the pink insides.

  “Are you looking at this, Justin Mauler?”

  My cock was throbbing so hard it almost hurt. I reached down and stroked it a little and watched Leah’s eyes rove up and down its length. My balls were tight against the base, tingling with anticipation.

  “I guess you’re going to be the star of the show today, huh? We’re going to need to make sure that everything is shipshape with you, is that right?” Leah asked. She cocked her other leg up so that she was in a froggy squat and opened herself wider.

  I smiled slowly. I already knew Leah had a filthy side of her personality, but it looked very much like it was about to get a real airing.

  I took a step toward her, my dick still in my hand.

  Leah rubbed herself, teasing her clit. She slipped a finger inside her box, then another. She moaned.

  “Come on then, honeybun, let’s make sure that Gertrude hasn’t been pulling your leg,” she said.

  I stepped in front of her. I waited for a second, thinking that Leah might take the lead as was her tendency, but the Chaos Mage just laughed and tugged at her nipples.

  “That’s how it’s going to be, is it?” I asked.

  Leah made a face and shrugged theatrically.

  Unable to contain my rampant lust anymore, I grabbed Leah by her bubblegum pink hair and thrust my cock into her mouth. She gagged, and I pulled it out, leaving a long strand of saliva connecting her lips to my rod.

  “That’s the spirit!” Leah gasped, her eyes watering. “I want it rough. Give it to me rough, Creation Mage!”

  I stuck my cock into Leah’s keen mouth again and started to face-fuck her, making sure that each push hit the back of her throat. I kept this up for a minute or so, allowing Leah to catch her breath when she needed. Then I pulled my member out of her mouth and shoved her face into my groin. Leah took the hint and started to tongue and suck my balls, stuffing my tight sack into her mouth and slurping on them like the keenest, most disreputable prostitute there ever was.


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