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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3)

Page 5

by Piper Stone

  “Thank you very much.” They both looked at each other and this time, there was more than a casual moment. They were searching, each for different reasons. She held out her hand, risking contact. The moment he grasped, electric current shot through every cell, sending aching pulses into her muscles as well as her pussy. She opened her mouth and tensed, fighting to keep from panting.

  Garcia blew out a long breath and rubbed his thumb across her hand then pulled back, wiping both hands on his sweatpants. “Nice to meet you finally, Debbie Cavanaugh.”

  She remained standing by the door until he backed away, all the while shaking his head. Yeah, she was an absolute nutcase. The connection had been the most intense of her life. “Wow.” Giggling, she pressed her fist against her mouth. This was insane.

  She started her car and eased the gear into drive. When nothing clanged on the road or blew up, she breathed a sigh of relief. At least there were sexy men ready to jump in. The thought actually gave her another smile.

  “Two times in two days. What are the odds?”

  Troy. Laney tried not to act startled when she turned around. “How are you?”

  “I’m great. How are you? A different store. I like shopping in several in truth. Better prices and choices,” Troy said as he laughed. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “You didn’t. I was just deep in thought.”

  He nodded and looked into her basket. “You have a dog.”

  “Yes, Topper. My Golden.” Dear God, his eyes were dreamy. Two good looking men in one day. She pressed her hand to her lips, praying to God her face wasn’t red.

  “I love dogs. Jamie wants a dog so badly. I’m thinking about his birthday.”

  “He’d do so well with one.” More relaxed, she allowed her tenacious grip on the cart handle to loosen.

  “I know. I just worry he won’t take good enough care of the pup, especially since I spend so much time at work.”

  “I can give you some pointers if you’d like.”

  Troy smiled. “I would absolutely love that.” He squinted then exhaled. “I have to ask you a question.”


  He hesitated, a blush creeping up from his neck. “Did you get my roses?”

  Laney blinked and tried to take in what he was asking. “Yesterday?”

  “Yes. I hope you don’t think that too forward. I just wanted to thank you. Jamie has never been this excited about school.”

  Tears rushed to her eyes and she had to turn away. To think she’d almost blown everything because of the flowers. Troy sent them. The sexy attorney who… A red flag went up. “I have to admit, since the card wasn’t signed, I called the flower shop. They said they were ordered from out of town.”

  “Ugh! You caught me. I admit it. Damn, you women are good.” Laughing, he inched closer. “I asked my secretary to call in the flowers. I can’t lie. I didn’t want to miss making certain they got to you. She has a cellphone from Texas or Alabama. I can never keep it straight and called on her lunch hour. I apologize if that takes away from them.”

  She processed the information and broke into a huge grin. “You have no idea how much they mean to me. Thank you.” Her entire body was quivering, only this time from joy as well as relief.

  “Since we’re into confessing. I have one more to make.”


  “Jamie’s birthday is less than two weeks away. Would you, I mean if you’re not too busy, maybe just have a drink with me tonight? There’s a little place across the street. One glass of wine and… Shit, I’m babbling. So much for my dating skills.”

  “Is that what we’re doing?” The words tumbled from her mouth.

  Troy chuckled. “I think maybe. Yes? Why don’t we start with one drink and we can talk about dogs? Then after that?”

  “What about Jamie?”

  “Oh, my sister is in town. Right about now she’s no doubt deep in flour making too many chocolate chip cookies.”

  They both laughed, and she felt so free, so very alive. “I’d love to have a glass of wine. I just need to pay for my dog food. The rest can wait.”

  “Deal. I think you’ll like the place. I’ll even help you load the dog food into the car.”

  At that moment, she kind of liked having a man around. The thought riveting, she allowed herself to blush. “Such a gentleman.”

  “I do try.”

  They were safely sitting at a lovely little table in front of a roaring fire barely ten minutes later. She inhaled the intense scent of cinnamon and vanilla, smiling as he told war stories about his work, cases that he could mention and life as a single parent. The wine was perfect, and she never wanted the evening to end.

  “So, I’ve been doing all the talking. What about you? Teaching. Have you always wanted to be a teacher?”

  “No, I grew up wanting to be an architect. Just had some issues in my life and teaching seemed to come naturally,” Laney said as she tried not to stare into his eyes.

  “Teaching is such an honorable profession. My wife taught at the college before she…” When his voice trailed off, his eyes became misted. “I’m sorry. I don’t talk about Mary much.”

  “I noticed. Jamie can’t remember her. If you don’t mind me asking. How did she die?”

  “Cancer,” Troy whispered. “She was dead two months after the diagnosis. Jamie was three. He couldn’t really remember her.”

  “Only three? Wow.” She took a sip of wine. “You should talk about her. He wants to know.”

  “You’re right. I just… I have a very hard time facing the memories myself.” Troy swirled his glass and glanced around the room. “But you’re right.”

  “All in good time. Little bit. Maybe one picture he can keep with him at night.”

  His smile returning, he leaned over, placing his hand on top of hers. “I love the idea. That I can handle. I know just the one.”

  She wanted the electricity, roaring heat shared between them. Instead, there was a coldness, almost clammy and she couldn’t breathe for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps she was just exhausted. Yes, sleep deprivation did funny things. “What kind of dog are you thinking about?”

  “Maybe you can help me with that.” Leaning over, Troy’s eyes roamed down to the swell of her breasts.


  “Fantastic. I’m so glad we did this.”

  “Me too,” Laney whispered.

  When she finally sat back in her car, she held her breath then rubbed her hand. The coldness remained as well as an uneasiness in the pit of her stomach.

  “Damn it!”

  Laney sat by the empty fireplace, staring at the black hole, her mind reeling. Topper was snoozing, curled at her feet and she should feel content. Instead, too many questions remained in her mind, ugly thoughts and concerns she couldn’t get a handle on. Sighing, she closed her eyes, forcing her mind to think about anything else.


  She shifted as her nipples tingled. Surprised, she pressed her hand over her mouth to pinch back a moan. He was so masculine, sexy and more beguiling than Troy. There wasn’t a comparison. Troy was all business, a conservative man with a need for control. Garcia seemed to be a quiet force, as if there were so many layers. How she’d enjoy peeling away those layers. When a laugh bubbled to the surface, she nuzzled further into the pillows, envisioning Garcia’s chiseled face, his intense but sensual eyes and the way he’d looked at her. At least twice. Yes, he’d weaseled past her armor, until he reached the girl inside.

  Maybe she spent far too much time fantasizing. Maybe she needed a wild and kinky fuck. No, a hard spanking. Images rolled in the back of her mind, delicious and very sinful visions of being taken over his knees, her naked ass spanked for her lascivious thoughts, salacious desires. Her pussy clenched, reminding her just how long it had been since she’d had a lover. Why was she thinking about Garcia this way? She didn’t know the man. That was the incredible reason to have fantasies. Right?

  Opening her eyes, she
glanced over at her diary, the well-worn leather had been her best friend for the last few months. She grabbed the thick book and flipped through the pages. No one kept a diary any longer. Maybe she was just old fashioned, even for her young age. She laughed again as she rubbed her finger over the cursive writing, words spilling out on lonely nights. Tonight, was no exception.

  She bit her lower lip and wondered if Garcia could be a dominating force, a man who took charge in all aspects of life, including his relationship. What if he enjoyed a more submissive woman, a girl who craved being taken in hand? No, few men could understand. But what if? She clenched her pussy muscles several times as she thought about the woman buried deep inside. Yes, she’d always gravitated toward a commanding man. Even as a teenager, she’d longed for the top dog, the boy who took no shit. Too bad so many were abusive and not just controlling. Her diary told no lies. She wanted to find the kind of relationship where she could let go, allow her boyfriend or husband to lay down rules that she was required to follow.

  And discipline? Yes, she’d craved hard spankings since she’d left her father’s home. She had no doubt her father gave her mother spankings. Everything made sense. The closed doors, the loud music coming from their bedroom, the wooden brushes she’d found hidden in her mother’s dresser drawer. Her parents seemed so happy, loving and very connected. She wanted to have that more than anything.

  After a few seconds, she grabbed her pen, debating before she began to write, the words coming easily.

  Garcia. I met him today. He helped and didn’t truly understand how much he did. Whew. He’s handsome and sexy, a man I could see being more than just a friend. A smokejumper and while I hate the concept of fires, he oozed control, domination. I can just imagine being taken care of, loved and honored, even cherished. I can imagine him as being very demanding, requiring certain rules to be followed without question.

  Laney hesitated and took a gulp of her wine. For some reason, her hand was shaking as if admitting on paper what she craved was somehow wrong. She refused to allow her fears to shadow her desires any longer.

  I want more than anything to submit to a man in all ways. I want him to be powerful in our home, in the relationship. I long to feel his strong hands holding me, kissing me and requiring me to do anything he asks. When I’m bad, I want to pay the penance for being a bad girl. I want to do the right thing, face my punishment, no matter how severe. I want to be stripped naked, told to stand in a corner to think about my sins. I crave having him take me by the hands, whispering softly that he’s disappointed in my behavior and that he expects more, so much more.

  I long to be told that I can do much better and for my infractions, I will be punished. I can see him easing his belt from his pants, making me watch as he rubs his fingers over the taut leather then telling me to go into the bedroom, prepare the pillows. I can only imagine how I’ll feel when I walk into the room, the way my heart would be racing, my mind reeling with the understanding that I will be whipped. Then after placing the pillows on the middle of the bed, I’ll crawl over, spreading my legs wide just as he requires.

  Exhaling, she wiped a bead of perspiration from her forehead. Could she do this? Could she actually enjoy a relationship of this nature? Her thumping heart gave her the answer. Yes. Oh, yes.

  As I wait, I think about how horrible my actions have been, remembering his intense look and saddened eyes. He wants the best for me, for us. I bury my face into the bed, waiting, wondering how long he’ll be. When I hear his footsteps coming into the room, the strangled sigh as he looks down, I feel so disgraced. When he speaks, telling me he won’t go easy on me on this night, I whimper. The pain will be intense.


  As the first strike hits my ass, I jump, clenching the comforter, yet I keep my place, the position that’s required.

  Crack! Pop!

  He continues, stopping after several hard whips to soothe and caress.

  Smack! Crack!

  The spanking continues until I start to cry. Then, I know how much I’m loved.

  Laney eased the pen into the diary and closed the book. Garcia. Dear God, what was she thinking?

  Chapter 3

  “What are you doing, idiot?” Garcia asked, out loud this time. He checked his watch. Time to get the hell out of the house. Why was he hesitating? He deserved to have a good time.

  He wasn’t nervous about the date. Rachel was sweet, good looking and a great kisser. However, he wasn’t as enthused as he should be. The reason why was simple. He was breathless given his odd but amazing meeting with Debbie Cavanaugh. Beautiful yet unsure of the command she had over men, he knew she was hiding her identify. He’d been around the block long enough to know she hadn’t given him her real name. She was terrified, but of what?

  He looked at his eyes as he leaned in, concentrating on the couple of wrinkles that had already started to form around his eyes. He was no spring chicken any longer. In fact, he was old enough to know better than to go after a married woman. Was she really married or had that been a part of her ruse?

  Splashing on aftershave, he mumbled under his breath, cursing the fact the connection had been so amazing. Just touching her had driven his mind into the gutter, his cock pushing hard against his pants. He was still aching, in need of a heady round of sex. Well, he’d see how the date with Rachel went. He grinned and grabbed his belt, pulling the thick leather between his fingers. He never wanted to get too close, yet he craved control, the kind of domination few women could appreciate. He’d always been this way, since a boy in high school.

  Garcia couldn’t help but laugh. The reason he wasn’t married and hadn’t experienced a real girlfriend since college had everything to do with his kinky desires. He was far too dominating. Besides, relationships were difficult for those in the profession. He’d seen far too many divorces in the smokejumper and firefighter ranks. Why would you want to share a man with a fire? The work was all consuming, let alone dangerous.

  At this point, being single had its perks. Yeah, like being able to leave his dirty laundry everywhere. He stared at the television, watching the local news as he slipped the belt through the loops of his jeans. Closing his eyes, he allowed a vision of Debbie to enter his mind. With her long hair and delicate eyes, a mouth he’d describe as kissable, she would no doubt feel amazing writhing underneath him.

  Sure, the Neanderthal attitude wasn’t going to win him any points. He wondered if someone like her could handle a relationship with a dominant man? He breathed out just thinking the word. Where was he going with this? Given her actions, curt words and the fact she gunned the engine when she left, there was no second guessing her lack of feelings. And she was married!

  “This just in. We have two fire engine companies on the scene of a fire on the west side of town. Although we have limited details, we do know that at least two people are inside. Stay tuned. We’ll bring you more as it becomes available.”

  Garcia grabbed the remote as the grainy pictures flashed onto the screen. Any fire was horrific. When there were victims inside, the concept of them losing their lives was too much for him to bear. He clicked off the set and grabbed his keys. Tonight, he could let go, enjoying something other than talking about work. Rachel couldn’t care less that to many in town, he and his team were considered heroes. Which was good given he considered himself a monster.

  “You’re sure this is all right?” Garcia asked as he cornered Rachel in the hallway of her apartment.

  Rachel stopped on the landing between floors and backed against the wall. Purring, she dragged the tip of her index finger around his mouth then slid her finger just inside, wiggling as she narrowed her eyes. “What do you think? Aren’t you hungry for a taste? A lick? A bite?” She tilted her head back and moaned, the sultry sound floating into the parking lot below.

  He sucked on her finger, savoring the taste. His balls were swollen, aching like a son of a bitch. He licked down the length of her finger and back up, nipping the end.

“Ouch! Bad boy,” she said as she removed her finger, giggling.

  Planting the palms of his hands on either side of her head, he leaned down, breathing across her neck. “I’m famished.” He pressed his groin against her stomach, moving back and forth so she could know just how much. She’d kept him turned on at dinner, driving him wild with her perfume and the way she crossed and re-crossed her long legs. The woman was a looker and knew exactly the effect she had on every red-blooded male.

  “I might have something sweet for you to ravage.” Her eyes closed, she eased her hand down his chest, toying with his belt. “If you’re a very good boy.”

  Allowing a single growl, he crowded closer as she released his belt buckle. He sucked on her earlobe before issuing a command, “No touching unless I give you permission.”

  “What if I won’t obey?” Quivering, the words were strangled.

  “Then I’m going to spank your little ass so hard, you won’t be able to sit down for a week.” Garcia licked down the length of her neck to just underneath her chin. “Imagine being at work, your bottom so sore.” He bit down, taking her tender skin into his mouth.

  “Oh!” Squealing, she rose onto her tiptoes and continued fiddling with his pants, unbuttoning his jeans.

  “You like playing with fire.”

  “I love danger. I adore strong men.”

  He chuckled darkly and wrapped one hand around her neck as he peppered a series of wet kisses on her chin and mouth. “You need control. Discipline.” Capturing her mouth, his grip became tight as he slipped his tongue deep inside.

  Rachel continued to shiver as she stroked his crotch, her fingers kneading his throbbing shaft. With every wiggle, every undulating move, she moaned until the sound echoed in the dense space.

  His hunger off the charts, he cupped her breast, pinching her already hardened nipple between his fingers.

  She managed to unzip his jeans and slip her hand inside, fingering his dick.


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