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Nordic Heat

Page 17

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  “Okay.” Apprehension inched its way through her. Isabella didn’t like the sounds of this, afraid of where their conversation might lead wouldn’t bode well for her.

  She shot a questioning glance at Sandy and headed toward Sam’s office. Along the way she noticed how people seem to withdraw more into their space as she passed. Good grief, am I getting the axe today? Leave it to the office grapevine to know the dirt before the intended victim.

  Sam shut the door behind her and closed the blinds. Closer inspection told the story of a man who appeared at the end of his rope. The flushed face that concerned her when they bumped into each other as he came off the elevator was now pale…too pale. The red rimmed, bloodshot eyes emphasized a mouth that looked like it forgot how to smile, the corners pulled tightly down.

  A picture of Joanne and her flunky storming through the office a few days ago flashed in her mind. Had the short, round man following so closely on Joanne’s heels been an attorney? Did Sam’s wife ask for a divorce? Come to think of it, Sandy said Kyle cut out while I was upstairs.

  “What’s going on Sam? You look like shit.” Her efforts to get a smile from her boss only caused more pain on his face. He hung his head for a moment before responding.

  “I need to ask you something and I want the truth. From everyone else I get a line of bullshit, but I trust you enough to expect an honest answer.”

  “Okay, I’ll do my best.” Dread snaked its way around Isabella’s stomach. A part of her knew what was coming and she really didn’t want to answer a question that would only cause more hurt.

  Sam squared his shoulders and looked her in the eyes. He took a deep breath and then plunged ahead. “Did you know that my wife and Kyle Morgan were having an affair?”

  Oh shit! To lie, or not to lie?


  The trip over the Rainbow Bridge wasn’t intimidating this time. There was no illusion of dreaming and she knew some of what awaited her.

  Isabella strolled along with her arm linked through Galvin’s and allowed herself to appreciate the beauty around her. She loved the glow of colors reflecting up from the path. They gave a hue to whatever passed on that strip of walkway, including them. Glancing in Galvin’s direction, she appreciated his yellow glow that changed to blue the closer he came to her. Her color hues contrasted nicely with the blue and the shades of red appearing on her left side.

  “Did you tell your grandfather we were coming for a visit?” She squeezed his arm in happiness. This time she wouldn’t miss out on anything in her attempts to convince her logical mind she walked in a dream as she did on her first visit.

  Her senses took over, deeply inhaling the jasmine that bloomed in profusion and she laughed in delight when a butterfly perched on her shoulder, going along for a ride.

  “No. I decided after your encounter with Sam you needed a diversion.”

  He knew her so well. It was as if he could read her mind at times. When Sam asked her this morning if she knew about the relationship between his wife and her co-anchor, she told the truth. Yes, she’d heard rumors, but never witnessed anything intimate between them. She hated to cause anyone hurt, especially someone she liked.

  From the pain in Sam’s eyes, he may have caught them in a passionate embrace. Overhearing, a snippet of office gossip didn’t create that kind of anguish. He’d turned his back then and said, “Thank you. You can go. We both need to get back to work.”

  When she left for home later in the evening, she saw lines of light around the closed blinds of his window. It appeared Sam had decided to burn the midnight oil. She’d hesitated in front of his door and raised her hand to knock. Should she have made sure he was all right? Her hand had been raised to knock, but instead hesitated, reluctant to interrupt. Now Isabella regretted that she’d turned and left.

  “I know you’ve seen Valhalla from a distance, but up close you get lost in its splendor.” Galvin stopped them in front of the most impressive building she’d ever seen.

  “Wow.” The word may have been inadequate, but it was the only one that came to mind as her eyes traveled over the various openings. What she thought appeared to be spears jutting from the roof proved to be spot on up close. Plus, she’d never seen a building with so many doors. “How many entrances does this place have?”

  Warm breath caressed her ear as Galvin explained. “There are over five hundred doors to various halls. We will enter the one guarded by the wolf.”

  “Oh.” She took a step back as they approached a large entryway. The wolf sat upright on his haunches and pulled his lips back in what looked like a smirk.

  “It’s okay. He’s only trying to intimidate you.” Galvin tugged on her arm.

  “And a damned good job he’s doing too.” She allowed her companion to lead her forward until a big blob of something landed with a splat at her feet. Looking up she saw a huge eagle perched over the door.

  “Shit, and I do mean shit. That eagle almost got me.”

  “Another form of intimidation. Come.” Galvin pulled her through the opening, pausing only long enough to pat the smiling wolf.

  “Good heavens. What goes on in this place? Doesn’t anyone ever pick up after themselves?” She tripped over a breast plate and kicked it to the side to join the others scattered over and under the benches that lined the hall.

  “This My Love is where the Valkyries bring those who have earned a position here through their courage.”

  “Valkyries? I thought they were myths.” It occurred to her, until recently she also thought Nordic gods were myths. “Never mind. Dumb comment.”

  Taking her hand in his, Galvin led her toward a room at the end of the hallway. “Let’s go find my grandfather.”

  Reaching their destination, Isabella studied her surroundings. Not exactly her taste. Other than the room in Galvin’s childhood home his mother claimed for herself, the houses in this realm seemed to consist of large bulky furniture. They must all have the same decorator. She took in the dark wooden chairs and tables. Then again the wood did give warmth to the marble floors and the ceiling…good lord… The ceiling consisted of what appeared to shields, some dented and battered.


  Isabella turned to see a stunning woman enter behind them. This had to be one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen. Her beauty equaled or surpassed that of Sif. Beauty was the only similarity with the gentle blonde goddess. With the way this woman moved toward them it was definitely obvious she enjoyed her power and she wouldn’t hesitate to use.

  “Freya.” Galvin bowed from the waist in greeting and took the out stretched hand offered to him. “I did not expect this honor.” He applied a kiss to the strong hand he held in his.

  The goddess’s muscles rippled, when Freya extended her arm and Isabella bit the inside of her cheek and glanced away. Okay, no need to let the green-eyed monster turn me into a bitch. Isabella returned her gaze to Freya. She’d kill to have biceps like that and even with busting her ass several times a week in the weight room at the gym, hers didn’t come close. Guess there’s something to be said for being a goddess.

  “I am sorry to say you have missed your grandfather. Odin received word from Zeus he needed him to come and discuss an issue of some importance and, for once, he took Frigg with him.” Freya fingered the necklace that hung between her breasts and appraised Isabella. “Who do we have here?”

  Now under the focused scrutiny of the goddess, chills ran up and down Isabella’s spine. Would it be impolite to ask where the bathroom was? She clinched her thighs together in the sudden need to pee. Just nerves. Relax.

  Relief flooded through her when Galvin appeared to sense her nervousness and came to stand at her side.

  “This is Isabella, Freya. Her beauty has captured my heart just as yours captured Odin’s when he made you Queen of the Valkyries.”

  Oh my god. That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard and if he doesn’t shut up my tears will flood this friggin’ palace.

nbsp; “Our Galvin has always been known for his silver tongue among the ladies here in Asgard.” Freya tipped her head in acknowledgement of the compliment.

  “Freya is my grandfather’s favorite Valkyrie. None can compare to her in courage and strength, or beauty.”

  Nice to meet you seemed an inadequate comment to make to one of this status. Shit, she was as important as the Queen of England and Isabella didn’t think she’d feel nearly as nervous meeting the British monarch. Then again, she wasn’t looking to have an on-going relationship with any of that queen’s sons, but wait, Galvin wasn’t Valkyrie Queen’s son or grandson. If she remembered correctly, the woman was only a mistress of Odin’s.

  “I’m honored to meet you.” There that sounded a little better, she hoped.

  Her tense body finally registered the fact that one of Galvin’s hands massaged her shoulder. The tight sensation in her neck began to ebb away. She resisted the urge to throw her arms around him in gratitude.

  “Galvin, would you do me a favor?” An urn materialized in Freya’s hands. “Would you go milk us a pot of mead from Odin’s goat, Heidrun?”

  A slight bow of his head indicated his consent to the assigned task and Galvin took the vessel from the goddess.

  “Please remember to bring honey for mine.” Freya winked. “You know Valkyries prefer Honeyar to plain mead.”

  “How could I forget, but for the life of me I shall never understand how such fierce warriors can drink such a sweet brew.” Galvin dropped a soft kiss on Isabella’s lips and whispered, “Later, my love. I shall return with drink for all of us.”

  “I, in the meantime shall show Isabella the halls of Valhalla. She can get a glimpse of how the gods live. Come, my dear.”

  Following behind, Isabella swore the woman’s feet never touched the cold marble. The goddess glided over the floor, which caused Isabella to feel like she was stomping out a forest fire with her plodding steps, as they made their way through the vast building.

  Freya picked up the knife that lay on a table and pricked the end of her finger. A nod of her head indicated she found the sharpness to her liking and she smiled at the tiny drop of blood from the wound. “Forgive me, if I am forward.”

  The tour ended back in the hall where it began and Galvin wasn’t back. Isabella wished he’d return soon because something told her this conversation was going nowhere fast, at least from her point of view.

  “By all means. Speak your mind.” Just remember, two can play this game.

  “I find Galvin’s fascination with a mortal most interesting and difficult to understand.” The Goddess of War pursed her mouth in disapproval. “He has always been a favorite among immortal females in all the realms. What is special about you? I see nothing of importance.”

  Open mouthed Isabella stared, unable to respond to such rudeness. Granted, the woman did have a point. There was nothing special about her when compared to women with the powerful abilities that existed here. Still, if rudeness of this level was accepted behavior, then someone better snag an etiquette coach from Earth to teach a course on manners.

  I’m going to take this bitch out if she says much more and that may create a few issues if I do end up in this family of nuts. Oh hell, who was she kidding? There was no way she’d be able to put a mark on the arrogant goddess.

  “There is also the death thing.” Freya wrinkled her nose in as if she smelled something rotten. Obviously, the idea of dying didn’t set well. “You will die and he will not. What does committing to each other accomplish, as it will be for him, such a short commitment?”

  The two adversaries looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps.

  “Of all of Odin’s grandchildren, Galvin is my favorite and I do not want to see his pain. Consider what I have told you, my dear.” The goddess glided forward to greet the return of her lover’s grandson.

  “Sorry it took so long. It appears with Odin gone, Heirdrun is not being milked of mead on a regular basis and I felt compelled to relieve her of all she possessed. What did I miss?”

  He looked baffled when the two women exchanged dark glances.

  A slight smile played across Freya’s lips. “Nothing, dear. As the women of Earth would say, just girl talk.”

  “Ouch! stop it Galvin. That hurts.” Isabella pulled away, objecting to the nip he’d given her ear.

  “How about this?” He grabbed the retreating woman and laid her across his legs. Without thinking, his hand contacted against her bare bottom. Caressing the smooth skin on the luscious ass before him, he gave into the urge to apply another smack.

  “Ouch!” Isabella wiggled pushing her posterior up, making it more accessible.

  “Like that do you?” His cupped palm came down again. Her skin glowed pink from the administrations of slaps to her shapely derrière and his cock twitched in response. What started as a game to discover the truth of Isabella’s conversation with Odin’s Valkyrie mistress now became a turn-on for both of them.

  Why did he start spanking her? This wasn’t play he indulged in with previous lovers, but turning her over his knee was something he’d wanted to do often and not in passion. The woman frustrated the hell out of him at times with her stubbornness and then her quick sense of humor delighted him just as much.

  “Are you finished?” She twisted away. “I’m beginning to enjoy this game.”

  “Who said I’m done? I’ve only just started.” Pulling her beside him, he captured her wrists in one large hand and held them above her head. Looking down at her exposed nakedness he lowered his mouth to claim hers.

  “Damn! What the hell did you do that for?” Galvin pulled back and licked his bottom lip where she’d bitten.

  Isabella grinned. “You’re not the only one who can play the pain game.” She tried to pull her wrists free. “Are we going to continue playing games, or are we going to make love?”

  Galvin studied her flushed face and leered. “Making love to you is a game. The best of games.”

  He freed her hands as he lowered his head and kissed the pulse point throbbing at the base of her throat. “Yumm, you taste so good.” His lips traveled down her heaving chest, licking and nibbling until they reached the harden peak of a nipple. He rolled the nub between his teeth and sucked gently.

  “Yes, oh yes.” Her hands dug into his hair and pressed his mouth closer. “More,” she demanded when he lifted his head to move to the other side.

  The attention to that breast generated the same response of moans and words of encouragement to continue. Heat from her hands seared through his clothes in her efforts to remove them.

  Galvin stood and finished the job she’d started, shedding his clothing in a heap beside the bed. His cock throbbed and danced in anticipation of what lay before him. He stopped and admired the woman he loved with all his heart. A finger reached out and played with the patch of hair on the mound above her entry. He enjoyed the lack of hair on the rest of her womanhood and stroked the silky smoothness.

  Desire knifed through him when she licked her full lips and ran then ran her tongue around the outside of her mouth in what he was sure was an invitation. No. If he accepted the offer, it would be over in a matter of minutes. Even a deity had limits and she pushed him to his.

  “Come.” Isabella held out her arms and he moved alongside her.

  He was done with games now. All he wanted was to touch, feel and taste the goddess beside him. She may be mortal, but her body deserved worshipping more than any he’d seen in the immortal realms.

  Lust consumed him and he lowered his head and kissed her long and deep. The need to slip inside her drove him to push her legs apart. His fingers caressed the slit between her legs and luxuriated in the warm moist heat he discovered. One finger slipped into the opening, then two.

  She withered in response and a low groan told him he succeeded in finding her G-spot and he tapped the rippled area with the tips of his fingers. Muscle spasms clinched his inserted appendages and she screamed out. “Now, Galvin. Now
. Get inside me.”

  More than happy to accommodate her demand, he plunged his engorged penis deep into her waiting wetness. Pausing to allow time for his passion to level, he felt her finger nails dig into his butt cheeks. That was all the encouragement needed and his testicles tightened and he exploded as wave after wave of release coursed through his body.

  He slid down beside her and pulled Isabella’s still panting body against his. “Maybe I should spank you more often.” He nuzzled the back of her neck and tightened his hold on her body. The inklings of longing treaded through him and his cock twitched against her backside.

  Loving her again would be ideal, but he wanted to know more about what happened when he went to milk the goat for its mead. The return from his realm was not like that of the fun, relaxed trip to get there.

  Isabella was distracted and at times withdrawn. Contrary to what Freya said, he was sure the two discussed something which upset the woman he loved. He hoped her defenses were down now as she basked in the afterglow of their love making.

  “Tell me, what was the girl talk you and Freya didn’t choose to share with me?” He felt her stiffen and try to pull away.


  Pulling her closer he inhaled the scent that was uniquely Isabella, sunshine and fruit on a warm summer day. “If it is nothing, why have you become upset?”

  “Okay.” She tugged away from him, pushing his arms to release her. “It was pointed out to me once again, how different things are in our worlds. You…” her bottom lip trembled, “you are an immortal who never ages.” A tear slid down one cheek and she pushed his hand away when he tried to wipe it off. “And me, I’m a mortal. Not only is my lifespan short, but I will age before your eyes.”

  “This does not matter.” The speech pattern so in him surfaced, causing him to sound stiff and formal. “I love you and I know you love me. My life is not forever. Immortals die, too.”

  “Yeah, just not at the same rate.” She gave a sad little smile and stroked his cheek. “I don’t want to create more heartbreak for myself when you grow tired of the aging woman you wake up to each morning and go back to your world where the bloom of beauty never fades.”


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