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Jocked Up: Sports Romance (A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance)

Page 8

by Summer Cooper

  I wondered what he tasted like, down there. If he’d smell of the soap or of his own unique scent. I remembered then the power I’d felt the last time we’d been together, of the way it had felt to give him pleasure and an idea formed. But he was resting, I thought as I looked over at his closed eyes and relaxed face.

  I couldn’t stand it any longer, there were things I wanted to try, things I wanted to know about his body, and when else was the perfect time to find out about it? I scooted out of bed and then crawled back in from the side, angling for towel draped hips. I could hear him lightly snoozing as I lifted the towel away from him but he must have known what was coming because he was already hard when I took his flesh into my hand.

  I looked at him with delight as I stroked him, loving the silky feel of the oddly hard organ. I’ve never really touched one, you know? Just felt them inside of me. I’d had no idea they felt so good. I even enjoyed the way it felt to stroke him, my hand tight but not too tight around him. I watched the colors change in the tip of his cock as I stroked him and wondered if it was possible for men to sleep through an orgasm as he was still slightly snoring.

  Maybe it took more effort; I decided and moved once more, bringing my mouth over him. I opened my mouth wide not exactly sure if I could open my mouth enough to let him in. I decided to lick him first, to get him slick. My tongue slid up his nine inches, from the base of his cock to the very tip. I opened wide once more and moved down, feeling the head stretch my lips as I moved down, letting him glide down to my throat.

  I couldn’t take him all but when his hips jerked I wanted to try. He came awake suddenly, his hands going to my head as he realized what was happening. He moaned and let his head fall back as I slid down his hard length once more, then sucked my way back up with gentle suction. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do but his moan of pleasure told me I must not be hurting him.

  “Oh yes, Bethany, oh baby, suck me harder.” He urged me with a need in his voice that awakened that powerful response in me, so I did.

  My hand went around him as I stroked up and down his shaft, my mouth following along behind as his hands clenched in my hair. I could hear his breathing getting ragged and a gasp escaped his lips on more than one occasion. Glancing up I saw he was watching me with fascination, his eyes glued to my lips. When his hips started moving and his head fell back I felt a powerful sensation of triumph, of control that I’d only ever felt with him. This was sexual power and oh my, did it feel good.

  My body was responding to his pleasure, to watching him, to making him feel good but I ignored it as he cried out my name again and his hips pushed his cock a little further down my throat than it had gone before. His hands unclenched from my hair and I moved up a little, not ready to take that much of him yet. When the first hot jet of his cum hit the back of my throat I hummed in satisfaction. I’d got him off. That humming made him cry out once more and jet after jet of Drake’s pleasure shot down my throat.

  He tasted salty, earthy, but I was more fascinated with him releasing into my mouth than paying attention to how he tasted. His orgasm was beautiful to watch and the look on his face, that was seared into my memory. Pure, unadulterated pleasure mixed with satisfaction washed over his face and the man I thought couldn’t get any more handsome, did.

  He pushed at my head as the last pulse shot through him and I moved away, pleased with myself.

  “Oh, you are a happy girl. What’s brought that on? It’s your turn now.” He teased me but his eyes had closed again.

  “Nope, we’re going to sleep, buddy. That was my first time doing that and apparently I’m not too horrible at it. I think I’ll have to keep practicing, though, it causes a fascinating thing to happen, you know?”

  “I don’t mind you practicing at all, Bethany, practice every day for all I care, I won’t mind a bit.” He pulled me close as I moved up next to him, my body starting to quiet down once more.

  “I might take you up on that but for now,” a yawn interrupted me. “Me and this baby are going to sleep.”

  “Go to sleep baby. Both of you. I’ll keep you both safe.”

  I was asleep before he finished the sentence.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Bethany, you’re going into labor, we have to get you upstairs right away.” The doctor said as she came back into the examination room I was in.

  “What? But it’s not time yet! Are you sure it’s not those Toni Braxton things, what are they called? Braxton-Hicks contractions, false labor. I can’t be in labor!” I sat up, reaching for my clothes. “Drake’s game is tonight! He can’t come back now; you have to make it stop!”

  “I’m afraid there may not be much we can do. She’s developed enough to survive and though I’d like to keep her in for another few weeks, I think you’re having a baby today.” Doctor Edwards said as she filled out some forms. “Take these with you, they’ll need them upstairs in the labor ward. I’ll be there within the hour. Stay calm, have your sister-in-law stay with you, and prepare yourself for what’s coming my dear. We’ll get through this.” The doctor gave my shoulder a reassuring pat as she walked out of the room and a nurse came in with a wheelchair.

  I let the woman drone on as she wheeled me to an elevator, chattering about the weather as I tried to dial Drake. I knew he’d be getting ready for the game but I had to let him know! I knew there was no way he could get back in time, not unless this drug out for a day or two, but I wanted him to know. I finally settled for sending him a text message as I was wheeled into a room and helped into a bed.

  Other nurses came in and time started to blur as I was hooked up to machines, things strapped around me, and an IV put in my arm. The doctor came up to examine me once more and pushed back with a grim look.

  “You’re dilating still. We can try some medicine but in my opinion, you only have two weeks left, it’s time.”

  “You don’t care about the Super Bowl either do you?” I asked as the woman actually smiled. She didn’t look like someone upset at having to work on the weekend.

  “My house is currently filled with six men and eight women who will be screaming at the television, and each other, for the next few hours as they consume some of the unhealthiest food on the planet. And I hate football. I’d much rather help you bring your little girl into the world. Ah, here’s your friend.” The doctor let me slide back up in the bed I was in and left the room, telling me she’d be back soon.

  Amelia ran to the bed and sat down beside me, taking my hand. “It’s time, huh?”

  “You know it. Poor Drake, I feel so bad!” I almost wailed I was so upset. “He’s so looked forward to this, taking all the classes, studying techniques to ease the pain and help, and planned it out so many times. Now he’s missing it. But I’m glad he’s missing it for a good reason. It’s not every day a guy gets to play in the Super Bowl.”

  “You’re taking this so well, Bethany!” Amelia said with surprise. “I’d wring his neck if it was me.”

  “Oh Amelia! You know how important this is to Drake. The game I mean. Well, the baby too yeah, but this game will be his crowning achievement! I wouldn’t want him to come home.” I did really but I didn’t mind. I understood and knew he wasn’t choosing to not be here, there was a difference.

  “Well, I’m going to keep calling and texting until he calls me back!” Amelia said as she took her phone out.

  “You have to put it in airplane mode honey, all this equipment you know?” I pointed to the sign on the wall of my private room.

  “Oh. Shit. Let me go out and I’ll be back. I’ll call Mike and tell him to do it. He and Peter are busy getting ready for the game but he’s just going to have to suck it up, his new niece is almost here!” She kissed my cheek before leaving the room.

  I had a moment of peace and rubbed at my stomach, feeling the contractions starting again. It had only been two weeks since Drake and I had started to make love again and now I was going to have to wait six weeks again. But we’d have our daughter finally. Oh,
I couldn’t wait! It was almost time for my daughter to arrive.

  I hissed in a breath as a much stronger contraction hit me and realized it had all started last night. Drake had left the night before and I was in the baby’s room, folding clothes one more time when what I thought was indigestion hit me. By this morning, it was coming at a steady rate, strong pains but not too strong. I thought it was just false labor but Amelia had insisted I come to the hospital when I’d driven Peter and me over to her house.

  Now here I was, my first really strong contraction stealing my breath and I grabbed at the bed rail. This was not going to be fun.

  Drake was having the time of his life but he still wished he could have brought Peter and Bethany. Peter would have loved it but Bethany was too far along for the stress of travel. He’d hated to leave her but he knew she still had a few weeks to go.

  Coming off of the field at half-time Drake was elated, they were ahead by 35 points and the other team was slowing down while his was just getting started. Ducking behind some of the other players as they streamed into the locker room he took his phone out of his bag to check it. He wasn’t really supposed to have his phone but the coaches hadn’t said anything to him about it. He wasn’t going to be blatant about it though.

  The noise of the stadium, the adrenaline pumping through his veins, the elation of knowing in his bones that he was about to win his first Super Bowl ring disappeared in an instant as he saw his phone filled with messages and voice mails.

  “Fuck!” He thought he’d muttered the words but several of his teammates turned to ask him what was wrong.

  “Bethany’s in labor!” He sank onto a bench and tried to call his sister or Bethany back. Neither answered and his gut clenched. Oh man, they were pissed if they weren’t even answering him. Oh this was not good.

  One of his best friends on the team came and sat next to him. Ben Anderson was almost seven feet tall with the weight to go with it. A true bear of a man, Ben was as gentle as a lamb off the field.

  “Can’t get through?” Ben asked, looking at Drake with some sympathy.

  “No. I’m so far in the shit it’s not funny. I promised I’d be there, man!”

  “It can’t be helped. I’m sure she understands.” Ben spoke with compassion, his paw of a hand patting Drake’s shoulder. Drake had to brace himself from toppling over but he appreciated the gesture.

  “Thanks, buddy, but I’ve let her down far too many times already. This might be the proverbial straw.”

  “I hope she understands, Drake, I really do. We’re here for you buddy, all of us. Anything we can do just let us know.” Ben sat back on the bench, relaxing for a moment. He’d taken quite a few hits today and the line-backer was getting old for a player in his position, he needed to destress for now.

  “It’s all good, Ben. We’ll get this game done and I’ll go home and take my new daughter a shiny new ring.” Drake drummed up some false enthusiasm before walking away to try to call again. Why wouldn’t they answer?

  There was still no answer by the time half-time was over and Drake went back on the field but his mind was only half on the game. Every pass he made, though, went right to its target, his muscles knowing what to do, even if his brain didn’t. His knee started bothering him in the last ten minutes of the game but at the point, they were so far ahead his team could have sat down and given the ball to the other team and they still have won.

  Drake was happy when the game was over and he was crowned with the MVP trophy, he smiled for the cameras, and laughed as his team poured a cooler full of liquid on him but his mind was back in Louisiana, in a hospital room where not a single person was answering his call. Somehow he made it through the interviews, gave the requisite speeches, and made it through the night without blowing his top. All he wanted to do however was get in his truck and drive back home. He could be there in eight hours if he drove straight through. But he had more interviews to give, more obligations to fulfil, and not a single phone call. He knew he didn’t deserve one but his sister could have at least let him know what was going on.

  Drake sent texts, left messages, but gave up by 3 am. Nobody was answering him, not even Mike. He was in some serious trouble here and he knew it.

  “I called that bastard’s agent and told him either Drake comes home by tomorrow morning or there’s going to be hell to pay.” Amelia’s face was thunderous as she came into my bedroom at the house and took Petra from me. My plan had been to name her after my mother but Peter had been so enamored with her I’d decided to name her after him. Drake and I really hadn’t talked about it much, he’d asked my plan, I’d told him, he’d agreed. He hadn’t bothered to call since the baby was born so I’d done as I’d pleased with my daughter.

  I knew he was busy, I knew it was hard to get a minute to himself, but this was ridiculous. I was starting to get agitated and Amelia was furious, downright furious.

  “What did the agent say?” I watched Amelia place Petra in her bassinet.

  “He said he didn’t know anything about you but he’d call Drake right away.” Amelia still didn’t look happy but I knew she’d done her best.

  “I don’t know what’s got into him. He was so looking forward to this and now, well, now I don’t know what to think.” I looked down at my new little girl, perfect and precious, and so like Peter at that age. I’d be blissful if Drake would just come home.

  “I’m going to hunt him down myself if he’s not home soon. I’m not having it. His daughter is beautiful, her mother is radiant and awesome, and his life is perfect now that he’s won the Super Bowl. I’ll castrate him. Yeah, castration.” Amelia had obviously gone back to the many ways she’d decided she was going to torture her older brother.

  Amelia’s phone buzzed and she looked down at it. Her eyes narrowed and I knew who it was on the other end.

  “Be gentle, Amelia, he might have a perfectly good excuse.” Yes, I’d learned my lesson about jumping to conclusions.

  “Where the hell have you been? What do you mean we never answered your calls or texts? We’ve not had any? What? No! Not a single one from you and I’ll tell you this much bother mine, I’ll have your balls when I see you, Super Bowl ring or not! Congratulations on both that and your new daughter by the way. She’s perfect.” Amelia’s face had contorted as she fumed at her brother but softened when she looked down at the baby.

  “What’s that? Oh, well, I suppose that could happen. I don’t know. I suggest you get a new phone then. But first, bring your ass home? What? No, she isn’t mad you giant asshat! She loves you and she just wants you to come home so bring your ass home!”

  I felt my cheeks redden at the mention of love but had to smother a giggle as Amelia began to swear at her brother. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her so upset.

  “Fine, I’ll see you then. But you’d better arrive with a truckload of apologies and flowers, I can tell you that much now. Bethany was in labor for sixteen hours pushing out this kid of yours, you can at least bring her some flowers!” Amelia hung up then and sat on the bed next to me where I was resting. It had been a week but my body was still adjusting to not being pregnant and the long labor. The labor hadn’t been overly complicated but I’d lost some blood and transfusion had been mentioned but decided against.

  Now we were home and I just wanted some peace. Apparently quite a bit had happened that I was unaware of. I’m glad now I hadn’t jumped to conclusions but I expect Drake was still going to have hell to pay when he got home. Amelia was still plotting out ways to torture him under her breath.

  Chapter Twelve

  Drake walked into the bedroom later that evening with a weak smile on his face. I’d heard Amelia downstairs, her voice much louder than her small frame should have been able to produce. She’d screamed at him about his responsibilities, about his child, about his life, and how he needed to straighten up or she’d kick his ass, even if he was bigger than her. She’d stand on a chair if she had to, either way; she was not going to allow him to a
bandon any of us.

  Then everything had gone quiet and a few minutes later I’d heard his steps coming up the stairs. I didn’t know what to expect and my nerves tightened as he approached my bedroom door. His steps sounded heavy, hesitant, and that didn’t make my heart sing. This should have been a joyous moment, a moment when he ran up the stairs and into the room to pull the baby and me into his arms. I suppose his sister had deflated some of that. We still hadn’t talked, after all. A gentle knock and the door opened.

  “May I come in?” He looked at me as though prepared to have projectiles launched at his head.

  “Of course, you silly man! Get in here! Where have you been?” I held out my hand, wanting him to come and sit down beside of me so I could hand his daughter over to him.

  “I wasn’t here for you. I let you down.” Drake’s head hung down to almost the middle of his chest as he came to sit down beside of me. “I let the baby down and I promised not to do that.”

  “Oh Drake! That couldn’t be avoided darling, believe me, I tried to keep her in there for you. I knew you didn’t come home because you couldn’t. Now if you’d known ahead of time that I was about to give birth, completely blown it off, and run off to Hawaii to hang out with some friends, now that would have been failing, that would have been being a giant jerk. But you were working darling and taking part in the biggest dream of your life! I’m proud of you Drake, I’m not angry with you!” I could only hope my words got through to him as he sat studying my face.

  He must have finally seen the honesty in my face because his face broke into a grin, the deep pain hiding in the shadows of his beautiful grey eyes now gone as he pulled me to him to hug me tight.

  “Oh thank goodness! I’ve felt like such a failure, Bethany, such a terrible father. I was afraid to come home because I just knew you wouldn’t want me to come home.” His voice broke as he spoke.


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