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Moonlight Keeper (Return of the Ashton Grove Werewolves Book 1)

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by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “You’ll stay the night here,” he told her. He’d have to call Autumn and let her know they would have company for at least one night. “In the morning, we’ll sit down with Connor and figure out what we’re going to do.”

  “Here?” she asked in surprise.

  “If the pack comes after you, this is the safest place for you to be.”

  “So, what do I do right now?”

  “Sit back and relax. I’m going to call my brother’s wife and see if she’ll come and keep you company for a little while. I need to go and talk to the other alpha and let him know what’s going on. If there’s going to be trouble, we’ll have to notify everyone.”

  “I don’t mean to be so much trouble, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Well, you’re here now, so we’ll do our best to protect you. We’ll need more information from you in a little while, pack numbers, that sort of thing. The more we know, the better prepared we’ll be.”

  She nodded.

  Gabriel handed her the TV remote.

  “Why don’t you find something to watch while I call Marin? It shouldn’t take her long to get here.”

  Aria accepted the remote and hesitantly flicked on the TV, almost as if she were afraid it would bite her. Lucas sat beside Aria, taking her hand in his. It left Gabriel feeling unsettled, and he didn’t know why. Lucas was still young, the youngest member of their pack. Was there something more than friendship between the two of them? And if so, why hadn’t they mated before? In his opinion, Lucas was still a little young for a mate, but if that’s what the young wolf wanted, Gabriel wouldn’t stand in his way.

  Once Aria was situated, Gabriel left the room with the phone in his hand. He knew Marin would be at work, but surely this constituted an emergency?

  Chapter Two

  Marin answered the phone almost immediately.

  “Sabin Bio-Med, this is Marin Andrews speaking.”

  “Marin, it’s Gabriel.”

  It was quiet on the other end of the line.

  “Are you there?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m here. Just a little surprised you’re up this early.” There was a snicker on the other end of the line since it seemed the entire family knew why he was up late so many nights.

  “I had a surprise visitor, which is why I’m calling. Do you think you could leave work and come over? I could really use your help right now.”

  “Of course. You know I’m always here if you need me. Does this problem require me to change clothes or will I be okay in my work attire?”

  “You’re fine dressed the way you are, although you may be more comfortable in jeans.”

  He could hear her drumming her fingers on her desk.

  “Gabriel, are you going to tell me what’s going on or not?”

  “It’s better if I explain in person. Just get here as soon as you can. I need to go speak with Connor, and I don’t want to leave until you’re here.”

  “All right. Let me talk to Cole and my boss. I’m sure it won’t be a problem for me to leave.”

  “Thanks, I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Gabriel hung up the phone and stared off in the direction of the living room. He wasn’t sure if he should ask Lucas to leave or not. If he already knew of Aria’s troubles, then maybe the woman would still talk when Marin arrived. But if he didn’t know everything, she could hold back, and Gabriel needed to know as much as possible.

  He brewed a pot of coffee and looked out the window. The garage across the street seemed busy. There were days he missed work, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready to jump back into his old life or not. He’d taken over the payroll, even started working a few days a week. Autumn had been urging him to rejoin the pack, saying it was time. He’d opened up more with his family since Autumn came into his life, but he hadn’t fully rejoined the pack yet. Maybe hanging out with them would be a good thing.

  He knew Kiera would be disappointed in him. She would want him to go on living and not wallow in self-pity. Seven months wasn’t long to mourn, but he was an alpha and had responsibilities. Autumn was a bright spot in his life. She’d shown him he was still capable of loving someone, and he did love her. He knew he had Kiera’s blessing to be with Autumn, but he was still adjusting.

  His small were-fox and Autumn would both take him to task for his treatment of Aria. The moment he’d caught her scent he’d known she was part of their pack, a mate for one of their males. Whether he liked it or not, he had to welcome her into the pack and protect her at all costs.

  A party was the best way for her to meet all of the eligible males and to make friends with the few females they had left, but he wasn’t sure he was up to making that big of a leap into the pack just yet. With a sigh, he realized that, whether or not he was ready, it was time to jump back into things. He had Autumn in his life, and things were going well. It was time to take on the mantle of responsibility once more.

  The coffee was finished brewing, and he poured himself a cup. After a moment’s hesitation, he poured another for Aria, adding cream and sugar. He carried the mug to the living room, where he found her deep in conversation with Lucas. But the moment they noticed his presence, they stopped talking.

  “I thought you might like some caffeine,” he said, handing the cup to her. “I wasn’t sure how you took it, so I added a little cream and sugar.”

  She smiled her thanks. “That’s perfect.”

  Lucas stood and shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “I’m going to get back to work. If you need me for anything else, just call,” the young wolf said.

  “Do you have to leave?” Aria asked, panic in her eyes.

  “I think it’s best if you talk to Gabriel alone. He needs to know everything, Aria. You can’t hold back.”

  The fear remained in her eyes, and she nodded. Gabriel wasn’t sure what she was supposed to tell him, but whatever it was, she didn’t want to do it. Once more, he hoped that if she wouldn’t talk to him, she’d talk to Marin.

  Gabriel looked at the clock. Marin should arrive at any moment. Perhaps he should prepare his guest for her arrival.

  “If you’re worried about being alone with me, you needn’t be. My brother’s wife, Marin, is on her way here as we speak. She’ll be here soon.”

  Lucas smiled. “You’ll like Marin, Aria.”

  “I’m not afraid to be alone with you,” she said softly. “I know you’ll keep me safe.”

  Lucas backed out of the room. “Don’t forget to call if you need me.”

  Without another word, the younger wolf left, but Gabriel hadn’t missed the look of longing he’d cast Aria’s way when she wasn’t watching. It made him wonder if there wasn’t a bit of unrequited love going on. If Lucas was carrying a torch for Aria, things could get messy if she didn’t return his feelings. Gabriel would hate to see the youngest pack member get his heart stomped on.

  Aria watched him disappear from her sight before redirecting her gaze to Gabriel. Some of the fear had receded, but he could tell she was still anxious.

  “I know Lucas said you needed to talk to me, but if you don’t feel comfortable doing that…”

  “It isn’t that.”

  “Then what?”

  “I’m afraid of how you’ll react.”

  Before Gabriel could respond, the front door opened and shut. Marin appeared, a worried look on her face.

  “Gabriel, what is going…on,” she finished softly as she noticed Aria. “I didn’t realize you had company. You mentioned a surprise visitor, but you didn’t say she was still here.”

  “Marin, this is Aria McFay. Aria, this is my sister-in-law, Marin Andrews. Marin is the wife of my younger brother, Cole. She’s going to stay with you while I run an errand.”

  Marin looked him over from head to toe. “Might I suggest a shower and a shirt first?”

  Gabriel ran a hand through his rumpled hair. “Yeah, I guess that would be a good idea.”

  He excused himself and went up to his
room, leaving the women to talk. Or at least, he hoped that’s what would happen.

  * * * *

  Aria watched Gabriel leave and turned to face Marin. The woman wasn’t much bigger than her, but made her feel a little uneasy for some reason. She wasn’t sure if it was because of how well put together she was, or just the way she carried herself. Whatever the reason, it had Aria wanting to put as much distance between them as possible.

  When Marin moved further into the room and sat on the sofa beside her, Aria twitched. Slowly, she eased away, moving as far from the woman as possible.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Marin told her. “Gabriel told me your name, but he didn’t tell me why you’re here.”

  “I came to join your pack.”

  Marin smiled. “Did Ramsey find you, then?”

  Aria shook her head. “I’m friends with Amber. Or rather, I was. I just found out about her death today.”

  “You poor thing! Were you planning on staying with her?”

  “I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. I was mostly focused on getting here.”

  Marin looked around and frowned. “Where are your things?”


  “Yes, you know, your clothes and such? Don’t you have any bags with you?”

  Aria shook her head.

  Marin narrowed her eyes. “Maybe you should tell me why you’re really here. Gabriel’s been through enough already. He doesn’t need someone like you coming along and mucking things up.”

  Aria flinched.

  “That’s enough, Marin,” Gabriel said from the doorway. “Aria is in this house as my guest, and you will treat her as such. Is that clear?”

  Marin looked at her brother-in-law and nodded. “I only have your best interests at heart.”

  “I know you do, but I don’t need you looking out for me like a mother hen. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  “But it’s obvious she’s trying to insinuate herself into your life!”

  “Aria is here because she needs my help and wishes to join the pack. I’d appreciate it if you would treat her with respect. If you’re going to terrorize her, I’ll stay here and call Connor to discuss the issue over the phone instead of going to see him in person. It never crossed my mind that you would be inhospitable.”

  Marin winced. “I didn’t mean…”

  “I chose you because I think Aria and you have something in common. Don’t make me regret my decision.”

  Marin nodded. Turning to face Aria, she gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Aria. It seems we got off on the wrong foot.”

  Aria gave her an uncertain look before glancing at Gabriel. He could tell that Marin made the young shapeshifter nervous, and for that he was sorry. He’d hoped the two women would find a common bond, but now he wasn’t so sure that would happen. Perhaps he shouldn’t leave them alone after all.

  Marin, having obviously sensed his dilemma, shooed him away. “Go and meet with Connor. We’ll be fine.”

  He gave Aria a long look before leaving the women alone. A moment later, he walked out of the door and started his motorcycle. The sooner he spoke with Connor, the sooner he could figure out what to do with the little were-rabbit.

  * * * *

  Aria looked at Marin, not knowing what to think of the woman. She could understand the woman’s need to protect the alpha, especially if they were family. It was commendable even. But she still felt nervous and uncertain.

  Marin sat beside her and gave her a reassuring smile. “So, you want to join the pack?”

  “I don’t know. I came here for help, but maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. Your pack has obviously been through enough already. I don’t want to bring more trouble to your door.”

  “What kind of trouble?”

  “There’s a small pack outside of New Orleans that’s held me captive for the past two years. I escaped once, made it into the big city and approached their alpha. But apparently, he’s friends with Remus, my uncle and the alpha of the small pack, and he returned me, no questions asked.”

  Marin reached for her hand. “I know a little about how you feel. You see, when I found the pack, I’d escaped someone as well. I’d been tortured and raped. Had Cole not found me, I probably would’ve died.”

  Tears welled in Aria’s eyes. As Gabriel had said, they did have something in common. Could she confide in this woman? Should she?

  Marin squeezed her hand. “If you want to talk, I’ll be happy to listen.”

  “I don’t even like living through it again in my mind. I’m not sure I can put words to it.”

  “I understand, but if Gabriel is going to protect you, he needs to know as much as possible. I think it’s only fair that he knows what it is he’s fighting for, don’t you?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, Aria nodded. “You’re right. It’s only fair, and it will certainly be easier to tell you than to tell him, or any man. Lucas knows what I’ve been through because he’s talked to Amber, but even he doesn’t know everything.”

  “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, Aria. Just tell what you want to tell me. I won’t push.”

  Aria nodded and took a breath. “Like I told Gabriel, the pack was welcoming at first, but when I thanked them for their hospitality and tried to leave, they took me hostage. I didn’t understand it then, and I still don’t.

  “At first, they kept me locked in a room and brought me three meals a day, but had no other interaction with me. But that all changed the second or third week into my stay. I kind of lost track of time while I was there.”

  “What happened then?” Marin asked.

  “Uncle Remus decided he wanted me to mate with one of his pack members, one of his favorites. When I refused, they drugged me and held me down while the wolf…”

  Aria watched as Marin’s eyes welled with tears. “During the two years I was held captive, I had three miscarriages. The last time a doctor examined me, he advised the pack that while I could still have children, it would be difficult for me to conceive, and even less likely that I would carry the baby to term.”

  Marin pulled Aria into her arms and hugged her tight. It had been so long since someone had offered her comfort that Aria allowed it. She might not know Marin, but if she was able to join the Ashton Grove pack, she hoped they would become friends.

  “Well, if you’re going to stay here, you’re going to need some clothes. You can’t very well wear that day and night every day,” Marin said.

  Aria looked down at her rumpled, dirty clothes and the stolen pair of flip flops on her feet. The thought of something clean nearly brought her to tears. It had been so long since someone tried to take care of her that she wasn’t sure how to respond.

  Marin stood and tugged on her hand. Aria stood, uncertain. The alpha had said he was leaving her here with Marin, but he hadn’t said anything about leaving the house. Would she get in trouble for defying his orders? Would he ask her to leave the pack?

  She bit her lip and resisted as Marin pulled her toward the door. The other woman could get away with going against alpha orders as his sister-in-law, but Aria couldn’t afford to anger him. However, Marin was stronger than she looked, and a moment later they were out of the house and Aria was being dragged down the walkway to a small sedan.

  “Marin, I… won’t Gabriel be mad if he finds me gone?”

  “I’ll send him a text, so he won’t worry. He’d never be angry though, not over something like that.”

  They got into the car and Aria cast a worried glance at the house.

  “But he told me to wait for him. I don’t think he had an outing in mind when he said it.”

  Marin smiled. “You’re with me, so everything is fine. I’ll just tell him I kidnapped you if he starts to fuss.”

  She couldn’t even contemplate standing up to the alpha that way, not after everything she’d been through. There was no doubt in her mind that Gabriel would protect her and care for her, but that didn’t mean he
wouldn’t lose his temper with her, especially if she defied him. She didn’t know what kind of impact the demons had had on the Ashton Grove pack. Yes, they’d mentioned numbers to her, but what of the lives lost? Had they lost family, close friends? She would imagine that any alpha would take it hard when he lost lives, but Gabriel seemed to be taking it harder than most. There had to be more to the story. Was she brave enough to ask?

  “Marin, when I arrived, Gabriel said something about the other alpha being in charge right now. Why isn’t Gabriel acting as alpha?”

  Marin cast her a glance before looking straight ahead again. “I guess you’re going to hear about it sooner or later anyway. Might as well know up front, so you don’t say the wrong thing. Gabriel lost his wife and child during the war. To make things worse, Kiera was pregnant. We thought we were going to lose Gabriel too, until recent events. It turns out Kiera had a cousin who was part of our pack, and we didn’t even know it. Autumn and Gabriel met, and once he realized who she was, he insisted on caring for her. One thing led to another, and now they’re mated.”

  He’d been married before? Amber hadn’t mentioned that. Not that it mattered. It wasn’t uncommon for an alpha of a pack to be mated. She was sorry for his loss, but it sounded like he was getting back on track now that he’d found a new mate. Aria hadn’t even realized a wolf could have more than one mate. Not true mates anyway.

  “That’s horrible,” she said softly. “He said you were married to his brother. I guess Kiera and you were close.”

  “Very. Like sisters.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. It isn’t too late; I can still get back on the road, put a little more distance between the bayou pack and me.”

  “You’d be a sitting duck out there! It wouldn’t take them any time at all to find you, and what would you do then? Can you honestly tell me that you’d survive another two years like the last two? And that’s if they don’t kill you for escaping this time. No, you’re not leaving. Cole and I have plenty of room. You can come and stay with us.”


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