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Page 5

by T. L Smith

  I’m surprised by her words and her actions, but I’m not going to argue with her. Naoko reaches down to grab her clothes and Eliza stops her.

  “Without them, the door is over there.” Eliza points to the stairs. I see Naoko look up at the door and then back to her clothes trying to decide if she can really leave, especially without her clothes.

  “I won’t even speak your name,” she says, looking at Eliza with fear in her eyes, worrying if she’s playing some kind of joke on her. She looks back to the stairs and makes her way past Eliza, then looking briefly at me before she takes off up the stairs two at a time.

  I look to Eliza and see her watching me like she is trying to work something out. I don’t know what it is, but the way she’s looking at me with lines etched in her beautiful forehead it can’t be good.

  “You want this?” she asks me, not moving from her spot with her knife still firmly in her hand, she’s squeezing it like it’s a lifeline. I know what she’s talking about, I don’t have to ask her because I can see by the look in her eyes.

  “Yes, I do, and especially because it’s with you,” I tell her and go to walk toward her. She stops me though by holding up her hand. I don’t want her to stop me, but with someone like Eliza you need to give her time to process, otherwise things will go wrong fast. There’s a part of me that wants to go caveman on her ass, and tell her what to do. But, she isn’t like most, and most men that cross her path are either frightened of her, or want her so bad, they’ll do anything to have her. Me, well, I have her. And all it took for me was that sweet ass mouth of hers and that crazy ass body, which makes most grown men drop to their knees.

  I follow Eliza upstairs and I hear the sound of a voice I want to shoot. It makes me so freaking angry that he has had her, that he knows the sounds she makes when she comes, that he knows her facial expressions and how she’s feeling. Only I should be privileged to things like that, but as he likes to point out, as often as he can, he had her first.

  “Krinos, baby, love the show you left us with,” Hunter says, walking closer to Eliza than I would like. She ignores him and takes a seat near Carmen. Hunter sees me around the corner and smiles. I’m wondering why the fuck he’s even here. He sees me watching him and smirks, then takes residence near the girls again. I watch as Carmen sits there and talks to Eliza, like she’s the best thing since a slice of bread. I didn’t know how their relationship would turn out; I just know Carmen would jump off a bridge if Eliza told her to do so.

  I stand by the wall, watching Eliza. She is, by far, all I will ever need in this world. I plan to make her my wife, and never let her go. I listen to Carmen trying to convince her to go on a shopping trip and she looks at me and rolls her eyes, but agrees anyway to shut her up. Hunter, who’s been standing there the whole time, not moving, just looking too much for my liking at Eliza, instead of the person I’m guessing he’s here with. Carmen notices and throws her bread at his head and storms off. Eliza looks to Hunter and asks him what’s going on with the two of them.

  I hear his reply and make my way out there to kill him. “She’s fun, but she isn’t you.”

  Bam, I smack that cunt straight in his face. Just as I’m about to go in for another one, Eliza’s mother, Kylie, walks out into the kitchen and shakes her head at us, then slaps the back of Hunter’s head and tells him to follow Carmen.

  I met Kylie years ago when I first came to the Kontos’ house. I immediately liked her kind smile and friendly attitude. I never saw much of her after that, and Kontos has never really been the same, when she wasn’t around.

  “I’ve heard the news. You two will make lovely parents, I couldn’t be more excited,” she says and leans in and kisses me on the cheek then wraps her arms around her daughter. I watch as she sinks into her mother’s touch and buries her head into her and starts to cry. At first I’m not sure what I’m hearing until I hear Kylie stroke her hair telling her it will be alright. I’ve never heard Eliza cry before and it’s making me feel this weird hurt in my chest. I realize it’s my heart breaking a little bit for her. I want to grab her and make her laugh... I want to grab her and make her scream my name, while I’m buried far inside of her. What I don’t want is to ever see a single tear run down her face again.

  I walk over and push Kylie away. She’s startled at first, but soon enough she walks away. I grab Eliza’s face with both hands, lean down and kiss away her tears. I kiss every inch of her face while she keeps her eyes closed, still with silent tears dripping down from them. She opens them slightly and looks at me with so much love, like I’ve never seen before; it makes me take a step back for a second. Usually she’s so guarded and will only let me see pieces and only give me fractions. I see it all, right now, I see her fear and I see her love for me. I feel the demons inside of me roar to life, which make me want to take her pain away, to take it so it’s ours instead of hers. I feel my heart soar for her then break away and give it all to her. I think I’ve given her all of me and she carries around every last bit now. I don’t think before I speak and I wish I did, so I could’ve given her more, but my demons want her now, and they won’t listen to a word I say.

  “You own them you know, my demons, you own them. I don’t think there is a part of me that isn’t owned solely by you.” She stumbles back with a gasp, while bringing her hand up over her heart, but I haven’t finished and I need to finish. “I have to have you. I have to have your mind, body and soul, and if you don’t give that to me, I think my demons might finish me off for good. They’re screaming at me to claim you. You own my darkness, Princess.”

  “I know,” she says in barely a whisper. I reach into my pocket and pull out her ring. It’s a rare black diamond that matches us like no other I’d seen. We are both dark in more ways than one. She isn’t shocked by the ring, which makes me think she’s seen it before. But it doesn’t bother me, I knew it was hers the first time I saw it.

  “Princess, there has never been anyone but you, you and only you can contain all that is inside me. You can break down my walls with a simple look. I’ve told you before that you own me, and now I want the chance to own you, as you do me.”

  Her tears drop heavier, and I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I really hope now that they are good, otherwise I may be fucked.

  Kontos walks out and sees the ring in my hand and notices his daughter crying. I shake my head at him and watch, as he turns reluctantly away, never taking his eyes from Eliza. I had previously asked his permission to marry her, before he was even sick. He knew I was going to, and has asked me numerous times what had taken me so long. I just have never found the right time until right now.

  I look back at her shaking my thoughts away and see that she’s still crying and hasn’t answered me yet. I bring my lips down onto hers and kiss away her pain. It doesn’t take long for her to respond and give her all to our kiss. I can taste her salty tears mixed with her usual sweet taste. I break away and take her lip in my mouth and suck down on it before I release it. I look at her and see she’s stopped and now she’s smirking at me.

  “Of course I will, just remember though, your fiancé carries a knife and gun, try not to piss me off too much,” she says and leans back in to kiss me again. I don’t even process what she just said, until her mouth is invading mine once again, and as soon as I do I pull away and put the ring straight onto her finger, so she has no choice but to wear it.

  I’m about to go cavemen on her ass and carry her home, to have my way with her, when Carmen comes walking in and notices Eliza’s ring finger. She screams like a fucking banshee and I’m considering punching her in her mouth to shut the noise up.

  “Oh my God! Oh my God! Can I be the bridesmaid?” she screams at Eliza, pushing me out the way and taking hold of her ring finger.

  “Carmen, I don’t even know when we’re getting married, so calm the fuck down, you are giving me a headache,” Eliza tells her and pulls her hand away. Thanks to all the screaming it’s brought everyone to where we are. Every
one congratulates us and kisses our cheeks and I notice Hunter standing back, not saying a word, looking at Eliza. Eliza looks over at him and walks toward me telling me she needs to talk to him alone. I tell her no but she asks me to trust her.

  “It's not you I don’t trust, it’s him,” I reply, still looking at him and he hasn’t taken his eyes off of her.

  “Just give me a minute with him.”

  I don’t agree, but she goes to the living room with him following behind her. I see Carmen’s sad eyes watching while Hunter walks away and wonder what has become of them. I don’t stand there for too long, because I can’t stand the fact that she’s out there talking to him and I can’t hear what’s being said. I walk to the entrance and listen while they talk.

  “I love him Hunter, he’s my one. You need to move on, and if you fuck with my sister’s heart, I will fuck with yours,” I hear her tell him.

  “It's not serious with Carmen, she’s just fun. She isn’t you, though now I realize I’ll never have you either. So, I think it’s finally time for me to leave.”

  I walk around the corner and see him lean in and kiss her on the cheek and watch as she closes her eyes to his touch when he makes it last longer than necessary. I walk back to the kitchen where everyone is waiting for them to come back out.

  Hunter walks out first, not long followed by Eliza, who walks over to me and stands behind me wrapping her arms around my torso. I cover her hands with one of mine and watch as Hunter walks over to Carmen. She doesn’t look happy with whatever he’s telling her in her ear, and just as he goes to leave she gets up and slaps him hard across the face. Everyone’s quiet through the exchange and doesn’t speak. Carmen turns around after she watches him walk out the door and notices all eyes on her. She can’t hide her tears as she runs away to her bedroom.

  “He does like her a lot, he’s just too blinded by you to realize,” Matt says and walks away.

  “Rock, go and find some pussy and shut up,” Eliza yells out to him. She’s so used to him being silent, that when she hears him talk, she always tells him to shut up. He flips her, the bird, and keeps on walking while he grunts at her, which just makes her smile.

  I don’t think I’ll make it home before I explode from needing to be buried inside of her. I grab her hand and take her up to her old room, shut the door and turn around to look at her. She knows why we’re here and goes to start removing her clothes, but I stop her by placing my hand on hers and bringing her hand to her side.

  She looks at me wondering why I’ve stopped her from doing what I’m about to.

  “I own this, and only I will touch this. Do you understand me?” I ask her.

  I want to undress her slowly and take in every inch of her. I touch her midriff and lift her shirt and she complies as I bring it over her head. I then unclip her bra and set her tits free. They seem to be getting bigger each time I see them and all I want to do is devour and bite each one ‘till she is shuddering under me. I trail my hand down from her neck and over her breast, feeling my very impatient cock strain in my pants waiting to have what is his. I undo her jeans and slide them down her legs. There’s no need for removing underwear, as she has none on.

  “You are mine and I need your submission. All of your submission, every time I’m buried inside of you. Fuck it, I want it all the time. Submit to me, Princess,” I tell her and watch as she nods her head.

  She’s standing in front of me looking down while I’m on my knees looking up at her like the goddess that she is. I spread slow kisses up her legs and reach her thighs and I can instantly smell the sweet smell between her legs that is beckoning me to come closer. I hear her whimper while I kiss closer and closer to the spot she craves the most, but for a change she doesn’t force me. I stand up and turn her around I hear her whimper as I lose contact with her sweet cunt.

  “I will take you just the way I want to Princess and you will comply, and there isn’t a thing you can do it about it,” I say, pushing her front to the wall. I grab her hands and pin them up against the wall and use my other hand to trail it down her back, over the curve of her sexy ass and make my way between her cheeks ‘till I feel her sweet spot that is begging to be touched. She moans as I enter one finger and tries to lift off the wall, but I slam her back to it.

  “Take me hard,” she says barely holding it together.

  “I can’t,” I whisper in her ear. I can’t hurt her. Let alone harm her while she is pregnant with my child.

  “Like fuck, you can’t. Shove me against that wall and fuck me so hard all I do is scream your name,” she seethes at me. I can play this game, and I will win this game every time.

  “Move and you won’t have my hard cock buried so far in that sweet cunt you can’t walk for days. If you move you won’t get off, but I will,” I tell her in her ear, she complies and stays still. I bring my free hand around and pinch her clit and listen as she screams out for more. I comply because I can’t last any longer. I need to be buried balls deep inside of her and claim again what is already mine.

  I pull her ass back so she is slightly bent, but still positioned on the wall and slowly guide my cock to her entrance. As soon as I feel her warmth, I push in on one thrust and don’t hold back. If it’s hurting her, she doesn’t seem bothered. She’s screaming at me to fuck her harder and harder, so that’s what I do. I release her hands and grab the back of her hair and pull it while my cock is thrashing her cunt.

  “You love my cock buried in you, you love it when I am rough, you fucking love it when I make you lose yourself, don’t you princess?” I ask just stopping enough for her to answer.

  “Yes, you son of a prick, now shut up and fuck me,” she screams wanting to orgasm.

  I shove her face back against the wall and keep her there, not letting her move. I fuck her so hard her body is lifting from the floor slightly with each thrust I inflict on her tight pussy.

  I feel her walls tightening, then bring my other hand around and insert one in her ass for good measure. She screams my name when she comes and I ask her, “Do you understand now what my love for you is?”

  “I always have,” she responds, which makes my demons happy and makes me fuck her harder like I’m staking my claim again, with all that is mine.

  Hours later we are entwined together with her heavy breaths coming slow and steady showing me that she is now sound asleep. My soul has never been so complete.

  I wake during the night and we are still in her old room at her parent’s house and I look across and see that she is silently sleeping. I gently untangle her limbs and climb off the bed and replace my clothes. Once I’m dressed I turn to look at her still peacefully sleeping, I lean down and kiss her goodbye. I can’t risk her waking and finding out what I’m doing or where I’m going. I usually give her what she needs, but some things need to be handled by me. I walk downstairs and as soon as I get to the door, I hear a voice behind me.

  “You wouldn’t be going to do what I think you are doing?” Kontos asks.

  Ah, smart man, he may know what I’m going to do, but I will not give him the pleasure of confirming it. “If she wakes, please tell her I won’t be long.”

  “You’re going to piss her off, Stefanos,” he warns me.

  “I’m doing this for her, she isn’t seeing things right. I will do anything for her.”

  “I know you will. You are her Kratos, her strength, you are domination. Some might say what you do is not a mighty deed, but they don’t know you like we do. You are her Kratos and soon she will realize it as well.”

  I nod my head and walk out the door. I think about that word and don’t think I’m worthy of it. I may have the strength and I may be dominant, but I’m a silent dominant.

  I pull up to a familiar house that still makes my blood boil. She’s lucky Eliza was feeling in the need for giving. I however, am not that kind. I knock on her door and watch as she opens it with surprise etched on her pretty face. She looks behind me to see if Eliza is with me, but what she doesn’t realiz
e it’s not her she should be worried about.

  “What a surprise, Stefanos. Come in,” she says and goes to touch me. I flinch away from her touch and stalk into the house following close behind her. As soon as we reach inside and I see no one is there, I pull out my gun.

  “Why did you bring your gun?” she asks nervously looking at me and then my hands.

  “Krinos may have been lenient with you, Naoko, but you betrayed me and got my family kidnapped. That doesn’t sit right with me. So, I have come to make sure that doesn’t happen again,” I say and pull the gun up, so it’s eye level with her head.

  “She said I could live! I will never do it again,” she cries out, looking down at the floor.

  “I can’t take that risk, not with her,” I say and shoot her right where she stands. I look down at her now limp body on the floor, then turn away and leave the same way I came in.

  She will be pissed when she finds out, so pissed that I went behind her back and didn’t tell her, but she submitted and I now have the control.

  Once I get back home, I see Kontos in the living room, I look at him and move to go back to bed, but his voice stops me again.

  “It is done?” he asks.

  I nod my head in confirmation.

  “Good, no one risks her life and now especially my grandbaby’s life.”

  I agree with him and continue my walk up the stairs. Once I reach our room, I notice Eliza isn’t in bed. I undress and climb into our bed and watch as she makes her way from the bathroom. She notices I’m there and climbs in taking her usual spot by my side.

  “Don’t sneak out again,” she says, yawning and going back to sleep.

  I lean down and kiss her hair and just as I am about to doze off, she speaks before she falls asleep, “And don’t go behind my back killing people I don’t.”

  I try not to chuckle at her, but I fail and she jabs at my stomach. I pull her as close as possible and fall asleep with her in my arms.


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