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Dark Redemption

Page 12

by Barron, Melinda

  “What is it?”

  Knox opened the box and held up a thin chain.

  “For your nipples, a little chain to go between them, with little locks on each ring to hold it in place. I’ll have the keys, of course.”

  “Will it show through my clothes?”

  “Shouldn’t. If it does it should just be the outline. Nobody should be looking that closely at your nipples except me.”

  He snapped each lock in place and the chain swung between her nipples.


  “Feel good?”

  “Yeah. I mean, yes, Master.”

  “You’re doing fine. Now, for the finishing touch. Clit jewelry that will rest against the bar and provide you stimulation all night.”

  He held up a piece of jewelry. The clasp was small, and Tatum was sure that it was meant to fasten around the upper part of her clit hood bar, held in place by the new larger bead at the top. Hanging from each side of the clasp were two strands of delicate chains, studded with tiny stones. At the bottom of each strand were larger stones.

  “Oh, I…”

  “You’re gonna love it. Now lie back and relax. Your Master commands it.”

  Chapter 6

  “The lady would like the seafood pasta, and I would like the lasagna. And could you bring us extra bread, please?”

  The waitress flashed Knox a smile that Tatum knew was about more than bringing extra bread. When she’d walked away, Tatum scoffed. “Geeze, why do skinny little bitches have to act like that? Doesn’t she know that we’re together? We’re sitting close enough.”

  “Relax, baby,” Knox said. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “How’s your clitty?”


  “Be a good girl and I might let you come during dessert.”

  Tatum stared at him, then shook her head.

  Be a good girl? Who was he kidding? Damn, her clit felt like it was on fire. The jewelry, coupled with the new bead against her nub, stimulated her each time she moved. It was almost like having a tiny vibrator attached. It didn’t help matters that the tiny padlocks attached to her nipple rings added weight and more sensations there, too.

  They were in one of the most romantic restaurants in Santa Fe. The lights were low, the music soft and sensual. They were sitting close together in the booth, their bodies not quite touching.

  The waitress returned with the bread and Tatum fought back a growl.

  “Jealousy doesn’t become you,” Knox said. He took a bite of his bread. “Tell me about Brandon.”

  Tatum, who had been in the process of taking a drink of tea, nearly choked. “Excuse me? You want me to ruin my appetite?”

  “No, but I’m concerned about what he did to you. I want to know exactly how screwed up he was.”

  “Do I have to? I mean, can’t you just go with the explanation that he screwed me over?”

  “No. I want to really know you, Tatum. I want to know what makes you tick.”

  “Not Brandon.”

  Knox laughed. “Maybe not now, but he did at one point. And he hurt you very badly. So spill the beans. I’m all ears.”

  “Can I have a glass of wine?”

  “One. I want you fully alert for our session later.”

  He signaled the waitress and ordered a glass of blush. After it was delivered, Tatum took a huge drink and sighed. “Brandon and I were the same age. We met when we were twenty-six through mutual friends. At first it was nothing more than friendship. Then, a few years later we got together. We married. We stayed married for a year. We divorced. End of story.”

  Knox made the sound of a buzzer. “I didn’t ask for the digest version; I want the whole story. If I have to pull it out tooth and nail, I will.”

  “Fine.” Tatum took another drink. “We’d been friends for two years when we went to this party together. He got me toasted, and we slept together. I liked it. He was gentle and sweet. Then, he introduced me to BDSM. And I loved that.”

  “What sort of an introduction did he give?”

  “Bondage, spankings, that type of stuff.”

  “Tame. You said he was a poser. How did you figure that out?”

  They fell silent as the waitress appeared with salads. When she was gone, Tatum shifted in her seat and groaned. Knox chuckled.

  “Just hold on a little longer. Tell me how you figured it out.”

  Tatum swallowed a bite of lettuce. “It was Margaret who figured it out. I knew she and Chad were into it, so I asked her some questions. She told me about Jaguars, and Brandon was all freaked out to go. We went as Chad’s guests. After a few visits, she’s the one who told me he was a selfish wannabe.”

  “How did she come to that conclusion?”

  “Brandon told me that a sub did what she was told, with no questions asked. If she didn’t like it, she just had to tough it out, that was her job.”

  “Bastard. Gives us a bad name.”

  “We were already married by then. I started to ask questions, wondering why other subs seemed to like things better than I did. He got very angry. He didn’t hit me, but I knew that he wanted to. He told me that if I didn’t like it, I could get out of the house.”

  “The house you’re in now?”

  “No. This was a house we’d rented. We were young, and we were stupid. We accepted a lot of those ‘you’re pre-approved’ credit cards. Brandon handled all the money, and I never saw the bills. I didn’t use the cards that much and had no idea he’d run them up to the limit. Then, creditors started to call, and things got worse for us. One night I told him that I was tired of arguing, and of his bossy nature. I woke up the next morning and he was gone. I haven’t seen him since. We did the whole divorce through lawyers. After that, he disappeared.”

  “And that was?”

  “Two months before Craig died. Craig helped me file for divorce and get a new house. He suggested that I file for bankruptcy, but I didn’t want that hanging over me. Then Craig died. And now here we are.”

  The waitress cleared the salads and delivered the entrees. Tatum stared daggers at her when she smiled at Knox.

  After she was gone, Tatum took a few bites.

  “Tell me,” Knox said. “What made you decide to come to Jaguars last night? Because, honestly, I thought you wouldn’t.”

  Tatum looked at him. “I almost didn’t. But I talked myself into it. It took a lot, let me tell you.”

  “Are you sorry?”

  “No. It’s just that I…”

  She twisted her hands in her lap and looked away.

  “Relax. Finish what you were going to say.”

  “My mother married and divorced, over and over. She’s on her seventh husband.” Tatum laughed. “When I was with Brandon, I kept thinking things would get better. But they didn’t. I would watch Margaret and Chad and think, ‘I want that’. I want someone who cares about me. Not that I’m saying you will be that man, I just… crap, I’m not doing too well on this.”

  “Surely I wasn’t the first guy to ask you out in a year.”

  “No. But you were the first one who was so persistent. The others all took no for an answer and left. When I found out you were a Dom, I was curious to see how you differed from Brandon.”


  “It was incredible. Brandon would never have done what we did last night. He wasn’t worried about bonds and trust. He was just worried about getting his rocks off.”

  “I get that idea.” He turned to her and gently stroked her thigh. He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I hope you understand why you’re being punished tonight.”

  “I do.”

  “I want to talk about your reasons for not being naked.”

  “Right now?”

  “Right now.”

  “Knox, I’m just not comfortable with my body. I just knew you were going to…”

  Tatum looked up at the waitress, who appeared to take away their plates.

  “How about some dessert?”

  Knox continued to stare at

  “One tiramisu, two forks. With some strawberries on the side, baby?”

  “Yes, darling.” She leaned over and kissed him on the chin, as he confirmed with the waitress.

  When the waitress was gone, Knox turned to Tatum. “Now, you knew I was going to…”

  “I’m not exactly model-thin.”

  “But I’ve already seen you naked.”

  “In the candlelight. I was nervous about full lighting.”

  The waitress appeared and delivered their dessert. This time she didn’t give Knox any sensuous looks. Instead, she smiled at them both and left.

  “Then tonight’s punishment is the perfect way to deal with your nerves. Now, sit on your hands so I can feed you.”

  Tatum blushed, but one look at Knox’s face told her not to argue. She slipped her hands under her thighs.

  “You’re so beautiful, Tatum,” he whispered in her ear. He moved closer to her in the booth, sliding his left arm behind her, his knee pushing against her thigh.

  “Rub your thighs together. Feel that ball against your clitty. Feel those jewels against your wet pussy. I know you’re wet. I can smell it.”

  Tatum shivered and nodded. The slight movement of her thighs sent desire rushing through her body.

  She was barely aware of Knox lifting a bite of tiramisu on a spoon. He dipped the rich concoction into the strawberries and then placed the spoon in front of Tatum’s mouth.


  She took the spoon into her mouth and closed her lips around it. Knox slowly pulled it out of her mouth, his eyes full of passion.

  Tatum chewed slowly, her gaze following his hand as he put a bite of the creamy treat into his own mouth. They went back and forth for a few bites; each time Knox would slowly slide the spoon from her mouth, then lean in and whisper for her to increase the pressure on her clit.

  Tatum clenched her thighs together. She was right on the edge, and more than a little embarrassed about coming in a public place. But she knew it was inevitable, and she knew that she had to trust Knox, and follow his edicts.

  Each bite he gave her was like a caress, a soft stroking of her skin. Her breath came in short, shallow gasps and she knew her breasts were rising up and down in steady rhythm.

  When he picked up a Lady Finger and coated it in the tiramisu, she knew what was coming. She was thankful for the low lighting in the restaurant as she took the long sponge cake into her mouth and sucked.

  “Pretend that’s my dick, Tatum.” His voice was low in her ear. “Come while you’re sucking tiramisu from my dick.”

  Tatum tightened up her pussy muscles, and she came, sucking harder on the dessert as she closed her eyes in ecstasy. She just knew that every person in the restaurant was looking at her, her chest heaving in exertion, her pussy throbbing for more attention. She opened her eyes and looked at Knox, who gazed at her with satisfaction written all over his face.

  “You’re a hot little vixen, Tatum. You just need the right man, and that’s me, to guide you. Did you enjoy that?”

  “Very much. Master.” She whispered the last word.

  “Good. I’m glad, because in about an hour and a half, you’re not going to like me very much.”

  Chapter 7

  The closer they got to Jaguars, the more Tatum felt the desire to scream her safe word. She’d never been very good at punishments, because Brandon’s usually involved pain. And she just wasn’t into pain. The pulling of her rings last night had been uncomfortable, bordering on pain, but not painful.

  She had a feeling tonight’s scene would involve pain.

  When Knox pulled into the parking lot, she grimaced.

  “Can we talk about this?”

  “You want to negotiate your punishment?”

  “Um. Yes.”

  Knox’s laugh was low.

  “Sorry, baby. This is non-negotiable.”

  Tatum pouted. “I didn’t expect punishment so soon.”

  “I didn’t expect you to disobey me so soon. I can’t just let it go, Tatum. You know that.”

  “I know.” She looked down at the floor.

  “You have to trust me.”

  The silence grew thick in the car.

  “If I let this slide, where would we be?”

  “With me trusting you?” She knew that wasn’t true, but it was worth a shot.

  “No, with you thinking that you could disobey me, and I would never punish you. Punishments don’t always add up to pain. You’re in a whole new world now.”

  “I know.”

  “It doesn’t mean you’ll never get spanked, it just means that there are other ways to punish, and you need to be aware of them. Now, let’s go inside.”

  Nate greeted them at the door, a huge smile on his face. He winked at Tatum as he opened the door.

  “Welcome back, Master Knox, little subbie.”

  Tatum smiled back, even though her stomach was in knots.

  At the inside desk, the girl from last night gave Tatum a look of envy.

  “Master Knox, I prepared the room as you asked.”

  “Thank you.”

  He took Tatum’s hand and led her upstairs. Once there, he opened the door, and ushered Tatum into the outer chamber.

  “Strip. Then come inside.”

  “No gown? Is he waiting in there? Your friend?”

  “Do as I say, Tatum.” Knox went into the other room.

  She overcame the temptation to scream, ‘Hell no’, and quickly undressed. She’d had the best orgasm of her life in this room last night. She prayed that tonight, she wouldn’t have the worst experience ever.

  * * *

  Knox sat in the chair and glanced at his watch. By his way of thinking, Tatum was either trying to decide whether to follow orders, or she was already downstairs, asking Nate to call her a cab.

  He hadn’t expected things to move this fast, but when she’d disobeyed him today, he’d had no choice. He hoped this didn’t damage what he was trying to build with her. On the other hand, if he ignored her behavior, it would certainly damage what he was trying to build. It was a no-win situation.

  He knew Vince was downstairs waiting, because their gazes had met, and Vince had oh so subtly raised his eyebrows in appreciation when he saw Tatum. He glanced at his watch again. Another minute had gone by. He’d been sitting in the chair for almost fifteen now. One more minute and he’d go into the other room to see if his perfect little sub was gone forever.

  He signed deeply, then bit back a smile as the door opened and Tatum walked inside. Her eyes widened at the sight of the bondage swing hanging from the ceiling.

  “You’ve been in one before?”


  “Good. Come over here and I’ll strap you into it.”

  “It won’t hold me.”

  “You and I are going to have to talk about this weight issue, but not tonight. It will hold you. Come over here and sit down.”

  He eased her back into the chair, instructing her to hold the bar above her head. He ran his hands down her arms and then locked each wrist to the bar. He moved to the bottom and placed each leg in the hold, strapping them down to the satiny material.

  When Tatum was fully tied to the swing, he went to the wall and hit a switch. The swing rose until Tatum was about five feet in the air. Her legs were spread about three feet wide, opening her pussy for a perfect view of her piercings and the jewelry he’d bought her. She thrashed against her bonds and whimpered that she wanted to be let go, to be let down.

  “Relax, little Vixen. That’s what you are, my little Vixen. Vix for short. That’s your name now, when you’re with me. Who am I, Vix?”

  He watched her fight against her fears, her arms and legs pulling against her bonds. His cock twitched when she said, “You’re my Master.”

  “Very good. Relax. Just relax.”

  When her breathing had calmed a little, he walked behind her and stroked her hair.

  “Breathe deep.”

trying, Master.”

  “I know.” He attached the collar around her neck, then leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Are you ready, Vix?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Why did you disobey me?”

  “Nerves. I said I was sorry.”

  “You did, and now it’s time for your punishment.” He looked down on her and smiled. Then, he gently tied the blindfold over her eyes.

  * * *

  “Master! Please, no, no!” Tatum felt as if her heart would beat right out of her chest. Visions of the punishments Brandon would devise popped into her head.


  “Vix, hush. If you want to use your safe word, do it now before we start.”

  Tatum seriously considered screaming out ‘swoop’, but quickly discarded the idea. Memories from last night appeared… warm and sensuous, and orgasmic. Tonight probably wouldn’t be that way, but other nights would, she was sure of it. She had to learn to trust Knox.

  He massaged her temples. “Are you using your safe word?”

  “No, Master.”

  “Good girl. Relax while I find our guest.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And Vix, be polite to our guest.”

  “I will, Master.”

  The door opened and closed, and Tatum took several calming breaths. Somehow, she doubted she would be whipped tonight, but if it did happen, she was prepared to handle it. Maybe, just maybe, he’d spank her. She could handle that. But if he’d had that in mind, she’d be lying on her stomach.

  The door opened and two, deep male voices echoed against the walls.

  “I’m back. This is our guest. You can refer to him as Master X.”

  “Good evening, Tatum.”

  “Hello, Master X.” Her breathing kicked up a notch. She was naked, on display, and she felt very, very vulnerable.

  “Knox, I’m jealous. She’s extraordinary.”

  “Thank you. I think so.” Hands cupped her breasts and tweaked her nipples. No one spoke, but Tatum recognized the softness of Knox’s hands. Of course Master X could have equally soft hands. She swallowed a gulp.


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