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Redeeming the CEO Cowboy

Page 14

by Charlene Sands

  Poor Mindy. She’d looked so disappointed there wasn’t something juicy going on. If she only had known that her friend had been initiated in the art of limo lovemaking, she might have gone right into early labor.

  When Susanna was done setting up for the party, she drove straight home and parked in the garage. Ally was rubbing her eyes as they made their way into the house. Nap time called and after Susanna handed Ally a cup of grape juice, she scooted her into the bedroom. Ally chose five books from her shelf and Susie lay down on the bed with her. She began reading the first book quietly. Halfway through Amelia Bedelia, Ally’s eyes shuttered closed. Susanna stayed with her a few minutes, catching some zees herself. A short time later, and careful not to make a sound, she tiptoed out of the room.

  A flowery fragrance flavored the air as she moved down the hallway. She smiled and walked into the kitchen to give the bouquet Casey sent her this morning one more look. One dozen white lilies surrounded by greenery sat in a cut crystal vase on her kitchen table. When they were delivered she’d been surprised and thrilled. The note simply said, “For you to enjoy, Casey.”

  She took a seat and sighed, staring at the winsome flowers. For a few moments last night, after they’d made love, Casey’s demeanor had changed. He’d been so deep in thought and tight-lipped that she wondered if he was regretting the entire evening. But then the flowers arrived this morning and her fears were put to rest. Somewhat.

  Her phone rang and she caught it after the first ring, smiling when she noted the caller. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, are you today, honey?”

  “Everything’s great here. It’s been busy, in a good way. How’s Chip?”

  “Oh, know, he’d be better if his mother hadn’t taken ill. Ida is ninety-one now. We’ve been spending a lot of time with her, making sure she’s comfortable. That’s the main reason I haven’t come out to see you and Ally. Otherwise, you know I’d be there. I’ve been wanting to come for a visit for a while now.”

  “I can’t wait for you to visit, Mom. But I understand. Chip needs you there now.”

  “You know, honey, our door’s always open to you and Ally, if you’d ever consider moving here. I think you’d like Georgia and Chip and I would help you with that little shop you want to open.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I know your door is always open for us.” She stared at Casey’s flowers and couldn’t hide the smile in her voice. “But I’m fine. Really. Aside from missing you, I’m happy here. Honestly, so you don’t have to worry.”

  “Susie, know mothers always worry.”

  Susie chuckled. “I’m finding that out.”

  “And how’s our little angel doing?”

  Susie gave her mother the scoop about Ally’s progress. She talked about the chocolate party she’d just catered and how things were starting to gel as far as motherhood and her business were concerned. Then she casually mentioned that Casey was coming over for dinner tonight.

  “So how is Casey these days?” her mother asked.


  “I always knew he was fine.”


  “Well, you can’t tell me you didn’t have a crush on that boy when you were younger. You’d get tongue-tied whenever he came over. Your dad and I would have a good chuckle over it. Seems like you’ve been seeing a lot of him lately.”

  “He lives next door. Of course I see him. As much as I see any other neighbor.”

  It was a little white lie she couldn’t avoid. Whatever was happening between her and Casey was too new to discuss with her mother right now.

  Her mother’s soft sigh reached her ears. “Well, you give that boy my best when you see him.”

  “I’ll be sure to. Love you, Mom.”

  “Love you too.”

  “I’ll call you in a few days.”

  “Okay, honey. And sweetheart...” Her mother paused for a second. “I don’t sound very happy today. It’s good to hear.”

  “I am happy, Mom. Bye now.”

  Susie hit End and set her cell phone aside.

  * * *

  Standing at the threshold of Ally’s bedroom, Susanna studied the little girl. All tucked in for the night, she looked adorable in her lightweight teddy bear PJs. Charger sound asleep beside her, his small furry chest puffing out noisy breaths. Ally had worn the puppy out and vice versa. Her heart swelled seeing the two of them looking like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. But in that joy, she found room for fear. The psychologist had warned her to be cautious about upsetting any routine Ally had come to know. No big changes. No more devastation in her young life. How could she guarantee that?

  A voice in her head told her to tread carefully...she was heading for uncharted territory with Casey. She closed the door partway and walked into the kitchen.

  “Is she asleep?” Casey asked, greeting her in the middle of the room.

  “Yes, thanks to you and Charger. I don’t know which one of you three had more fun tonight.”

  Casey grinned. “Definitely me.”

  He looped his arms around her and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “Been wanting to do that all night.”

  “Mmm,” she said. “I’ve been wanting you to do that all night.”

  Casey entwined their fingers and led her out of the kitchen. “Where are we going?”

  “In here,” he said. He sank down on her living room sofa and gave her hand a tug. Whoosh. She plopped onto his lap.


  “I have to thank you properly for dinner.”

  He took her in a long, slow, leisurely kiss.

  “And I have to thank you for the beautiful flowers.”

  She returned his kiss, sucking on his lip as she pulled away. “There.”

  He brought his hands to her hair, toying with the curling ends. She loved the ease with which he touched her. They’d come so far in such a short time. “I’ve been thinking,” he said. “About Sweet Susie’s.”

  “That would be me.”

  “No,” he said quietly. “I was talking about your shop.”

  “Oh.” Where was this conversation heading? “I don’t have a shop. Right now, I am Sweet Susie.”

  He cupped her neck and brought her head down for another kiss. “I won’t argue with you there. But I was talking about you opening Sweet Susie’s Pastries and More.”

  “It’s not going to happen anytime soon, Casey.” Her voice faltered. “I’ve sort of resigned myself to that.”

  “Don’t you want it to happen?”

  “More than anything.” Well, almost. Right now, she had Casey on the brain. “I can’t get the loan I need. And without that...”

  “What if...and I’m just speculating here...what if I were to become your silent partner?”

  She climbed off his lap to look at him and gain some perspective. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean...what if I put up the money for Sweet Susie’s. That place by the River Walk is—”

  “Probably sold by now.”

  “You’re right. It is sold. I bought it.”


  “It’s a great location.”

  “You bought it?” Had she heard right?

  “Yeah. So if you want to give it a go...I’ll back you.”

  Susie saw the sincerity and determination in his eyes. The implications went beyond business. Casey didn’t need to partner with her; he ran a multi-million dollar business of his own. Was he pitying her, thinking of her as a charity case, or did he really care about her? This gesture was big and went way beyond sending her a bouquet of lilies. “I don’t know...” Her voice trailed off.

  “You don’t have to make the decision now, Suse. Think about it and let me know when you’re rea
dy. There’s no pressure.”

  “Okay,” she muttered, still stunned.

  He played with the scoop neck of her blouse, his index finger tracing along the seamless rim and his palm gently grazing her breast. “I should go,” he whispered.

  “Is that what you want?” she asked on a breath.

  Casey paused, searching her eyes for a long moment. Again, something she couldn’t name lingered in his expression. She couldn’t read him, or know exactly what he was feeling. But she knew what she wanted. Him.

  “Stay with me tonight,” she offered.

  Casey drew breath into his lungs. And then finally he nodded, any reluctance he might have felt wiped clean by a lopsided smile. “It would’ve been damn hard leaving you tonight.”

  She rose and put out her hand. He stood, towering over her, and allowed her to lead him into her bedroom.

  * * *

  As they entered the room, Casey closed the door with care and pressed the button lock. “Okay?” he whispered.

  Lifting her eyes to his, she nodded. Ally was sound asleep, but just in case, she didn’t want her wandering into her bedroom tonight and Casey understood that. Susie had eagle ears and she’d hear Ally if she needed her.

  The air was warm in her room, the silence rich with tension. Casey grasped her hand and moved toward the queen-size bed. With a sudden yank, he dragged her to his chest and his lips whispered over her ear, “Finally, I’ll make love to you in a bed.”

  Their time on the sofa when she was eighteen held special memories, and so did the limo ride—she’d never forget either night. “I’m not complaining,” she said softly.

  “You deserve...more, Susanna,” he rasped in a low tone. “You deserve everything.”

  “Oh, Casey,” she crooned, her heart swelling. She brought her palm to his stubbly cheek, loving this rugged side of him. “I think I have that right now.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  She’d had reservations about Casey in the beginning, but things were changing between them. He’d been there for her at every turn lately. If she didn’t go for this chance with Casey and see where it all might lead, she’d never forgive herself. She trusted her feelings for him that much. Otherwise, she’d never risk her heart. “But I know. I want you here tonight. That’s all that matters.”

  She rose up on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

  A groan rose from his throat and he lifted her into his arms, caveman-style, holding her there while he answered her kiss with a dozen of his own. Then he lowered her down on the bed and simply stared at her as she stretched out and nuzzled her head into the pillow. Her hair fanned out, catching his rapt attention. The bed dipped as he placed a knee by her hip and then pushed her Sweet Susie’s T-shirt up, his fingers inching up her sides, his eyes focused on their path. The material hooked onto her breasts and he used enough gentle force to slip it up and over. Staring down at her, he said, “I didn’t think it could get any better.”

  He stood up and lifted his polo shirt over his head. Next, he unbuckled and removed his belt. Susie took in the play of moonlight on all that lean muscle. She’d never tire of seeing Casey this way, half naked, his eyes lit with pure lust.

  Oh, boy.

  He lowered down beside her and resumed their kiss. Her skin prickled as he caressed the hidden places of her body. She was his now, she knew. She wouldn’t question anything he did to her. Anything he took. She loved him from the depths of her soul. Lying with him on the bed made it all seem more real somehow, made it all seem right.

  He kissed her lazily, as if he had all the time in the world. He touched her thoroughly, everywhere, and she moaned and arched her body, straining to be closer to him. His mouth covered one breast and suckled while his hand toyed with her upper thighs. Anticipation grew fiery hot, her breaths came up short. He separated her legs and she waited. “Casey,” she moaned. Her body stilled, ready.

  “Shh, sweetheart,” he said. “I want to make it good for you.”

  How could it get any better?

  Another round of his kisses bruised her lips, and then...he moved down her body and tasted her, his tongue moistening her most sensitive spot, his day-old beard chafing her soft inner thighs. Sensations whipped through her. A scream rose up, threatening to break through the quiet, and instantly, as if he anticipated her reaction, his hand was there, covering her mouth, his firm fingertips muting her sounds. Forced into heady silence, she calmed and enjoyed the rippling tremors bounding through her system with every beat of her heart.

  Her powerful and earth-shattering release came quickly, her heart racing like mad.


  “So...good,” she said on a quiet sigh.

  Then Casey quickly put on a condom and positioned himself over her, his arms braced on the bed by her pillow. A sheet of blond hair hid his handsome face, but she saw the tilt of his rigid jaw and felt his body tighten. “Ready for me?” he asked.

  She always had been.

  She nodded. “Oh, yes,” she whimpered. “Please.”

  He inhaled a sharp breath and mounted her.

  It was perfect, the patient rhythm he set. His slow thrusts repeatedly brought her to the brink. He stroked her body over and over, and whispered in her ear, “Again, sweetheart.”

  The sexy words tilted her world upside down. She went instantly tight. Her body bucked up and convulsed. Casey drove deeper, climbed higher. Her name tore from his lips and she couldn’t hold on a second longer. She climaxed, splintering into a thousand embers of fiery heat.

  With a low, deep guttural sound, Casey gave one more thrust, shuddering over her. He stilled then and exhaled. They stayed together like that for quiet seconds, with him over her, staring into each other’s eyes, breathing and allowing their bodies to simmer. Then Casey rolled off and lay on the bed beside her. He slipped his arm over her shoulder and she closed her eyes.

  She was in Casey heaven.

  * * *

  Susanna lay nestled in Casey’s arms, her head on his chest and wisps of her hair tickling his chin. Gently, he glided his fingertips over her arm, soaking up the softness of her skin in the aftermath of making love. She smelled deliciously sweet like the cupcakes she baked and he’d never tire of breathing in her scent. Susie had grown into a wonderful woman, a caring mother and a responsive bed partner.

  His mission here had been complicated from the start. He’d had to gain Susie’s trust and insinuate himself into her life, in order to give her a hand up without her realizing it. He was succeeding in that, for the most part. But he’d never planned on falling for her. He’d never planned on caring so darn much for her and the little child she was raising.

  Susanna Hart was a woman he could spend his life with and not ever look back. Because there was a child involved and because he didn’t want to hurt Susie again, he had to tread carefully. He couldn’t afford any mistakes this time.

  He wanted Susie and at the moment, as her warm breath touched his skin, he saw nothing but possibilities with her. Was it wishful thinking? He wasn’t sure, but one day soon he’d tell her the truth about himself and own up to his reason for coming here. But right now, he held onto his secret. Right now, he couldn’t risk failing in his mission.

  Right now, he wasn’t ready to risk it all.

  “Mmm, Casey,” Susanna purred, shifting her body closer, getting more comfortable on his chest. “This is nice.”

  He began stroking her hair, his palm caressing the silky locks as soft sounds of satisfaction slipped from her throat. He’d never enjoyed snuggling with a woman like this before. “It’s the very best.”


  Susanna held a vigil by her kitchen window, glimpsing Casey taking his morning run as she had almost every single day since he’d moved in next door. It made her day, seeing him pounding pavement in gray
sweats, a white tank and beads of sweat coating his shoulders and arms. Charger kept pace beside him, panting and going as fast as his stubby legs allowed. Her eyes followed Casey until her view was blocked by Mrs. Simpson’s shady oak tree. In about twenty minutes, and if she was lucky, she’d see him return to Meadow Drive, slowing his movements to walk off the burn.

  Oh, she missed him already.

  It was the same every morning when she’d wake up alone in bed after spending an exhausting and beautiful night with him. If he suspected she was beat, he’d leave before midnight, and if time got away from them, he’d hold her in his arms while they both slept and leave sometime during the wee hours of the morning before her alarm went off.

  The week had flown by. She couldn’t believe it was Saturday already and time for the grand opening of Zane’s on the River. She wanted to look extra special for Casey tonight. And she’d recruited Mindy for the job. While she looked forward to her second official date with Casey, the opening of the restaurant and nailing down a new office site meant that his job here was almost completed.

  A headache suddenly pounded inside her skull. The unknown frightened her. This week she’d lived in the moment with Casey. Although he didn’t make any verbal promises, his kisses did a lot of talking. Had she misread him? And the kindness he’d bestowed on her and Ally lately?

  Last Monday, she’d found him directing a workman he’d employed to fix their adjoining backyard fences. On Tuesday, a painting crew splashed a new coat of paint on her sun-bleached patio cover after they’d done a touch up job at the Thomas house. Wednesday brought a gardener who planted feathery snow-white iceberg roses and greenery in the garden border by her front porch. Casey said he wanted to give her flowers that would last. She could hardly refuse.

  Yesterday morning, though his back was hurting despite the rubdown she’d given him the night before, he’d taken Ally on a walk with Charger so Susie could complete a big order. Ally had been thrilled. Casey was one of her favorite people. And she was over the moon about the puppy.


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