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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3)

Page 22

by Piper Stone

  Laney turned toward him and could see total truth on his face. “You had nothing to do with his split lip and black eye?”

  “Not a thing. I wouldn’t do that. Violence doesn’t solve anything and besides, if he’s with a group of criminals, I don’t think those actions would have been prudent.” Garcia grinned.

  She exhaled and couldn’t help but smile. Even Garcia’s look was one of mischief, a little boy expression that no woman could resist. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I just… Wait a minute. If you didn’t beat him up, then why did he lie?”

  “Did he tell you that I attacked him?”

  She thought about what had been said. “No, but he allowed me to come to my own conclusions. He wanted me to think that you hit him.”

  “I don’t think there’s anything sinister there. He’s jilted.” He inched closer, rubbing his hands down her arms. “I won out over him. I get the girl. I am the big cheese.”

  “Very funny.” She’d witnessed Troy’s face. “He really wanted me to believe that you beat him.”

  “Well, then that means he’s covering up for someone else doing so. But why? From what I could tell, he’s a decent attorney, handling corporate clients.”

  “From what he told me, yes. But he’s from Miami.”

  “Which means?”

  She thought about her words and rubbed her eyes. “Garcia, I’m originally from Miami. My entire family was there. I left when my house was torched.”

  “That’s how you died in the fire.”

  Nodding, she could feel another cold shiver oozing down the back of her legs. Was there such a thing as coincidences?

  “Did you call your contact?”

  “I did.” She couldn’t get her mind off Troy.

  “Talk to me. I’m standing right here.” He cupped her face, rubbing his thumb across her skin.

  “The detective said everything is through. Tony Scavuli is behind bars.”

  Garcia shrunk back. “Tony Scavuli?”

  “I didn’t want to tell you but since he’s in prison somewhere in Florida, I think I can give you more details.” She pulled away when he furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want you to take a look at something.” He walked toward his kitchen.

  She followed, laughing seeing his sparsely decorated house, his lack of anything personal. “You need a woman’s touch.”

  “I just need a woman,” he said as he grinned. “Working on that if she stops beating me up.” He shifted through some papers.

  “Very funny.” Looking down, she could see printouts on Troy, both his law firm here and in Miami. “You really did investigate him.”

  “I told you. I was very worried. You were terrified, and it’s changed your life.” He handed her a paper. “Take a look at this. Do you recognize this article?”

  Laney read the words and shook her head. “Not that I can remember. That was after I left. What do you think this is?”

  “I don’t know, but I sent the reporter an email. We’ll see if he has any other information.”

  She placed her hand on his arm. “It’s over. I love that you care so much, but it’s really over.”

  He pulled her into his arms, lowering his head and whispering, “I don’t want anything to happen to you. I just found you.”

  Tipping her head until their lips just touched, she answered, “I know. I’m here and I’m going to stay here.”

  Crushing her mouth, he held the back of her head as he French kissed her, keeping her heated body against his chest.

  She clenched her eyes shut as the passion roared between them, current riding up the back of her legs, tearing into every cell. She moaned into the kiss as her nipples hardened, pushing hard against her thin blouse.

  He rubbed his hands up and down her back then tugged at her coat, jerking it off one arm at a time. After dropping it to the floor, he slid his hands under her buttocks, lifting her up.

  Straddling his legs, she allowed her fingers to intertwine in his hair as the kiss continued, leaving her breathless and lightheaded.

  Cradling her in his arms, he swung her around then broke the kiss, nuzzling under her neck. He bit down as she threw back her head, the moan turning into an intense series of whimpers.

  She was on fire, crazed with desire. He held her head back, keeping her neck exposed as he nipped her flesh, creating glorious pain. His kisses and nips turned into licks as he traveled further down, pushing his nose into her shirt. She was lost to the pleasure, tingling, her body quivering.

  Garcia eased her down and gripped both sides of her face. “You worried me. You know that. Right?”

  “I do. I’m sorry.”

  “You just can’t do that when someone cares about you.”

  “You truly care about me?” His smile was telling yet the way he looked at her was breathtaking.

  “Lady, I’ve fallen so hard for you that my head is spinning. I promise you that I’ll keep you happy, loved. Safe. I will do everything in my power to fill your days full of passion.”

  Shuddering, she was bursting with happiness, a joy unfulfilled for years. Years of her life wasted. “Oh, Garcia. I love you. I know we’ve known each other for a short period of time, but I love you and I want to share what I have with you.” She could feel the beating of his heart, caught the way his breath was skipping.

  He tugged at her shirt, freeing the edge from her jeans. Peeling the material over her shoulders and dropping it, he kept a grin on his face, his eyes narrowing as they filled with a dominant longing. “But…”

  “But?” she managed as she fumbled with his jeans.

  “You’re going to have to learn that girls who terrify their boyfriends will be disciplined.”

  She jerked her head up. “I didn’t mean to terrify you.”

  “But you did.” He kept a look of authority on his face as he backed them up, moving further into the living room.

  “But I won’t again?” Everything about his tone of voice, his demeanor was titillating. She craved his dominating side.

  He shook his head and pulled her all the way around until he could sit on the couch. “Nope. Not good enough.”

  As he unfastened her jeans, yanking them down her hips, she remained quiet, but her gaze never left his hands.

  “Discipline. You need very strict discipline.” Garcia slipped his fingers under the elastic of her thong, pulling the crimson lace down her thighs. “Very strict.” He pulled her over his lap and rubbed the small of her back.

  She placed her hands on the floor and would never be able to explain the freeing feeling, the utter blissful moment of accepting finally, once and for all, the woman she’d tried desperately to push aside. Years of denial and one man was able to awaken the sleeping princess. She held no more fear, no resentment and no more anger. She only wanted this to be the beginning of a new life. Reborn with a man she’d fallen in love with.

  Crack! Pop!

  “Oh!” The moment his hand peppered spanks across her buttocks, she swooned, jerking up as a reaction.

  “Keep your position. This is good for you,” he whispered.

  The deep baritone rang in her ears.

  Whap! Smack! Pop!

  She breathed out, trying her best to keep her place.

  Crack! Smack!

  “Can you learn to obey me?” His question held a slight sound of uncertainty, needing her affirmation as they continued forward, forging a relationship for them both.

  “Yes, sir.”


  Smack! Pop!

  As the spanks fell hard and fast, every crack of his hand methodical, practiced, she was lulled into a fantasy fulfilled.

  Crack! Smack!

  Harder and faster the whipping came, his hand peppering back and forth.

  Perspiration beaded down from her forehead and nose, dripping down onto the colorful area rug. She watched as the drops fell in slow motion until her ears were ringing and she could no longer focus.

  Smack! Whap!

  The spanking continued until he grunted and lowered down, kissing her upper back. He rubbed his fingers down her spine to the crack of her ass then tapping both cheeks before gathering her into his arms.

  She nuzzled against his neck and draped her arm over his shoulder, blinking as the tears fell. They weren’t just tears from the painful spanking. They were tears of joy, tears of letting go.

  Tears of salvation.

  Laney was now free of her monster.

  Chapter 11

  “I wish I could go with you,” Laney said as she moved in front of him, adjusting the collar on his shirt.

  “You have to teach those adorable children of yours,” Garcia said as he studied his reflection in the mirror. They’d made love for several hours before going to her place and bringing Topper back with them. He’d seen the boxes, packed and ready to flee, and the realization that he’d almost lost her had hit him hard. Somehow, he’d convinced her to come and stay with him, even for a few days. Sometime during the middle of the night, an understanding had shifted in his muddled brain.

  He was going to fight for his job, his career and his entire team. The sudden need to be a part of something, a team member had kept him awake the remainder of the night. When he’d finally laid back down, spooning her peaceful body, he’d fallen asleep for a couple of hours. He’d awakened refreshed and ready to kick some ass.

  “Yes, you’re right, but you will call me and tell me how it went. Right?”

  He turned to face her, taking her hands into his. “Absolutely. I might not make a difference.”

  “But you have to try and I’m proud of you.”

  “Says the teacher herself.”

  She rubbed the tip of her finger across his nose. “You’re a star and you’re going to do great.” She rose onto her tiptoes, kissing his lips.

  Garcia pulled her against his chest, smacking her ass a single time. “Just be a good girl today and don’t go beating up any of the men you encounter.”

  “You are one bad man.” She took a step away, her expression changing. “I still don’t get why Troy would lie to me.”

  He kissed her forehead and shrugged. “Stop worrying. He’s a guy. Scourges of the earth, all of them.”

  “Well, you ought to know,” she said as she laughed. “You look very handsome.”

  Exhaling, he grabbed his jacket. “There is a funeral tomorrow for the fallen smokejumper. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course, I’ll stand by your side.”

  “I shouldn’t be long.”

  “What about going back to the team?” she asked, a sly smile on her face.

  “I might stop by.”

  “You better. I can crack my whip too, you know.”

  Garcia walked toward the door and as soon as he opened it, he stole a glance at Topper then at the love of his life. He could get used to this. “I’ll give you a call.”

  For several reasons, the walk out the door was difficult, more so than he’d anticipated. Not only did he want to stay, but speaking in front of a group of people wasn’t his style. He eased into the truck, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel before starting the engine. However, this he had to do.

  The drive was without incident, the heavy rock station allowing him to clear his head. When he pulled up to the administration building, he could see a packed parking lot. He managed to find a spot in the back and the entire time he walked toward the entrance, he thought about what he was going to say. Simple. The truth about what they did.

  He was checked for weapons before being allowed in and after being directed to the correct room, he stood in the lobby, collecting not only his thoughts but forcing back his anxiety. Whatever the decision, he could at least sleep at night.

  The space was standing room only and he slipped inside, easing against the back wall. He could see a very tense Captain Phillips, sitting at the front in full uniform. He slipped his hand down the front of his dress uniform, thankful he’d made the decision to wear it. Only a few minutes elapsed until the city council and the mayor took their positions at the front of the room.

  “Thank you everyone for coming today. On our agenda for this morning will be certain decisions regarding several of our municipal departments including Parks and Recreation, Roads and Emergency Management including our local fire department and smokejumping teams. As you can imagine, the Missoula budget has certain constraints and we are certainly trying to accommodate needs as well as wants. We will open the floor for an hour of comments.”

  Garcia studied Mayor Falk’s expression. Poker face. She was cold and calculated when she needed to be. He waited, listening to various comments about adding new playgrounds and fixing certain roads. There wasn’t a single person in the group who gave a single comment on the status of the Emergency Management teams. Time was getting short. Sweat beaded along his hairline as he walked closer, waiting until the person in front of him offered her opinion on new playgrounds.

  Then, he had his turn.

  Garcia stepped up to the microphone, waiting until he was acknowledged. “My name is Garcia Puevos with the secondary Missoula smokejumping team. The Jackals. We call ourselves that because of our tenacity when working on a fire, and there have been hundreds of them. I’m a rookie with this particular department but have also served with Engine Company 12 of the firefighting unit.”

  Captain Phillips heard his voice and turned, shock riding his face. He gave a single nod, one of respect.

  “Thank you for coming here today, Rookie Puevos. Please, give us your thoughts.”

  He hesitated as adrenaline kicked in and found it difficult to express his thoughts. When he gathered the courage, he breathed out before speaking. “I’ve been with this amazing team of smokejumpers for a year. The best year of my life. During this time, I’ve been a part of saving hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of land, equipment, housing and business facilities and yes, many lives. I’ve learned in a short amount of time how to count on your team to stay alive. Every one of us would die for you. We would risk our families, our livelihood and our very lives to save yours.”

  Garcia took a breath and was encouraged by his captain’s flashing eyes. “I also learned that our equipment is vital in everything we do. Unfortunately, our sister team lost a member of their team a few days ago. While I don’t have all the details, I do know that a new piece of equipment, a parachute, was the reason for his death. Not his training. Not his team. Not his captain. The parachute itself, which was ordered from a second-class dealer out of China. He lost his life in an effort to continue to practice safety requirements, so he could save all of you from losing everything you own, including your lives.” He turned, glancing from right to left. All eyes were on him.

  He had to swallow to keep going and gripped the edge of the podium for support. “I’ve never worked with a better team, caring and giving, risking their lives every time a call comes over the radio. We’ve offered assistance to the fire department, the sheriff’s office, several states who called for our expertise and many of the local businesses in town. Our town. We are here for a reason and to shut us down would mean termination of the finest group of emergency personnel that I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. We need our jobs because you need us. Pitting one team against the other is just wrong. We all must work together. A man I trust more than anyone in this town reminded me that we’re all a team. Every man and woman who rushes into danger without question. I implore you to make certain we can continue and with safety in mind. Thank you for your time.” As he stepped away from the podium, he realized his entire body was shaking.

  The quiet remaining in the entire room was eerie, breathtaking.

  “Thank you for your candid remarks,” Mayor Falk said as she stood, her eyes closing as she nodded out of respect.

  Garcia held his breath as he backed away and when he was at the door, he turned to look at Captain Phillips’ face. It was filled with pride.

  Garcia stood on the outskir
ts, studying his team as they sat around the table in their special room, the very place where they discussed women, discipline and their job. Today, everything seemed so out of order. He remained in his uniform, having driven the city for several hours. His single call with Laney had been supportive. He hesitated before going in, listening in on the conversation. He could see pensive faces, could hear the fear in their voices.

  “Christ. What’s taking so freaking long?” Landen groaned as he glared at his watch and swirled his beer bottle.

  Stoker continued to pace the room as he grunted. “I think this means bad news. Captain Phillips would have arrived already to give us information about a positive outcome.”

  “Don’t jinx us,” Sawyer huffed under his breath.

  “Either way, we are the best team there is,” Riker growled.

  “You are the best team. We are the best team.” Garcia entered the room.

  Landen stood, a look of relief on his face.

  Boone spewed beer and coughed.

  “Are you back?” Stoker asked, his tone apprehensive.

  “I never left,” Garcia managed as he walked further into the room. “This is my family.”

  “Yes!” Sawyer half shouted.

  “You do that again and we are all going to kick your ass!” Tyler took long strides toward him.

  “I’m first in line,” Cooper stated then shook his head.

  Stoker walked toward him, pulling him into a hug, Jessica right behind him. “I knew you wouldn’t let us down.”

  “I didn’t want to let myself down,” Garcia whispered.

  “The team isn’t the same without you. You should have heard Stoker bitching about you not being there. Bitch. Bitch,” Jessica said, her laugh filtering into the room. She gave Garcia a bear hug and kissed his face. “You scared us. You’re important.”

  “Thank you.” Garcia could feel heat rising on his face.

  After patting him on the shoulder, Stoker grinned. “Hard thinking?”

  “Laney helped me decide.” Garcia grinned. “How’s the leg?”

  Sawyer shrugged. “I’m fine.”


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