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The Lost Queen (Complete Series)

Page 6

by Angel Lawson

  “No. Well, for us it is, but for others, no.”

  I looked up at Liam and noticed with surprise that he had color in his cheeks and the final scars on his chin had disappeared. I wasn’t sure but it seemed like this energy sharing went both ways. I felt stronger too—unfortunately, like Liam said, I had no idea what to do with it. “It worked, didn’t it? You’re stronger.”

  “I am. Thank you.”

  “Do you need more?” He appeared hesitant, frowning slightly. I pressed myself to him. “You can if you need to.”

  “Maybe, that isn’t such a bad idea,” he agreed with a small grin. He lifted me in his arms as though I was light as a feather. My mouth found his and again I fell into the depth of his kiss, of his mouth and arms and everything. Yeah, maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.

  Chapter 10


  The airport was quiet, other than a quiet rumble of thunder near the mouth of the portal. It was 3 a.m. and the storm signaled enough trouble that I’d called the guardians to meet me. The others were in position when I arrived, but I’d called them over to fill them in on the situation. None were truly taken by surprise. Once Nadya’s cloak of secrecy fell it was only a matter of time before the soldiers made an attempt on her life and for control of the portal.

  “Is everything secure?” I asked, tossing the bag of weapons on the floor of the airport lobby with a loud thud.

  “All of the wards have been increased,” Brayden said, reaching for a long sword.

  Daniel bent down and rummaged through the bag, looking for the weapon of his choice. He took a long blade out and then began handing various objects to the guardians standing behind him. Ten guards worked at the airport; the rest had assimilated into the town, preparing for this day. “There is definite activity on the other side, though. Several of my alarms have been triggered. That thunder and lightning is just the beginning of it. They’ll attack by dawn.”

  “We’ll be ready,” I told them, presenting more bravado than I truly had. Yes, I was stronger after feeding from Nadya—stronger than ever before—but I was also burdened with an additional distraction, the girl herself. I’d left her in the care of Ms. Graves, who was more than capable, but now that I’d experienced the bliss of feeding with her my ability to think of much more was impaired.

  “Was it worth it?” Colleen asked. I looked up at Nadya’s friend. She wore battle armor and attached two blades to her wrists and held them up. She was one of our strongest guards. “Risking all this to finally have her as your own?”

  “Fate made that decision,” I refuted. “I am merely accepting it. She couldn’t hide forever.”

  Colleen rolled her eyes and mumbled low under her breath. I heard the word selfish. “I will not deny my selfish motivations in this situation, but Nadya opened this wound, not me. I discouraged her. You were there as she picked at the scab, Colleen; don’t pretend you made any efforts to stop her.”

  She took a step in my direction. “I agree Nadya needed to embrace her destiny—her own power. She should be here protecting the portal. It is her fight, not yours, Liam, that’s what bothers me. That you’re feeding from her for your own gain and nothing else.”

  I narrowed my eyes and clenched the dagger I was holding tight in my grip. “How dare you presume to understand the gravity of my bond with Nadya and to this place? Everything about her is mine and everything about me is the same to her. This is not simply for my selfish gain, Colleen. Understand that or leave now.”

  We faced one another, tense and ready for a fight. Her eyes narrowed with hatred and distrust but there was no backing down. Colleen might be a worthy guard but she was not up to my strength, not today. A bolt of lightning split the sky, followed by an earthshaking roll of thunder.

  “Liam,” Daniel called, pointing to the sky.

  The soldiers were near. It was time to assemble the guard.

  Chapter 11


  The sky lit up like the fourth of July as we raced across town toward the airport. Now that I was “aware” I could see clearly and the impending storm coming directly from the portal, not the surrounding sky.

  “How pissed is he going to be that you brought me here?” I asked.

  “He’ll be furious, but don’t worry about me. I can handle Liam.” The glint in her eye told me she spoke the truth. “This is your fight as much as his and once you asked it was my obligation to bring you here. Good luck, dear.”

  “Thank you.” I exited the car and quickly ran to the employee entrance of the airport. Using my key I entered the building and slipped into my father’s office. I kept the light off and listened to the voices the lobby. Liam spoke in a loud, tense voice. I peeked out the square window in the door to see who he was commanding.

  To my shock and surprise I saw Colleen inches from Liam’s face. Her forehead was lined and she had a mean set to her jaw. I heard the accusation she made toward Liam about me—about his selfish motivations. Collen was a guard? How many people in my life were lying to me? I pushed back anger and listened because I wasn’t without my own suspicions.

  The thunder cracked overhead and Liam directed the guards into position and the men in front pushed through the doors to the runway. I spotted Brayden and Daniel among the leaders in the group, but there were other familiar faces, some from the airport and others from around town.

  Once more my reality spun and I realized my entire life had been a farce. Every person, place and thing in my existence had been a sham. A cover up for a greater universe that I’d barely scratched the surface of. Anger coursed through me and I bit back my rage as lightning flashed outside and thunder shook the ground under my feet. Papers toppled off my father’s desk and I swore I heard the sound of hoof beats echoing across the runway. I pushed through the office door and searched for Liam, only to see the back of his head as he charged into the storm.

  I raced across the room and stopped short, barely recovering before falling over a large canvas bag. Metal glinted from the inside and I reached in. Careful not to cut myself, I pushed aside several blades until I found one sheathed in leather. I revealed the blade and saw there were two—one to strap to each wrist. The metal hummed for me and I sniffed it, finding the familiar and comforting hint of earth.

  I had no way to prove it or any reason to think so, but I knew those weapons belonged to me. I strapped them on, tightening the leather cords, just as the sky cracked open with a flash of yellowish-green light. Tiny dots filled the sky and I watched, mesmerized, until they hit the ground running. They were Sidhe, soldiers identical to the one in my home, and they were on the attack, claws slashing at the guards.

  I took a deep breath, channeling my confusion and rage until I harnessed the newfound power that filled my veins. I charged the doors, chanting to myself for courage: this is my home. My work and my destiny. These bastards will only take it over my dead body.

  Chapter 12


  They came from the sky like a swarm of bees, their claws poised like a multipoint stinger. The guards went on the attack, cutting the soldiers down swiftly. They were little more than clones of the original soldier—expendable in their leader’s eyes. Eleanor, the commander, never liked to get her hands dirty when she could have an army do it for her. That’s the beauty of being a Queen. I didn’t have such luxury.

  I rushed through my men and flung myself into battle, ears ringing from the sharp clang of clashing metal. My own blade found purchase in a soldier caught off guard, and again, as another attempted to impale Daniel on a sword.

  “All right?” I asked, breathing heavy.

  “Yes,” he bit out, lunging over my shoulder. I heard a cry and a thud as another soldier hit the pavement.

  “How many do you think she’ll send?”

  “This is only the first battle of many,” I predicted. “Keep killing them and we’ll see what else she has to offer. The portal isn’t her only interest.”


nbsp; “Now that she’s awakened, Eleanor will want to see her for herself. She’ll sacrifice the portal if she gets her chance.” I stabbed a man in the gut and watched him fall before wrenching my blade sticky from his body. “She’s secure at my home. Once we slay these men, we can reestablish the wards.”

  Another wave of soldiers come our way and with a fast wipe of my brow I dove back in, hacking and gutting my way through. I heard a grunt, high-pitched and familiar. Spinning on my heel, I found Nadya fighting three men, each too stupid to realize who she was.

  I started in her direction but was pulled back by a heavy hand on my shoulder and the feeling of a blade at my neck. Warm, sticky breath wafted across my ear and my captor snarled, “If only the Queen wanted you dead. It’s unfortunate she has a soft spot for you and has declared you be taken alive.”

  I kept my eyes on Nadya, half entranced by her fighting skills and half terrified for her life. She moved gracefully, slaying one of the men with ease. Her eyes focused on the men around her, never once straying from the battle. Lean muscles lined her arms and it was hard to believe this was the same scrawny girl working the counter at the airport days before.

  Colleen, wiping blood off her forehead, noticed the two of us, eyes shifting in assessment. I jerked my head, directing her to the other fight. Regardless of our lives, it was our job to protect her at all costs.

  The soldier behind me tightened his grip and I felt the warm trickle of blood oozing down my neck. “I’ll be rewarded richly for bringing you in,” he gloated.

  I heard the clink of chains meant to bind me and mustered all my strength to level a blow to his abdomen with my elbows. He grunted, stumbling backwards, giving me time to spin around. I slashed at his claws, lopping them off with a clang to the ground. With his final battle cry, the soldier bared his teeth and lunged forward. “Your reward is death,” I declared, slitting his throat with my blade.

  A quick assessment revealed that the battles were slowing and my men appeared to be overwhelmingly victorious. Colleen fell beneath a heavyset man and I raced to pull him off. He was already dead and Nadya beat me to it, rolling him off with little effort. She was strong and so powerful.

  “Are you okay?” Nadya asked her friend.

  “Yes, just a little bloody. I’ll be fine.”

  Nayda glanced with annoyance in my direction before saying to Colleen, “You have a lot to explain.”

  “I know.”

  “Colleen,” I directed, stumbling slightly on my feet. “Take her home. Immediately.”

  “You’re wounded Liam,” Colleen said, pointing to my neck. I raised my hand and felt the sticky blood. Nadya’s eyes widened and she stepped forward.

  “Let me…” She made a motion to heal me. I waved her away.

  “It’s fine. Take her out of here. Now.”

  “No! You don’t get to make that decision—” Nadya’s argument was drowned out by the final wave of soldiers. The loss of blood made me woozy but I stood firm, waiting for the onslaught. Shadows fell by my side and through my pain I saw the two blades first, glinting off the light of the fiery portal. Dark hair plastered against her neck while dirt and blood smeared across her cheeks.

  “Ready?” she asked, glancing at me and then over at Colleen who stood on the other side of her. They nodded to one another.

  I swallowed back my fear, my love and devotion. “Ready.”

  Chapter 13


  At last the soldiers retreated and the portal returned to its normal state. I could still see the ripple in the air; in fact, it was more like I couldn’t unsee it along with the information that my coworkers and friends were all part of this. They were also Sidhe.

  “What about my father?” I asked Colleen as we limped off the runway. The bodies and blood evaporated behind us, leaving no trace of their existence.

  “He’s human, Nadya. He understands little of our world and only knows what we’ve told him. He’s under our protection and care, just as you have always been.”

  “And my mother? She was killed by these soldiers?”

  “By their leader, Eleanor, yes. She’ll come again.”

  I nodded, processing the details. “For me. She’ll come for me.”

  “And the portal. Yes.”

  I searched the runway for Liam and found him assessing the other guards. “And what about him?”

  “Liam is very powerful, but power is a complicated thing, Nadya. Always remember that.” She gave me a sympathetic grin and walked away, passing Liam on his way over.

  “Can I take you home?”

  “Your home or mine?” I asked suspiciously. I didn’t know where this was going or what it all meant for my future.

  “You’re injured and exhausted. Let me take you to my house while you recover.”

  I was too exhausted to argue. He slipped his hand into mine and I felt the warm tingle of our bond, I couldn’t help but wonder exactly what recovering involved.


  We’re halfway up the stairs when Liam, pale and weak from his wounds, collapsed against the railing.

  “Help me,” I cried out, hoping Ms. Graves would hear. The older woman appeared fast, and together we hauled his large frame to a set of double doors down the hall from my guestroom.

  We entered a bedroom—Liam’s, I assumed— although there was nothing personal to identify it as such. It smelled like him though, warm and woodsy. I supposed all of his things were in his study. “Let’s get him to the bed,” she said. Once there, with his head back on the mattress we could see the severity of the cut along his neck. “He’s lost a lot of blood.”

  She stepped closer but I held her back. “Let me do this.”

  Ms. Graves looked like a mother bear being asked to step away from her cub, but after a moment of hesitation she relented and walked to the door. “Call if you need me.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  The door closed with a click and I went to the bathroom and found a fresh white cloth to dampen. On the bed, Liam eyes fluttered, in and out of consciousness. When I approached the bed he turned his head and smiled. “We survived.”

  “We did.”

  I sat next to him and gently removed his shirt, tearing it along the neck to remove easier. His chest heaved and his abdomen clenched, revealing the firm muscles normally hidden from view. I wanted to touch him, but his serious wounds came first so I titled his head to get a better view of his neck. The cut was jagged and the clotting thick. With the cloth I removed the blood and dirt. Then, like he showed me, I bent down and kissed the salty, coppery flesh, bathing him in a glow of bluish light.

  “Mhmmmhmm,” he hummed, twisting his fingers into my hair. With each kiss and every touch he grew a little stronger. He pulled me forward, toward his body. “Come here.”

  I straddled his waist and with a quick motion he removed my shirt, buttons popping across the hardwood floors. Warm fingers ran over the cuts and bruises I’d sustained in the fight. I shivered as they stitched and repaired, wholly mesmerized as they vanished under the blue light that enveloped us in a safe cocoon.

  Fully recovered, Liam propped himself up to reach me better.

  “Can I?” he asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  His lips pressed against mine and a spark flew. He closed his mouth over mine and his tongue tasted so good. Energy swirled around us and between kisses I panted, “Will it always be like this? Always so intense.”

  “I hope so,” he replied, hands moving across my back and traveling down my sides. Beneath me he felt hard and strained, encouraging me to rock against him. I obliged, proud that I not only had power but I had power over him. I’d never experienced anything like it.

  “What happens,” I wonder aloud, the connection making me bold, “If we joined completely?”

  “Then we rule the world.” I looked to see if he was joking but every crease, every line on his face, told me that he was deadly serious. “The portal will be ours—anything we want will be our
s. And I’m not sure, but it’s possible that we may even self-heal.”

  “Become immortal?”

  “To an extent, yes.” He kissed me behind the ear and a shiver ran down my spine. “It would be amazing, right?”

  “I… I don’t know,” I confessed. I fought against the blissed out haze and struggled to get some air. Liam trapped me with his arms.

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “You,” I said honestly. “Being Sidhe. The power and newness of everything and…”


  “Your motivations.”

  He frowned. “You don’t trust me?”

  I think back to the conversation I overheard between Liam and Colleen and once again, my head became clearer. “Liam, I don’t know you.” He flinched like I slapped him and pulled away. Ouch. “Okay, wait. Listen. You’ve waited for this for a long time but this is moving really fast for me. I mean, I haven’t even ever had a real boyfriend before and now I’ve got some sort of soul mate. It’s a lot to absorb.”

  “Then how do we do this, Nadya, because I am all in—I have no choice.”

  “Give me time and patience. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “Time I’ve got. Patience is not my strong suit.”

  “I’ll try my best not to be too tempting.” I laughed, leaning closer and giving him a kiss. I did like him, maybe even more, but I didn’t want to lose myself in him entirely.

  He leaned back against the headboard and laughed darkly in return. “Then you may want to put on a shirt, because I’m strong but not that strong.”


  After a day of recovery at Liam’s, I returned home. My father, along with several people I now recognized as Sidhe guards repaired the damage from the fight.

  “Nadya,” he cried, looking me over for injuries. “I was so worried.”

  “I’m fine, Pop.” He attempted a hug but I held back. The hurt in his eyes was hard to swallow but he deserved it. “We need to talk.”

  I led him to the kitchen and sat at my spot at the table. He sat across from me and like always, the remaining chair left a hollow ache. Now I knew so much more about the mother I’d lost and why.


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