Book Read Free

A Woman Loved

Page 13

by T. B. Markinson

Gabe palmed the top of his head, nodding in thought. “O-ookay. Not what I was expecting.”

  “Are you acting, already?” Maddie asked. “Your mind games won’t work on us.”

  It was working on me. Completely.

  I wasn’t the game playing person at any party, and I wasn’t entirely certain I’d ever played charades before. If I had, my mind had blocked out the unpleasant experience. Poker would have been a better choice. I could at least bluff my way through that without the humiliation of pantomime.

  Gabe imitated a movie projector.

  Allen shouted, “Movie.”

  Well that was easy, I thought. Maybe I could rock this silly game.

  As it turned out, that wasn’t the answer, but an indication about what he would be acting out.

  I made a mental note of the motion in case my clue was also a movie.

  Gabe displayed two fingers.

  “Two words.” Ethan pressed his palms into his knees, his gangly legs making him look foolish on the petite couch.

  Gabe nodded. He held up his index finger.

  “One word,” Peter said.

  Ethan jumped in, “First word.”

  Ah, that made sense. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard after all. And all I really needed to do was stay one step ahead of Peter. Clearly, our sibling rivalry hadn’t tempered even though we were growing closer.

  Gabe pointed to his chest.





  “I,” Peter said.

  Gabe nodded enthusiastically.

  “Fuck,” I muttered into my shoulder.

  Peter flashed me a cocky big brother grin, which irked and relieved me. I had started to wonder if Tie would break him completely.

  “One word, Peter. Still plenty of game,” I dished back.

  Gabe held two fingers in the air.

  “Second word!” Allen was in the charades zone.

  Gabe put his hands behind his back and did some type of dance move, although exaggerating he was unsteady.

  “Skating,” Allen guessed.

  Ethan jumped to his feet. “I, Tonya!”

  Gabe pressed a finger to his nose and then took a victorious bow.

  “Lucky guess,” Maddie teased.

  “Lucky my ass. That was brilliant.” Ethan high-fived Gabe and then Peter and Allen.

  “All right, girls. Let’s show these twerps how it’s done.” Maddie handed her phone to Gabe. “Give me your best.”

  “Don’t I always?” he replied.

  Peter bristled some but remained mute.

  Sometimes I forgot just how fucked up my family was on some levels, like Maddie, who’d ditched my brother at the altar, playing charades with her current boyfriend, whom I knew had a diamond ring in his pocket, waiting for the right moment to pop the question.

  Dear God, would it happen during the game?

  Shoving that thought out of my mind, I turned to Gabe and Allen, who had lived in the shadows, creating a secret family with my father.

  Sarah leaned over and kissed my cheek. “It’s okay,” she whispered in my ear, and I had to wonder if she was referring to the pressure of the game or if her Sarah Sense had kicked in like it did whenever I drifted away from everyone, plagued by thoughts that were perhaps better left in the past. Maybe the historian in me wouldn’t let it. Or my humanness.

  Maddie read the clue, her face falling for a brief moment, and I hoped she was simply playing a mind game. Peter would never let me live it down. Although, I still rubbed his nose in the fact that I’d come in third at golf when he’d come in fourth.

  She acted out movie, which Sarah pounced on. Two words.

  Maddie flashed one finger.

  “First word,” I said with a trace of confidence.

  Maddie smiled, holding a forefinger and thumb close together.

  Sarah was all over it. “Short. A. It. The.”

  Maddie gestured it was indeed The. Now she stabbed two fingers in the air. She made two fists and tossed punches.

  “Punch,” I said.



  Maddie pointed to her knuckles and made an extension move.

  “Super punch,” I guessed.

  “Knuckle. Claws.”

  Maddie waved for Sarah to stay with that thought.

  Sarah pressed her fingertips into my thigh. “The Wolverine!”

  Maddie did a happy dance and, not to be outdone by Gabe, did a curtsy fit for meeting Queen Elizabeth the First, not the current occupant of Buckingham Palace.

  It was Allen’s turn. After receiving his clue, he made a motion that turned out to indicate it was a song.

  I noticed Demi fussing on the video monitor. “Be right back.” I kissed Sarah’s cheek.

  “Can’t take the pressure, Elizabeth?” Peter mocked.

  “Something like that.” I climbed the stairs, not bothering to tell him I was checking on his daughter. While Peter adored Demi, I questioned his paternal instincts after dealing with Tie and threatening divorce.

  In the nursery, I picked up Demi and snuggled her close to my chest. “Shhh, my little Demitasse.” She wiggled in my arms until yawning and settling against me. “You’re so delicate, like porcelain, but there’s spunk in you like espresso.”

  Within minutes, she was sound asleep, and I laid her back down, brushing her dark locks off her sleepy-warm forehead.

  The game had seemed to elevate to an even more boisterous and competitive level during my absence.

  “Ah, Elizabeth. It’s your turn.” Peter relished this fact more than I thought him capable. Was he feeling somewhat better knowing Tie was down for the night, or had he reached into an inner reserve of prickishness? Or, had my pulling Tie aside relieved him some, knowing he wasn’t on his own for what was on the horizon?

  I interlaced my fingers and cracked my knuckles, competitor style. “Watch this, Petey.”

  Maddie and Sarah laughed.

  No one called him Petey. Well, maybe Maddie had in the past if I remembered correctly.

  “Oh, snap.” Gabe held the phone to me, and I read the clue, the two of us huddled with our backs to the group.

  I whispered for only him, “Is that a movie?”

  Quietly, he informed me it was a song. He added, “You got this.” Flipping around, he waved for me to take the floor.

  How was it possible that after receiving a PhD, marrying a stunning woman, having twins—all these major life achievements—a simple game of charades rocked me to the core?

  Peter attempted to intimidate me by gnashing his teeth.

  Allen’s eyes darted toward Peter and then me as if saying don’t mind him.

  Ethan nodded at me, bucking up my nerve.

  Maddie wore a dazzling smile.

  There was even a brief moment when Peter gave me an encouraging bob of the head, but it was fleeting, or had I imagined it?

  And then there was Sarah, sweet, kind, loving, and sexy Sarah, giving me an expression that said no matter what, I got you.

  I mimed song.

  Showed two fingers.


  Which should I start with?

  I indicated first word and leaned over, with my hand barely above the carpet.






  “Lilliputian,” Sarah shouted, and I had to grin.

  “You two can be such nerds.” She made a gagging sound to indicate our connection made her ill.

  I waved for them to keep going.

  “Tiny,” Sarah said.

  I nodded feverishly and let them know I was moving on to the second word. But it entailed something I sucked at and never did unless forced to, like on our wedding day, which nearly resulted in me taking out the cake. And now I had to do it in front of all of them, including Peter.

  Then I replayed a memory of dancing
naked in front of the fire in our old apartment. My eyes bored into Sarah’s. She seemed to connect to me.

  I danced.

  “‘Tiny Dancer!’” she blurted and then hopped to her feet to dash across the room into my arms as if I’d just delivered a knockout blow.

  Ethan waved, adding a sarcastic, “Phooey! You two cheated with that couple voodoo shit you have going on.”

  I had one arm around Sarah. “I think it’s time for round two of pie.”

  Allen hopped up. “Yes!”

  “And booze!” Maddie crowed. “It’s always time for more eggnog.”

  The men and Maddie absconded to the kitchen, Peter bringing up the rear, looking back at Sarah and me with an expression I couldn’t figure out.

  Sarah rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Pie and then bed.”

  “You did well. I know you hate shit like this.”

  “Which shit are you referring to?”

  She laughed. “Good point. This whole day has been a challenge for the likes of you.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Some cute girl has shown me the error of my lonely ways.”

  “This cute girl sounds like trouble.”

  “Most definitely. But so fucking worth it.”

  “You have it that bad?” Her voice was alluring.

  “Want me to take you upstairs and show you just how bad?”

  She practically melted in my arms. “Wouldn’t that be nice?” She took my right hand in hers. “Come on. Let’s get this night over with. At least none of our neighbors took me up on my champagne offer.”

  I tilted my head back. “I’m pretty sure our entire group had a Shining vibe, and the neighbors feared for their lives coming to our mini-mansion in the likes of this storm.”

  “I love you, Lizzie, but your family can be trying.”

  I bumped my hip into hers. “I’ve been telling you this for years. Are you finally seeing it?”

  Her face clouded over. “Do you think Peter has another child on the way?”

  I sighed. “I really hope not, but the men in this family seem to play by different rules and expect us…” My voice trailed off.

  “Tie doesn’t seem to follow rules, either.”

  “It’s hard to know which way is up when it comes to them.” I held her in my arms. “I’m so lucky to have you. Please, let’s never become anything like them. Vindictive. Cruel. Petty.”

  “We don’t have it in us.” She kissed me sweetly on the lips. “Come on. Let’s get this party over with.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I woke earlier than usual on Christmas morning after a fitful night of sleep. Dad, Helen, and Allen had stayed with Rose and Troy. But having so many under our roof was more nerve-wracking than living in London during the blitz. Okay, maybe not quite that bad, but I still didn’t feel secure.

  I attempted to wake Sarah by nuzzling her cheek with my nose. “Merry Christmas, beautiful.”

  She grumbled and did her best to push me away. “It’s early. Turn your light off and go back to sleep.”

  I ignored her directive. “It is. And it’s the only time we’ll get to ourselves for the entire day.” I kissed her neck, aware it was one of her weaknesses. I had zero shame.

  “If you’re trying to get laid, think twice about it.” She opened one eye. “It’s not even six.”

  “Not trying to get laid, unless it’ll improve your mood. Totally willing to take the hit for the team if need be.” I continued kissing her neck.

  “Sleeping would improve my mood. Why don’t you go for a Christmas bike ride or something?”

  “Are you giving me the brushoff and seriously suggesting I go for a ride in a blizzard?”

  “Are you seriously suggesting you’re waking me this early to chat?” Her voice was becoming more playful.

  “No, I wanted to give you your gift.”

  “Again, if you’re trying to get laid, grave miscalculation, Mrs. Petrie.”

  “And I’m telling you, Mrs. Petrie, I’m not. Roll over.”

  She did so, with more grumbling, although there was a faint smile on her face. “How did I fall in love with a morning person?”

  “Either my good looks or charming personality.”

  “I forgot to mention a delusional morning person.”

  “You’re quite sexy, right now.” I straddled her waist, with one hand behind my back.

  Being completely naked helped my cause, and Sarah took in my flesh with her eyes, her grogginess easing with each passing second. “You’re starting to grow on me some. This morning, at least.”

  I waggled my eyebrows. “Are you ready for your gift?”

  She reached between my legs.

  I swatted her hand away. “I told you that isn’t it.”

  “It’s quite appealing now, though. How do I talk you into it?” She raised her thigh. “Doesn’t seem like it’ll be all that hard to have my way with you.”

  I grinned down at her. “Not sure I’ve ever been able to say no to you, but first, close your eyes.”

  She refused for several seconds before saying, “Fine.”

  I dangled the locket over her chest. “You can look now.”

  Her eyes popped open. “What?” She took it in her hands, tossing me off so she could sit up and inspect it. “Lizzie, this is beautiful.”

  I curled up next to her. “Open it.”

  She did. On the right-hand side was a photo of Fred hugging Ollie, both giggling with such innocent faces. Sarah tapped the left-hand side, which was empty.

  “That’s for Charlie. Or Charlie one and two if history repeats itself. Turn the locket over.”

  We’d talked about naming our next child Charlie after my father, since Fred and Olivia’s middle names were tributes to her parents.

  “Are those initials?” She squinted, flipping on the lamp on her side of the bed to get a better view. “OFC. Does this really read OFC?”

  “It does.”

  “But it’s an antique, or I think it is.”

  “Yes. It was made between the 1880s to 1920s.”

  “Did you add the engraving?”

  I shook my head. “It was meant to be yours after whoever owned it previously, of course.”


  “Yes, fate.”

  “Put it on me.” She thrust out her neck.

  I wrapped the chain around her neck and clasped it. The locket rested right above her chest.

  She pressed it close to her heart. “I love it.”

  “I love you.”

  “I… didn’t get you anything… this sentimental.”

  “Says the mother of our twins.”

  She opened the locket again, admiring the photo. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I ask myself that every day, with you in the equation, naturally.”

  “I think we’re both lucky.”

  I peered over my shoulder. “No one is stirring yet. I think you can squeeze in at least another hour of sleep. I’ll head—”

  She yanked my face close, smothering my lips with hers.

  I pulled away. “Or we can do this.”

  “What’s this?” She fondled my right breast.

  “A boob,” I deadpanned. “As a lesbian, I’d think you’d be familiar with them. Of course, yours are…” I buried my face in her chest. “We really need to keep sleeping in the nude if this is the end result.”

  “You really need to shut up and fuck me.”

  I saluted her, taking her nipple into my mouth.

  “I’d recommend speeding things up. It’s only a matter of time until someone gets up.”

  “You’re bossy on Christmas mornings. Are you even…?” I stuck my hand between her legs, feeling her wetness. “That’s a yes, then. Who knew lockets had this effect on you?” I shoved two fingers inside while I kissed her.

  Our breathing rapidly increased.

  Being inside her—so fucking good. I let out a moan.

  “Shhh. Don’t
wake anyone until…”

  There was a sound, but it turned out to be a gust of wind battering the north side of the house.

  I quickened the pace of my fingers, trailing my tongue down her stomach. She’d need both penetration and oral to get there in a hurry, and her urgent writhing telegraphed she desired a quick release.

  My tongue landed on her clit.

  Sarah gyrated her hips, doing all she could to help the process. Or maybe to complain I hadn’t accomplished her goal quite yet. She could be impatient sometimes. But could she really blame me for wanting to take my time pleasuring her?

  “That feels good,” she whispered when I drove in deep. “Keep that up.”

  I did, matching my hammering efforts with my tongue.


  I went in deep, keeping my fingers there, circling her clit with my tongue in the way I knew would tip her over the edge.

  Her legs quaked.

  Her back arched.

  She released a tiny moan that I wished could have been full throttle, but given the house full of guests, it wasn’t possible.

  I pressed my tongue against her clit to extend the sensation, and her body jerked.

  Several moments later, her body stilled.

  Our bedroom door rattled.

  Sarah yanked the covers over us, and I flattened as much as possible.

  The door squeaked open, reminding me I needed to WD-40 the hinges.

  Casey’s voice squealed, “It’s Christmas!”

  “It is, sweetheart. Go wake your daddy, and we’ll get going.” Sarah sounded remarkably calm, considering.

  “Where’s Lizzie?” Her voice sounded closer.

  “In the bathroom. We’ll meet you in the kitchen. Can you close the door on your way out? Thanks.”

  “Hurry up!” The door clicked into the jamb, and her footsteps retreated down the hallway.

  Sarah lifted the covers, her face aflame. “Maybe we should start locking our door.”

  “Or not have people stay over all the time.”

  “There’s that, but with our friends and family, a lock sounds like the simplest solution.” She moaned. “I had intended to…” She made a motion, which I assumed was meant to say reciprocate.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ve heard that one before. Is it safe to come out? It’s kind of hard to breathe.”

  “Oh, sorry.” She yanked the covers off. “We better get downstairs before this day gets away from us like yesterday.” Sarah slid into her robe and headed to the bathroom.


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