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Alexei's Passionate Revenge

Page 12

by Helen Bianchin

  ‘Their success is a testament to you both,’ Natalya offered with quiet sincerity.

  ‘Thank you.’

  The music proved enticing, and couples moved onto the dance floor, initially led by Alexei and his mother, followed by Cristos and Xena.

  ‘Our turn,’ Dimitri indicated, glimpsed her faint hesitation, and smiled. ‘I don’t bite.’

  ‘Good to know.’

  A younger version of Alexei, tall, well-built, easy-going with a sharp legal mind. Evidenced during the most recent meeting the three brothers had held with one of their competitors.

  ‘Will you object if I pull you in a bit closer?’

  She got it...or at least she thought she did. ‘You’re attempting to attract someone’s attention?’


  Natalya offered him a teasing smile. ‘I doubt you’d fail attracting any young woman you chose to pursue. So you want me to appear as a decoy date,’ Natalya teased. ‘May I ask who has captured your attention? The gorgeous blonde eating you with her eyes? No? Hmm... The auburn-haired angel on the next table to our left, looking to kill you first chance she gets?’ Given there was more than one titian-haired sophisticate in the room, Natalya added, ‘The one wearing a stunning bronze-coloured gown, with a strand of diamonds showcasing a dazzling pendant showcasing her elegant décolletage?’

  ‘You’re more than just a pretty face,’ Dimitri inclined with a faintly rueful smile, and she offered a light laugh.

  ‘I’m trained to observe.’

  His eyes assumed a musing gleam. ‘Something you obviously do well.’

  ‘Are you going to tell me who she is?’

  ‘Curiosity, or genuine interest?’

  ‘Interest,’ Natalya answered quietly.

  ‘A corporate lawyer in her father’s firm.’

  She smiled a little. ‘Does she have a name?’

  ‘If I told,’ he enlightened as the edges of his mouth quirked a little, ‘I would have to kill you.’

  She wanted to laugh. ‘Got it,’ Natalya offered solemnly.

  ‘So... Alexei?’

  That came out of left field...and unexpected. Dimitri’s eyebrow lifted a little. ‘What’s with the vibe between the two of you?’

  ‘Your misinterpretation.’

  His smile widened a little. ‘I beg to differ.’

  The music increased in beat, as almost everyone joined in with the laughter, and those couples dancing on the floor took a few missteps...which didn’t appear to matter at all.

  Voices rose, and Natalya gave a startled sound as Alexei appeared at her side and led her onto the dance floor before she had the opportunity to protest.

  I don’t know the steps, remained unsaid.

  ‘It doesn’t matter. I’ll guide you.’

  He did, and she soon mastered the rhythm, laughed a little when she almost missed a step, which Alexei faultlessly covered.

  For the moment she simply let go, lost in the moment, the music, ambience...and the man who led her.

  Until the moment the music slowed...and Alexei drew her close for timeless minutes, when it took all of her inner strength not to lean in against him, rest her cheek close to his heart, and just let the evening, the music, take her wherever it might lead.

  Except there was an awareness of time and place, the haunting music, the slight pathos that seeped into her body, making her wish for more.

  Did Alexei feel it too?

  Who would know?

  The sound of strings stirring from the bouzouki teased the air, and the chatter of conversation ceased as the pace lingered, dwelled, then began to quicken in tone and pitch. Stirring memories for most, of times past, and present for those who returned to revisit again and again in order to relive the magic merging of old and new, the history, the future.

  Special, Natalya perceived, and felt the touch deep in her heart.

  Coffee, thick, aromatic and strong, was served, after which the duplicate numbers handed out at the point of entry were presented in a circular glass tumbler, spun, and Calista, by tradition, extracted a ticket and read out the winning number.

  There was a shout of victory, applause from the guests, the music lingered as the evening wound down, guests began making preparations to leave, with the sound of pleasurable laughter, affectionate farewells, car doors opening and closing, engines starting up as the streets slowly emptied.

  It had been a memorable evening, and she said as much as she thanked Calista for the invitation, bade Xena, Cristos and Dimitri goodnight, before sliding into the limousine Alexei had summoned to return them to the hotel.

  ‘You enjoyed the evening?’

  Her mouth curved into a generous smile. ‘It was great. The venue, the music. Uplifting to witness everyone coming together for a specific purpose. Reliving memories of times past, sharing lifelong friendships. Tradition,’ she offered quietly.

  Alexei shifted slightly to take in her vivacious features alight with pleasure, and held back the desire to pull her close, take her mouth with his own, and absorb her response.

  There was a heaviness in his groin...needing, wanting what she could give him, as he would gift her. Sex, as a means to define love?

  It didn’t work that way. Love was a gift from the heart, inviolate, unconditional. A force of Nature shared by two people whose lives were inexplicably bound together for all time.

  Hadn’t he searched for its likeness in the intervening years? Only to despair a woman’s interest was more attuned to his bank balance than his heart, his soul.

  It hadn’t been enough to put a ring on any woman’s finger. Call him cynical, but he wanted more than a facsimile.

  The limousine slowed and drew to a halt in the curved apex adjoining the hotel’s main entrance. It was late, but the inner city remained alive with guests returning from drinks after the theatre, parties.

  A city which never slept, Natalya acknowledged, as she rode the elevator to their designated floor.

  The vibrant hype of the evening began to dissipate as she preceded Alexei into their suite, and she toed off her stilettos, discarded her jacket, and bade him goodnight.

  He let her go.

  And silently cursed...for lost opportunities.

  Need...for a woman. Not just any woman...he could have any one of many who would give whatever he wanted. A wild eroticism among tangled sheets, each aware it was merely satiation of the senses, nothing more.

  To his credit, he was selective...upfront, no false hope, mutual pleasure for as long as it lasted.

  Sexual satisfaction for a price.

  None of which applied to Natalya. For what they’d once shared rested deep within. A memory he’d failed to matter what method he chose to apply.

  She was there, as much a part of him as every breath he took...every beat of his heart.

  Steely control...he possessed it in spades. In the boardroom.

  Only a door separated him from Natalya’s bedroom. He could breach it, seduce, and maybe succeed in gaining her compliance.

  So why didn’t he?

  Damned if he knew.

  Yet he did.

  Aware losing wasn’t an option.


  THE FOLLOWING FEW days were business-oriented, with meetings between Alexei, Cristos and Dimitri as they explored strategies for a major takeover of a company on the brink of financial collapse.

  Natalya’s recordings were lengthy, the content involved as each man added input, opinions regarding the need for further investigation, relevant sources...calling a coffee break for a short debriefing session.

  A relief from the intensity of the past few hours, Natalya accorded as she placed an order for coffee.

  ‘Amalgamated will play ball,�
� Dimitri projected as they regrouped. ‘They don’t have any option.’

  ‘Unless United undercut you,’ Natalya offered, immediately aware of three pairs of male eyes refocussing their attention.

  ‘An interesting observation,’ Cristos declared. ‘Your basis being?’

  ‘They tend to sideline, then jump in just as a competitive deal is due to be struck.’

  Alexei’s eyes narrowed as he leaned back in his chair. ‘They’re not one of the major players.’

  Dimitri leant forward. ‘You have experience of their tactics?’

  She inclined her head. ‘They know how to play the game.’

  ‘So do we,’ Cristos answered, shooting Alexei a glance.

  ‘A back-up plan alternative, and play our hand close to our chest?’

  Good thinking, aware just how well United had tied her father’s negotiations in knots two years ago, and left Roman red-faced, bluffing, and totally out of his league.

  ‘Well, there you go,’ Dimitri accorded softly. ‘PA is a misnomer.’

  ‘I imagine Natalya’s observation skills saved Roman Montgomery’s lack of attention in the field of negotiations.’

  If her father had listened, she added silently. Unfortunately he rarely did.

  Natalya indicated the carafe. ‘More coffee?’

  Each man declined, and she bore Alexei’s scrutiny with equilibrium, caught the faintly speculative gleam, and gathered the carafe, cups onto the tray and moved it to the sideboard.

  The meeting continued, the pace broken from time to time as Dimitri sought to lighten proposed strategy with a little levity.

  Which he did very well, causing Natalya to smile at his efforts, laugh a little at one of his witty takes on one of New York’s scions of industry, known for his slight pomposity.

  It was light fun, momentary, although at one point she had to stifle her laughter...which earned Dimitri a searing glance from Alexei.

  The afternoon wound up, with paperwork dispensed into briefcases, with Dimitri heading out as Alexei accompanied Cristos from the apartment.

  ‘Natalya is a highly valued PA.’

  Alexei directed his brother a non-committal glance. ‘I agree.’

  ‘She is also Roman Montgomery’s daughter,’ Cristos commented. ‘And the young woman you were involved with during your Sydney sojourn.’

  ‘Apropos of...?’ Alexei queried. ‘Besides being none of your business.’

  ‘You chose not to elaborate why you returned to New York following your sojourn in Australia.’

  ‘Missing home, family, was a logical reason.’

  ‘More than that, unless I’m mistaken.’ He waited a beat, then added, ‘Dimitri flirted with her. You didn’t like it.’

  ‘Natalya is my PA.’

  ‘Dimitri likes to play. We both know it’s harmless. Yet you considered Dimitri’s attention inappropriate.’

  ‘Out of place during a business meeting.’

  ‘Dimitri was bent on getting a reaction.’ Cristos sent Alexei a musing look. ‘That he succeeded proved...interesting.’

  Alexei’s dark glare was accompanied by a terse, ‘Back off.’

  Cristos lifted both hands in a gesture of silent compliance, offered a commiserative smile that required no words, then turned and headed towards the bank of elevators.

  Natalya focussed on what she did best...encapsulating key points during the day’s board meeting. Ensuring lunch reservations were in place, and displaying smooth efficiency as she dealt with unforeseen interruptions, while remaining cool, calm and collected.

  Everything her position entailed and required.

  By day’s end, all she wanted to do was change, shower, slip into comfortable clothes...and chill.

  Good luck with that, a tiny voice taunted, as a call came through stating the power brokers affiliated with the financially ruined company were ready to deal.

  Chilling was out as she accompanied Alexei to the bank of elevators, one of which would deposit them to the floor housing several boardrooms where a take no prisoners negotiation took place, which the Delandros brothers won. A deal reluctantly struck, legalities approved, paperwork signed.

  A coup to add to the Delandros portfolio.

  Any form of celebration would be delayed until the legal formalities were complete.

  Natalya glanced at the wall clock, made an attempt to shake off the weariness creeping through her body as she followed the men from the boardroom.

  She was tired, it was late, she required time to de-stress, and importantly gain a few hours’ sleep before rising soon after dawn to begin dealing with the follow-on from the evening’s meeting. Right at that moment she silently acceded she earned every cent of her generous salary.

  ‘Congratulations,’ she offered as Alexei closed the door after they entered their suite, watching as he shrugged off his jacket and loosened his tie.

  He spared her an intent glance, noted the shadows beneath her eyes, the tense edges of her mouth, the faint droop of her shoulders...and felt a degree of empathy for the long day, the even longer night.

  Without a word he tossed his jacket onto a nearby chair, followed it with his tie, then he crossed to stand within touching distance, laid a hand on each shoulder, and began massaging the tight muscles, easing out the kinks, the tightness.

  Natalya didn’t move, couldn’ felt so good, as he worked his magic easing the pain, and gradually the stress began to be replaced by something...more, as he removed the clips from her hair and trailed light fingers over her scalp, soothing, taking her to a place where it would be so easy to succumb.

  The touch of his lips to her forehead, lingering at her temple, the gentle whisper-like touch as he reached the edge of her mouth, savoured a little, then brushed the soft seam with a wicked promise of seduction.

  A slow savouring persuasion, which left Natalya spellbound, uncaring where it might lead...only to baulk as reality began to descend.

  She’d been down this road before, become pregnant and suffered a miscarriage. Hadn’t the obstetrician advised in future certain steps should be taken prior to falling pregnant in order to avoid another miscarriage?

  Birth control...she wasn’t on any. Her mind spiralled...what if Alexei wasn’t prepared? And even more alarming...what if she fell pregnant?

  She closed her eyes, then slowly opened them again as a voice in her head silently screamed no.

  ‘I don’t do casual sex,’ she managed carefully.

  ‘I want you in my life,’ Alexei said quietly.

  She took care to meet his eyes, unsure what to say...or whether to say anything at all.

  He lifted a finger and traced a gentle path over her lips. ‘Is it too much to ask we share what we once had?’

  She was willing to swear her heart took a downward flip. Lover? Mistress?

  She closed her eyes, then slowly opened them again.

  ‘I don’t do the mistress thing,’ she said carefully.

  At that precise moment she hated herself for letting her guard down. Tempted, just once, to have him take her mouth with his own, to feel sensually alive. To accept whatever he offered, and to hell with the consequences.

  She almost succumbed, knowing how easy it would be to lose herself...and that made her angry beyond measure.

  Without thinking, she wrenched herself out of his arms, grabbed her jacket, the suite’s swipe card and walked out of the door, uncaring of anything other than the need to get away from him, the hotel be anywhere but here.

  Instead of summoning a lift, she chose the stairwell to the next floor down, made it to an elevator about to close, and took it down to street level.

  The air was crisp, and she pulled the edges of her coat together as she exited the foyer.

The area was well lit, traffic moved quickly, and right at this moment she was too angry to consider the wisdom of walking alone late at night in a city not her own.

  One block, crossing on to the second, becoming increasingly aware she should turn back.

  Fool, she silently berated. What would this achieve?

  Nothing. Other than reveal her lack of common sense.

  One more block, then she’d turn and retrace her steps.

  By which time her anger would have lessened, together with the dawning reality of place, time and the foolishness of walking alone on a New York street, prey to...whatever, whoever.


  Quickly followed by the realisation she’d left so quickly, she didn’t have a bag, money...just the hotel swipe key.

  Angry tears filled her eyes, and she brushed them away, turned...and witnessed Alexei closing the distance between them.

  ‘You were following me?’

  ‘A few metres behind you.’

  ‘That’s...’ Words temporarily failed her as he moved in close and silenced her with a savage kiss, before easing into something else, gentling as his hands moved from her shoulders and slid down to cup her bottom, lifting her against his hard arousal, holding her there, his mouth softening to tease a little, then tangle her tongue with his own, sensuous, arousing, until she became lost to his persuasive touch, unaware her hands had crept unbidden to clutch his face, holding him close.

  The sharp blast of a car horn, followed by a male catcall and a laughing voice demanding, ‘Get a room!’ acted like a bucket of icy water, and Natalya released her hands and wrenched her mouth from his.

  Her eyes changed from slumberous to startled fury as she began to struggle free...only to fail miserably.

  ‘We’re going to talk.’ His eyes became dark ominous pools. ‘Back at the hotel.’

  Without warning he turned to face the opposite direction, holding her hand, pulling her along with him as he began walking, not even so much as flinching as she curled her fists and hammered his shoulder-blades...anywhere she could reach with as much force as she could muster.


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