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Royal Bastard

Page 20

by Nana Malone

  I didn’t care about him blowing up everything about my past, but I did care about Bryna. “You stay the fuck away from her.” If I had to, I’d get Blake Security involved. Or you could do what he wants. Not happening.

  “Testy, testy. Oh God, did you break another cardinal rule? Falling for the mark? You are such a disappointment.”

  “So you keep saying.”

  “All you have to do is say yes. One job, and I’m out of your hair. I don’t want to see your ugly mug anyway.”

  The insult rolled off my back like water. After all, I’d heard much worse over the years. “If I do this, you stay away from her. Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with any of this.”

  “If there was honor among thieves, I’d go ahead and make you a promise. But you and I both know there isn’t, so let’s just say this; Consider your debt paid if you do this.”

  I didn’t want to do it. I was free. Finally fucking free. But he knew about Bryna. And if he was throwing that shit out there, he would do whatever he could to fuck up my life and hers. I’d told her earlier today that I would protect her from me. And I meant it. “Send me the details. I swear to God, if I ever see you after I do this, I will kill you.”

  “Yeah, you wish you could.”

  Little did he know that it was more than a wish. I certainly was capable. And if he did anything to hurt Bryna, I really hoped my diplomatic immunity would hold, because I would put it to the test.


  To say things were awkward, would be downplaying the situation. Awkward didn’t even begin to cover it. Like when I woke up and caught a partially clothed Lucas out in the living room.

  Shirtless is one thing, but he only had on loose boxers that showed off what he was working under the soft gray material.

  The man was mouthwatering. But that wasn’t the point. The point was now shit was uncomfortable. It had been three days since the hottest thing to ever happen to me in my life and two-and-a-half days since the backpedal to end all backpedals.

  It’s not like he said he didn’t want you. He just said he was being the good guy, not an asshole.

  Except he had been sort of an asshole by making that decision for me, as if I couldn’t be trusted to decide for myself what I wanted.

  I had decided he wasn’t a bad guy. Who was he to tell me that he was? All that sounded like maybe it was his problem, not mine. So, I’d had some serious sleepless nights. I didn’t even know how it had happened, but somehow, Lucas had become the guy I shared everything with. Not just an apartment, but my family problems, everything. I’d gotten used to coming home and having him explain basketball to me.

  Honestly, did it really make sense? Somehow, Lucas had turned out to be the first real guy-friend I’d ever had, completely by accident.

  Half the time, I didn’t even like him. But if I ignored all his bravado and his charm and all that extra stuff, it was easy to see that he was actually a really good guy.

  He took time trying to explain things. Fuck, he didn’t have to help me find a job and he didn’t need to let me stay here, but he had done that out of the kindness of his heart. He kept talking about the guy he used to be. I never wanted to meet that guy. But the new Lucas, when he was keeping it real, was someone I could talk to.

  Regardless, Lucas Newsome no longer wanted to make out with me. So despite the throbbing between my thighs, I could just get over it.

  I had to. I had to move out. Coward.

  I didn’t want to move out. I liked it here. Not just the fantastic location, and hello, penthouse apartment, but a girl could be lonely on her own. I liked the company, despite myself.

  Squaring my shoulders, I unlocked the penthouse door only to find that it was dark. Fantastic. All that angst for nothing. I turned on the lights and found the mail on the counter as always. It’s not like it was my permanent apartment, but I was pleasantly surprised to find something addressed to me.

  It was a very fancy envelope with gold embossed letters and little delicate embellishments, and the return address was The Royal Artistic Trust Charity Ball.

  I’d called my old mentor to ask her recommendations for a job. She’d asked me for my new address. I didn’t think I’d given her this one, but she must be the reason for the invite.

  I pulled out the heavy card stock.

  To Miss Bryna Tressel and Guest.

  Oh, fantastic. I needed a date.

  My mind, traitor that it was, wandered straight to Lucas. He was admittedly delicious in a tux. But despite being friends, there was no way was I going to open myself up to that particular brand of torture or rejection. I’d made the mistake of getting too close to him once. It wouldn’t happen again. I couldn’t stand it.

  No. Maybe I’d take Ellie. She seemed like she’d get a good old laugh out of the whole see-and-be-seen charity set.

  It might actually be fun. Sometimes these events would have date auctions to drive excitement. I might actually volunteer. Lord knew I wasn’t having any luck the good old-fashioned way.

  I stared down at the envelope. Maybe it was about time that I rediscovered a little bit of the old Bryna. New Bryna was great too. New Bryna was independent. But old Bryna occasionally had some fun. Maybe I didn’t have to give myself up completely to become a new and improved version of myself.



  The presentation lecture hall was half full.

  I shifted in my seat. Meeting here like this was risky. It was a tax symposium about the future of charitable giving for corporations. It was just boring enough to make sure Marcus and Roone were more interested in covering the exits then actually flanking me. I could feel the hairs on my neck stand up as soon as Tony sat down one row behind me. Why, after all of these years, did he still affect me like this? Because he taught you everything he knows. Hatred was definitely the emotion that poured out of me as soon as he spoke.

  “I have to tell you, golden boy, I’m actually surprised you showed.”

  I didn’t turn around. I made no indication that I was even speaking. “Hand over the plans. That’s the only reason I agreed to meet you.”

  “Oh, touchy, touchy. Afraid some of your fancy new friends will know where you actually come from?”

  What friends? Friends get you caught.

  “I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks of me.”

  Tony chuckled. “Of course you don’t. Just your new roommate, right?”

  I said nothing to that. I wasn’t going to give him any more leverage. As a matter of fact, the more distance I put between me and Bryna, the better. As much as I hated for her to go, I needed her to go. But the look on her face was going to be brutal, so I needed to find a way to be gentle about it.


  “Oh, easy does it. I want to hear this interesting chat on the future of charitable giving. A bunch of rich fucks with too much money. I’m sure it will be fascinating.”

  I ground my teeth. “If you’re here to bullshit, I’m leaving.” I started to push out up my chair, and he tsked.

  “Sit your ass back down, boy.”

  “Then get to the goddamn point, because I don’t have time to waste.”

  “Oh, you think you’re badass now. This con has fucked with your head, because you’re a believer. Your rich friend from last year, the one you were photographed with in the papers. Seems he’s a king. Got me thinking that maybe you were trying to cut me out of the job. I want a piece of that action.”

  “There’s nothing to get in on. It’s not a job. I’m doing this one gig for you. If you change the terms, our deal is off. I’ll take my chances with Bryna.”

  He was silent for a moment. I figured he was contemplating, but he finally relented. “Fine. Under your seat, I already taped the flash drive there. It’s got schematics of the building, all the exits, our egress points for the getaway, and the storage boxes for the jewels.”

  “What’s the target?”

  “The Royal Artistic Trust Charity Ball. We have me
n on the inside who work there. There’s going to be an auction, and the event is going to be dripping with everyone’s mama’s and grandmama’s jewels. I cannot wait. We’re going to go with the Leaning Tower of Pisa con.”

  Holy fucking shit. “What? We’re going to rob a charity event?” He wanted me to steal from Sebastian?

  Tony nodded. “You bet your bottom dollar, we are.”

  “They’re raising money for the poor.”

  “If you believe that, then I’m the Easter Bunny.”

  I could hear it in his voice, the ambivalence, the indifference.

  “Besides, I don’t care. And you shouldn’t either because as soon as I have what you owe us, you won’t ever see me again.”

  And all I had to do to get that was betray my brother. “Good. Because I really will kill you. It’s not an empty threat. If you come after someone I love, then I’ll go after someone you love.”

  “Who, your mother?” His chuckle was harsh.

  I pushed to my feet. I didn’t bother to look at him, but I muttered low, “My mother made her choice, and now I have to make mine.” Then I headed up the stairs to the exit.

  Marcus followed. “Where are you going?”

  “You know, I was super excited about this, but it’s kind of lame. Let’s roll.”

  He sighed in relief but eyed me suspiciously.

  Suspect me all you want, but you will never make me crack. At least I hoped not.


  “Ow, ow, ow, ow.”

  After the symposium, I heard Bryna’s cries of pain in the other room. I’d have to try and school my expression before running out to check on the problem. Trying to mask how I felt about her was getting more and more difficult. And since I’d been the one to put a little halt on things after that scorching make out, I needed to be the one to be cool. When I opened my door and sauntered out, I was anything but cool when I saw her limping.

  She was shuffling to the island, attempting to reach her foot to take off her shoe. I ran over and tried to give her a helping hand.

  “What the hell happened to you!” It came out more of a bellow than a question.

  Bryna winced as she startled. “Jesus Christ, Lucas. My head.”

  I forced myself to take a breath. “Sorry. But what the fuck? You look like a mess, and you’re limping. Why are you limping? Why is your make up smudged?” I narrowed my gaze. “Is that a fucking bruise on your jaw?”

  My heart hammered against my ribs. I ignored the ache in my jaw from my clenched teeth. I had to keep it together for her. When she was okay, then I’d go and find out who the fuck had hurt her and annihilate them.

  I was going to kill whoever the fuck had touched her.

  “I’m fine. I’m not the first person to get mugged in New York City.”

  I stumbled back. “Holy fuck, you were mugged? Are you hurt? Tell me if those fuckers hurt you.”

  Bryna drew back, her gaze scanning my face. “While I love the effect of that growly voice, maybe you could just dial it back a notch.”

  The first thing I registered was that she liked my voice like this. Great, I’d store that for later. I also forced myself to take several deep breaths. “Okay, why don't you tell me what happened.”

  “Honestly, I don't’ know. I was taking out the garbage at work because it was in my way. The busboy, Greg, was nowhere to be found, so I took out the trash. Then this guy came out of nowhere.”


  She reached out and grabbed my hand. “I’m fine. He wanted money. I said I didn’t have any. He yanked off my chain with the charm from Jinx. He’ll be real disappointed when he discovers it’s costume jewelry.” She sighed and winced. “So anyway, then he pushed me down, and I thought he was going to hurt me or something, so I tried to wrench away from him and did something crazy to my back.”

  I stared at her. She could have been killed. “Did you call the police?”

  She nodded. “I’m not a total Island newbie. They took a statement. The bar has security cameras, but the guy stayed just out of range of them.”


  “Yeah, my sentiments exactly.” She sighed. “The paramedics came, and not a hot one out of the bunch. It was very disappointing.”

  “Seriously, is this the time to joke?” I scowled at her.

  “I take my paramedics very seriously.”

  I refrained just barely from rolling my eyes. “How’s your back feeling?”

  “Sore, tight. Twisting like that flared a ballet injury from years ago. I throw it out sometimes. It’s a recurring thing. Usually it just takes a day of rest and some ice, but I don’t have time for that. The charity event is in a couple of days. I need to do something about my nails, my hair, all that good stuff. And I can’t walk right now.”

  “You’re not going. Not after what happened today. How the hell did you make it home?”

  She scrunched her nose and pursed her lips as she gazed up mischievously. “A police officer drove me home. He wasn’t cute either. The doorman, Fred, was very helpful. But once I got up here, it was like the Green Mile or something. Shuffle, shuffle, wince, wince… you know, not fun.”

  She was so blasé about getting mugged. Maybe it was shock? I shook my head. “You have got to be more careful. I’m not ready to lose my pain in the ass roommate yet. Just come here. What helps?”

  She groaned. “Could you not jump on me about the mugging. It’s not like I asked to get mugged.” She sighed. “Usually lying flat on my back and doing nothing helps. Ice. Advil. If it’s not better tomorrow, then I may take a muscle relaxant and head to the chiropractor. But I don’t have one here yet. Ow, ow, ow.”

  “Stop it. Stop moving right now. For now, we don't have to talk about anything you don't want to.” I bent down and removed one shoe, gently lifting her foot as I did so, and then repeated the process with the other foot. Then I wrapped her arm around me and helped her wobble over to the couch to lie down. “Stay here. I’ll bring you Advil and some water, and something to eat so it doesn’t hurt your stomach.”

  “Oh my God, you don’t have to take care of me. I swear, I’m fine.”

  “Says the woman wincing, even as she tries to get more comfortable.”

  “Now is not the time to lecture me. The time to lecture me is five days from now, when I feel better.”

  “Sorry, it comes with the territory.” I entered the kitchen to get her some Advil, and I made her a quick sandwich while I was there. She really needed to eat before she took it.

  When I brought it to her, her smile was soft. “Careful Lucas, your good guy is showing.”

  I cleared my throat at that. “If you tell anyone, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to kill you.”

  She laughed and immediately winced. “Stop it. Laughing hurts.”

  “No one asked you to laugh. What else do you need?”

  “Can you grab my phone? I need to call the nail place and cancel. There’s no way in hell I can sit up right now.”

  “You have a nail appointment?”

  She nodded. “I don’t really go for the big mani-pedi things, but I do need a color change. I guess, I’m going to the charity thing with chipped nails.” She sighed.

  I glanced down at her sock-clad feet, and I got an idea. “Stay here.”

  “Oh, that’s cute. Where am I supposed to be going?”

  I went to her room and called out, “What color is your dress?”

  “Blue. Why?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  I found the only nail polish that would possibly match, some sparkly situation. Then, I went to the bathroom for Epsom salt.

  When I had everything I needed, including a towel and the nail polish, I grabbed what looked like nail tools from her bathroom vanity.

  When I came out, she was frowning at me. “What are you doing?”

  “Well, if the lady cannot get a pedicure, the pedicurist is going to come to her.”

  “Are you serious right now?”

p; “Sure, why not?”

  She scrunched her face. “I don’t know. It’s weird?”

  “It’s not weird, I swear. Come on. Relax. Walk me through this, because I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding.” She tried to push herself to sitting, and I helped her.

  “What are you doing? You’re supposed to be lying down.”

  “Yes, but you brought the bowl thing, I feel like I have to soak in it.”

  I glanced down. “Oh, I see what you mean. Actually wait, I’ll fix this.”

  I went back to the bathroom. I got a foot scrub and more towels and wash cloths, and then filled the pan with water and came back. “Now, you lie down. I got this. You just tell me what I need to do.”

  “I don’t know. You have to take off the nail polish first. The remover is right there.”

  I got a cotton ball and the polish remover and then winced at the alcohol scent. “God, this is acetone.”

  She laughed. “Yep. How do you think nail polish comes off?”

  “I never thought about it before.”


  I chuckled. “Well, I never really wore nail polish before, so how was I supposed to know?” Then I scooted to the edge of the couch, pulled her feet into my lap as gently as I could, and proceeded to start with her nail polish.

  I grabbed the remote and turned on the game. She made the best sound and sighed contentedly. “Thank you, Lucas.”

  I shrugged, trying not to look back at her because I didn’t want her to see how I was feeling. How this felt unfair. How I was having a real hard time being a good guy. Yeah, somehow, I was finding a way to be aroused by her feet in my lap.

  There were a couple of games on, and so I watched as I removed her nail polish. She nibbled on her sandwich and then sat back against the pillows.

  “I didn’t know you did ballet.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, for ten years. I was never really fond of the cachet that came with it as opposed to actually liking it as an art form or a sport. Mother never seemed enthused about my performances.”


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