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Copper King

Page 3

by Vivian Arend

  When she would have crawled off him, Jim resisted, holding her with firm care. “Let me take you to your room, then. You need to give your bear a time-out so you don’t do something foolish.”

  Her eyes widened before she pulled herself under control. Her gaze twisted toward the ceiling as she closed her mouth and chewed her lower lip frantically.

  Obviously his package of trouble was trying to come up with a convincing lie. This was getting more entertaining by the minute.

  “I’ll be fine,” she repeated. “Thank you for rescuing me though.” She glanced down, her hands slowly retreating from his chest as she attempted to wiggle away.

  “At least let me come with you to get your winnings. You need a guard if you’re going to collect that amount of money.”

  He watched her mouth move, positive a silent oh shit escaped her pouting lips. “That’s right. The money.”

  “Yes, the money.” More entertaining by the minute, indeed. “Did you not intend on winning money in Vegas?”

  “Not that much.” She slapped a hand over her mouth.

  Now Jim was completely intrigued. No way would he allow this woman out of his sight, not only because everything about her called to him, but she was so damn amusing. “Well, it looks as if it’s your lucky day. What’s your name, sweetheart?”


  “And mine is Jim. You okay to go for a walk?”

  This time when she tried to rise, he let her go, waiting patiently and admiring every move she made as she straightened her clothing and patted her hair behind her ears. Standing between his legs, her hazel-green eyes were nearly in line with his as she wiggled and tugged, adjusting the soft fabric of her hoodie back over that ample chest.

  For the first time he noticed what the polka dots actually were. Her top had teeny teddy bears all over it, and he smiled.

  Smiled even harder when she finished tidying herself and turned her attention on him. Smoothing the wrinkles from his shirt with her hands, shaking her head in dismay as she adjusted his collar and tugged his suit jacket back into position. “I’m sorry. I seem to have gotten you ruffled up.”

  “You go right ahead and ruffle me anytime you want.”

  Her gaze shot to meet his, eyes widening and cheeks brightening with a rosy flush. “Oh…”

  Damn if she wasn’t the most charming thing he’d seen in a long time. “In fact, if you’re interested in a little more ruffling, I have no problem with helping.”

  A hesitant swallow. Eyes turned downward. “I think I’d like that.”

  Soft, but clear.

  Jim took her by the hand and led her from the room, intrigued to discover where this lovely diversion would take him. It wasn’t what he had expected to be doing right now, but hell if he wanted to stop.

  Chapter Three


  Why did she have to be so damn lucky?

  It was a good thing Jim had been there to help save the day, but it wouldn’t have been necessary in the first place if she could have won some measly amount, like twenty bucks, or fifty. But no…

  She glanced over her shoulder at the room they had just left. “Do all the casinos have shifter-friendly sections? I did as much research as possible, but only heard about invitation-only rooms.”

  “It’s simpler to get in when you know somebody, but, yes, pretty much every hotel has a safe spot, whether the owners know it or not.” He gestured around them. “The Luxor has the most shifter-friendly setup. It’s owned by the head of the Northern American tigers, and she’s made sure to provide lots of comforts for the creatures who come to play. But I like the Bellagio the best.”

  He led them through the maze of the casino floor, keeping to scantily occupied areas, a kindness for which Lillie was grateful. It took less time than she’d imagined to gather her winnings and tuck the cheque safely into her wallet. “Thank you for helping me.”

  He squeezed her fingers, catching her gaze and winking as they left the cashier box and headed farther into the hotel. “You’ll find I’m a very helpful fellow. I’m good at all sorts of things.”

  Her imagination went off, and this time there didn’t seem to be any reining it in. “You’re not here with anyone, are you?”

  Jim shook his head. “Well, not with any ladies, if that’s what you’re asking. My friend Damon is somewhere around, but you don’t need to meet him.”

  The growly tone he used on the last statement sent a shiver up her spine. “What’s wrong with him?” she whispered.

  The big bear slowed, pulling her toward him and tucking her against an empty section of wall. He caught her fingers in his hand, lifting her knuckles to his mouth. His lips pressed briefly to her skin, and a lovely shot of adrenaline raced along her arm until it zapped her in the heart.

  If her heart had been located directly between her legs.

  “Damon is a scalawag. Terrible heartbreaker. I, on the other hand, am the perfect gentleman.

  She knew a line when being fed it. A smile twisted her lips. “Of course you are. I could sense that.”

  “Before or after you decided to run away from me?”

  Interesting position she’d gotten herself into. Her back to the wall, her tall stranger leaning an arm on either side of her body as he locked her in place. A slight edge of fear still trembled, but he’d proved himself trustworthy enough that she smoothed her hands up his shirt, not bothering to answer his question with words.

  “You’re not planning to run away anymore.”

  The human side of her didn’t plan on it, but her shy other self could be an issue. “You’re a grizzly,” she whispered.

  He stared for a long moment, his dark brown eyes flashing with amusement. “You have a problem with my bear?

  Lillie shook her head. “Not me, but he might have to do some sweet-talking to convince my bear not to freak out.”

  “You have no problem with me, though.” He played with her hair, twisting a lock around his finger.

  “Nope. I already said I don’t mind some mussing up.” Where had that bold statement come from? It was true, but still…

  His cocky smile widened. “I think I’ll call you Trouble.”

  “What? You’re not going to call me red or carrots or something equally annoying?”

  “Because of your hair? Hell, no, the colour is gorgeous.” He wouldn’t stop playing with it, his gaze fixed on his fingers as he tugged again. “I want something special to call you when I wrap this in my fists and make you scream in pleasure.”

  Well now.

  She wanted to lift a hand and fan her face after that, but instead she caught the front lapels of his jacket and held on tight. “Is the screaming planned for anytime soon? Because I totally say yes, but I need some supper first. I would hate to pass out for the wrong reason.”

  He stroked her cheek. “Damn, I love being a bear.”

  She giggled, her amusement impossible to contain. “For any particular reason? I mean, I like my bear too, when she isn’t making my life crazy by going loco on people, or wanting to take naps at inconvenient times.”

  “I love that I can come right out and tell you I want you.”

  True. “Shifters do get to enjoy good, clean fun.”

  “Or not so clean, if you do it right.”

  She slid her hands up the soft fabric of his suit jacket, loving the slick of it against her skin. She stretched all the way until her fingers were wrapped around his neck, then tugged.

  Jim came obediently toward her.

  Or maybe she was mistaken, because he stopped an inch shy of their lips meeting, and that was not her intention.

  Not. At. All.

  “I love being a bear,” he repeated. “Because it means I can see you, know I want to drive you wild all through the night, and I don’t have to play games to get there. But the other thing I love?”

  He moved in closer. Closer. A rush of warm air brushed her cheek as he skipped her lips and directed his words toward her ear.

“I love being a bear because I’m a bossy bastard, and being a grizzly pretty much means I get my way.”

  A delicious shiver raced up her spine at his dark, growly tone of voice.

  “So, if that’s not what turns you on, you should be a good girl. I’ll take you back to your room, and later you can venture out to find a bunny rabbit to play with. Otherwise, I promise to take care of you, but I call the shots.”

  The temptation to lick his neck was so strong her fingers curled involuntarily, fisting in his hair, the soft texture crushed against her palms. “In bed? Or all the time?”

  He didn’t answer, not with words. Instead, that low rumble escaped his chest, the vibrations passing to where her breasts were pressed tight to him. Her nipples were the first to go, like an early-warning system, this one of lust, the nubs springing to full attention.

  As the reverberation continued, warning bells went off in her belly, but it was too late. Her clit had already run up the white flag of surrender, all of her absolutely and completely ready for him to be a bossy bastard.

  In bed and out, if that’s what it took. Fantasy world, meet reality. For one brief moment in time, she intended to live her dream.

  “Treat me nice, and you can be as bossy as you want.”

  He stood there silently, and she thought he might kiss her. Anticipation rose, her pulse pounding so hard stars floated before her eyes.

  Instead, he brushed his cheek against hers as he pulled away, the scruff on his jaw leaving a lovely ticklish sensation that kick-started the butterflies in her stomach all over.

  Jim held out his hand. “What type of food do you like?”

  “Surprise me.”

  He should have known his evening wouldn’t keep rolling as smoothly as he’d hoped. He wasn’t that lucky, not with Damon around. Jim had barely gotten Lillie settled in a quiet, intimate seating area, drinks on the way as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Tell me what you’re doing in Vegas. It sounds as if this is your last hurrah or something.”

  She opened her mouth, that hint of hesitation showing, but before any lies could come out—

  “This is where you got to.” Damon dropped himself onto the bench on the other side of Lillie.

  “Go away,” Jim ordered.

  His friend only grinned harder, smiling at Lillie as if he’d just discovered the female race. “Well, aren’t you the most delightful thing. And look, you’re here, sitting with one of the most boring individuals on the face of the planet. I’m so glad I came to save you.”

  Lillie fluttered a few times. “Hi. You must be Damon.”

  Jim laughed.

  At least he did until instead of looking shocked, Damon sat back and nodded approvingly. “I can see Jim has already been singing my praises. My reputation precedes me.”

  “If you don’t get out of here, your head will be preceding your body out the front door.” Jim adjusted the silverware on the table, curling tighter around Lillie.

  Damon arched one brow in the Vulcan imitation he saved for special occasions. “Someone’s getting all possessive and growly and stuff. Now I’m even happier I found you two.”

  “Choose now,” Jim warned. “You can stay, or you can keep your teeth.”

  Under his arm Lillie’s body shook slightly, and he quickly moved to check she was okay.

  She was more than okay, her smile the brightest he’d seen since meeting her. “Are you hungry, Damon? Because we’re getting a bite to eat.”

  Shit. “Damon is not hungry.”

  “Actually, I’m starving.” Damon jerked the menu out of Jim’s hands and peered at it intently. “I hear the steaks here are good.”

  Jim was ready to slice up his best friend and pop him on the barbecue when Lillie laid a hand on his thigh and snuggled closer. “You can share my menu,” she offered.

  She smiled up at him, and damn if there was any way he could refuse those beautiful green eyes anything. “Fine. We can let the freeloader hang around during dinner.”

  “I’m paying,” Lillie insisted.

  Damon’s amusement could be heard instantly. “You really think you can wrestle the bill from both of us?”

  She was worrying her bottom lip. Jim placed a finger over it and stilled her. Leaning in, he brushed his lips over hers. On this issue, he agreed one hundred percent with Damon.

  “Humour the big, bad predators,” he murmured against her mouth, stealing another almost kiss as an appetizer. “We can afford it.”

  “So can I.” She waved the banker’s note in the air.

  “Put it away.”

  “I’m not freeloading—”

  “Stop protesting.” Her attitude was damn refreshing, and he couldn’t resist telling her so. “But I’m glad I don’t have to worry that you’re with me for my money.”

  Utter shock crossed her face at the suggestion. “Of course I’m not with you for your money.”

  Damon dropped his menu on the table and motioned for the waiter. “So, what are you with him for? Because I’m far better looking, and I’m not a bed hog.”

  Jim reconsidered his earlier leniency. His friend would look lovely on a spit. “Where would you like me to send your remains?”

  Lillie laughed, tucking her fingers around Jim’s biceps as she answered Damon. “I’ll just have to take your word for that.”

  For how shy she had seemed earlier, Lillie loosened up during the meal, conversation flowing easily as Damon teased but backed off actually trying to seduce the woman.

  They talked about the different menu choices. They talked about the different games available in Vegas and laughed as Lillie rattled off the odds for each one. Hell, they even talked about the weather in a way that was entertaining.

  The entire time they ate, though, Jim found it difficult to think about anything but what came next. It wasn’t that it had been a long time since he’d been with a woman, but everything about Lillie enticed him.

  And tormented him.

  She lifted a piece of steak to her mouth, darting her tongue out to taste the surface before she placed the portion in her mouth. Jim’s cock pressed against his zipper, and he adjusted position to gain some more room.

  She picked up her bun and broke off a piece, slathering it with butter before popping the entire morsel into her mouth. The noises that followed made it sound as if she were one step away from climaxing right there in the restaurant.

  Jim tore his eyes away from her lips, catching sight of Damon across from them. The wolf’s jaw hung slightly open, his face flushed as he damn near panted.

  Under the table, Jim kicked him. Hard.

  Damon jerked out of range. “Oh, don’t tell me you wouldn’t be thinking the same thing if you were in my boots.”

  “Your boots had better start walking.” Jim tilted his head toward the exit. They’d had enough sharing time, and his plans for the rest of the evening were not group activities.

  Lillie glanced between them, the cutest expression growing as she puzzled over their discussion. “You don’t want any dessert?”

  A flash of mischief crossed his best friend’s face. “You have no idea how much I’d love some dessert, but I’m being put on a diet. You kids have fun.” Damon gave Jim a two-finger salute. “Let’s meet tomorrow. I’ve got something for you.”

  “Deal.” Anything to get the bastard away from the table as fast as possible. He waited until Damon’s back disappeared out the wide open doors before calling for the bill.

  “And you don’t want dessert either. That is unexpected. Huh.” Lillie was licking her fingers clean, and the aching need in Jim’s gut shot from want now to ready to explode.

  One after the other, the slim digits slipped between her lips. She swirled her tongue around them. Closed her mouth and pulled out with a pop.

  He had her out of the restaurant and into an elevator before she had a chance to grab any dinner mints. The elevator doors closed, and he used his access key, desperately resisting tempta
tion. He was not about to pick her up and push her to a wall, pinning her in place with his body as he ravished her lips.

  Lillie stared at the corner of the small room. “They’ve got cameras in here, don’t they?”


  “Huh.” She twirled to face him, cuddling under his jacket and nuzzling affectionately. “Thank you for dinner. And your friend Damon is funny.”

  “I’ll make sure I tell him. Often. Because that’s exactly what his ego needs. To be reminded that a beautiful woman thought he was funny.”

  She tilted her head back far enough he could peer into one hazel-green eye, the rest of her face still pressed to his chest as if she were cocooning. “Really?”

  “Well, I sure as hell am not going to tell him you think he’s sexy. Funny—that I can do. That’s one step away from being called a good friend or a nice guy, both of which sting like death from a woman’s lips.”

  The elevator doors opened on to his suite, and Jim gestured her forward. There were so many things he needed to consider. Which room should he take her in first? And on the bed? Floor? Couch?

  But first he had to make sure his shy little bear got comfortable. He’d have to keep petting her until things were juuuust right.

  Chapter Four

  Lillie paced into the living room, admiring the beautifully decorated apartment.

  Jim stopped by a low cupboard. “Take a look around,” he ordered. “I’ll grab us drinks.”

  Her heart was thumping as if she were a virgin about to be sacrificed on some sexual altar. She made her way to the windows, trailing her fingers over the back of the grey leather couch, its surface soft and cool to her touch.

  Outside, the city spread in a circle, the glittering line of the Strip lit up and stretching into the distance. Taxis and cars with their white headlights and red taillights made interesting patterns as they moved in a synchronized manner.

  Below them, the manmade lake was highlighted from all sides by brilliant spotlights. Jim’s suite was in the exact location so when a spray of water shot skyward, it was perfectly visible. She pressed closer to the glass, watching eagerly.


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