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Shelby's Saviors [Slick Rock 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Becca Van

  “You didn’t. It’s me,” she replied.

  “No, Shelby, it’s not you. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No. I can’t. It’s too painful.”

  “We’re here when you’re ready, darlin’. Do you still feel up to going out?” Brandt queried.

  “Shit. I forgot,” she said and pushed off Cord. “I’ll be ready to go in about ten minutes.”

  Cord watched her scurry from the room on unsteady legs. He wanted to go with her but knew she wouldn’t allow any help.

  “Fuck, Cord. What the hell happened to her?” Brandt asked with frustration, running his hand over his face.

  “I don’t know. But I intend to find out. She can’t keep going on like this. She’s going to end up sick and in the hospital. Did you see the dark smudges beneath her eyes?”

  “Yeah. I hear her pacing the floor in the early hours, and her light’s on more often than not. We have to get her to talk, or she’s going to snap.”

  “I know. Maybe we can enlist Kayli’s help,” Cord suggested. “She probably knows more than anyone what Shelby’s feeling.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. Go and call Giles and let him know we want Kayli to talk to Shelby tonight. Maybe the compassion of another woman will get her to open up.”

  * * * *

  As soon as Shelby met Kayli, she knew they would become friends. The woman was gorgeous and so full of love and life that she felt a pang of envy. Her husbands, Giles, Remy and Brandon, were handsome, and they treated their wife like a queen. Sipping her glass of wine, Shelby listened to the men’s witty repartee and couldn’t help laughing along with them. The meal had been delicious, and she couldn’t remember feeling so drained of energy. She stifled a yawn and tried to hide how exhausted she felt.

  “Shelby, can you give me a hand with dessert?” Kayli asked with a smile.

  “Sure,” she replied, rising to her feet and following into the house from the verandah, where the alfresco dining had been set up.

  They chatted easily, as if they had known each other for years, as they worked together.

  “You look tired. Are you okay?” Kayli asked.


  “If you ever want to talk, just call me.”

  Shelby swallowed around the lump in her throat and lowered her head to hide the tears forming in her eyes. “Thanks.”

  “Did Cord and Brandt tell you how I came to Slick Rock?”


  Kayli went on and told her how she had witnessed murder in a bank holdup and how she had run when the perpetrators had found out where she lived. She went on to explain how those “motherfuckers” had tracked her down and nearly killed her.

  Tears streamed down Shelby’s cheeks, and she felt the color drain from her face. Kayli’s story was so close to her own, except that the murders Shelby had witnessed were far more personal.

  Shelby blanched when Kayli wrapped her arms around her, but then she clung to the other woman and cried. She sobbed until she could hardly breathe and saw herself as if from a long way off, standing over her own body looking down. She heard herself telling Kayli how her family had been wiped out in a mad rampage of violence. How the perpetrator was now incarcerated and she’d testified against him at trial. How the memories were making her crazy and she was running. Shelby wanted to be as far away from her hometown as possible.

  But no matter where she ran to she couldn’t escape the nightmares.

  How long they sat on the floor with her clinging to Kayli, Shelby had no idea, and if it hadn’t been for Kayli’s baby waking up from a nap and crying out, she may have clung to the poor woman all night.

  The back door clicking shut and then a masculine voice crooning to the infant penetrated her grief-stricken haze. It was only when she heard the men outside talking to the baby that she realized the windows were open and the men probably heard every word she had spoken.

  “Oh God,” she sobbed, easing away from Kayli. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize,” Kayli said. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Do you want another drink? Even though I’m not supposed to, I could use one right about now.”

  Kayli got up from the floor and pulled a bottle of whiskey and two glasses from the cupboard. She poured two shots, handed one to Shelby, and smiled. “Bottoms up.”

  Shelby downed the drink in one swallow and coughed as it burned down her esophagus and into her stomach. When she was done, Kayli handed her the other glass and laughed as she downed that one, too.

  “Come on, let’s go and enjoy dessert.” Kayli beckoned.

  On unsteady legs, Shelby helped take out the apple pies and ice cream and sat down again. The men were all cooing and laughing at the baby.

  “She’s so small,” Shelby slurred and giggled.

  “Do you want to hold her?” Kayli asked.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” She giggled again. Covering her mouth, she looked sheepishly at Brandt and Cord. They were smiling at her, but she could also see concern and desire in their eyes. Shivering as the night air cooled, she looked away quickly.

  “Are you cold, baby?” Cord asked, his warm breath caressing her ear.

  “A little.”

  “Come here, then, and let me warm you.”

  Shelby eyed him quizzically as Cord scooted his chair back and reached for her. He lifted her from her chair with ease and placed her on his lap. His arms wrapped around her, and the heat radiating from his large, muscular body began to seep into her.

  “You’re hot,” she stated.

  “Why thank you, baby, you’re sexy, too,” he said and looked down at her with a smile.

  Shelby giggled and shifted on his lap. “That’s not what I meant, but you’re that, too.”

  “I think it’s time we took you home, darlin’,” Brandt said. “You’re drunk.”

  “I am not. I never get ine−ineb…drunk.”

  Cord stood up, taking her with him, and she smiled when Kayli laughed.

  “Thank you for a lov−lovel…nice dinner.”

  “You’re welcome. Call me, Shelby. We can go shopping together.”

  “Okay,” she said on a sigh and snuggled into Cord’s warmth. Inhaling deeply, she took in his clean, masculine scent. “You smell nice.”

  “You do, too, baby,” he replied as he carried her.

  “Do you know how handsome you are?” she asked with a giggle. “You and Brandt are sooo sexy.”

  “It’s definitely time you were in bed, little girl.”

  “Hmm, sleepy.”

  Even through her drowsiness, though, she was pricked by an uneasy sensation. Had the men heard everything she’d said to Kayli? She didn’t want them to know all that, not yet. They’d never want anything to do with her if they knew about her nightmares. It was bad enough for them to have seen her freak out in the kitchen earlier.

  She didn’t want to think about it now. She just wanted a moment to enjoy the feeling of being carried and supported.

  “Close your eyes, baby. You’re safe with us,” Cord stated, and Shelby knew that she was, no matter what came next. She closed her eyes, snuggled in, and slept.

  Chapter Four

  Brandt sighed with relief when they were finally in the truck heading home. He glanced in the rearview mirror. “How is she?”

  “Asleep,” Cord replied.

  “Thank God.”


  They’d heard Shelby purge her grief to Kayli. Brandt’s heart still ached so bad that he rubbed his chest. He’d wanted to go inside and take Shelby into his arms and soothe her, but he knew he couldn’t do anything to take her pain away. So he’d sat in his chair, gripping the armrests until his hands ached. The tortured sounds coming out of her mouth still rang in his ears. He was reminded of the cries of a wounded animal.

  Thank God for Kayli. If she hadn’t told her story, Brandt didn’t know if Shelby would have opened up to anyone.

  Brandt pulled the truck into
the garage and switched off the engine. Getting out, he opened the back door and took Shelby into his arms.

  “She feels so right, Cord,” he whispered.

  “I know.”

  Brandt carried Shelby into the house and to her room. He placed her on the bed and removed her shoes. “Do you think we should make her more comfortable?”

  “No. We don’t want to betray her trust,” Cord replied. “Pick her up, and I’ll pull the covers back.”

  When they had her in bed, Brandt sat on the edge and smoothed her hair back from her face. Looking up to his brother, he saw the same anguish he felt mirrored back at him. Fury at the senseless violence done to Shelby and her family made him feel sick to his stomach.

  He tried to focus on the woman in front of him to control his anger and sorrow. “She’s so fucking gorgeous. I’m half in love with her already.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Do you think she’ll be all right?”

  “I don’t know.” Cord sighed.

  The question now was when she’d feel ready to tell them. It was hard to tell from Shelby’s tipsy behavior, but he didn’t think she knew that they’d overheard everything. Even if she did, Brandt reflected, he wanted to hear it from her own lips. It would be a sign that she trusted them and was ready to move on.

  “Leave the door open. That way, if she wakes up, we’ll hear her.”

  Brandt looked back over his shoulder at the sleeping woman and slipped out of the room. He followed Cord to the kitchen.

  “I want her, Cord.”

  “I do, too.”

  “Do you think it’s too soon?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, Brandt. Shit, she’s been through hell and is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.”

  “She said we were sexy,” Brandt said with a smile.

  “Yeah, I know, but that doesn’t mean she wants a relationship with us.”

  “I want to find out,” Brandt stated. “She looks at you when she thinks no one’s watching, and I can see such hunger in her eyes.”

  “She looks at you the same.”

  “She does?”


  “Well, I think we should start wooing her. I don’t want her leaving. I want her here with us, in our arms and bed, where we can keep her safe.”

  “Wait and see how she feels. Maybe now she talked out her grief, she’ll be ready.”

  * * * *

  “Wake up, darlin’,” Brandt coaxed, rubbing a hand up and down Shelby’s arm.

  He smiled when she sighed and stretched. She looked like a little kitten just waking up from a nap.


  “I have coffee.” Brandt ran the mug back and forth beneath her nose. Her eyes opened fully. “There you are. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes,” she replied, and Brandt heard the surprise in her voice.

  “Glad to hear it, darlin’.” He handed her the mug. “Do you want to go for a horse ride today?”

  “I’ve never been on a horse.”

  “That doesn’t matter. I’m sure we can find you a quiet horse. Tom and Billy Eagle, Sheriff Luke Sun-Walker, and their wife, Felicity, have invited us out to the Double E Ranch for a ride. Their friends Clay and Johnny Morten and their wife, Tara, will also be there.”

  “That sounds nice,” she answered with a smile. “What time do you want to leave?”

  “As soon as you’re ready, darlin’.”

  “Then you’d better get out of here so I can move.”

  “Okay, but there’s no need to hurry, Shelby.” He gave her a smile as he left the room.

  “Does she want to come?” Cord asked Brandt when he returned to the kitchen. “Shit, get that look off your face, that’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “Sorry,” Brandt replied with a waggle of his eyebrows. “Yes, she looked excited.”

  “Good. That girl needs some fun in her life,” Cord said and took his mug to the table.

  Brandt sat with his brother in companionable silence as they waited for Shelby. When he heard her footsteps in the hall, his cock twitched and he looked toward the door. Biting his tongue so he wouldn’t moan out loud, he took in the jeans molded to her hips and shapely thighs and then perused his way up her shirt, which clung to her breasts. Her face was a shiny pink, and she looked like a sex goddess.

  “I’m ready. Did you need to bring anything?” Shelby asked.

  “No, darlin’, just ourselves,” Brandt answered. “Do you have a hat? I don’t want you getting sunburned.”


  “We’ll ask Felicity if she has a spare. Come on, let’s head on out.” Cord took Shelby’s hand.

  * * * *

  Shelby couldn’t believe how happy the members of Slick Rock’s polyamorous relationships were. The men were attentive to their wives’ needs, and the women seemed to glow from all the affection. She watched the love-filled interaction between spouses as she rode her gentle horse and couldn’t help but feel slightly envious. What would it be like to have the love and attention of more than one husband?

  “How are you doing, baby?” Cord asked. He was riding a large horse on one side, and Brandt was on her other. She appreciated that they kept close to her since she’d never ridden before.

  “Good. This is so much fun. It’s such a beautiful day.” All the tension she had carried around with her seemed to have fallen away after her crying jag last night, and she didn’t even feel hungover. Shelby felt as if she wasn’t drowning for the first time in months.

  “How long are you planning on staying in Slick Rock, Shelby?” Felicity called out.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t made any fast plans.” If she was honest with herself, she didn’t have any plans at all except to keep running. At the same time, she hadn’t even thought about her car in days. Shelby frowned. It had to be fixed by now, didn’t it?

  Tara’s voice drew her back to the conversation.

  “Do you like our little town, Shelby?” Tara queried.

  “Yes. It’s so clean and peaceful. I can see myself staying here.” She sighed wistfully at the thought of a future here.

  But she wasn’t sure if she could have that. Brandt and Cord knew what had happened now, or at least she thought they had overheard her telling Kayli last night. The idea made her feel self-conscious. The men had seemed interested in her last night, and they were certainly attentive this morning, but there was no way they’d stay interested now that they knew what a wreck she was.

  Yet as soon as the thought crossed her mind, Brandt said, “We want you to stay, too, darlin’.” He reached over to stroke her thigh.

  Shelby felt her cheeks heat as Brandt’s touch sent zings of tingling warmth shooting through her blood and pooling in her pussy. Another touch to her arm from her other side drew her attention, and she looked into Cord’s heated gaze.

  “I love that you are living and working with us, baby. The house would feel so empty without you.”

  Looking away as more heat suffused her cheeks, Shelby shifted in the saddle, trying to ease the ache in her pussy. God, they were so handsome and sexy, she wanted to jump their bones. Every time she turned around one or the other of them was looking at her with desire, but neither one of them had made a move on her. They say they want me to stay. But did that mean they wanted her to stay with them? Maybe after they heard her meltdown, they’d decided she wasn’t worth the effort. Sighing with resignation, she pushed her thoughts aside, intending to enjoy the summer day.

  After they were back at the house and had enjoyed another barbecue, Felicity suggested they take a swim in the pool. Shelby looked at the clear water with longing but shook her head, since she hadn’t brought any swimwear with her.

  “I have a couple of bathing suits, Shelby. Come and try them on,” Felicity said enticingly.

  The day had become quite hot, and Shelby wanted nothing more than to dive into the cool water, so she let Felicity lead her into the house, Tara walking behind her.

  The women giggled as they took out their suits, and Shelby was thankful when Tara handed her a two-piece bathing suit. “I always bring more than one, just in case.”

  “Thanks,” Shelby replied, taking the suit and stepped into the bathroom. Studying herself in the mirror, she twisted around, looking at her body from all angles. Even though she and Tara were practically the same height, Shelby’s hips were wider and her bust smaller. The bikini looked nearly indecent on her body. She just wished Felicity’s one-piece had fit her. Then she wouldn’t be so self-conscious when she went outside wearing bits of nothing.

  “Come on out, Shelby,” Tara called. “You can’t hide in there all afternoon.”

  Taking a deep breath, Shelby finally opened the door.

  “Oh, girl, you look so sexy. Those two men are going to fall at your feet,” Tara stated with a smile.

  “I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

  “Shelby, you look stunning. If I had a figure like yours, I’d go around naked,” Felicity said.

  “What are you talking about, girl?” Tara asked with a frown. “You’re sex on legs. Why is it that we women are never happy with what we have? We shouldn’t question what God gave us, and since our men adore our bodies, who cares if we’re not perfect.”

  “She’s right, you know,” Felicity said. “And if the looks those two Alcott brothers give you are an indication, you are doomed, girl.”

  “Do you think so?” Shelby asked uncertainly.

  “Oh yeah,” Tara said with a giggle. “You just watch them when you go outside. I’ll bet they get hard in an instant.”

  “Tara! You are so naughty.” Felicity chuckled.

  “Don’t I know it, and my men love it!”

  “How do you…” Shelby began then clamped her lips shut.

  “How do we what?” Tara asked then smiled wickedly. “How do we have sex with more than one man? How do we put up with them? Don’t be shy now, Shelby, you can ask us anything.”


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