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Without Limits: Austin (Rugged Riders Book 4)

Page 6

by Ambrielle Kirk

  Zaira gestured toward the table, a perfect eyebrow arched high in challenge. “Put your money down.”

  Nathan hesitated for a while until the two men behind him began to tease him. He took out a fresh twenty and laid it down on the corner of the table.

  Zaira doubled over in laughter. “Are you kidding me? You’re gonna have to come better than that. Bet your whole wallet.”

  Trent watched Nathan’s confident grin disappear, but with the other R.R. brothers urging him to put the entire contents of his wallet down to appease a woman’s challenge, he took the bait. He dropped his wallet on the edge of the table.

  In that moment, Trent looked up and his gaze locked with Zaira’s. Her eyes sparked instant recognition and something else he couldn’t quite pinpoint. She wore the perfect poker face as she sized him up.

  Trent took the opportunity and did the same. The flattering black mini skirt was not what attracted Trent to Zaira the most. He’d always had this infatuation to learn her from the inside out. It wasn’t a matter of if she would surrender control to him, but it was a matter of when.

  But first, he wanted to witness her game plan on the pool table. Trent gave her a nod to greet her silently, twisted the cap off his bottle, and let the cool beer slide down his throat. He lowered the bottle after a few swallows only to find her still glaring at him while chalking her stick.

  He winked. Zaira’s mouth parted slightly and her eyes were a bit glazed.

  There were half empty cocktails lying on a table next to her lady friends. Right away he could tell that she’d had a little too much to drink. As Trent thought about it, her actions were out of the norm. Sure she was saucy, controlling, and challenging, but last time he was with her she hadn’t come off as the loose type. Had something changed or did she just need to lay off the cocktails for the rest of the night?

  Her lips turned up in a slight grin and her eyelids fluttered downward before she diverted her gaze away from him. With a seductive sway of her hips, she picked up a cocktail, took a long sip, and prepared for her next shot.

  Trent wasn’t sure what this strange feeling was or what it meant. This warm thrill ran through him every time he saw something he wanted and intended to have. Even if it took all the determination in him, he would have what he wanted. There was also some other temper running through him and as he looked at the men who threw appreciating glances at the vixen posing and bending over the pool table ready to strike, he pinpointed exactly what it was. He wanted to be the only man in Zaira’s life.

  He didn’t just want her once or twice. He wanted Zaira for himself without limits, infinitely. Biting at his bottom inner lip, he willed himself to cool this possessive streak down—at least for now.

  It took Zaira less than five minutes to clear the table, pick up the guy’s wallet, and collect all of his cash. This feat didn’t surprise Trent either—after all, he was the one who taught her to the play a mean pool game in the first place. He couldn’t help but to smile, feeling proud of her win.

  The three women she apparently came with surrounded her, cheering her on once again. One of them had a round of shots on a tray and each woman took their turns indulging. Behind Trent, Nathan’s crew taunted him about losing all of his money to a woman.

  Trent was beginning to feel like a spectator to an outside party he wasn’t invited to, but then Zaira lifted her gaze once more to meet his. He felt a little better knowing that she had, in fact, acknowledged that he was there. He couldn’t keep her eyes off her, not even if he tried to. Right now, it was virtually impossible. Her laughter, her voice, her body, and even her competitive nature drew him in.

  So when Zaira turned, took a step in the opposite direction, and began to stumble, he couldn’t help but to intervene. When he caught up to the group of women they were still boasting about Zaira’s win. When she leaned against the wall in what looked like an attempt to gain her composure, her friends moved in to hold her steady.

  “Ladies…” Trent moved in to help them hold Zaira upright. “I’ll take over from here.”

  A blonde beauty turned around the looked him up and down. “Oooo,” she exclaimed. “We were just leaving, but do you mind helping us all out?”

  The women giggled and whispered amongst themselves, and then another drew closer to him. “Yeah, we might just stay for a little while longer if you do.”

  It seemed that they were either tipsy from their drinking game or halfway to drunk—or maybe just pretending to be. On any other day, Trent would have indulged them. But not on this day…

  Trent’s gaze toggled back and forth between Zaira and her friends. “Who’s driving?”

  “I am,” one of Zaira’s friends stepped forward with a set of keys. “You coming with us?”

  “No, ma’am. Thanks for the offer, but I got my own ride,” Trent said. “Excuse me, ladies.” He turned toward Zaira who hadn’t said a thing. “I need a word with you.”

  “What about?”

  “About Svelte. Can we talk alone?”

  Zaira looked at him apprehensively. For a moment, he thought he saw a hint of concern marking her face at the mention of her father’s company.

  “Damn, Zaira. You told us you were single and looking. What gives?” one of Zaira’s drunk friends said from behind. “You said you hadn’t had dick in m—”

  “—Pam…geez…” Zaira ran her fingers through her ponytail and bit at her bottom lip—something she always did when she was embarrassed. “Trisha, give me a minute. I’m going to that new joint with y’all, so don’t leave without me.”

  “Are you all right?” Trent asked when her friends were out of earshot.


  “But you’re drunk.”

  “I only had one drink. I’m not that drunk. And if I was, then what…?” Zaira put her hands on her hips. “I came to party, eat, and drink. I’m not driving, I’m not causing problems, and I’m minding my own business. You’ve got issues with all that?”

  “I do.” Trent moved in closer. “You can barely walk and are in no position to go bar hopping.”

  “We’re going to one bar after this. That hardly constitutes hopping.”

  “You’re already slizzard. If your friends hadn’t held you up, you would’ve been on your pretty little ass,” he said.

  Perfectly groomed eyebrows arched downward. “Is your name Loyd Wright, by any chance?”

  “Last time I checked my ID, it read Trent Byron Stone. What’s your father got to do with this?”

  “He gave me my last orders at seventeen years old,” she retorted.

  “You told me once that I was the closest thing you had to a brother. I’m just looking out for you,” he replied.

  “There’s a difference between giving me orders and looking out for me.”

  He breathed deeply, taking in her exotic scented perfume. “I’m a little confused. I thought you loved being on the receiving end.”

  She shook her head. “What?”

  Trent chuckled. “Do you like to give or receive?”

  Zaira gasped and straightened her back against the wall. “You’re twisting my words around. Again. You’re good at that, aren’t you, Trent?”

  Her face was so close to his and he whispered, “You know what else I’m good at? Detecting a lie. You’ve had more than one drink.”

  “Look, you told me you wanted to talk about something. What is—”

  Zaira swayed again and this time he pressed his body gently against hers to keep her upright. She pressed her palm against her forehead. “I guess that last shot did me in.” She chuckled nervously.

  “How many did you have?”

  “Three or four.”

  “Quit while you’re ahead,” he said.

  “Trisha is our designated driver tonight and they’re ready to go.”

  “They’re ready to go to a bar and you will not be going with them. I take care of my own and those of my R.R. brothers. Your father qualifies and I’m responsible for making sure you get ho
me safely.”

  Zaira’s body grew lax against his. She pressed against his chest and held onto the front of his shirt for support. “Oh…”

  “What in the world did you drink?” He lifted her chin to glance at her face.

  “I drank too much of the Crown. Okay, I admit it. You happy now?”


  She pursed her lips in defiance. “I haven’t enjoyed a night with my girls in forever. So, save it.”

  “So, what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna willingly let me drive you home or are we going to cause a scene?”

  She grabbed onto his forearm. “I need some water and then I’ll decide.”

  “Fine. Here’s an empty seat.” He gestured toward a side chair near the wall. “Just stay right here and I’ll come back with water.”

  “Mmhmm, just hurry,” she said, as she slumped down in the chair and pressed her palms to her face.

  By the time Trent had grabbed some bottled water, found her friends and convinced them that he was sane, not a criminal, knew her parents, and would get her safely home, Zaira had leaned against the chair and had apparently passed out. He wasn’t amused at all, but at least this ensured her protests about calling it a night were kept to a minimum.

  He scooped her up and headed toward the door to his ride. As soon as the fresh night air hit them, she came to.

  “Trent?” she murmured against his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Yeah…that’s me.”

  “You smell good.” She breathed in deeply, eyes still closed. “You taking me home, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you want me?”

  Trent halted abruptly. He had to pause to look at her for a moment, to make sure that those words actually came from her mouth. She’d spoken the words, but he reminded himself that she was intoxicated.

  “Yes, I want you,” he replied.

  “Perfect,” she whispered. “It’s time to break a record.”

  He almost stumbled over a landscape rock as he crossed the huge front lawn to get to his ride. “What record?”

  “I’m in no state to ride your bike.”

  “I drove my car.” He didn’t miss the fact that she’d never answered his question. “What record?”

  Zaira chuckled softly against his throat sending carnal sensations down his spine. “Just drive me home.” She lifted her face close to his and pressed smooth, chilly lips against his cheek. “I’ll tell you when we get there. After you…unwrap me. And take me…”

  He swallowed dry air. A hard-on pulsed behind his zipper, but he walked with his vixen in his arms down the single row of cars lining the curb contemplating his options.

  They reached his Porsche and he helped Zaira inside before jumping in on the driver’s side. No other words were spoken as she propped the seat back and succumbed to her fatigue. She looked so beautiful, even after consuming an undisclosed amount of liquor. But he wasn’t that type of man. He didn’t take advantage, especially not with someone he cared about. He wanted her—badly. But he wanted the real Zaira Wright, quick temper and all.

  Chapter 2

  Being freelance had its drawbacks. Zaira knew this first hand. There was an advantage to it—she set her own hours and showed up for work when there was actually work to do. The disadvantage was that she was on call. Most of time that meant scheduled meetings and appointments with only a moments notice. Like the one starting in fifteen minutes…

  The elevator bell dinged each time it progressed a level. The noise only aggravated her migraine more, and the headache pill she’d taken prior to leaving her condo did nothing to ease a massive hangover. What was she thinking when she agreed to go to that initiation party with the girls last night? How would she have known that her father would call an impromptu Monday afternoon meeting?

  The elevator finally came to a stop on the fifteenth floor and corporate offices of Svelte Technologies. Zaira stepped into the main lobby and was promptly greeted by the receptionist at the desk.

  “Zaira,” Patrice called out. “Nice to see you again. Are you working a late shift tonight?”

  “Hi, Patrice. No, not tonight.” Zaira approached the desk and placed her briefcase on the black marble floor. “I was scheduled to be off today, but I’m here for the one thirty meeting. It’s in the main conference room, right?”

  “Let me check.” She scanned the computer briefly before looking up again. “Actually the re-organization meeting is in your father’s office. I’ll let them know you’re here.”

  “Thank you.” Zaira said her farewell to Patrice, and then used her pin to enter the main suite.

  Since when did her father call private impromptu meetings?

  Zaira bit the inside corner of her lip. The last time they discussed business on short notice, the conclusion was an addition to Svelte’s product line. During the transition, she nearly doubled her working hours at the office. Maybe her father had even more plans to increase her workload.

  She greeted a few people along the way, passing the rows of cubicles and offices. She had a good working relationship here with her colleagues for the most part. But the majority of the people didn’t see her as the temporary accountant who worked odd hours to make up for the current vacancy in the CFO office. They saw her as the only daughter to the owner of the company.

  The door to her father’s office suite was closed. Behind it, she heard the voice of her father and one other in room. She knocked softly at the door.

  “Come on in,” her father called.

  With keen curiosity she pushed the door open. The first person she saw was her father’s smiling face as he sat behind his large oak desk. There were three chairs directly in front of him. One was empty. One was occupied by Marcus Brooks, Svelte’s CEO. She recognized the third person as Trent Stone just as she stumbled inside the office. Her insides tightened and warmth fanned across her body. Zaira tried to hide her surprise and muster some semblance of composure, but she was truly struggling inside the four-inch stilettos she wore. Last night’s encounter with Trent at the house party suddenly came back to her. Even now she couldn’t remember much between them leaving the party and right now. Damn, she couldn’t even remember how she’d gotten into her bed last night. Since all her clothes were still intact when her buzzer went off this morning, she figured nothing out of the ordinary had went on between her and Trent. Or had it…?

  “Zaira, you’re right on time.” Her dad held his hand out toward the empty seat. “Marcus, Trent, and I just got back from lunch. You’ve had lunch already, haven’t you?”

  There was a small Cuban cafe on the first level of the building that served the most delicious sandwiches and wraps and the best Cafecito. Dad knew she loved to eat there on her days in the office.

  “Yes.” This was half of the truth. The apple and bag of chips she ate on the way here hardly qualified as lunch, but she didn’t need to explain that she was still recovering from a late night out and a hangover.

  The men stood as common courtesy as she took her seat. As Zaira got comfortable and crossed her legs, she caught Trent’s gaze and his quirky grin. It dawned on her that he knew a lot more about what happened last night than she did.

  “We’ve known each other for years, so I won’t worry about all the formalities.” Her dad rested back in his big leather chair as he spoke and linked his fingers together. He smiled. “I finally have a team of my most trusted to take this company to the next level.”

  “You do?” Zaira asked.

  She’d known that her father was looking to hand the reins to someone else. It was all he ever talked about these days. He’d recently invested in a newer start up, and thus couldn’t devote as much time to Svelte as he wanted to. She’d told her father long ago that she felt she needed more training and seasoning at her current firm before agreeing to work with him at Svelte on a full time basis. Plus her father had always known that working for one company had never been her priority. She much rather pref
erred to outsource her work at many different companies.

  “That’s why you’re here. You’ve done a great job with stepping into the temporary CFO role when it became vacant. You worked many overtime hours and know this company from the inside out. In fact, you are the only person that knows me and this company from the inside out. Zaira, I wanted you to take the role, but you’ve already made it clear that you won’t have it.”

  She sighed. “Dad, we talked about this. I will do whatever it takes to keep this company alive and striving, but a CFO position is not my calling. Not right now. Taking the role here would restrict me from gaining the experience I need in other industries. Virtually everyone in this city who’s anyone knows that you’re my Dad. I don’t want a handout and I don’t want it to appear that way either.”

  “She’s most definitely your daughter. A Wright, no doubt.” This came from Marcus who sat in the last chair on the right.

  Her dad chuckled. “Yes, she is.”

  Zaira smiled, but definitely wanted to get to the reason for her presence. And Trent’s, for that matter. “And about this new team…?”

  “Yes. A new team and a younger generation to steer the company. I’ll still serve on the board for the immediate future, but like any growing company we need a firm organizational structure. Our last CFO didn’t work out. It took several months of recruiting and interviewing, but we do have a new CFO…Mr. Trent Stone.”

  “What?” Zaira uncrossed her legs and scooted to the edge of her chair.

  Everyone in the room looked back at her with a puzzled look their face.

  “You chose him?” Zaira’s mouth hung open in shock. Had her father completely lost his mind? As far as she was concerned, the only thing Trent was interested in doing was betting and gambling for a living.

  Trent cleared his throat and she could see him shifting in his seat as her ass grew hot with indifference in her own chair.

  “Zaira, what’s the matter with you?” her father asked, his expression growing stern. “Do you have a problem?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t have a problem myself—”


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