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BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3)

Page 130

by Samantha Leal

  Suddenly, there was Blane.

  “We've rounded up the clan, lass. We're moving camp.”

  “They come from the north,” she said, taking his strong hand in hers. “We have to hurry.”

  Blane paused and took a double take at Alisa. Her eyes were hard and serious, no trace left of the confused California girl who had been in and out of his life for the past week. He nearly wept when she leapt into his arms, allowing him to squeeze her and spin her around the room joyously. She was fully present, not just on autopilot as she had been before, when she went back into the future to visit her life with Carl.

  “Let us go then,” he said, running forward.

  “The best hope we have is to find an ally,” she said. “To the east. Your brother lives there. I think they would help us. We would outnumber Todd's men by at least 80. They'll know better than to bother us again.”

  “Right,” he said, holding her hands in his.

  “Any word on the spy?” she asked.

  “I gave him a chance to turn himself in. We figured it out by learning who disappeared in the night. He had false information, Todd will be heading East.”

  He mounted a steed and hollered for everybody to follow him. The clan moved swiftly on foot, able to cover a lot of ground in a single day. They made camp, leaving several men to keep watch over the clan as they migrated.

  Blane made camp a little away from the rest of the clan, inviting Alisa to join him. He planned to stay awake for the whole of the night and wanted her to keep him company, but they hadn't been fully together in so long that he wanted some time alone with her. The rest of the clansmen understood and gave them their space.

  “Where have you been?” he asked in a hushed whisper, once they were finally alone.

  “The future,” she murmured. “I live a completely different life. The world of the Highlanders is where I originated, but my family, as you probably know, can bring any point in time to our awareness. I live here, but leapt into a new time altogether to protect you. We exist in all places and times at once. I mean, we all kind of do. We tap into them, but in the future, I couldn't find you there. My family protected me from you because it would be too risky and I made them promise.”

  “I've missed you so much,” he said, tears brimming in his eyes.

  She told him everything about her life, and the lore that her mother had told her about, and the actual experience she'd had when Lord Todd confronted her before the wedding, and showed up in the bushes as they were about to perform the ceremony. He listened intently, holding her hand tightly. When she was done, he pulled her close to himself, kissing her passionately.

  She'd been waiting for longer than she knew, and melted under his skilled fingers as they roamed her body.

  “Blane...” she moaned as his hot mouth kissed the sensitive flesh around her neck and down to her breasts, where he fingered the brass buckle over them and pulled the cloth down, exposing one and taking her pink nipple into his mouth. He groaned appreciatively and she could feel his urgent longing, pressed hard and growing against her thighs.

  She slipped her hand up his leg, allowing herself to take the fullness of him in her hands. He shuddered in her grip and he slipped out of the kilt, fully naked and more beautiful than anything she had ever seen. His strong, rippling muscles glowed golden in the firelight, and nobody had ever looked so perfect.

  She stroked his cheek as he stripped her slowly, devouring her body with fervent kisses and pulling her body on top of his when she was finally unwrapped. His large hands stroked her breasts, resting on the mound between her legs, toying with her clit and making her moan with deep pleasure.

  And then he was on top of her, sliding inside, strong, powerful, and perfect. She closed her eyes and uttered a low moan, winding her fingers in his long hair and buckling under his body as he pulled out of her to thrust again. They both hissed with pleasure as her body enveloped him, his thick, engorged rod penetrating her again and again, filling her with more pleasure each time.

  He spoke soft Gaelic into her ear, sending shudders down her body as his loving words pushed her over the edge and into her climax. He cried out as she contracted around his throbbing erection, coaxing him into a full explosive release. They came together, panting heavily and clinging to one another, kissing passionately.

  Alisa sat up and felt the remnants of his powerful orgasm leak out of her body and onto the ground, and held her arms open for him to embrace her. They dressed lazily and curled up together, and she fell into a deep, sound sleep, better than any she'd had in years.


  “Brother!” Ronan exclaimed, running toward Blane. “Welcome! I see you brought company.”

  Blane smiled sheepishly.

  “It is the only way I could keep my lost love,” he said. “She insisted on saving our lives, but we wouldn't be able to do that without your help. Is that all right? My men are strong and we will pull our own weight.”

  “Of course,” Ronan said, slapping Blane on the back. He suddenly looked profoundly surprised and a wide smile broke out onto his face. “The spirits don't lie! I thought I'd never see you again, Alisa.”

  He approached her and held her in a tight bear hug, looking in pure joy over at his brother, glad that he would be able to move on in his life without being consumed by Alisa's disappearance any longer. Blane was somewhat angry that his in-laws to be would have let him worry so when they discovered the truth not long after the wedding, but they had promised their daughter their secrecy and he could scarcely blame them for that.

  Suddenly, a familiar sound came from the distance, and everybody stood still, quiet and alert. Alisa was at first afraid, but as the sound grew nearer, her eyes filled with tears. It was a song, one she knew well. Soon, her mother and father appeared, wearing traditional Scottish attire, and they were followed by her many brothers, all of them grinning happily at her. They had brought with them a whole army of lowlanders.

  “We'll make sure you're all safe, and when Todd makes his move, he'll wish he'd never been born!” her plucky mother cried out to her from the distance.

  Alisa ran forward to meet them and her family embraced her, happy beyond measure that they were finally able to be together and get their lives back to normal.

  “I'm so glad I won't ever have to hear about Carl again,” her mother said with a wink, and Alisa laughed.

  “Me too,” she said, and meant it. She'd had no idea what she was missing out on.

  “Now about that wedding...”


  Into the Highlander’s Arms

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!


  Zoe rolled over and turned off her alarm. It was 7:00 am and it had been blaring at her for half an hour. Even though she’d been determined to get up early, she found herself repeatedly hitting the snooze button and dozing under her quilt.

  The cold nipped her skin each time she moved the blanket and she knew the second she actually got out of bed she was going to be miserable.

  It was mid fall and the days had gone from sunny and mild, to murky and cold within the space of a week. She was resisting giving in and turning on her heating for fear of her bills rising too high too early in the year… She liked to save those kind of luxuries for the dead of winter.

  Zoe rubbed her eyes and looked across the room to the door of her bathroom. She could drag the quilt with her and turn on the shower, letting it all get steamy and warm before getting undressed, but she was already running late and she couldn’t make a bad impression on her first day. She sighed and quickly threw the cover off herself, jumped to her feet and ran into the bathroom
. With as much speed as she could muster for someone still half asleep, she flicked on the shower and whipped off her clothes before climbing over the side of the tub and dancing about in the warming water.

  It wasn’t quite how she had envisioned her first day of her new job, but at least she was up and running.

  After Zoe showered, she dried her hair and tied it into a tight ponytail. She moisturized her skin and made her lips dewy with gloss before she slipped into a pencil skirt and a tight cardigan and tied a red scarf around her neck. In her mind’s eye, she would look intellectual, perfect for her first day at work in one of the city’s oldest libraries, but in reality, as she looked at herself in the mirror, she looked more like a flight attendant. She scrunched up her face with disappointment and flashed a glance up at the clock. She didn’t have time to change, so it would have to do. She grabbed her coat and her keys and trotted out of the door of her apartment and into the cold autumn day.

  The job at the library had been one of Zoe’s steps to begin again after her latest failed relationship. When she met Ross, she thought they were meant to be, but after just a short time, she learned that he wasn’t the man she thought he was. He’d broken her heart, even though she would never admit it to him, and after stewing for a few weeks, she decided that she needed a clean break and to mix things up. Her life had been stagnant for too long, and she wanted new and exciting experiences. She had quit her job as a receptionist at a law firm and landed the job at the library as an assistant librarian. It was something completely different to anything she had done before and she was sure it would open her mind to a whole other world of possibilities. She day-dreamed about meeting a scholar from Harvard or a professor who would be there researching and poring over ancient tomes. Maybe she would even be inspired to go back to college and take up a new subject. That was the magical pull of an old library—there was so much information under one roof, she was never going to be bored.

  As Zoe walked down the street, she looked up at the trees that had been glowing with red and orange leaves seemingly a few days before. Now they were becoming bare and their branches poked out at different angles like bony fingers. This was her favorite time of year, and it felt perfect to her that she should be starting her new job as the world was preparing to start again, too.

  She rounded a corner and stopped as she looked down the street. The library was standing tall and proud at the end and had an air of so much rich history about it that it made her smile from ear to ear.

  “Here goes,” she said to herself as she stepped forward and walked towards it.

  The Gold Rose Library was a very old building in the center of the city and looked gothic with its gargoyles and high spires. As Zoe approached the main door, her nerves were almost on top of her, but she breathed out deeply and heaved open the huge, heavy handle.

  As she stepped inside, she was greeted almost immediately by a short, plump lady with large glasses and an even bigger smile.

  “Good morning, Zoe!” she beamed. “Welcome to The Gold Rose!”


  As first mornings went, her time in the library was relatively easy and enjoyable. Zoe had been expecting to be shouldered with a lot of work that no one else really wanted to do, but instead the lady who had greeted her, Mrs. West, let her get accustomed to her surroundings in the main hall.

  The Gold Rose wasn’t due to open until 10:30am, and Zoe had been shown to her desk in the center of the main hall, where she sat at a high oak information point in the middle of a stack of dusty hardcovers. Everything in there seemed ancient, and the whole place oozed with history and secrets. Zoe had never felt more intrigued at what could be hidden there within the walls.

  She flipped through her employee manual, which looked as if it hadn’t been updated in about forty years and snuck a look at her cell phone. She had a text from her mother wishing her good luck on her first day and another from her best friend asking her to go for drinks on Friday night. She smiled. It was nice to have people who cared for her, but it didn’t matter how many friends or caring family members checked in, no one could fill the gap that Ross had left. Even after their short time together, Zoe had grown so used to having a partner that she was struggling without him.

  She sighed and pushed him to the back of her mind. She had taken the new job to forget Ross and move on with her life. She was determined she wouldn’t be defined by a failed relationship and that she would thrive by finding new interests and a new career. She looked up and around her. The main hall really was an amazing sight. Its ceilings seemed as tall as the sky and the dark wood was so brooding and atmospheric it made her shiver. She had never really thought before about why the library had been given its name, but now she could see as she sat there that it had been decorated many years ago all around the edges of the ceiling in gold leaf in the shape of roses. She smiled as she thought about the artist deciding to do this and how he or she would have made it up so high to complete the intricate paintings.

  “Must have taken them a long time,” said a voice from behind her. She turned around to see a girl about her age standing there with a large stack of books in her arms.

  “That’s exactly what I was just thinking,” Zoe smiled.

  The girl climbed up into the desk area and thumped the books down next to her.

  “I’m Rebecca,” she smiled as she held out her hand.


  “It’s nice to have someone else working here who isn’t as ancient as the library,” she laughed.

  Zoe giggled too and nodded. “I can imagine it gets a little boring in here at times with no one to talk to.”

  “Yep,” Rebecca sat down next to her and pulled the manual across the desk. “And I wouldn’t even bother reading this. They make everyone do it on their first day, but it has literally no relevance.”

  “Thank God, I was starting to fall asleep,” Zoe fake yawned.

  “So, Westy sent me down here to show you the ropes,” Rebecca smiled as she swiveled around on her chair. “What made you want to come and work in this place, anyway?”

  “I just thought it would be an interesting change,” Zoe shrugged.

  “We get a load of geeks wanting to work here,” she laughed. “I’m glad they seemed to hire someone normal.”

  “Thanks,” she blushed, unsure of whether it was a compliment or not.

  “Okay,” Rebecca grinned. “So, I guess we should start with the basics, but it’s all pretty straightforward…” She got to her feet and acted as if she was on stage in front of a large audience, and as she spoke her voice echoed around the empty room. “We are the faces of the lovely Gold Rose,” she took a bow and continued. “We are here to serve and educate the masses with the wealth of knowledge we have at our fingertips.”

  Zoe started laughing. Rebecca was certainly funny.

  “Okay, too over the top,” she laughed and sat down. “Basically, we’re information assistants. If anyone can’t find a book, we show them where it is, look it up on our database if necessary, check no one has already borrowed it and it’s still in the building so-to-speak, and then reshelf any books that have been returned…which sounds pretty easy, but it’s actually a lot of work…or hopefully not now you’re here, because I was doing it myself!” She stopped and sucked in a big chest full of air. “You literally have no idea how happy I am to have you here!”

  Rebecca’s enthusiasm and sense of humor was infectious, and Zoe knew she was going to have a lot of fun working with her.

  “Well, believe it or not, I’m really glad to be here, too,” she smiled. “It feels really good to have a fresh start…and just look at this place. It’s so beautiful!”

  “Oh, I know,” Rebecca said as she turned and looked around at the huge hall they were standing in. “I suppose I’ve been here so long now, I take it for granted.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get bored at looking around it,” Zoe beamed. “It’s just so full of history.”

  “That sounds a bi
t geeky,” Rebecca said. “Alert! Alert!”

  “Haha, okay, sorry,” Zoe said as she looked down at the floor. “I promise I’m not a geek… Don’t worry.”

  “Good,” Rebecca said as she swept the books back up into her arms. “Well, come on then, we better get going. We have lots to do this morning.”

  “Okay,” Zoe jumped down from her chair and held her hands up. “What should I bring?”

  “Just yourself for now,” Rebecca said ominously. “You’ll be helping me with the stack of books from hell any second.”

  “Oh great,” Zoe said as she followed Rebecca out of the information point and down one of the long corridors of books. As they made their way further into the maze of the library, Zoe knew she had definitely made the right decision. She was going to love working there, she could feel it.


  The girls spent the rest of the morning on their hands and knees at the very back of the main hall, sifting through returned books and checking the library map for where each pile they were making should go on its designated shelf. The doors opened as planned at 10:30 and although the first hour was very quiet with barely anyone coming in, as it approached lunch time there seemed to be a few groups of tourists and the odd actual visitor looking for something in particular.

  Zoe made her way back to the information point as Rebecca shelved some of the returned books. She climbed into her big leather chair and began to read the manual as she tried to get to grips with the database. She was glad that she hadn’t been approached by anyone and asked for help yet as she still didn’t have a clue how anything worked. Rebecca had been a good trainer, but she was so funny the girls had spent most of their time messing around and cracking jokes.


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