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by Jennifer Loren

  Chapter 16: Spencer

  Her picture hangs perfectly square on the opposite wall, as I imagine her underneath me. Making love to her is an exhilarating feeling. My heart races and my breath heavies, as I prove my dedication to her. Her skin is so warm and comforting, I can only imagine how beautiful this moment must feel to her. I look over her to search for that love she must be feeling but once again - she denies me. She is lucky I don’t strangle the stubbornness right out of her. I refuse to look at her disrespect! Racing to the wall I rip the picture back down and stuff her back into the dark box where she belongs. Until she learns … until she can learn who she belongs too.

  “Jefferis, you have a visitor.” The guard yells, eyeing me briefly before realizing his job doesn’t pay enough to care.

  Shackled, I make my way to the meeting room where my mother waits for me with her usual admiring smile. “Oh there is my boy. Handsome as always.” She knows what I want but she obviously can’t give it to me. “Is there something wrong?”

  “Have you found her yet?” I growl. Her shoulders sink as she sits back in her seat. “I assume that would be a – no. So why are you here then?”

  “Spencer darling, I have good news. I found a doctor who is doing a study on how people manipulate others to the point of causing damage to the brain.” She pulls out an article of the good doctor Knight, with his smiling face and documented reports that he says proves his theories. “Doctor Knight, believes that this damage can cause people to do things they would not have otherwise. He reviewed your file and believes what she did to you is not your fault, it is a kind of psychological torture. His new process can help rebuild the damaged part of your brain and will cure you of the torture you endured from her. He is very excited to meet you and work with you. He said you could be an example of why his system will work. If you let him talk to you, then he can help prove that you should not be held accountable for what she says you did. He can help get you a new trial.” I stare blankly at the wall as she continues to babble on. “Did you hear me Spencer? A new trial, a chance to go free again.”

  “That doesn’t do me any good until I know where she is. Did you talk to the investigator?”

  “I did but he wants more money than I can give him. The doctor cost me …”

  Standing up, “I don’t care! You find her!” I rage until she nods with understanding.


  The supposed highly regarded doctor sits across from me, making notes as he studies my answers and my reactions to his questions. He doesn’t care about me. He only cares about making a name for himself, proving that he is worthy of the acronyms that accompany his name. Nonetheless, I give him what he wants. I weaken my voice and lower my posture. I tremble at the idea of having to go back to my cell. His greedy beliefs help me control what he sees in me. “So tell me again how you first came in contact with Ms. Kelley?”

  “Ava. Her name is - Ava. I don’t like talking about her as if she is a stranger. Referring to her by her last name, is such a cold way to speak of someone you care for,” I say gripping the chair for control. The doctor smiles and nods while making notes about my progress. Stepping back into my thoughts and memories, “she walked into the corner store where I worked. I had seen beautiful women before but when I clumsily ran into her, she asked me if I was okay. Most women yelled or smacked me.”

  “Smacked you? For what?” He asked.

  “They said I did it on purpose to try and get a feel of them. I wasn’t though. I was only trying to help them. I get nervous around women especially beautiful women. I can’t help it, I become clumsy and careless. No matter how hard I try, I make a mess of things.”

  “What would you do after they smacked you?”

  “Nothing, I apologized and walked away. I didn’t want to get into trouble. Whenever they would come back to the store I would hide from them. I was afraid they would yell at me again.”

  The doctor looks at me with sympathy, “that says a lot Spencer. You are intimidated by women. It’s not surprising you would become nervous and cause unintentional accidents. You saw these women countless times and none of them accused you of any stalking or reported you to police for any malicious intent. If any of these women can be persuaded to come forward, it might help prove you don’t have a history of harming women. In fact, you run from confrontation with them, not attack them.”

  I nod happily in unison with him, all the while knowing, they won’t find any of those women. Each one of them are lovingly buried.

  “How often did Ava come into the store?” The doctor asked writing hastily in his book.

  “Only that one time, I didn’t see her again until she started at Columbia that following semester. I had just taken a job as part of the janitorial service there.”

  “So all these accusations that you followed her is simply not true, she followed you?” I nod remembering the pile of Columbia housing paperwork she had dropped after I ran into her. “And the security job where she worked?”

  “I found a business card when I was cleaning one day. Someone had written that there were positions available on the back. So I looked into it and found out they were hiring in security, it paid more, so I took the job. I had no idea she would be there too.” The doctor smiles happily as he takes more notes about what he believes happened.

  “This is amazing, I can’t believe none of this was ever brought up during your trial. Now when she would talk to you, did she ever act a different way with you than she did with others?”

  “She always smiled at me. She always made sure to walk by me, wave to me even. This one time she even had this guy follow her in and harass her, to make me jealous. I told her I didn’t like it, that she didn’t need to do those kinds of things to make me notice her. She laughed and said I was her hero. I know she enjoyed watching me take control of the situation.”

  “So she likes playing games, role playing games?” I nod. “This woman flaunted her sexual relationship with her boss in front of you. Forced you to watch her bring in other men to tease you? Followed you from one job to the next until you snapped. She played with your head, like a toy for her pleasure. This woman should be here begging you for forgiveness. Ms. Kelley is obviously, severely disturbed.”

  “Her name is Ava.”

  Chapter 17: Sean

  I sit waiting for my next scene when Randy comes into my trailer. Randy my valuable security specialist is also my best friend and is a bit underpaid for both jobs - according to him.

  “Sean. How’s it going?”

  “Randy,” I said with a sly smirk.

  “So anything new?”

  Before I can answer him, Cory, one of my co-stars, comes in to talk to me for the fifth time today. “Sean,” she said posing and caressing herself, as she tries to encourage me with her excessively glossed lips.

  I respond with little interest or respect. “What do you want Cory?”

  “I was wondering if you might have some free time tonight.”


  “What?” She asks shaken out of her sex pose. Pointing to the door, I direct her to the path she needs to take. “You are such a conceded asshole!” She yelled walking out in a huff.

  “Are you crazy? She’s hot?” Randy insisted.

  “She isn’t hot, she’s an immature child, and annoying as hell.” Smiling I sink back into my previous daydream. “Besides, I have better.” I mumble under my breath but quickly realize I was not silent enough.

  “What was that? You have better, since when? And please let me meet this better.” My glowing reaction causes him to raise an eyebrow at me. “Really? Sean is in love?”

  “I don’t know about love yet but she is wonderful and I can’t get enough of her.”

  “Oh I am going to have to write this down in my journal.”

  “Your journal?” I question with a laugh.

  His smile fades from his face as he leans over to me. “Yea my journal, you got something to say about that? It helps me deal with my emo
tions.” He said, while I make no attempt to hide my laughter.

  Randy is huge but neither one of us is the least bit intimidated by the other. We trained together and know each other’s tactics better than our own. We rarely get anywhere other than tired trying to fight each other, which we do on occasion, when the day becomes longer than we can handle. “I guess if you need to get your feelings out you big baby, you do what you have to,” I said mocking his stature. He punches me nearly knocking me out of my chair. “Hey fucker watch it, I’ll have to fire you or something.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” he said tilting his chair back against the wall. His cockiness allows me the perfect opportunity to knock the leg of the chair out from under him, sending him hard to the floor and causing me to laugh hysterically. “Son of a bitch, Sean! Motherfucking asshole,” he said straightening his chair and eyeing me with disgust.

  With a girlish attitude I hunch over the table with my fake pen and fake journal, “dear diary, Sean was mean to me today but I didn’t cry this time … until now.” I mocked him, exaggerating my performance with fake tears.

  He eyes me with contempt as I make my way out the door. “You better run.” He yelled running after me.

  At the end of the day, I come home and begin sorting through the stack of papers Ethan left for me. After two hours, I finally make it to my mail. Exasperated I sort through it quickly, almost too quickly to notice a small letter from Atlanta but the perfect block lettering is easy to spot. I toss everything else aside while I tear through the envelope, pulling out a short letter attached to some pictures.

  Sean, I received these from Ashlen. She didn’t have your address so I am sending you your copies. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

  Thinking of you always – Ava

  Sorting through the pictures, I laugh at some and grimace at others. Each time I come to a picture of her, I pause gazing over it with an extended interest, especially the one of us together dancing, looking into each other’s eyes and oblivious to everyone around us. Who would have thought a single picture could brighten my entire world.

  I held the picture in my hand for the rest of the night and when I went to bed, I leaned it against the lamp below her locket. As great as the picture is, it only makes me crave her more. The media is not helping me any, they are doing everything they can to match me up with whoever I breathe near. Clearly, I am not allowed to be single. If only I could tell them to go fuck off and mind their own business but instead, I have to smile and nod and pretend that I am too busy to worry about it.


  My birthday is in a couple of days and nothing could matter to me less. I talk to her every night. I miss her more and more than I did the day before, I want to feel her next to me, touch her and ... I’m becoming one horny bastard. I fear for Ava’s safety when I do see her. Instead of being with her, I sit here listening to Ethan’s non-stop ramblings that don’t concern me or conversations we have had hundred times already. I have no idea why he is still talking. “So you have a few appointments tomorrow but not until later,” he tells me for the third time. “THEN you have your birthday and the next day off. So you have quite a bit of time off to enjoy your birthday.” It’s dark in his car but I know he can still see me rolling my eyes. As soon as he pulls up to my door I jump out hoping to free myself before he begins all over again. “Sean, hold on I need to give you these.” I wait impatiently in my doorway for him. “Here is some paperwork you need to review and sign these.” He said handing me paper after paper. Is he kidding me? “Oh and here’s your mail and your financial reports you need to look at. Make sure you review them, please.”

  “Ethan!” I insisted “Can’t we do this tomorrow? I just want to call Ava and go to bed. Nothing else is getting through to me right now.”

  “No, I would rather do it now and then you can have some time to …” He said making a peculiar expression before continuing. “Relax. Remember you do not have to be in until late tomorrow and only for a little while so you can have a nice dinner for your birthday. I made some private reservations for two at your favorite place. Carlo is already expecting you.”

  “Ethan what the hell are you talking about? I am not going to go with Mom and I am certainly not going with you. I plan to have a quiet night at home,” I said with an exaggerated sigh.

  “Anyway, you are clear if you should end up with plans on your birthday,” he said smiling sheepishly.

  What the hell is he talking about? “You better not be throwing some surprise birthday party!”

  He laughs directing me to my living room. “Happy Birthday, little brother.”

  I walk heavy-footed into my living room but before I can look up I hear a delicate, breathy and southern, “welcome home.” With a sharp turn, I see her standing by the giant window, with the sunlight shining in bright behind her. I slap all my paperwork back into Ethan’s chest never releasing my gaze off her. I walk slowly towards her hoping this is not one of my vivid dreams trying to fool me again. Ava stands awkwardly with her perfect smile, while her sweet dress hugs her body so gently I can barely think. Scooping her up to me without saying another word, I kiss her as I have been dreaming of doing. Ethan makes little noise as he excuses himself from my house.

  “How, when …” I tried to ask her between re-familiarizing ourselves.

  “Ethan, he said it was your birthday tomorrow and that I should do him a favor and spend it with you.”

  “Best damn brother in the world,” I whispered against her lips. “Are you hungry, need a drink, or something?”

  “Well I ate already and I have a drink but I might be able to use something, what do you got?” She smiles eagerly.

  “I was thinking I am kind of tired and maybe,” I inhale reminding myself of her body. “Maybe we should go straight to bed tonight.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” she said with a serious expression, worrying me but then with an innocent smile she caresses my cheek. “I’m not waiting that long. I want you now, right here.” Wrapping her arms around my neck an unavoidable smile creeps across my face. I look down at the sweet little dress that is about to be incredibly abused and move my hands up under it. She closes her eyes and gasps from my deliberate touch, “I missed you so much.”

  Lifting her up easily into my arms, I carry her by the bar and grab what I need before proceeding to my favorite big chair. Setting her down in front of me, I rip the tie of her dress as I struggle to get it off. Ripping it yet again, I forgo being gentle with it and rip the dress completely off her. Touching, gripping, and kissing her while she tugs at my clothing, jarring me this way and that, pulling my shirt off and jerking my pants open. I feel her hand take hold of me, stroking me harder until I fall back into the chair and watch her slide her panties down her legs. “You did miss me.” I said pulling her down on me. She finds her perfect spot with a gasping delight. While pushing her hands deep into her hair, she rides the vibrations of her orgasm, calling out to me with the sexiest moans and sending me over the edge with hard groans of my own.

  “Welcome home,” she said caressing my face. “And you owe me a new dress.” She laughs.

  “If I knew you were waiting for me, I would have been home a whole hell of a lot sooner.” Taking her hands from my face, I kiss them both. “And I will buy you a closet full of new dresses baby.”

  “That would be wonderful but I am a little more concerned about the condoms in your bar?”

  I smile unashamed, “that’s a long story but it’s not what you think.” She narrows her eyes at me and sits back in a superior posture. “I was having a bachelor party for one of my friends and the strippers …” I am probably not helping myself at all with that phrase. I peek up at her as she tilts her head. “Anyway … there were these strippers that had my friend tied to a chair and they were ... doing what strippers do and part of their act was showering my friend with these ridiculous colorful condoms. And … well after it was over, I was tired so I went to bed but before I could get up the ne
xt morning, my Mom called and said she was coming over. So I had to clean the room quickly and throw all the condoms in a drawer in the bar. It was the closest place to hide them where she wouldn’t look. And I forgot about them until now.” I said holding my hands out to her. “I swear.”

  “Okay, so what happened with the strippers that made you so tired?”

  “No. You can get that out of your mind right now because nothing happened it was a long night and that was it. So you can simmer that Irish temper of yours back down.” She laughs at me stroking my hair. “That’s not funny, you scared me. I was afraid you were going to leave before I got a chance to enjoy having you here.” I said winking at her.

  Chapter 18: Ava

  His blaring alarm startles us both. Removing one of his arms from around me, he reaches and slams his hand down, silencing it. With an exaggerated sigh, he slips back down into our cradling warmth. “Good morning, beautiful.” He hummed in my ear. Our cuddling session doesn’t last nearly long enough before he gets up to shower. I stay in bed enjoying his velvet, soft sheets and huge bed until I see his closet door still open where he hastily left it last night. Removing the comforting sheets from my still naked body, I scurry across the wooden floor to his closet and take a half step in. It is bigger than my house. It is so organized and with a seating area in the middle, as if he is planning to have a small party in his closet to simply watch him get dressed. I need to get that thought out of my mind before he catches me, besides, who would want to watch someone get dressed anyway? Suddenly I feel his hands on my waist and his lips against my cheek, I shiver from his wet hair dripping down my back.

  “You cold?” He said grabbing a blanket from a shelf and hugging me tightly within it. “Better baby?”


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