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Shelby's Saviors [Slick Rock 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Becca Van

  Shelby felt crowded and wanted them to back off but bit her tongue since they were only trying to help her. Then all of a sudden they were gone. The shadow of a large man fell over her as the sun silhouetted his frame from behind. Then he squatted down, and she exhaled with relief to see Sheriff Luke Sun-Walker.

  “Are you all right, Shelby? Are you injured?”

  “No. I’m fine. Just a little shaken,” she sighed. “Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have a license.”

  Luke’s mouth quirked as he held back a smile. He offered his hand to help her up. “Amen to that.”

  With her ankle throbbing, Shelby tried to contain a wince of pain as Luke helped her to stand, but he must have seen it. He bent down and picked her up in his arms. “Where are your men?”

  “At the office. I’m fine, you know. I can walk.”

  “That may be so, but I don’t want you doing more damage than necessary.” He carted her through the door to the diner and seated her at the edge of a booth. He pulled his cell off of his belt and hit speed dial.

  “Luke here. Shelby’s had a slight accident, but she’s okay. Yeah, we’re in the diner. Right, see you in a sec.” Luke ended the call. “They’re on their way.”

  Shelby turned her head to look over her shoulder, and sure enough, Brandt and Cord came barreling out of the building across the street and ran toward the diner. They looked absolutely frantic. She wanted to go to them and reassure them, but her ankle was throbbing like a bitch and she wasn’t sure if she could put any weight on it.

  The door to the diner slammed open just as Luke bent down to examine her ankle. She flinched but wasn’t sure if it was a reaction to the loud noise or because Luke was probing her already-swelling skin.

  “Shelby, my God, are you all right? What happened, baby?” Cord blurted with concern as he and Brandt knelt at her feet, effectively shoving Luke out of the way.

  “We need some ice,” Brandt yelled toward the counter.

  Shelby told them what happened and then looked toward Luke. “Did you see that idiot?”

  “No. The car was already out of sight before I got to you. You need to get her to the doctor’s office. That ankle’s too swollen already and starting to bruise She probably has a fracture or a bad sprain.”

  A few people in the diner piped up and told them what they’d seen from inside the building. One man said it had looked like the bastard had been aiming for her. She shivered with apprehension then pushed that aside.

  “I thought he looked familiar,” Shelby said quietly, “but I don’t know why I think that.”

  “It could have been one of Perez’s cronies,” Luke suggested.

  “Did you see all the photos at the meeting that we called, Shelby?” asked Cord.

  “I’m not sure. I’ll have to take another look.”

  “We can deal with that after you’ve been to the doctor’s, baby,” Cord stated.

  Brandt took a clean towel wrapped around ice from one of the waitresses and placed it around her ankle. Shelby hissed.

  “Sorry, darlin’, but this will help with the pain and swelling. Cord, go and get the truck. We need to get her ankle seen to.”

  “On it.”

  “I’m right here, you know,” Shelby said belligerently. “I’m not deaf.”

  “I know that, darlin’, but we’re worried about you.”

  She rolled her eyes and looked about. Her cheeks heated when she saw that nearly every eye in the place was on her. A few of the men gave her smiles and winks. The women looked concerned but smiled when they caught her looking back. Shifting in her seat, she tried peering around Brandt, but he grasped her chin and brought her gaze back to him.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, darlin’? You’re as white as a sheet.”

  “Fine,” she answered through gritted teeth. The pain in her ankle was awful, and she was having a hard time dealing with it. Just as she was about to push Brandt’s hands and the ice pack away from her skin, the door to the diner once again burst open.

  “Come on, let’s get you to the doctor’s,” Cord said and gently picked her up. He carried her out to his truck, which was double-parked, the hazard lights blinking.

  “Get in the back.” Cord nodded at Brandt. “I want you to guide her foot in so she doesn’t get hurt.”

  Brandt and Cord got her settled with her leg resting across Brandt’s thighs. Moments later Cord was driving to the doctor’s.

  The doctor met them at the door and told them the sheriff had called ahead. Cord carried Shelby into the exam room and placed her on the bed.

  “Okay, little lady, I need to get your shoe off. I’ll try not to hurt you too much,” the doctor told her as he undid the laces to her shoe.

  Shelby clenched her teeth and couldn’t prevent a whimper of pain escaping as he removed her shoe and sock. She felt a bit silly with the leg of her slacks folded up to her knee but was in too much pain to care overly much.

  “Well, now, I think an X-ray is definitely in order.” The doctor looked to Cord. “Can you carry her out and into the other room?”

  Cord picked her up again, and Shelby draped her arm around his neck. He maneuvered the way carefully through the door and into the room opposite.

  “All righty, now. Put her on the bed over there while I set up the machine.”

  Cord placed her on the bed while the doctor rearranged the machine. When he was done he ordered the Alcott brothers from the room and stepped behind the radiation screen. He was about to push the button but popped his head out to look at her.

  “Is there any chance you’re pregnant?”

  Shelby thought back to the night she’d had sex with her men for the first time and realized they hadn’t used any protection. Since she wasn’t on the pill, there was a possibility she had conceived. She bit her lip and nodded her head. The doctor picked up a large gray-looking apron and placed the heavy object over her. It covered her from chest to knee.

  Moments later the doctor had taken the X-ray and walked over to her. “It will be a few minutes before the film is ready. Do you want me to do a pregnancy test?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want them to know about it.”

  “Okay, you just leave it to me,” he replied.

  The doctor called Cord back to carry Shelby into his office then ushered him and Brandt out again when he said he was going to give her a Pap smear. They lit out of the room so quick, she nearly burst into laughter.

  “Well, there now. That was easy,” the doctor said with a smile, and this time Shelby giggled.

  The doctor helped her into the bathroom and left her with a pregnancy test kit. Shelby had trouble moving since she could only place weight on one leg, but she got the job done. After washing her hands she opened the door, handed the stick to the doctor, and after he had placed it into a metal dish, he helped her to a chair.

  “All right. You are definitely pregnant. Congratulations,” he said after glancing at the stick. “You’ll need to get this prescription for prenatal vitamins filled. I want you to come back in a month’s time for a checkup. Do you need help to tell the father?”

  “No,” Shelby whispered in shock. She felt the blood drain from her face and cursed her stupidity. Why the hell didn’t you ask them to use a condom? Because you were too caught up in the moment to even think of protection. You are such a dumb-ass, Shelby! How could you be so stupid?

  “Are you all right with this, Shelby?”

  “Um. I wasn’t planning on having a baby, and it was a bit of a shock. But I love the thought of holding my child in my arms,” she replied with a small smile. Shelby realized then that she was more than okay with being pregnant. The thought that she had conceived Cord and Brandt’s baby filled her up with hope and joy. She hoped like hell they would be just as pleased before realizing that she might have a bigger problem than that. Perez was out there, searching for her. Her happiness faded. She wasn’t even sure if she could protect herself, much less an unborn baby. If she told the men, they’d
feel even more responsible for her safety and even more likely to put their own lives on the line for her.

  The doctor went to get the X-ray films, put them up on the bright screen, and studied them carefully. After much scrutinizing, he turned the screen off and sat back across from her.

  “Well, you’ll be pleased to know you haven’t broken or fractured your ankle. But you do have a bad sprain. You’re going to have to keep off the ankle for at least a week, so I’ll go and get you some crutches in a moment.” He paused. “Since you’re pregnant, the only pain medication you can have is Tylenol, and sparingly. I’m afraid you’re just going to have to bear most of the pain. Place ice packs on that ankle every twenty minutes for ten minutes at a time, and keep it elevated. That will help with the pain. Any questions?”

  “No. Thanks, Doctor.”

  “Don’t thank me, I’m just doing my job. Call me if you have any concerns. I’ll send your men in while I get you some crutches.”

  The doctor opened the door and admitted Cord and Brandt. She explained that she had a sprain and needed to keep off that leg.

  “Thank God, it’s not broken,” Cord said with relief and looked up as the doctor came in with the crutches.

  “Now, remember to rest up, little lady, and no weight on that foot.”

  Shelby tested the crutches. Since she had never used the apparatus before, she felt rather uncoordinated, but she knew she would eventually get the hang of them. She made her way toward the parking lot, albeit slowly, with Brandt walking on one side while Cord took up the rear. She was thankful, because she wobbled a couple of times and they steadied her with their hands.

  “Okay, let’s get you home,” Cord said after she was in the back of the truck, once more with her leg resting across Brandt’s lap.

  “No, we can’t go home. I need to get back to the office. I still have work to do.”

  Cord turned around to face her from his place in the driver’s seat. “Don’t you dare argue about this, Shelby! The doctor said you were to rest up and keep your weight off of that foot. You can’t sit in an office comfortably. There is nowhere for you to prop your foot up or lie down if you need to.”

  Shelby bit her lip and looked away as Cord turned back, started the truck, and headed home. She knew he was right, but she felt a bit guilty. Not only was she hiding her pregnancy from them, but she couldn’t work now. She hadn’t been working for them long enough to accrue any sick leave. Well, she would just have to take time off without pay. She didn’t have much choice, and the pain in her ankle was making her feel sick to her stomach.

  Cord carried her into the living room and placed her on the sofa. He propped a cushion beneath her calf while Brandt went to get an ice pack and painkillers from the kitchen. While she took the pills, Cord wrapped her ankle with the ice pack.

  “I’m really sorry, baby, but I have to get back to the office. There are a few things I still need to do before I can call it a day. Brandt will stay with you and keep you company. I’ll bring those photos home for you to look over later. Why don’t you try and have a nap?”

  “I’ll be fine by myself,” she said. “You don’t need to hover. I have crutches here if I need to anything.”

  “No fucking way, Shelby. We aren’t leaving you alone. You haven’t learned how to use those things properly yet. You could fall and hurt yourself more.” Cord leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I love you, baby. I need to know you’re being looked after.”

  Shelby closed her eyes and savored his touch. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him, and Brandt, too. But she wasn’t sure how they were going to react once she told them they were going to be fathers, and that uncertainty made her hold back the words.

  “Get some rest, Shelby. I’ll get takeout on the way home.” Cord brushed a finger down her cheek and left.

  “Do you want to watch a movie, darlin’?” Brandt asked as he turned on the entertainment system.


  Brandt put a movie on and then sat beside her on the sofa. He moved into the corner so she wouldn’t disturb her leg and pulled her body in close to his. Her back was now resting against his chest and side, with her leg stretched out along the couch, propped up on the cushion. She settled deeper into his embrace, his arm wrapped beneath her breasts, and turned to watch the action on the screen.

  * * * *

  Brandt watched Shelby’s struggle to keep her eyes open. The movie had just started, and he knew she wouldn’t be able to stay awake to see much of it. As her eyelids slid closed, he turned the sound down low and gently shifted her head into a more comfortable position against his chest. When her breathing deepened and evened out, he knew she had finally fallen asleep.

  He had been so scared when Luke’s call had come in and told him Shelby had had an accident. His heart had nearly burst out of his chest as it raced with fear. Even now that he had her safe in his arms, he wanted to hunt down the stupid dumbass who had caused her to get hurt.

  Brandt didn’t care what was on the television screen. He was content watching Shelby as she slept in his arms. Holding her reassured him that she was alive and well. He felt sorry for Cord. His brother was a control freak, and if he had his way, Shelby would now be tied to their bed for the entire duration she was injured.

  The thought of Shelby going toe-to-toe with Cord and himself turned him on. And after she had finally let go with them this morning, letting them have it with both barrels, he couldn’t wait for her to lose her temper again. It seemed that once Shelby let loose, she let loose in a big way.

  Their little woman had looked so wild. Her cheeks had flushed a pretty pink, fire had blazed from her eyes, and her hair had swung around her head as she gesticulated wildly with her hands and arms. God, she was magnificent. As he had watched her, his dick had engorged so fast, it was a wonder he hadn’t passed out from lack of blood to the head.

  She had finally let her true, passionate nature out, and as far as he was concerned she wasn’t going to go back into hiding. Occasionally, he and Cord would like to dabble in a little play before they made love to her.

  There was no way they would do that now. Not with her injured. He looked down at her sleeping face and stroked her hair back from her forehead, filled with the desire to protect her. As far as he was concerned, there would be no lovemaking until she was fully healed.

  His cell phone vibrated. Carefully extracting it from the clip on his belt, he looked at the text from Luke.

  The car which nearly hit Shelby was found abandoned outside of town. It was reported stolen two days ago. Will dust for prints but don’t hold out much hope of finding any leads.

  “Shit,” Brandt muttered and sent a reply. I don’t like this. Did you tell Cord?


  Keep us informed.

  Brandt had a bad feeling in his gut and didn’t like it one little bit. He was worried that Perez or one of his goonies had found where Shelby was.

  Chapter Twelve

  “It was Perez,” Shelby gasped and struggled to her feet. She was carefully working her way toward the kitchen, where Brandt was making coffee, on her crutches.

  “Did you say something, darlin’?”

  “Yes.” She leaned against the doorjamb as he turned toward her.

  “The man in the car was Perez. He’s changed the color of his hair and has shaved off his beard and mustache. That’s why I didn’t recognize him straight away.”

  Brandt moved toward her and removed the crutches from her hands, but he kept his hand at her elbow to keep her steady. After leaning them against the wall, he picked her up and carried her back to the living room and sat down with her on his lap.

  “We’ll keep you safe, darlin’,” Brandt said as he hugged her tight. “He’ll have to get through us to get to you.”

  That’s what I’m worried about most. God, how do I keep them and our baby safe? If she had the means and wasn’t injured, she would have packed up and left right away. Even though she knew she would hurt th
em, it was better than them being injured or, even worse, dead.

  * * * *

  Shelby spent the next three days recuperating. Her ankle felt better each day, and she was now able to put weight on it while still using the crutches. Brandt and Cord took turns staying home with her, and even though she appreciated it, she felt the need to get out into the fresh air. Cord was currently in the kitchen making a pot of coffee. Retrieving her crutches, she carefully made her way to the back door, intending to sit out on the porch.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Cord asked from behind her.

  Shelby shrieked and wobbled from her startle. “Don’t do that. You scared the shit out of me.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I thought you heard me.”

  “Now, how would I do that? You and Brandt don’t make any noise when you walk. Can you open the door? I need some fresh air.”

  “Okay, but you have to sit with your foot propped up.” Cord moved around her and held the door open. Shelby cautiously moved toward the chairs. When she was seated, he pulled another chair closer and lifted her foot up to rest on it.


  “No problem, baby. Do you want a cup of tea?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Cord went back inside to make her tea. He had just placed the drinks on the table beside her when she caught movement in her peripheral vision. Looking up across the yard, she froze in horror for one moment and then screamed Cord’s name.

  The noise she made wasn’t enough to drown out the explosion, and she screamed again when Cord staggered back a couple of feet and landed on the deck. With tears streaming down her face, her heart nearly thumping out of her chest, she slid to the floor and crawled over to Cord.

  His face was so pale and his eyes were closed. She took hold of his shoulder and shook him hard, calling out to him. Blood was seeping out of the wound near his shoulder and soaking his white shirt.


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