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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13)

Page 141

by Samantha Leal

  And so Jax began wandering in the cool countryside. It didn't take long for him to discover a cave in a cliff face. He poked his head in with interest, cautious of animals who may already be inside the dwelling. He let his eyes adjust for a moment and saw that nothing else was living inside before ducking in to explore. Maybe Jonathan had been there. His heart was brimming with the possibility of seeing his brother again. He couldn't wait to finally embrace him and apologize for all the years of being without him. He felt so close he could touch it.

  Jax made his way carefully down the cave, and suddenly found his foot caught on something. He nearly tripped over it and cursed, lowering himself into a crouch and examining the contents on the floor. Suddenly, his heart started to pound painfully. His food had wound around the strap of a bag.

  It was a bag that he recognized.

  A bag that belonged to his brother.

  It had everything in there. His essentials. They were things that he would never have left behind, even if he was just going out to take a piss. He would've taken them wherever he went, which meant that something must have happened to him. Something terrible.

  Jax burned with grief as his shaking hands sifted through his brother's belongings. Everything was hopeless now. He would never see his brother again. They had left everything in shambles, their relationship broken and cold, and there was no way that he would ever be able to apologize for it.

  The sudden realization brought Jax to the floor. Everything was meaningless now without his brother. Nobody would ever be able to make him feel better. Everything was miserable and unfair. The virus; the circumstances of his brother's parting. He didn't even care that Layne was in their homestead, waiting for him to come back. She would never be able to understand his grief. He was completely alone.

  He suddenly got to his feet and ran out of the cave as fast as he could. His only living family member was gone. Layne's had been gone for a long time already, he knew, she was used to having nobody. But this was a new feeling for him. He had never felt more alone and hopeless.

  He pulled one of the bottles of beer from his sack and chugged it down as quickly as he could, glancing at Layne's note and crumpling it up before reading it. Somehow, he blamed her for this. If he hadn't gotten involved with her, he might have found his brother by now. He could have saved him.

  He left the note, allowing it to grow soggy on the wet, icy ground as he began staggering around in the snow and crying loudly. He was drunk and full of agony, and he stumbled, falling face first onto the ground. The coldness bit his face, and it almost felt good. He would give up. He passed out in the snow, waiting to die and join his brother.


  Layne tossed and turned. She was used to sleeping on her stomach, but ever since she had gotten sick, she had felt sensitive everywhere. She had taken to keeping a bucket near her bed in case she needed to throw up again. The illness was persistent, although it didn't seem to drain her of any energy. That was fortunate, and she continued to use her daily routine to give her the motivation that she needed to continue cultivating food and water for the homestead.

  She tried to count her blessings instead of focusing on all of the ways that she was sad and miserable. Being alone made her more likely to remember all of the pain that she suffered when she lost her family to the virus. Her friends and everybody else that she had loved before the virus hit were gone. She had been left to fend for herself and deal with the aftermath, feeling very guilty that somehow she had been able to survive at all without any problems.

  She found herself falling into a deep depression, but she did her best to avoid her troubling thoughts and worked harder and harder in the garden. The activity seemed to help and alleviated some of her nausea. She enjoyed the fresh air, even though it was beginning to grow crisp with the frost.

  One evening, she heard the sound of breaking branches, and nearly hyperventilated. She didn't know who it was, but she hoped that it was Al, bringing some new recruits through the forest. Still, she didn't know who it was and she was vulnerable and alone, so she crept as quietly as she could inside the cabin and shut and locked the door. She situated herself at the window, loading the rifle and cocking it in case she saw anybody encroaching. She wouldn't be as kind as Jax. If anybody came and saw her homestead, she planned to shoot. There was no telling who might be infected, and the carriers tended to travel in groups. Most of them were so angry and bitter and guilty that they were addicts who traded whatever they could find for drugs that would help them drown away their sorrows. That meant that they were a danger to her and to everyone else - whether they could be infected by them still or not. It was hard to tell whether or not the carrier's virus had lain dormant. Nobody had tested them and everybody who was still alive was immune.

  Fortunately, a large deer emerged from the foliage and she lowered the gun, sighing in relief. She had been worried that it was a group of carriers, but it was just a flock of deer who had smelled her delicious vegetables. She hoped that they would leave it alone, but she was in such a good mood after the flood of relief that she would have gladly shared with them.

  Thinking of the carriers ignited her anxiety. What would happen to humanity next? She was concerned that the new population may or may not be able to thrive and flourish. Children who were exposed to the virus probably wouldn't live very long. However, it was possible that with two parents who carried strong genes, they would be able to survive. She felt a twinge of nausea as she thought about the infants who were both vulnerable and innocent. She was glad that she and Jax wouldn't have to worry about that yet. All she had to do was focus on surviving until he came back.


  Jax woke up from a frenzied dream, groaning in appreciation as Layne's mouth nibbled him and stroked his groin. He found himself burning with longing, a nice distraction from the hole in his heart, but pushed her off of him in confusion as he opened his eyes. It wasn't Layne, and it wasn't totally a dream. There was a woman there and he was inside a strange room that was dim and smelled like the earth.

  She looked at him, her ruby red lips smiling seductively. He scowled at her and backed away, his heart thudding. Although she was beautiful, she had startled him and he felt invaded. Still, he had to admit that he was painfully aroused and his body was begging for more of her touch.

  “So you're alive then," she grinned, peering down at his groin. “I see the blood is pumping after all.” He glowered at her and covered himself with his hand. Fortunately, he was still dressed, but she had peeled off his wet outer layers and laid the clothes in front of a fireplace to dry.

  “Where am I?" he asked.

  “You're in Tel Alur,” she said with a grin. “We inhabit the underground city and I brought you there. Did you have a death wish or something? You know it's easy enough to die without stupidity on your side."

  “What does it matter? It's none of your business. I just so happen to have lost somebody very special to me."

  “Who, Jonathan?” she asked, her lips stretching into another sultry smile. His heart thudded at the mention of his brother's name.

  “Actually, he's fine. He was in to see you before you woke up, but he had to leave again.”

  “Are you kidding me?" he growled, gripping her wrists in his strong hands.

  “Oh, I like it when men are feisty with me," she said with a wink. Her dark brown eyes twinkled and she ran her hand through her jet black hair. He felt another pulse of longing in his groin, and felt tempted to give in to it. He was still irrationally angry at Layne. Regardless, he forced himself to look away from the woman. If Jonathan was alive, there was hope. But if she had only heard his name while he was in a fevered dream state, then she was simply trying to fuck with him. He had to find out which one it was.

  “Where did he go? If that's even true," Jax said, fixing a dark glare on the woman.

  “Well, we are preparing for war after all, so it makes sense that he would have plenty to keep him busy.”

  “War? Jonath
an isn't into war," Jax said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Maybe not, but he needs to save his friend. They were both abducted not too long ago by a really mean group who call themselves the Phantoms. They think they are sooo badass because they can survive in the snow. They only do it because they eat anything, even people. They're trying to fatten up your brother's friend right now. Fortunately, Jonathan was smart enough to escape. His friend wasn't so lucky, so we're all going to retaliate and get rid of the problem once and for all. We want to keep things peaceful up here in the North. Believe it or not. It's all rather exciting,” she said, moving close to Jonathan and pulling a blanket around his shoulders.

  She touched his cheek, her beautiful face sparkling with excitement. She was toying with him, testing her power. He wished it wasn't working, but he could feel the yearning in his body, strong and prominent. It had been nearly a month since he'd had any kind of release, and this woman was dangerously close to opening a floodgate he would rather keep closed.

  “Please, go get my brother,” he said sternly, turning away from her.

  She seemed surprised, but somehow pleased at his rejection, and nodded, pulling her hand away and turning on her heel. He purposely avoided looking at her swaying hips and sultry, curvy body, and instead pouted at the wall.

  And then he was being pulled into a bear hug and the spicy scent of his brother was filling his nostrils. Jax opened and closed his mouth, almost ready to vomit from the emotional toll of what he'd just experienced.

  “I thought I'd never see you again,” he breathed.

  “Here I am,” Jonathan said with a wink. It was too good to be true. Maybe he really had died in the cold and it was all a dream.

  “I'm so glad you're here,” Jonathan exclaimed, hugging Jax again. “We need all the help we can get.”

  “You...wait, you mean in this war thing?”


  “Jon, I can't...”

  “What?” Jonathan asked, his face falling in disappointment.

  “Look, I know it's important to you, but I have somewhere to go. A home. Somebody waiting for me. I just needed to know if you're all right. Al came by and told me about you and I had to see for myself. I missed you so much...”

  Now that they were together again, there were no words that felt sufficient enough to explain what he'd been through. The terrible guilt and misery he'd felt when he believed he was truly alone in the world. He had nearly killed himself in his grief, but somehow, he'd been brought to this woman's room and spared.

  “I missed you too,” Jonathan said. His face had aged considerably, and he looked much older with the scruff thick around his face. “Listen, we're still in the planning stages. Talk to your family; think it over. We seriously need the help. We could get killed out there, but I know how skilled you are. You could make or break this thing for us.”

  “Forget about it,” Jonathan begged, gripping his brother's forearm. “Just come back with me. We have everything you'd need. I swear, it's perfect.”

  “I'm sure it is,” Jonathan said, pulling gently out of his brother's grip. “But this expedition was my idea. I'm responsible for risking those men's lives. I can't just leave him there to die. Not when there's something I can do to save him. You can help me or you can go home; those are your choices. It's not safe for you to stay if you're not going to be a part of this. I'd rather you were safe anyway, little brother. You have no stake in this war.”

  Jax opened and closed his mouth in disbelief. He had finally found his brother, but after all this, he might very well lose him again in a needless battle to save one man's skin.

  “It's not just for me,” Jonathan said, lightly punching Jax on the shoulder. “I need to safeguard the future of the children in the community up there. It's a really solid place, you know. They're trying to start something special. Get a real society going again. Not like the turf-war cult hell down south. I'm behind this one hundred percent. Maybe when this is over, you and your family can join us. You'll know where to find me.”

  He winked at Jax and turned away, walking out the doorway. And just like that, his brother was gone again.

  Chapter 8

  “How did it go with your brother?” the sultry woman asked when she returned to her bedroom. Her voice brought another surge of longing to his loins as he remembered the way it felt when she was touching him in his sleep. But he was also angry and disgusted by her and refused to meet her gaze.

  “It's not really any of your business," Jax snapped at her. She smiled, a glow that radiated from across the room, and Jax darkened in response.

  “It must not have gone well," she said, coming toward him.

  “Please, just leave me alone," he said, looking her in the eye. “There is somebody that I love.”

  “Well, she's quite lucky. You're very handsome.”

  And with that, the smiling woman disappeared, leaving him alone in the room. He walked over to the fireplace cursing at himself for feeling such an intense burst of longing that he would have no release for. He pulled his clothes on, groaning in discomfort as they grazed his erection, and grabbed his backpack. He was going to head back home to be reunited with the woman he loved most. The woman who he missed so much that he almost resented loving her in the first place.


  The journey was long and grueling, just as he remembered it on the way there. Unfortunately, it was even harder with the harsh elements working against him. He dug himself a little hole in the snow, creating a wall where the wind was the fiercest and pulled half of the tarp over it. He put the other half of the tarp on the ground to prevent himself from getting wet, packing the snow tightly to create a firm platform. He was elated with the knowledge that his brother was alive, and happy that he knew exactly where to find him. But he was also worried that the pointless war he was fighting might leave him without a family left to speak of.

  He spent the next two weeks running as quickly as he could, heading back home to Layne. At night, he was haunted by thoughts of the seductress, and had to force himself to avoid the images of her face and the memories of the pleasure he felt during the sensual dream he'd had. He would force his thoughts back to Layne, the last sexual encounter they'd had, and try to keep himself from relieving the burning sensation in his loins. It would make him vulnerable if he did.

  Finally, after what seemed like years, the landscape began to look familiar. He followed the path that Al had created until finally he saw the familiar fence coming up in the distance. Before he could get inside, the door flew open and Layne was in his arms. Her intoxicating, rose-scented hair filled his senses, and she moaned immediately as he bucked his hips against her, pulling her pants off of her body and spreading her legs. He lifted her up by the waist and gazed into her sea colored, blue-green eyes.

  “I missed you so much," she whispered.

  “I missed you too," Jax whispered, pulling his throbbing member out of his pants and pushing it inside her with a hard shove. She had already been wet by the time she reached him, and threw her head back with a loud moan as the sudden impact made her knees buckle. He carried her inside, thrusting slowly in and out of her as they moved through the snow covered forest floor and toward the doorway of the cabin.

  They didn't make it to the bedroom. Instead, he pushed her against the wall and showered her entire body with hot kisses that made her moan and writhe against his body. He had been gone for far too long, and she had missed his muscular torso, and the feeling of his long, thick cock pushing intimately inside her.

  She gasped as he groaned loudly and came hard inside her, filling her insides with the hot flow of his orgasm. She hadn't come yet, which he knew, and he moved behind her, pressing himself against her backside and reaching around to cup her firm breast in one hand and slide his fingers inside her with the other. She leaned against him with a moan and he kissed her gently as his penis grew hard again, finally squeezing itself between her legs as it grew more swollen with anticipation.
  In a tangle of limbs, they fell onto the couch, and Layne wrapped her long, perfect legs around his waist as he rammed hard into her, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her whole body. She cried out, and he did it again and again, not giving her a break to catch her breath. She arched her back, her nipples pink and hard, and buckled against him as their hot fluids dripped between her legs and pooled on the couch beneath her. She shuddered as she felt him tense up, ready to come hard into her again, and she cried out loudly as she began to quake underneath his powerful body, giving in to the most intense orgasm she'd ever had in her life.

  They lay tangled on the couch together, Jax stroking her long, light brown hair lovingly, the light in his dark eyes glowing brightly. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed his forehead, and he smiled sweetly at her.

  “What color are your eyes?” she asked him.

  “I think they're green,” he said thoughtfully. “But I don't really know. They change sometimes.”

  “I hope our baby's eyes are like yours,” she said with a contented sigh.

  “What...?” Jax asked, sitting up and staring at her.

  “I think I'm pregnant,” Layne whispered.


  Love and Survival in the Time After:

  Book 3

  Leela Ash

  Copyright ©2016 by Leela Ash. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  “They look bigger, right?” Layne asked, studying her reflection in the mirror. She cupped her hand over one of her breasts and Jax raised his eyebrow at her and laughed.


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