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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3)

Page 10

by Piper Stone

  The man towered over her, even in her heels, and she’d never felt so protected, so cared for. Garcia had a quiet manner about him, a beautiful way of moving. She palmed his chest, her fingers kneading over the thin material of his shirt. With every sway, every few steps, he squeezed the small of her back, the touch firm, controlling.

  “You’re an excellent dancer,” he whispered and lowered his head.

  Laney tilted her head until their lips were almost touching. “You’re easy to dance with.” She could tell her heart was racing and she tingled from the way he moved, his hips grinding back and forth against hers. The friction created left her breathless, her mouth dry. She found herself on her tiptoes, finally resting her head against his shoulder.

  Garcia rubbed her back as he hummed to the music, turning them in circle after circle. When the song ended, he eased back and cupped her face. “You’re very beautiful.”

  They clung to each other as the lights became brighter. Their lips were barely an inch apart and she slid her arm around his neck, her fingers in his hair.

  “I’m sorry if that was too forward.” He took a step back, breaking the hold.

  “Not at all,” she whispered.

  “Can you stay?”


  “Good, because I am getting to know you better. You can’t run away from me this time.” He gripped her hand, the hold more protective, even dominating, and walked with purpose back toward the table.

  There was such demand in the tone of his voice, but unlike Troy, she was completely comfortable, even excited by his commanding ways. He seemed carefree, playful but when it came to his desires, that was something else entirely. She could tell all the eyes of his friends were on them, watching their every move. They were obviously a close-knit group, caring in ways she’d never experienced. The men were also rugged, handsome and she gathered they held their own in the bar, as if they owned the place.

  “Are you going to introduce us to your friend?”

  Garcia raised a single eyebrow as he grunted. “Don’t you have a fiancée, a pregnant fiancée, to tend to?”

  “When my friend enjoys a dance like that, whew, baby, then I know I have to meet the sassy filly who stole his heart. I’m Stoker Hansen. This is my buddy, Riker Sheffield.”

  “Watch these guys. They think they’re all that and two bags of chips. Laney, meet the boys,” Garcia said, laughing.

  Laney grinned as she shook their hands. “Don’t worry, fellas. I can handle him with one hand tied behind my back.”

  “Oh! I like this girl,” Riker said as he popped Garcia on the shoulder.

  “Seriously, if you need me to keep him in line, just let me know,” Stoker added.

  “Oh, no, you don’t, boys. Leave the girl alone. I’m Jessica. Nice to have you here. I’ll take them away, so you can enjoy your time.” Jessica shook her head.

  “I like meeting his friends,” Laney said.

  “Trust me. They are a handful. Come on, boys. Let them alone.” Jessica backed away, grabbing Stoker’s arm.

  “Later, dude. Remember, we have more training exercises in the morning. Don’t be too exhausted.” Riker laughed as he walked away.

  “Training?” Laney asked.

  “Yeah, we’re training with another group of smokejumpers. Pain in the ass if you ask me.” He sat down, pulling her down beside him. “I’m not certain we’re going to be able to talk here. The guys, they mean well, but they’ll bug us to death.”

  “Never seen you with a girl?” Laney teased.

  “Honestly? No.”

  The single faraway look caught her attention. He seemed as lonely as she was, perhaps even more so. “They seem like great friends.”

  “They are. We all are in fact. They just need to know everything that’s going on. Local hangout so everybody knows everybody’s business. If you know what I mean.”

  “Then why do you come here?”

  He inhaled and nodded several times. “Good question. Why don’t we go somewhere else? I know a very quiet bar not too far from here.”

  She debated and just by looking into his eyes, she wanted to take a chance, to live as a young woman for a change. She’d never just let herself go. “I have a better idea.”

  “I’m up for anything. Shoot.”

  “My place isn’t too far. We could share some wine or a drink. I mean it’s nothing fancy but very quiet.”

  Garcia leaned in. “You sure you can trust me? We could grab your tire iron out of the trunk just in case.”

  “You’re very bad. I have other weapons.”

  He hesitated before bursting into laughter. “I’d love that. Peace and quiet.”

  “Follow me?”

  “I will.” As they walked to the entrance, he stopped her just before going outside. Brushing his fingers across her face, he lowered his head so only she could hear. “Be careful what you ask for. I don’t let go very easily.”

  She shivered from his words and the connotation. Truth was, she didn’t want him to let go.

  He took her by the hand, closing her car door and waiting until she started the engine. When she was alone, she glanced into the rearview mirror, the light from the parking lot just enough to highlight his long legs and muscular ass. “What are you doing, crazy girl?” For the first time in ages, her little voice, the one nagging her about every decision in her life was quiet.

  The drive seemed to take forever, even though her cabin was less than ten miles from the restaurant. When he parked beside her, she held her breath. Allowing a man inside her house meant she was finally ready to move on.

  They both remained quiet as Topper greeted them, sniffing the guest then trotting down the steps.

  “He doesn’t like anyone,” she whispered, amazed her pup was so comfortable.

  “He knows I’m an animal lover. I have horses anyway. What’s his name?” Garcia waited with her, standing behind, one hand on her waist.

  Her entire body quivered, and she had difficulty finding words, any words. “Topper. He’s been with me since I moved here. I’ve always wanted a horse since I was a little girl.”

  “He’s gorgeous and you can ride my Beauty anytime.”

  She hadn’t realized she’d leaned against him until Topper knocked into her legs on the way back inside. Laughing, she was suddenly embarrassed. This was still a stranger, a man she knew little about other than his profession and that he adored children. “Come inside. It’s freezing.”

  “I love nights like this,” he whispered as he gripped her arm, pointing to the sky. “You can see every star, every constellation. Why I love living in Montana. So clean. So beautiful.”

  “This is my home now. I never thought I’d like the West, but here I am. No place I’d rather be.” She was prepared for a litany of questions, but instead, he held her close, whispering names of stars in her ear. The moment was freeing, enthralling in a manner she could never be able to explain. In the few minutes shared, she began to feel as if she’d known him her entire life.

  “I’ll take you up on the mountain some time. The best place to see the stars,” Garcia said then exhaled. “Best place to think, come clean with your life.”

  There was such sadness in his words, such a quiet reverie that she gripped his hand, allowing their fingers to intertwine. “Then I’d love to go with you.”

  “Come on. I’ll take that drink now.”

  Laney couldn’t help but study him as he opened the door, closing it behind them and immediately going for the fireplace.

  He jerked off his coat and knelt, studying the firewood. “Do you mind if I start a fire?”

  “I’d love that. I don’t take the time to make one for myself. If you need more wood, it’s on the side of the house. I’ll get some wine. Is that okay?”

  Tipping his head, he offered a huge smile. “Whatever you’re having is fine.”

  Every cell in her body continued to quiver as she headed to the kitchen. She gripped the counter, breathing out for fear of mo
aning. This was insane. This was so out of character. This was the best and a more intense level of sensations she’d had since… “No.” The single word said out loud, she refused to think about anything but tonight.

  She hummed as she found her best wine glasses, a bottle of wine and struggled to find the wine opener. She’d had the damn thing the night before. Where in the hell did she put it? Laughing, she noticed it on the counter, along with a partial glass of wine. Had she really left a glass out? This wasn’t like her. She must have been more rattled by the day than she thought.

  When she walked back into the living room, the fire was roaring, and Garcia stood by her CD player. As music began to play, she held her breath. The group was her favorite, one she hadn’t bothered to listen to for months.

  The moment he turned around, his smile turned into a look of pure lust, raw and unadulterated, his eyes sweeping down to her tall heels. In his hands was her diary, the one she’d left on the table. Stunned, she had no idea what to say. Heat crept up from the base of her neck and she felt lightheaded. His look continued, much more dominating than before.

  This wasn’t about being undressed with his eyes. He simply was telling her in no uncertain terms how much he appreciated the way she looked. He’d read her words, knew what she was thinking. “What are you doing?”

  “Laney. I’m not trying to intrude. I noticed the book and had no idea that…” His words trailed off as he eased the diary onto the coffee table. “I apologize. I shouldn’t have snooped.”

  She wanted to be furious, to banish him from the house, but she couldn’t. She studied his expression. There was no judging, no laughing. He’d accepted it as if her desire was totally normal. “You must think I’m ridiculous.”

  “Oh God, no. The words were beautiful, exactly what I want. You have no idea.” There was no malice or sarcasm, only a heartfelt statement. “Come.”

  Swallowing hard, she walked further into the room, easing the wine and glasses onto the small coffee table. She remained uncertain of what to say. “They are just words. I just…”

  “Please, they were amazing. A part of you,” Garcia whispered and patted the rug in front of the fire. “Come. Take your shoes off.”

  His tone was commanding, the same one he’d used at Ziggy’s. However, she obeyed, removing and kicking away her heels before sliding down to the rug.

  “Much better. You’re a jeans and boots kind of girl,” he stated, every word so matter of fact. “But I love the dress.”

  “Yes. How did you know?”

  “I just know. Sit by the fire. I’ll pour the wine.” His smile had returned, but the tone remained dark, almost dangerous.

  Everything about this man was exactly what she fantasized about every night. There was no reason to fear or worry. This man knew her already, could sense her desires, her longing to be cared for, protected and shown new heights of pleasure. He knew her inner thoughts, longing for someone she could trust without a shadow of a doubt.

  Garcia gave her another look as he crawled toward the wine, pouring two glasses.

  Every cell on fire, she blinked several times as she envisioned them in bed, his hand holding down her wrists, his powerful thrusts as he fucked her, taking everything she had to give then turning her over, spanking her long and hard. She was unable to push aside the visions as she sat down and rubbed her arms. The fantasy was so real, so vivid. She could almost hear his grunts, so masculine and full of desire as he pumped into her, his cock filling her pussy until she was left breathless.

  Laney rubbed the tip of her finger across her mouth, longing for him to kiss her, crush his mouth over hers. She wanted him to command her every move, tell her exactly how to please him in every way. And she would please him, licking his cock, sucking his balls. She closed her eyes, the image shifting. She was over his lap and he was spanking her, slap after hard slap, punishing her for being a bad girl. Yes, she would be good. She would learn to obey his every command.

  “Laney. Are you all right? You’re flushed. Please don’t let the diary bother you.” Garcia touched her cheek with the back of his hand. “You’re warm.”

  “I, um…” The single moan escaped her lips. Mortified, she bit her lips and lowered her head. “I’m sorry. I was thinking.”

  “Powerful thoughts. Would you like to share?”

  He sat in front of her, so close, so very close. I want you to spank me, fuck me. The words were on the tip of her tongue. She allowed a long breath before she tried to smile. “That’s not me, I mean not really. I don’t live that way or...” The words died in her throat.

  He lifted a single eyebrow and handed her the wine. “I know you don’t know anything about me.”

  Could he see how hard her nipples were? Could he smell the scent of her desire? She hid behind the glass, shutting down her thoughts. “You’re right. You’re so different than I expected.”

  “How so?” He crowded closer.

  “Do you always get what you want?”

  The question seemed to throw him. He looked away then suddenly his lips were touching hers. “I only go after what I want, but to answer your question. Yes. However, I’ve allowed few women into my life.”


  He sat back, his eyes searching hers. “The kind of relationship I long for is difficult to find. You figured me out, somehow. You know I want to be in control, in my profession and in my relationship. Few women understand it.” Laughing, he swirled his wine. “Oh, some women say they crave a spanking or harsh discipline, but in the bedroom only. Most of them have read Fifty Shades and find a dominating man attractive for a few nights or even a few weeks, but not forever. And, no, I’m not talking hard BDSM.” He grinned as he darted a look in her direction.

  “I can’t explain why I long for a firm hand, control and discipline.” Laney wrinkled her nose and hid behind the glass. “That’s not true. I’ve been like this since I was a child, but the limited experiences I’ve had, somehow, I managed to find assholes who wanted to beat me. Trust me, I might be little in stature, but I’ll kick a man’s ass who lifts his fist.” She groaned, seeing his face then dropped and shook her head. “And I can’t believe I just told you that.”

  He lifted her chin with his index finger. “Don’t be embarrassed by what you hunger for. I’m not.” His voice was husky, full of sexual innuendos.

  She touched his eye. “A woman who didn’t understand?”

  “A woman who appreciates kinky but has no understanding of sharing a life of discipline.”

  “There is a difference. I’ve never really had a girlfriend or anyone to share stories, I know they wouldn’t understand.” A nervous laugh slipped from her throat. Admitting this to a man, a stranger was actually freeing. “I want so many things. I guess the diary helps me live them. You know?”

  “I understand more than you know. Can you see yourself living the lifestyle?”

  Laney thought about his question. “I could. With the right man, one who adores me as I do him and someone I could trust implicitly.”

  “I hope you can learn to trust me one day.”

  His words, the way he said them wasn’t just thrilling but an awakening of the woman inside. “I think I already do.”

  Leaning in, he cupped her chin and rubbed his thumb back and forth across the seam of her mouth. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She was tingling all over, her nipples aching, her pussy wet and in such need. Closing her eyes, she panted as his fingers caressed her face, her neck and shoulder. Goose bumps popped along her naked skin as he brushed the tip of a single finger down her arm. She could feel his hot breath skating across her face and neck, the sound strangled as if his desire was off the charts. She realized seconds later that he’d taken her glass out of her hand. When she opened her eyes, the flicking glow of the flames highlighted the flecks in his eyes, an opening to his very soul.

  His lips pursed, he eased his hand around to the back of her neck, gripping, his fingers digging in, and pulled her forwar
d. Crushing her mouth, he thrust his tongue inside and tipped her back as he explored, tasting, his tongue moving back and forth.

  She gripped his arm and remained on edge, yet his hold, his very commanding needs began to unravel her pent-up fears, forcing excitement forward. Suddenly, she was surging with adrenaline, electricity shooting up the length of her spine.

  He slipped his hand under the hem of her dress, crawling his fingers up the outside of her thigh. The moment he wrapped his hand around her leg, he pulled her forward, forcing her leg to curl around his hip.

  As the kiss continued, passion swelled to the point she could barely breathe. She swept her arms around his neck, intertwining her fingers in his hair. No man had ever French kissed her with such intensity. She was tingling all over, her legs shaking to the point they were going numb.

  When he broke the hold, he kept his grip on the back of her neck and wrapped his hand around her long hair, tugging back her head. He growled as he lowered his lips to her neck, pressing kisses just under her ear. He whispered, the sound husky, “I want you, every inch of you.”

  A moan escaped her lips as he licked and nipped her skin. She fell into the moment, her body relaxing, her mind going to the places of ecstasy she’d only fantasized about. Panting, she kept her eyes closed as he moved his fingers to the bodice of her dress, dipping his fingers under the silky material. She wanted nothing more than to be touched, kissed all over and taken in any manner he desired.

  He pulled her other leg around his then cupped her breast, his fingers squeezing. “Your skin is so soft.”

  “Mmm…” There were no words to describe the sensations rocketing through every cell, her entire body. She was simply lost to the pleasure.

  Garcia kept her in an arc as he lowered down, using his teeth to tug the material down from her breast. He engulfed the lace of her bra covering her nipple into his mouth, sucking as he rubbed her leg, his fingers dancing over her skin. Every touch deliberate, he yanked her bra, revealing her nipple then pinched the already hardened bud. “Everything about you is sensual.”


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