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Brother's Keeper III_Luke

Page 9

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  A gentle giant, she decided, as he laid her in the bed and pulled the covers over.

  He paused and stood over her. She could feel his stare even if she couldn’t see it. His gentle touch brushed her hair from her face, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. A gentleman.

  He walked away, leaving her mind and heart at war – stop him or let him go. He called her a job, but his actions had said anything but. He cared about her; he so much as admitted it. To what lengths, however, she didn’t know, but the feeling was mutual. There was something about this tortured man, this gentle giant, that consumed her. After the assault on her assailant, she should have feared him and what he was probably capable of, but she was drawn to him…wanted him, needed him.


  He stopped in the doorway, his shadowy silhouette still.

  “Stay?” she said softly.

  He walked back to her bedside and sat on the edge. “Are you okay? Do you need something?”

  “No, just…just don’t want to be alone.”

  A deep sigh escaped him. She sensed he was having the same dispute between what his heart told him to do, and what his mind knew he should do. “I’ll be in the living room if…”

  “No. Stay here.” Daisy pulled the blankets back and slid to the center of the bed. “Please?”

  Luke kicked off shoes and lay beside her. With his hands on her hips, he turned her in quick motion and pulled her into him, her back to his front, before spreading the blanket back over them.

  His arm draped over her hip, his large hand curved around her, sliding under the hip she was laying on – he was holding her tight, with purpose, and meaning…maybe even promise. The warmth of his body engulfed her, the scent of him enticed her, and the feel of every ridge and valley of his hard-built body owned her.

  They lay in silence before she softly said, “Thank you…for today. I’m sorry, Luke. I didn’t mean to scare you or put anyone in harm.”

  “I…uh, I was doing my job,” he said, his words full of emotion – words that lacked meaning. Intention, sure, he was pushing her away, but she could hear in his tone and feel with the strength he held her that he wasn’t just lying to her, he was lying to himself.

  She turned to face him, stroking the length of his arm with her hand. “You came for me.”

  “I had to.”

  “No, not like that, Luke. All I could think of was you, that I needed you, and you came.”

  “Daisy… I was just doing…”

  Placing her fingers over his mouth, she cut him off before he could say anything more. “Don’t. You don’t do that for everyone. That was…there was something there, you—”

  “Beat the shit out of some asshole. Daisy, you don’t want me. I’m not the guy you think I am.”

  “I think you are, Luke.”

  “I’m not. What you saw – what I did to that asshole – that’s nothing,” he pleaded. “I’m not good.”

  “You’re more than good. I’ve watched you with your family, the kids, even the dogs. Luke O’Reilly, you are good in every way that counts.”

  “They’re my family.”

  “I’m not, but you take care of me like I am. Today, you fought for me like I was. You comforted me like…” Between her words, she peppered not one, or two, but three soft kisses on his shoulder, then his neck, and finally his mouth.

  “Daisy…I can’t give you anything you want. You’re just grateful, caught up in the moment. The hero status will wear off and you’ll remember what an asshole I am and that I’m paid to watch over you, protect you.”

  “And if you weren’t paid?”

  He paused, struggling to find words and reason to convince her she didn’t want him, but he couldn’t. He pulled her under him, one leg between hers. “I still would have come for you.” He kissed her sweetly on the mouth, mindful of her injury. “I hate that he hurt you.”

  “I’m okay. Because of you, I’m okay.” And she kissed him back.

  It took all he had to break their kiss, but he had to make one thing abundantly clear. “I can’t give you any more than this. There’s nothing more – no relationships, dates, or forevers and happily ever afters. I’m not made for that. All I can promise you is tonight.”

  She raked her hands down his body and pushed the waistband of his basketball shorts down. “Then give it to me, Luke. I want tonight, only tonight.”

  Luke stared down at her, contemplating his next move. No matter what he did, he knew it would change everything and there was no going back. He didn’t want to go back, he just wanted her, right then in that moment. Luke took her mouth, gently, sweetly – there would be time for hard and hot when she healed.

  Careful with her body, unsure whether there were any other hidden injuries, he stroked the length of her body with one hand while his kisses descended, taking him to her neck, then collar bone, before finally landing on her perfect breast, causing her to arch. He liked how reactive she was to his touch. It drove a virile thrill through him that was hard to contain.

  Taking his time, he explored her body with his mouth, feeling, and tasting every inch of her. Luke wanted to know her in every single way. He wanted to know what touches she liked, and those which she craved.

  Her breathy moans increased, so did his pace. Luke pulled his other leg between hers, spreading her wide as he laid between her legs. Resting his steely length against her, he stalled as he hovered above her, waiting for her okay. She needed to be sure. When she pulled his mouth down to hers, he knew her mind had been made up, and nothing pleased him more.

  Pressing against her, he let her set the pace, taking him in little by little so she could adjust to his size. Daisy dragged her nails down his side and grabbed his ass, pulling him into her. Her touch was sensual, and her feel was tantalizing, threatening his control. He wanted her, needed her – all of her.

  Like she could read his mind, she slid down the remainder of his shaft, taking all of him. He let her set the pace, giving her full control. He was studying her every move, her every sound, getting to know her as intimately as he could. Luke liked her slow and steady, but he sensed a primal need building in her and was ready to explore it.

  Sitting back on his knees, he pulled her to his lap without losing contact. Her small body fit his large frame perfectly. With his hands on her hips, he moved her over him, setting their pace. Leaning back, she exposed her breasts, maybe offering him more, perhaps asking for more – either way, he was happy to take another taste of her.

  Something changed, her movement quickened, and she held him tighter. Meeting her pace, soft and sweet was over as he stood on his knees with her legs firmly wrapped around him and lifted her up and down, as quickly as gravity allowed. Luke pounded into her until he felt her squeeze around him and cried out his name before crashing down around him. He met her at the top of her wave, and they rode it together, never letting go.

  When the spinning world slowed around them, he gently laid her down and held her. Not a word was shared. Everything they needed to tell or show each other was done in that moment with no regrets. It wasn’t a beginning or end to anything in particular, but a new understanding and respect between them. They were who they were and nothing else mattered.


  Daisy woke to an empty bed – both Luke and Gibson were gone. They’d spent hours getting to know each other intimately throughout the night, until Gibson was ready for bed and didn’t care what they wanted. Daisy giggled at the idea and let out a breathless sigh at the thought of what had changed between them.

  A note on her bedside let her know they were out for their morning run, so she decided to take advantage of the alone time and the large bathtub to sooth her newly aching muscles. With every step and new twinge, she smiled, welcoming what it represented.

  She noticed her bag of things on the chair in the corner on her way to the bathroom. How the hell had he moved around like that, so stealthily, and do so much without a sound? Her heart pinched when she notic
ed he hadn’t just brought what he promised, but the guitar too. It was sweet and thoughtful – two of Luke’s finest qualities – but that meant she was locked in there. For God knew how long. By herself. She didn’t know whether that made her happy or pissed her off – quite possibly both.

  After a long soak, she made her way out of the bathroom, feeling recharged and refreshed. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the guitar was gone.

  Wandering through the bedroom, out to the living room, she found it empty. There were plates on the counter, and the oven was cracked open. He had breakfast made and was keeping it warm for her. But where was he?

  As if on cue, the strum of the guitar pulled her toward a frosted glass door. She pulled it open, finding her guy and her dog. It was a balcony of sorts. No view, just a tall wall with an open top. If the space was supposed to be hidden, it made sense there was no visible balcony from the outside.

  Leaning in the doorway, she listened to him play, unsure if he knew she was standing there. If he did, he didn’t let on. As he played and sang, Gibson laid on her back next to him with her head in his lap, completely entranced. Lucky dog, Daisy thought.

  His voice had a deep sultry timbre that was warm and soothing. Quite the opposite of his tough edgy presence. How interesting. To her, it simply confirmed what she already thought – he wasn’t the guy the façade depicted, he was the guy from that voice. Comforting, affectionate, and unwavering. She could listen to him all damn day.

  He stopped abruptly, looking over his shoulder at Daisy before he smiled and returned to the music. Now he knew she was there. He felt her. Finishing the song, he set the guitar to the side and reached out to Daisy with one hand while he patted Gibson with the other.

  “Gibby wasn’t sitting too easy. She seemed a little nervous still after our run.”


  “Gibby suits her better,” he said as the dog licked his hand. “See? She likes it.”

  “I think you’ve stolen my dog,” she teased. “She loves music. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that will settle her down.”

  “I know. I…uh, I’ve watched you.”

  “Now I know why everyone at the bar knew your name. You’re a singer, Luke.”

  “No, I’m a soldier – was a soldier. I just know a few chords on the guitar is all.”

  “That wasn’t a few chords. Your voice is…it’s – I know why Gibs…Gibby likes you so much now.”

  Luke snapped his fingers, prompting the dog to sit at his feet while he stood. Daisy raised her eyebrows, surprised at how obedient her ill-mannered pup was being. Luke had that dog dancing out of the palm of his hand, minding his cues without a single word. Impressive. Remembering their night together, she decided she’d do the same to get more of him.

  “You should sing more,” she said as he approached her, placing his hands on her hips. “Do you sing for your family?”

  “No. I’m not a singer, just a…mean scary guy, remember?” He laughed before pulling her against him and giving her a morning kiss. “They don’t know anyway.”

  “Luke…” Daisy blocked him from entering the apartment. With their eyes locked, she saw something she hadn’t before. Maybe an insecurity of sorts, she wasn’t sure, but she decided to drop it for now. At some point, he had to realize just how incredible he was.

  “Breakfast is getting cold.” He smiled, breaking the silence.

  She stepped aside and let him by. “I was right. You’re so much more than you believe you are, and you’re exactly who I’ve thought you were all along.”

  A long pause ensued. There was so much Luke wanted to say in that moment but couldn’t. Maybe it was because he didn’t want to get too serious, or perhaps out of fear of her knowing how wrong she was about him. Either way, he didn’t have the words to say everything he felt and everything he thought she should feel about him. Call it a selfish moment of self-preservation, he thought. He wanted to hang onto the magic between them, just a little longer because as they say, all good things must come to an end.

  He broke their silence the best way he knew how. “Bacon?”

  “Why are you always trying to feed me? I never even eat breakfast.” She laughed, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “That’s the problem. You should always start your day with a good breakfast.”

  Curious about his choice of words, she queried, “How is it a problem that I don’t?”

  “You can stand some bacon – you don’t eat enough.” He shrugged.

  “I eat plenty.”

  “I’d like it if you ate more.” His voice was stern and went from playful to serious. “I don’t want to worry about that too.”

  “Oh, you don’t need to worry about me, Luke. I have a bodyguard, remember.” Daisy’s remark was snide and annoyed. What started as a good morning turned to sudden angst.

  What happened to the man that made slow sweet burning love to her all night? Was that love? It was more than just sex. She’d have to reconcile that feeling and why that word was the first to come to mind. She’d known this man a handful of weeks and he’d pissed her off more than he hadn’t so why did he have this affect, this hold on her? Why did she care so much what he thought or how he treated her?

  “Simmer down.” He said, sensing her change of mood. He hadn’t meant to sound as put off as he had, this is why he wasn’t any good at this stuff. “Put your claws away.”

  “You first.” Daisy subconsciously smacked herself for such an adolescent comeback, you first? Luke was really getting under her skin.

  He grunted and wore a half assed smile. She saw it even if it was just a flash. Somehow that smile pleased her, but she’d never let him know.

  “Your tough guy grunt, scary beard and big…muscles aren’t working anymore. I know what’s under all that I’m no good exterior you’re faking. That guy isn’t who you are. The guy that spent all night in bed with me? That’s who you really are. He did naughty deeds with me and made me say dirty words – I can stand some more of him today.”

  Defiant to the core, she grabbed a banana before grabbing the guitar and heading out to the half assed balcony to play her music.

  Luke could hear her playing over and over in his head as he sat in the lair on a video conference with a client buying a new system custom designed by Liam. It was a government contract, nothing new. But this was a bigger project than usual for Brother’s Keeper. It would be used by all branches of intelligence and national security. Big. Despite that fact, Luke couldn’t focus. Thoughts of Daisy sitting on the balcony, the sound of her voice, then images of her under him – it all consumed him.

  She was feisty, but not last night, she was soft, sultry, and something he didn’t know how to describe just yet. It was as though there was a certain connection, something new, and different between them – something only they saw, felt, and understood. It frightened him as much as it thrilled him.

  When his thoughts drifted to a bedroom fantasy that had her naked and on display for his taking, he had to scoot his chair uncomfortably close to the table and cross his legs to hide the affect she had on him. She was as feral and wild as she was soft and sultry. The perfect mix of good girl gone bad – and he liked her oh so bad.

  Daisy was both frustrating and sweet – both consistent and a contradiction. She made him want things he couldn’t have, but made him believe he could. He would protect her, job or not, and the thought of the case eventually closing and life returning to normal left an ache he hadn’t experienced before. She was his new normal.

  In such a short time, she had gotten under his skin in a bad way. Daisy owned the only piece of his heart that felt a damn thing. He didn’t even know that piece was there. She was his greatest nightmare and his dream come true. He couldn’t want her, couldn’t let her in any more than he had. She already saw a piece of him he wasn’t proud of, and that was nothing. He had blood on his hands, more than he cared to remember.

  Brought to the present when his name was mentioned
for phase two implementation, Luke tucked away this new thing called feelings and got to work. Liam had designed a program using a combination of existing methods to collect intel along with new methods that would also learn and build new algorithms on its own based on patterns of use. It was state-of-the-art advanced technology like no other. Luke went over how the intel collected would translate into tactical maneuvers, foreign and domestic, both radical and subtle. In other words, how did you use the intel to grab your bad guy. Liam was the brains, Luke the brawn.

  Carter Landry was scheduled to participate and weigh in as a liaison for the US Attorney’s office to ensure both sides were within foreign and domestic law to increase prosecutable cases. With Carter’s whereabouts currently unknown, the brothers covered for him, stating it was their choice to postpone his contribution until the final conference call meeting – phase III, implementation and prosecution. Liam threw in some crap about him being a busy man and no need to waste the taxpayer’s money. The politicians ate that garbage up.

  It was important that the brothers didn’t let on to any more than they had. The special committee charged with overseeing the program from inception to completion was made up of some of Washington’s most powerful influencers. DC movers and shakers from branches of defense to members of Senate and Congress and everything in between.

  If Carter was right, and the Senator’s murder traced back to those influencers, movers, and shakers, they very well could have one on the line with them at that very moment. Government or not, they kept it under wraps. Carter’s life could depend on it.

  FBI Director Francis Waterman – he went by Frank – concluded that members of the committee would be in Portland soon enough for a face to face meeting, and Carter could weigh in at that time. It wasn’t critical until they were fully functional and ready to launch. Reality was, legalities wouldn’t influence how the program was used. Carter’s part was more or less to find ways to bury the things that might fall in the margin of questionable. They were the United States Government, they did what they had to do for the good of the nation.


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