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April Holthaus - The MacKinnon Clan 02

Page 13

by Escape To The Highlands

  Chapter 16

  “What will happen to the priest now that Robert knows that he is a traitor?” Jacqueline asked Ewan. “Surely a man of the cloth would not face a severe punishment.”

  “He will be removed from the church and sent elsewhere. Robert does no’ believe in killing a mon of God. But he does believe in ridding himself of those who are no’ to be trusted.”

  “Are you a religious man?”

  “Aye. It has been a while since I have made confession. No’ since Alexa died.”

  “Do you not repent your sins?”

  “The sins I carry, my lady, I fear that even God can no’ wipe ‘em clean. I can only hope that I make better of myself.”

  “You are a very good person. You are loyal and kind. I cannot see God turning you away because of your past faults.”

  “My lady, I have a dark past. One I may never be able to share even wit ye.”

  “Well, I can only hope that you grow confident in me enough to share your burdens. I am your wife now.”

  “Aye, that ye are. But first, we must consummate this marriage fer it to be official,” he said unable to hold back his smile.

  Jacqueline looked around the room, nervous about what was going to happen next. She had learned enough from the women in the kitchens when she was young, but still a part of her did not feel ready to lose something as precious as her virginity.

  The bedchamber was beginning to cool as the fire started to die down. The covers on the bed were folded downward and two feathered pillows rested at the head of the bed. It was obvious that the staff knew what was to occur within this chamber tonight.

  Jacqueline fiddled with her hands as she nervously stood by the fire keeping the goose bumps at bay.

  “Ye dinna have to be nervous,” Ewan said as he came to stand next to her.

  “Will it hurt?”

  “Aye, but only fer a wee bit. The pain goes away.”

  “Have ye had many woman?”

  Ewan was unsure how to answer her rather blunt question. Not sure if she would be mad by his answer or if she was looking to him for comfort. To spare her feelings, he replied, “Aye, a few.”

  Jacqueline closed her eyes and could feel the heat from Ewan’s breath as he stood in front of her. In the middle of his chest was a small patch of hair that covered his bronze skin. Jacqueline hesitantly raised her hand and ran her fingers across his chest. His skin was much softer than she had imagined. The muscles of his stomach were flexed and strong under the light pressure she applied as she allowed herself to freely glide her hand across his broad shoulder and down to the thickness of his upper arm.

  Ewan lifted his hand to her shoulder and pivoted around her, kissing onto the backside of her neck from behind. Crossing his arms over her waist, he held her close as they gazed into the smoldering flames.

  Jacqueline’s heart started beating faster as she felt his hand drop down to her side. She could feel the tug of the laces on the back of her dress as he began to loosen them from the knot. Sliding his other hand from her waist, he covered one of her small supple breasts in his palm and began to rub along the tiny bud hiding beneath the fabric of her dress.

  As the laces gave way, Ewan lowered each side of the shoulder straps down to hang around Jacqueline’s waist exposing her breasts. At the cool contact of the air, her nipples hardened. Ewan walked around to her front and nipped Jacqueline’s bottom lip teasing her to open. When she willingly complied, Ewan swept his tongue deep inside her mouth. Lifting one of her small breasts up, he took it into his mouth and began to kiss and lick around it in a circular motion. Jacqueline moaned loudly at the contact. Her moan made Ewan stiffen wanting to indulge his pleasure by being inside of her.

  Dropping to his knees, he trailed kisses down her rib cage to her stomach and her upper pelvic bone. In one quick movement, he yanked onto the sides of her dress causing it to drop to the floor and pool at Jacqueline’s feet.

  “Ne’er have I seen anything more beautiful than ye,” he said as he kissed down her hip to her inner thigh.

  Jacqueline jerked from the strange sensation as Ewan’s kisses became closer to the apex of her thighs. She knew what happened between a man and a woman behind closed doors but this was not part of the coupling she had heard of.

  “I promise I will nay hurt ye. I only mean to please ye, my lady.”

  “That is not how a man and a woman couple,” she protested.

  “Nay. It is only the beginning, my love,” he said as he reached out for her. Lifting her up off the floor and into his arms, Ewan carried Jacqueline over to the bed and gently laid her down. Kicking off his boots, he untied the laces of his trews, allowing them to drop to the floor as her feet dangled over the side.

  Jacqueline gasped at the sight of his fully erected manhood and quickly looked away feeling shameful for staring. Ewan noticed her reaction and smirked. Bending down to sit on his knees, he lifted one of her legs and kissed the top of her foot slowly making his way to her calf, then her knee, just stopping before reaching her sensitive mound. Her skin felt like velvet under his rough leather-like hands. He enjoyed touching her and hearing her moan.

  Adjusting himself between her thighs he placed his large hand onto the shallow part of her stomach and inched his fingers down to the opening of her womanhood. Spreading her womanly folds, he found her delicate nub and nudged it with his nose.

  Jacqueline squealed at the touch. She marveled at how his touch made her feel as if her body was exploding with mind-blowing sensations. She could feel the heat of his breath on her most private area which caused an ache deep within her belly that she could not describe. Still she wanted more, she wanted him. Sitting up, she grabbed underneath both of his arms, lifting him up onto the bed so that he was completed hovered over her.

  Unconsciously, she grinded her hips up and down his stiff appendage. Pulling him down towards her, she kissed him with fervor and passion. Ewan pressed the tip of his member against her wet and creamy folds and slowly pushed his way past her virginity until he was fully deep inside of her.

  Jacqueline bellowed out from the pain. Her moans only intensified Ewan’s desire. He had not had himself many virgins before. As her pain subsided and Ewan could feel her inner muscles begin to relax, he began rocking his hips back and forth pounding faster and harder.

  Jacqueline’s breath became heavy as she felt tremors shatter throughout her body. Jacqueline yelled out every time Ewan had thrust his groin deep inside of hers. She felt like a wildcat, scratching her nails down his back from the sensation.

  Sweat dripped from Ewan’s forehead as Jacqueline called out his name as she trembled, reaching the height of her climax. Trying to catch his own breath, Ewan planted several soft kisses onto her exposed skin.

  Ewan began to slowly pull in and out wanting this to last the entire night through. Her tightness and wetness made it almost impossible to hold back his own climax. As her hands moved down to his back side pressing him deeper against her, he couldn’t hold himself any longer and with one final thrust, he emptied his seed deep within her.

  “Ye feel so good, lass. I can nay get enough of ye,” he whispered out.

  Feeling elated, Jacqueline asked, “Is it always like this?”

  “Nay. It gets even better. It will nay hurt the next time.”

  Ewan kissed her forehead and got out of the bed. Reaching for a cloth, he dipped it into a basin of water and wiped himself down. Handing the cloth to Jacqueline she did the same, nervous at first when she saw the blood.

  “Tell me about your home. Do you think they will accept me as easily as you have?”

  “Aye. The people of my clan are good people. Ye have nothing to worry about. If they do have issue, then we will leave. I will no’ allow anyone to disrespect my wife.”

  “How long will it take to arrive there?”

  “Only a couple of days if the weather holds. We will have to camp fer one night as we do no’ pass a village. We will be taking the high roads through t
he mountains. Only the horses can get through the marshlands and handle climbing the steep hills. It is no’ suited for a mon to travel on foot. We will need to take two horses as it would be too much fer just a one of ‘em.”

  “How soon will be leave?”

  “As soon as the sun rises in the sky.”

  Ewan crawled back into bed and held Jacqueline in his arms.

  “Ye haven’t mentioned anything about how I came across ye on the road. Ye said that two men came after ye. Did ye ken who they were?”

  “Yes. Nial and Malcolmus but it isn’t what you think. They were hired to kidnap me by James.”

  “James? Your beloved.”

  “Yes, but not anymore. He betrayed me. Everything he ever said was a lie. He came for me to take me to France. Said that we could run away together and be safe.”

  “How did he find ye?”

  “He had been tracking us. He bargained with Effie from the inn for your name. I am not sure why Nial and Malcolmus wanted it as badly as they did. If they know that I am with you, Ewan I fear that something bad will happen. ”

  “Ye dinna have to worry about me, love. We should get some sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us.”

  Jacqueline and closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

  “Good morning, Husband.”

  Ewan opened his eyes and looked at his beautiful wife. Sitting on the bed covered only by the blanket wrapped around her body, she kissed the top of his head and smiled.

  “We should grab a bite to eat and be on our way,” Ewan said as he stretched his arms wide.

  “I will get ready and start packing, but I must get dressed first.”

  “Well, we do have a wee bit of time,” Ewan said in a suggestive tone as he grabbed onto Jacqueline before she stood up from the bed and rolled on top of her to make love to her one more time.

  Gathering their things up and finishing their meal, they thanked Robert and went out to the stable. Each mounted a horse and rode out the gates. Riding north, they headed towards MacKinnon land.

  Chapter 17

  With the sun beginning to set, heaven’s light shined down upon the land. The sun had turned from blinding yellow to a deep orange as it hovered above the horizon. The sky was lit with an array of colors from reds to golds and the shaded side of the mountains turned into deep blue. The Highlands were exactly how Jacqueline dreamt they would be.

  The vast mountains and green foliage covered the land for miles. And in the middle of this glorious scene, Dunakin Castle was situated right in the middle of it. Resting on a small incline from the village and adjacent to the clearest blue body of water Jacqueline had ever seen, she was overwhelmed with a sense of belonging.

  Jacqueline couldn’t tell where the waters of the loch had ended and where the sky began. It looked like a sailor’s paradise. Even though she had never sailed in a ship before, she could imagine what it would have been like had she made the journey to France. She assumed that this beauty is what drove people to sail across the ocean. To travel and see the world just as her parents had.

  Jacqueline observed the quiet peaceful village as she trailed behind Ewan. Several stone dwellings lined next to each side along the dirt road. Jacqueline could smell the delicious aroma of steamed broth with vegetables and meat cooking over a lit fire pit. Hanging on four wooden posts several dead rabbits and hides draped over the sides.

  The villagers kept to themselves unaware of her presence, which for the moment Jacqueline found as a blessing. She was amazed by the number of them. Jacqueline had not realized how large the MacKinnon clan was. What information she knew about Douglas MacKinnon, she knew little about his clan.

  At the end of the road, Dunakin Castle was a tall, gloomy structure. Shadowing over the village, it looked daunting. Jacqueline directed her horse to walk parallel to Ewan’s as they crossed the bridge towards the heavy rusted iron gates.

  Ewan looked over to his bride as he felt her horse scuff against the side of his leg. He imagined that she was feeling apprehensive as Dunakin is rumored to give one a sense of intimidation. At least, that was how Lady Annella had described it when she had first arrived.

  The guards at the gate spotted Ewan riding up and began lifting the gate door. As it opened, Ewan grabbed onto Jacqueline’s reigns leading her towards the stables. As they got there, Ewan jumped down and walked around to the front of Jacqueline’s horse to assist her down as well.

  Lifting her into his arms, he held her close to him and kissed her, hard and passionately as if it were his last. Jacqueline wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. She felt utterly embarrassed showing such a display of affection in public.

  “Come. Someone I want ye to meet,” Ewan said as he folded her arm around his and began walking towards the main entrance of the castle.

  Ewan felt proud with Jacqueline hanging on his arm. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and he did not mind others believing that as well, as long as they knew that she was his. Ewan pushed open the door and stepped into the great hall.

  Rory was sitting in one of the chairs in front of the hearth with Annella sitting at his side with her babe in her arm suckling on her breast. Ewan grabbed onto Jacqueline’s hand and walked over to them.

  “My Laird, my lady,” Ewan said as he bowed.

  “We had wondered when ye were going to return. Ye took off wit out a word and we have no’ seen ye in days. But I see that ye have brought home a guest. Hello, my name is Annella. I am the lady of this manor,” Annella said.

  “My lady,” Jacqueline spoke softly.

  “I would like to introduce ye to Lady Jacqueline Margaret Renold MacKinnon, my wife,” Ewan said proudly.

  “Wife? Ye ran off and married?” Annella said astonished.

  “Wife, haud yer wheesht, ye will wake the babe,” Rory said. “Lady Jacqueline, I have heard many a great things about ye. It is a pleasure meeting ye. Dinna fash yerself, lass, about hiding yer accent. We ken that ye are English born, but ye have no’ need to be afraid. Ye are safe here as long as ye are under my rule and my lands. I am Laird Rory MacKinnon.”

  “Many thanks, My Laird for your hospitality. I am aware of the dangers that may follow if my presence here is known.”

  “Ye no’ worry about the English. Let me deal wit them. Besides ye are now family, and I protect my family.”

  Jacqueline bowed in appreciation.

  “I will show ye yer room. It will be nice having another woman here wit me in the castle. I am sure that we will become fast friends,” Annella excitedly said as she got up from the chair and hurried next to Jacqueline.

  Jacqueline had not been close to many women before and the thought of having another woman to talk to made her smile. She looked over to Ewan for reassurance as he nodded to her.

  “I will meet ye in our bedchamber soon,” he said.

  Ewan watched as Annella eagerly grabbed onto Jacqueline’s hand and led the way up the stairs showing her around the castle and talking to her about her newborn son. Racking his fingers through his hair, he knew that as of today things were going to be different. He was a husband now and finally felt a part of him whole.

  “She is bonny,” Rory said.

  “Aye, that she is.”

  “Tell me that ye dinna just marry the lass because she is wit child,” he teased.

  “Nay. Of course she is no’ wit child. I love the lass,” he said as he jokingly punched Rory in the arm for his comment.

  “What news of the English?”

  “I dinna ken. They haven’t been on her trail fer days, maybe e’en weeks.”

  “Perhaps they gave up the search. One lass isnae worth sending an entire army after her.”

  “I cannae believe that Ewan is married. I worried he had sworn off marriage all together. He is such a good mon. I am so glad that he met ye. We must have a celebration fer yer marriage. Since we have lost Bram, me husband’s brother, there has been nothing but gloom and mourning around here. I thi
nk that a celebration is just what this clan needs. There are so many people who will want to meet ye, including Lady Kenna,” Annella said.

  “Lady Kenna?”

  “Aye, me husband’s mother. Ye will like her. She is a healer. Rory’s father Duncan died some years past so she often spends time far away, helping out those who are verra ill. I dinna mean to be rude but I noticed that ye dinna bring a trunk wit your belongings. Are they en route?”

  Feeling ashamed to mention why she had nothing of possession, Jacqueline shook her head, “No, I did not bring anything of my own. I do have a few coin to buy a roll of fabric to have new ones fashioned.”

  “That is a wonderful idea. Tomorrow I can take ye to the market. They have lovely colors and I was hoping to pick up a few things myself. If you like, ye can wear one of my nightgowns fer tonight. It is only befitting that ye dress in one of my finest as tonight will be yer first night here alone wit yer husband.”

  Husband. The word sounded so strange to Jacqueline. “Thank ye.”

  “If ye wait here, I will go get one. Can ye hold onto wee Duncan fer me?”

  Jacqueline looked at Annella and down at the sleeping babe in her arms. Hesitantly, she reached out for the babe. Jacqueline felt nervous holding onto the babe in her arms. She had never held one before.

  “You are so tiny,” she quietly said to him.

  Jacqueline wondered what it will be like when Ewan and she have a child of their own. She could see Ewan being a great father. Then it suddenly dawned on her. She could already be with child. She had lost her virginity to Ewan on their wedding night and it was possible. Not wanting to worry herself now, she brushed off the idea and sat down in the chair in the center of the room and rocked the wee bairn. Annella soon came back with an arm full of dresses.

  “I see that he likes ye. Ye are good wit babes.”


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