Book Read Free

New Title 1

Page 19

by Jennifer Loren

  “So you’re good friends?”

  “Oh yea, he’s always getting me into trouble.”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  With barely a hesitation, “just so you know that boy has a knack for causing me hell. This one time he got me so drunk that I passed out. And the next morning? I woke up lying on the lawn of the base, in only my boxers and a cigar.” He laughed. “I was woke up by a major who was none too thrilled to see me there. He kept yelling and my head was spinning. He told me I had to run in my boxers until I learned my way to and from my bed, from every possible part of the base. All I could hear the whole time I was running was Sean laughing. I didn’t know where he was but I promised myself I would get him back. Especially for the plus ten days cleaning the latrine. It was awful.”

  I laugh into my hands picturing the scenario in my head. “So did you get back at him?”

  “That’s an even better story, one that I am damn sure he will never tell you.”

  “What did you do?” I asked repositioning eagerly.

  “One night when Sean was dead tired, he was getting ridden hard for pulling some other prank he got caught doing, nothing serious but he paid well for it. Anyway, a bunch of us were all going out and all he wanted to do was go to sleep but after much persuading and pleading, he finally agreed to come out with us. He was so exhausted it didn’t take much of anything for him to pass out … right on the bar.” Randy shook his head laughing. “I mean he was out cold. We were going to take him back but on the way I got a better idea.” Randy snickered to himself before he finally got a hold of himself. “Anyway, I put him in a bed with a woman, a large drunk woman, who had been hitting on Sean for months and he wanted nothing to do with her. I don’t think that woman bathed ever.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “Oh that crazy, drunk, smelling like ass, woman was walking home when we passed her on our way back. We gave her a ride and then we stripped him of everything but his boxers and put him in her bed, she cuddled up, right next to him and went to sleep. Damn that woman could snore.”

  “And he didn’t wake up?”

  “Not right away but we had barely made it out of her drive when he came blasting out of her house. I think he beat us back. That boy could run.” Randy said laughing hysterically.

  “Was he mad?”

  “Oh hell yea, furious.” He said laughing harder. “When he finally calmed down I asked Sean how he woke up.” Randy dances in his seat laughing. “He said.” I roll my eyes waiting for him to calm down enough to tell me. “He said he woke up from the smell, looked around and then saw her toothless smile and ran out of that house never looking back. To this day I still tease him that she had her way with him and that somewhere out there is a toothless, smelly little Sean, he hates that. I named him woolly mammoth junior.” He continues laughing wiping the tears from his eyes.

  Laughing at his over enjoyment, “so you and Sean are pretty good friends?”

  “Best friends. When I got out of the military, he hired me right away. It’s a good job too. I get to travel and do many things I would not have otherwise and meet a lot of interesting people. Plus, the pay is great but don’t tell Sean, I tell him I’m under paid so he doesn’t expect me to start doing his laundry or something. And not to mention the girls are …” Randy pauses glimpsing my suspicious expression.

  “So Sean has had a lot of girlfriends, huh?”

  “Ummm, not really, I mean he’s dated girls and has had I guess what you would call a girlfriend now and then but he has never really been serious with any of them. If they threaten to break it off with him, he lets them walk and doesn’t give them another thought. Now you on the other hand have done some crazy things to my man.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well for starters he has never asked me to protect anyone before, only him.” He said. “He really cares about you and I have never seen that kind of emotion out of him. Whatever it is, you make him try harder and want to be better. I haven’t ever seen any girl even come close to getting him to do that.” Overwhelmed, I lean over and kiss Randy on the cheek.

  “Thank you,” I said as Randy glances over at me gulping with a blushing nod.

  Chapter 21: Sean

  After being out late at a charity event, I decide to sleep in, that is until my phone rings. While still groggy I grab my cell, rubbing my face clear to read the number. Ava? “Everything okay?” I asked, feeling the smile slowly come across my face.

  “It’s not Ava, although it probably should be,” a husky voice said.

  “Who the fuck is this?” I asked.

  “Justin, a friend of Ava’s.”

  “Is Ava alright? What’s going on?”

  “She’s fine and I would like for her to stay that way,” he said with a tone that wakes me up instantly. “Sean, I may not know you but I know your type. You think you can walk in and out of her life, expecting her to wait for when you are ready to see her again. Is it not enough that you are screwing everything on the west coast you want to make your way to the east coast as well? Leave Ava alone Sean, she’s too good for you.” Justin said preparing to end our conversation there.

  “Don’t you dare hang up motherfucker,” I said pausing only long enough to make sure he heard me. “You don’t know me so I would appreciate it if you didn’t classify me to some group of your choosing. Contrary to what you may think, I am not out to hurt Ava and I have been thinking of her from the beginning and I will continue to do just that. So while I appreciate your concern for her, I think your jealousy of me is clouding your judgment.”

  “You care about her? You are so full of shit! You know you don’t give a DAMN about anyone but yourself! You smug son of a bitch, YOU leave her alone or else!”

  Standing with fists forming, “or else what?”

  “Try me pretty boy but I don’t think you want to go there with me.”

  “I will be right there, or hell I will send you a first class ticket to my front door. But you should take in some sights before you show me your sweet skills because I doubt you will get a chance after.”

  “I’ll show you skills. Send me the fucking ticket son, I can’t wait. I also can’t wait until Ava sees you for what you are.”

  “And what’s that Justin?”

  “Nothing but a bored rich boy looking for a flavor of the month to get him through until the next one speaks to his cravings.”

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, so why don’t you hang up and go find some girl of your own and leave mine alone …”

  “YOU’RE GIRL!” He laughed. “Fuck you! Let me tell you something! Ava, as far as I’m concerned, is fair game and since she’s met you it only makes it that much easier to make her mine.”

  “OHHH, I have to hear this.”

  “You’re never here, Sean. You’re not here to hold her when she’s upset after a bad day or enjoy her smile when she knows she’s hit on a great design. But I am. Every time she needs someone I’m here, holding her and fighting off those scary dreams of hers. She needs more than a phone call and I am the one that is able to give her more. Sooner or later, she is going to realize whom she needs and it is not going to be some Hollywood pretty boy who only sees her when his schedule allows. Who do you think she’s going to choose Sean?” He huffs, “you know what it doesn’t really matter because I am going to be here no matter what.” Justin inhales obviously feeling proud of himself.

  “I’m not letting her go and nothing you do or say is going to change my mind.”

  “Well you’ve been warned. For now I am going to continue my quest for Ava and since I see her everyday it shouldn’t take me long to work you out of her mind. Have a good night Sean.” He hangs up abruptly.

  “Son of a bitch!” I scream before rushing to call Ethan to change my schedule.


  My remaining event has been cancelled, which gives me the opportunity to leave town earlier than expected. My reservations are booked for Atl
anta, seconds after knowing. This is going to be the first time I see where she lives, how she lives and I am more than curious after all of our conversations. “You’re going to have a heart attack before you ever get there, not to mention you’re driving me nuts. So stop fidgeting!” Randy glares at me.

  I huff staring out the window as the Atlanta skyline approaches. No one expects me to be here. Ethan has someone impersonating me booked on another flight and to a much likelier place for me to be. I am hoping that the prying eyes will be too busy searching for me far away to ever consider searching for me here. They have been following me even closer since that kid released the pictures from the restaurant. You could not see Ava at all but that is just making them all the crazier.

  As soon as I get off the plane, I jump into the waiting car. My heart beats faster with every house that passes. “So are you going to tell her?” Randy asked.

  “Tell her what?”

  “Tell her that you love her.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

  “You don’t? I knew it, you’re looking for a reason to change your mind about her? Keep running Sean and you will lose her for good.”

  “That is not at all what I’m doing and I think it is a little early to be talking about love.”

  “No, it’s not.” He says assuredly.

  “Well I thought I loved Rebecca and I told her in the first few months and what a mistake that was. I’m not doing that again.”

  “Rebecca was a psycho and low class, Ava is certainly not Rebecca. Thank God. I hope I never have to see that crazy witch again.”

  I give him a harsh look, “I thought you liked her?” He shakes his head shivering ridiculously. “Well no matter, I’m taking it slowly with Ava. Especially with her past, I don’t want to introduce her to my media obsessed life until I know for sure she’s the one for me.” Randy rolls his eyes while munching on some chips. “Shut up, and stop rolling your eyes at me. You know I hate that. Besides, that crazy fuck that hurt her is still trying to get out and pleading to be able to see her to make an amends. My people intercepted countless letters from his mother that were supposed to go to her by way of her grandparents’ house. Supposed apologies, but they are nothing but a lunatics attempt to keep hold of her.”

  Our driver slows, pulling in next to a quaint cottage home. With a smile I cannot hide, I get out and tip the driver before sending him on his way.

  “I don’t think you should have sent the driver away Sean, I don’t think anyone is home.” Randy said looking over the surroundings.

  “I know. She’s at a meeting all-day today.”

  “Then why did you send the driver away?” He said waving his hands in the direction the car left.

  “Calm down we are going to wait for her.”


  “No, of course not, in the house.”

  “And how are we going to do that?”

  “I know where she keeps a key in case she locks herself out.” I feel behind one of her rain gutters and pull out a metal box with a key inside.

  “Okay Romeo, now let’s get inside. It’s cold out here.”

  Making our way to the door I can feel Randy hovering over me the whole way. “Do you mind backing up a bit? We’re not on a date here.”

  “Then hurry up and open the damn door. It’s cold out here.” I put the key in hearing it click along with some other strange noises. “What was that, I thought you said she wasn’t supposed to be home?”

  “She’s not supposed to be. No one is.” I said turning the knob when I hear … sniffing? “It’s just her puppies,” I smile relieved.

  “Puppies? I don’t like dogs Sean,” Randy said backing up.

  “Relax, they’re probably no bigger than the palm of your hand, nothing to worry about.” I open the door slowly and big snarling noses start trying to force their way through. The enormous faces begin barking and growling in an amazing display of fearlessness. I shut the door back quickly, backing up a couple of steps before searching for Randy, who is now standing on the other side of the street. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “No way Sean, no way!”

  “No way what? I’m sure they are friendly once you get in.”

  “Hell no!” Randy yelled folding his arms and shaking his head.

  “I tell you what, I will stay here in the front and you sneak in the back and maybe we can trap them in some room. We’ll confuse them.” I say with confidence.

  “What kind of crazy are you trying to sell me? No way in hell am I going in that house!”

  “Well what are we going to do, sit out here until she gets home?”

  “I don’t know but I do know I’m not going in there.” Randy insists.

  “Maybe they are not as big as they look?” I said as one of them jumps in a nearby window, snarling and barking.

  “I have seen horses smaller than that Sean.”

  “Stop shaking your head, it’s annoying.” I sit down on the steps listening to the two snarling dogs protesting our presence while Randy carefully sits down next to me.

  “Great plan Sean, let’s get here early and hang out on her porch and wait for her for … how long?” He asked in a sarcastic voice.

  I cringed at his question, “I’m not sure, an hour or two.”

  “It’s December Sean.”

  “I know!”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t know about those beasts in there.”

  “We talked about her dogs but she always calls them her babies, or puppies and so I assumed they were small.”

  “All this time and you have never talked about what kind of beasts they are?” I shook my head at his disgusted expression. “What did you talk about then?” A smile slowly grows across my face. Randy huffs, rolling his eyes. “So what were you planning anyway?”

  “Well I thought we could get here early and I could order some food and light some candles, send you off to the bedroom out back.” He huffs immediately. “It has satellite TV and its own kitchen, you will be fine you big baby”

  “And then what?”

  “And then I would arrange all the …”

  “All the what?” He asked as I look down the road and away from him. “What did you do?”


  “Sean what did you do?”

  “I might have ordered some flowers and other stuff for her.”

  “How many flowers Sean?”

  “Well I wasn’t sure how big her house was and I know how much she loves getting flowers. Do you know that I am the first guy to ever give her flowers?” I smile at his unamused expression.

  “I am calling the driver back,” Randy said pulling his phone out.

  “No, no we can’t because we have to be here to receive them or they won’t come back,” I said as vans begin to pull up.

  “Oh you didn’t.” He said watching my innocent smile turn to pleading forgiveness. Randy tried to talk them into coming back but they have to deliver them all, plus some extras. By the time they finish, her entire porch, steps and our laps are filled with flowers, balloons and one extra large teddy bear. We look ridiculous. I am holding flowers and a stuffed bear that sits nearly as tall as I do. Randy holds all the balloons with his flowers and a scowl a mile long. “I hate you Sean.” He said as I laugh. “No, I really hate you.”

  “Well at least the dogs seem to have calmed down. I don’t think they want to kill us now.”

  “I think they’re trying to decide what seasoning they are going to use on us.” Randy looks behind us. “Hey big dogs, white meat tastes better!” He yelled nodding as if he has gotten me back. Laughing I settle against the bear making myself as comfortable as possible.

  We wait as car after car slows down to look at the two fools on the porch. One nice old lady even makes time to walk by and tell us she doesn’t think Ava is home. Randy thanks her for pointing out the obvious and luckily she is hard-of-hearing and walks off smiling when we nod and wave at her. Finally, Ava�
��s car pulls up, slowing before turning into the drive. I sit up straight watching as the car doors open and a man gets out the passenger side, while she gets out the driver side smiling beautifully and looking incredible. My mouth waters watching her approach.

  “Congratulations Sean, I think you surprised her. I bet she never thought she would come home to see this,” Randy said.

  “Welcome home,” I said beaming.

  “What are you doing here?” She laughs taking in the entire scene, searching for her way towards me.

  “Waiting for you to get home,” I said helping her over some of the flowers.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. I thought …”

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Surprise!’ Randy said sarcastically.

  She laughs as she manages her way into my arms. “Best surprise ever,” she said, kissing me and allowing me to express a superior smile in Randy’s direction.

  “Why are you out here, why didn’t you use the key?”

  “We tried, but ....”

  “Your so called puppies turned out to be man-eating bears,” Randy continued.

  “Who Rondo and Prince? They’re sweethearts they wouldn’t hurt a fly. Simply play ball with them and they will love you to death.” She grimaced at the phrase. “Well you know what I mean.” Randy backs away from the door as she lets the two beasts out to sniff us.

  “Let them get to know you, they really are sweet,” Kyle said. I stood up trying to be still, as he walks over to me. “Boys go play! Hi, I’m Kyle.” He holds out the one free hand he has, the other holding a bag of groceries. I greet him respectively and he shakes his head. “Wow! I mean I know all about you but it’s so unreal that you’re here. I mean wow.”

  “Kyle will you help us get this all inside?” Ava asked while examining her porch before glancing up at me with a smirk. Shrugging I turn to see the other fool standing in the middle of the yard like a statue and still holding balloons while the two dogs stand at his feet, pawing him for attention.


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