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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3)

Page 8

by Piper Stone

  “We need to get going,” Cooper stated, nodding toward the beginning of the trail.

  “Aren’t they lucky? They have a damn mountain range near their building. Practice in a jiffy.” Boone laughed as he walked away.

  Yeah, lucky indeed. Garcia studied the clouds and knew in his gut, a storm was brewing.

  Laney remained smiling as she walked to her car. She hadn’t anticipated Garcia being the firefighter providing a demonstration and discussion for the kids. What had surprised her the most was the way he’d been with them. So caring. Sweet and taking the time to answer all their questions. He made the career of fighting fires seem almost romantic. She held her briefcase close to her chest, caressing the soft leather. He’d been funny, spontaneous and uplifting.

  Even starting a fire in the trashcan had seemed so… She giggled and looked around the lot, thankful she wasn’t close to any of the other teachers or parents. Her behavior in the classroom had been stilted at best, befuddled in a way she wasn’t used to. Garcia was simply engaging, and she hadn’t even been able to confess that she’d lied to him. Granted, given Troy’s outburst, almost shouting out her name, the smokejumper had to know she’d told him a fib.

  She stopped a couple of feet in front of her car, trying to fish out her keys. Beads of perspiration trickled down one side of her face, forcing several strands of hair to stick to her skin. She yanked at them as her hand sorted inside the way too large bag. After a few seconds, she blew out, forcing her hair away from her eyes. When she wrapped her hand around the keyring, she laughed and did a little shimmy. Garcia seemed interested, even ready to ask her out. She would have accepted.

  “Such a bad girl.” She couldn’t help but whisper.


  She froze. Hearing Troy’s voice standing just behind her gave her a series of tremors. She’d seen the man’s face, registering his anger at the way Garcia was touching her. The concept of jealousy was not on the radar at this point and she was incensed, even angry herself. “Mr. Breuster. Is there something that you need?” She’d been forced to stay behind, finishing grading the group of papers. The man should be long gone by now.

  “I waited for you. I hope that was okay. And please, Troy. I don’t want us to be that formal.”

  “Waited?” She closed the distance to her car. Right now, she wanted this to be completely professional, re-establishing the boundaries.

  Troy touched her arm. When she flinched, he exhaled. “Look, I’m sorry for my behavior earlier. I was out of line. I just wanted to apologize.”

  “Apologize. For what?” She kept a lilt in her voice on purpose, trying her best not to show how intimidated she was.

  “You know why. I reacted to the way the fireman touched you. That was ridiculous. Horrible.” He laughed.

  She could tell he wasn’t trying to get any closer. Inching her leather case onto the ground, she dared to look in his direction. “I don’t know Garcia. He’s a smokejumper and was assigned to give my class a talk. Nothing more.” Why was she explaining anything to him at all? She searched Troy’s eyes, trying to figure out the man’s mood. Noticing nothing but remorse, she relaxed. “Besides, you didn’t do anything.”

  “In my eyes, I did. I just wanted to take a moment to apologize.” He started to turn away then wrinkled his brow as he turned back around, this time his expression one of eagerness. “Why don’t I make it up to you? A drink tonight?”

  Laney bit her lower lip and wasn’t certain how to answer.

  “A very public place,” he said as he laughed again then took a single step closer. He shoved his hands into his overcoat, the move pronounced.

  He wanted her to feel comfortable. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Honestly. Just a drink, maybe an appetizer. Nothing too formal or time consuming. My sister is taking Jamie to dinner, so I’ll be all alone.”

  The man was actually pouting. She unlocked the car and shoved her briefcase inside. “Mr. Breuster, Troy, I appreciate the invitation, but I’m not certain we should consider dating.”

  “We’re not dating. Not exactly. Just two people out for a drink and a lively conversation. I have a few questions about dogs anyway.”

  Even his voice was imploring, sweet with a hint of sensuality. Maybe she’d overreacted, thinking his harsh look was more than it was. “Okay. That would be fine.”

  “Oh, fantastic! I know of a place that I think you’ll like.” He took two steps closer, crowding her space, but his hands remained in his pockets. “Do you know Ziggy’s in town?”

  “Yes, I’ve only been there once.” She swallowed hard as his cologne permeated her nostrils. She couldn’t deny the fact the man was sexy.

  “Then I think you’ll enjoy tonight. Karaoke. If you can tolerate it.”

  When he grinned, the entire moment lighting up his handsome face, she relaxed more. “Actually, that sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “Should I pick you up or meet you there?” Troy asked, the smile remaining genuine.

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  “Eight thirty? Is that too late?”

  “Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday. No school.”

  “That’s right. Of course. Perfect then. I’ll see you there.” Troy looked down to her shoes then popped his gaze back up to her eyes, as if avoiding concentrating on anything else. “Looking very forward to getting to know you.”

  Laney watched as he walked off, his gait powerful, his long legs pumping as he headed away. She leaned against the car then glanced up at the sky, shuddering given the cold breeze. Why was she wishing the date was with Garcia? No, this wasn’t a date. Not a date at all.

  Hell, yes this was a date. As she headed out of the parking lot, she couldn’t help but wonder what the evening had in store. Allowing a smile, she only knew she was more excited than she had been in a long time. Too bad her rather sensual thoughts had very little to do with Troy. What if she dated two men at one time? Laughing, she turned on the radio as her thoughts drifted to what in God’s name she was going to wear.

  Laney eased out of the car, surveying the parking lot. The time she’d been to Ziggy’s was well over a year before and with a friend who no longer lived in Missoula. She gripped the top of the driver’s door, wrinkling her brow as she patted her other hand down her dress. She hadn’t been out enough to even know what was the acceptable attire for a Friday night, but Ziggy’s was a country restaurant and bar. Maybe jeans and cowboy boots. The thought made her grin.

  A lump remained in her throat, the same one that had been there since she’d accepted Troy’s offer. Driving home in a blur, she’d talked to Topper the entire time she’d searched through her closet. The pup must think she was nuts. She grabbed her smaller purse, a leather folder containing only the barest of essentials, and closed and locked the door. Moving forward seemed to be an issue and she laughed off her nervousness, realizing she was just new to the game.

  Game. The word was an interesting thought. Was Troy playing a game with her? Why would he? He was a talented man with a delightful son. She willed herself forward, her eyes searching, her pulse racing. The closer she came, the louder the honky-tonk music pulsed through the unassuming building. She stood outside the entrance, debating her decision for the umpteenth time.

  When the door flew open and a couple careened outside, the sounds of kissing and sucking floating past her, she felt instantly at ease. The why didn’t matter. She was ready to go in. She brushed her hand through her hair and pulled open the door, stepping just inside.

  “Welcome to Ziggy’s. Would you like a table?”

  The hostess had a warm smile.

  “I’m not certain.” Laney eased onto her toes, dreading walking in the tall heels through the crowd. “I think I’ll just go to the bar. If that’s okay.”

  “Of course, that’s just fine. Have fun. Tonight is ladies’ night. All drinks are half price.”

  She nodded as she walked by, gripping her purse between her fingers as
if the small leather clutch was a life force. The entire place was lively, loud noise and laughter heard coming from every corner. This was her kind of place, even though she hadn’t experienced anything like this in so long.

  Laney found herself humming as she moved through the crowd. The dichotomy of people was interesting. Professionals in suits, women in fancy dresses and cowboys in hats milled the area, conversing as they toasted or threw back a shot of liquor.

  “You look beautiful. Amazing.”

  Shuddering, she swallowed hard as the hand gripped her arm, pulling her back into a heated body. “Thank you.” The scent of him was powerful. As he slid his hand down from her arm to her waist, the tug just enough to make certain she knew he was hard, she closed her eyes.

  “A woman like you needs to be cherished, loved beyond expectation.” He ground his hips back and forth, every move deliberate, as if practiced.


  “Did you expect anyone else?” Troy nuzzled his face into her neck, shifting until he managed to ease her long strands of hair back from her neck. Nipping her earlobe, he held the tender flesh in his mouth, biting down.

  “Oh!” The single moan escaped her lips and she was mortified given the volume. She laughed and slapped her hand across her mouth, struggling to focus. No one was paying any attention. She placed her hand against his chest, pushing gently.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist, allowing his fingers to dangle down, the tips just below her hips. “I couldn’t wait.”

  As he licked down her neck, peppering kisses across her vein, she shifted, trying her best to relax. The hold was strong, his grip unforgiving. She thought of everything that made her happy. Beaches. The ocean water skipping along the shoreline. Dogs. A glass of wine on a wintry evening. Suddenly, her mouth was dry as an ugly memory crowded her mental space. She slapped his hand and tensed, standing straight. The smell of alcohol was stronger than she would have thought. He’d been here for a while. She pushed again, this time using more force. “Not here.”

  Troy kept his hold for another few seconds then let her go. Moving in front of her, his expression was one of concern. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “Of course not. I was just surprised.”

  He nodded and looked toward the stage. “I have a table if you’d like to join me. I promise I won’t be so forward.”

  “Yes. That would be nice.” She accepted his hand and as he led her through the crowd, his eyes almost never leaving her, she mentally chastised her behavior. A drink. A nice restaurant. This wasn’t a place to be terrified of. Lights pulsed from the stage, following the music. She blinked as he continued to lead the way, his fingers intertwining with hers. She remained tense, images flashing in the back of her mind.

  This was insane. She was safe and in a good place. He was merely being nice, what most gentlemen would do.

  “Are you okay?”

  She heard his voice, knew what he was asking but couldn’t figure out how she was already sitting in a chair. “Fine. I have a little issue with crowds. Nothing more.”

  “Understandable. I took the liberty of ordering you a glass of wine. I hope you don’t mind.” Troy pushed a glass across the table as he leaned over.

  Laney fiddled with the glass, shifting the stem back and forth.

  “If you’d prefer something else, I can grab the waitress.”

  “No. This is perfect.” She took a polite sip and eased her purse down on the table. “Wonderful.”

  “Good.” Troy kept his position and smiled then looked toward the stage. “Entertainment any time.”

  “Sounds amazing.” Why was she so light headed?

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You look flushed.” He rubbed his finger across her cheek.

  She jerked back then shook her head, laughing to hide her trepidation. “I’m absolutely fine. The wine is perfect. I’m just going to find a ladies’ room.” She rose to her feet, unsure of wearing the dress. She had a feeling the man’s hand would wander. Clingy. The word stuck in her mind as she headed for the hallway behind the bar. She kept her head down, refusing to look any of the cowboys in the eyes.


  The hard bump caught her off guard and she skittered backwards. The laugh was the same, the sexy and very husky vibe that had been so tempting before. She lifted her head and even in the dim lighting, could tell Garcia’s eyes were twinkling. “My smokejumper.”

  “Possessive now, Miss Debbie? I think I like that. In fact, I know I do.” Garcia gripped her arms and pulled her to the side. “We just might be destined to run into each other.”

  “Literally.” The moment awkward, she realized she’d kept her grip on his shirt, the tips of her nails just touching his naked skin. Flustered, she tried to wiggle away.

  “Well, it’s wonderful to see you again. The kids were fantastic. I was shocked how much fun I had.” He laughed and eased back, giving her a heated once over. “Whew. That dress sure looks good on you. I mean, if you don’t mind me saying so or anything.”

  “Why would a girl mind? I’m glad you enjoyed it. The kids raved about you. Might need to have you back. More than once even.” As the heat rose into her face, she looked down, cognizant she hadn’t let him go. She finally maneuvered so she could take a step back.

  Garcia grinned. “Glad to hear it. I’ll let my captain know.”


  Another moment of awkwardness settled in. “I know this might sound forward, but could I buy you a drink?”

  “I… Well, I…”

  “I’m sorry. I have no doubt you’re here with your husband.”

  Now or never. Laney needed to tell him the truth. “I need to confess.”

  “Confessing your sins now? I might like this. Course, we should do it over wine or a couple beers, but I’m listening.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not married, and my name isn’t Debbie.”

  Garcia raised his eyebrows. “I kinda figured. You really must have thought I was a serial killer. I guess I do look pretty gruff.”

  “No, you look amazing. Handsome. I mean… I am so not good at this.”

  “You’re just fine if you ask me.” Garcia’s voice dipped, his eyes moving back and forth.

  God, she wanted to kiss the man. What was going on with her? A bead of perspiration trickled down the back of her neck and she knew she had to get back. “Maybe a drink another time?”

  Garcia tipped his head. “I’d like that.”

  “If you want, I’ll give you my number. So, you can program it into your phone, I mean.” Now, she was full out sweating.

  He patted his back pockets and groaned. “My phone’s at the table but I tell you what…” The words trailed off as he grabbed a pen out of his pocket. “Write it on my arm. That way I won’t lose it.”

  Why was his grin the sexiest thing she’d seen in years? “You’re sure. Won’t piss off your girlfriend or date or…” Now, she had to ask.

  He shrugged. “None of the above. I swore off women,” he said as he held out his pen then lifted his arm.

  “Then what am I?” she couldn’t resist as she penned the numbers on his skin, hers tingling. She was aware his breath was ragged, and he remained quiet until she finished. The moment she handed him the pen, he placed his fingers over hers. The same electricity shot through her, leaving her mouth dry but her pussy wet and clenching. There was no doubt given the shimmer in his eyes that he was feeling the same thing.

  Garcia looked away briefly before giving her a huge smile. “Something very special. Very special indeed.”

  When he disappeared out into the crowd, she fanned her face and eased back against the wall.

  “What gives? You look like the cat who ate the canary,” Stoker said as Garcia sat down at the table.

  Garcia palmed the top, his hands sweaty, his heart racing. “I, uh…”

  “Are you okay? I swear to God, you’re white, other than that bruise on your eye. Another woman light that fire of you
rs? And what the hell is on your arm?” Stoker narrowed his eyes.

  “Funny.” He brushed the tip of his finger across the ink then fumbled to grab his phone, almost dropping it to the floor.

  Stoker burst into laughter. “Okay, now I’m worried about you. Do I need to call a paramedic, take you to the hospital? What?”

  Holding up his middle finger, he turned on his phone, typing in her number. “I met this amazing woman. I changed her flat tire after she tried to run me off the road and hit me with a tire iron. I had to teach all her seven-year-olds about fire safety and I just ran into her again in the bathroom, well outside the bathroom. She’s just…” You bet he was rambling, something he wasn’t entirely certain he’d ever done before. When he looked up, the amused look on Stoker’s face made him roll his eyes. “Yep, I sound ridiculous.”

  “A bit, but more like you’re a man in love. So, tell me, does this murderous woman who has a pack of children and hangs around darkened hallways have a name?”

  Garcia slunk back in his seat and darted a look around the room. He found her the second she looked in his direction. “Um…”

  Stoker followed his gaze then sighed. “She’s with a guy but very pretty.”

  “She’s exquisite and that’s not her husband so it’s okay.”

  “Which means she has a husband and a boyfriend. This sounds like a match made in heaven. Let’s have a double ceremony.”

  Snorting, Garcia grabbed his beer bottle and nodded to her.

  “Let’s try this one more time. Does she have a name?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “Let me guess, you don’t know that either.” Stoker dropped and shook his head.

  “She does. I just don’t know the real one yet.” He typed in ‘xxx’ and hit save, grinning like a kid. “But I’m going to find out.”

  “I think you better before you have a heart attack. I’d wait until the stuffy attorney type leaves her alone, though.”

  Garcia narrowed his eyes. “You know he’s an attorney?”

  “I can always tell,” Stoker said as he winked. He twisted to face Garcia. “So.”


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