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Moonlight Keeper (Return of the Ashton Grove Werewolves Book 1)

Page 5

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Aria snorted. “Not hardly, but if there’s a council, if they could threaten to wipe out the pack, and remove my uncle from his position of power, he might listen. It’s iffy, but I guess it’s better than sitting and waiting for them to show up.”

  “Then we’ll contact the council today,” Gabriel said. “I’ll head over to Connor’s, and we can make the call.”

  “What about Eric?” Lucas asked. “Do you think he could come up with some sort of spell or something that would protect Aria?”

  “Eric? Who’s Eric?” Aria asked.

  “Eric is the sorcerer. Or you could call him a wizard. Either way, he’s powerful, and with him on our side, we’re guaranteed to win.” Lucas hugged her tight. “I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you.”

  Her heart warmed at his words.

  “I’ll call Aislinn on my way to see Connor,” Gabriel said. “Like Lucas said, we’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Ramsey is going to help guard you for part of the day, and so is Cain. Later this afternoon, there will be a shift change, and Colin and Levi will take over.”

  “I appreciate everything you’re doing for me,” Aria said.

  “You’re one of us now,” Gabriel said with a smile. “And we protect our women.”

  Gabriel stood and excused himself, leaving a chair vacant. She made a move to stand up, and Lucas’ arm tightened around her. She didn’t understand why he didn’t want her to move, but she was content to stay where she was. When Autumn served breakfast, she claimed the empty chair.

  “Everyone dig in. There’s plenty of eggs, bacon, and biscuits. I’ve seen how much Gabriel can eat, so I multiplied by five.”

  Aria’s stomach rumbled and her mouth watered. It had been so long since she’d had a decent breakfast. At dinner last night, she’d nearly cried when she’d smelled the garlic bread and spaghetti. The eggs were light and fluffy, and the biscuits tasted so damn good she ate three.

  Lucas chuckled a little. “Damn, Aria. Where are you putting all that? As little as you are, you have the appetite of a wolf.”

  Her cheeks flushed.

  “Lucas, you’re embarrassing her,” Autumn chastised.

  She looked anywhere, but at Lucas or the others gathered around the table, as she slowly set down her fork. She hadn’t meant to eat too much. Her stomach still rumbled from hunger even though she’d eaten two spoonsful of eggs, three biscuits, and a handful of bacon.

  “Aria,” Autumn said softly. “It’s okay.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes. The comment wouldn’t have hurt so much if it hadn’t come from Lucas, but he meant everything to her. She twisted, trying to break free, but he wouldn’t release her. Ramsey came out of his chair and knelt beside her. He reached up and turned her face toward him.

  “Aria, Lucas wasn’t trying to be mean. If there’s anything I know about him, it’s that he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He was joking, even though it was thoughtless.”

  “I didn’t realize I was eating so much. I didn’t mean to.”

  Ramsey’s gaze softened. “You eat as much as you want.”

  “I’m so damn sorry, Aria,” Lucas said, his lips brushing her ear. “I never meant to hurt you. I was just teasing, like I used to do. I don’t care how much you eat. If you want, I’ll get up right now and make you a stack of pancakes. I’m sure Autumn has chocolate chips so I can make them just the way you like them.”

  She sniffled and blinked her tears away. “You’d really do that for me?”

  “You mean the world to me, Aria,” he said softly. “I would do anything for you.”

  Anything except claim her. Her heart ached for him.

  They finished their breakfast and moved to the living room. Ramsey prowled the lower level of the house while Cain guarded the outside. Aria hated that she was turning everyone’s lives upside down. It didn’t seem fair that one twisted pack could mess up so many lives. It felt like forever before the alpha returned to the house, and he brought another wolf with him.

  “Aria,” Gabriel said, “this is Connor, the second alpha of our pack. We’ve spoken to the council, and they were outraged over all you’ve suffered. They weren’t just sending a warning to that pack; they were sending enforcers and witches. By nightfall, there won’t be a male in that pack who can shift. The witches will sort out who was to blame for what happened to you, and who was just too scared to speak up.”

  “So, it’s over?” she asked skeptically.

  “As far as I know, it’s over,” Connor said. “But it doesn’t mean we won’t still be vigilant. Now would be an excellent time to take a mate though.”

  Her cheeks warmed, and she fought hard not to look at Lucas.

  “No one would want me,” she said. “I’m broken.”

  “I understand that you were traumatized, Aria, but having a mate can help you heal,” Connor said.

  “No, you don’t understand. I may never have children because of what they did to me. It wouldn’t be right to ask someone to give up their right to have children.”

  “We could adopt,” Lucas said, looking surprised by his words.

  “We?” she asked.

  “I just meant if you were my mate, and couldn’t have children, then adoption would be fine. Not every wolf will consider it an automatic no. There are those of us who would just consider it an honor to have you as a mate.”

  Aria reached over and took his hand. “And are you one of the wolves who would feel that way?”

  His gaze burned her, as he skimmed her body before giving a nod. “You’ve always been important to me, Aria. I would consider it an honor to be your mate, to protect you, to care for you, and to provide for any children we might have, whether you give birth to them or we adopt them. There are plenty of shifter kids out there who need a family.”

  “Lucas,” she said softly. “Are you asking to be my mate?”

  “If I did, would you say yes?”

  Her lips trembled as she nodded her head and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. It almost seemed too good to be true. Aria eased away from him and gave him a hesitant smile. He hadn’t just offered himself as her mate as a way to appease her, had he?

  “Will there be a bonding ceremony?” she asked.

  Lucas bit his lip and shook his head. “The council may say they’re going to take care of your uncle, but I’m not taking any chances. If you’re going to be my mate, I’m going to mark you.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You’re going to bite me?”

  “I’m sorry, Aria. I know it seems extreme, but I think it’s the best way to handle things. Once our DNA mixes, there’s no way your uncle could deny your mated to me. He’ll smell me all over you the moment he gets close, and so will any other asshole who thinks they can take you from me.”

  “I trust you,” she said. “You’re the only mate I’ve ever wanted, even when we were kids, but you never seemed to notice me that way. It broke my heart when you moved away.”

  “I never meant to hurt you, Aria. I’ve known you were mine since I was ten years old. I just never felt like I was good enough for you. I still don’t. You were the pack princess, and I was just some lowly wolf without a future. What did I have to offer you?” Lucas asked.

  “What about love?” Aria said softly. “You could have given me that. It’s all I ever wanted from you.”

  “I’m sorry. I ended up failing you, just as I’d feared I would. If I’d taken you with me when I left, then no one would have ever harmed you.”

  She looked around and realized they were alone. “Lucas, you’re not at fault for what happened to me. I’ve never blamed you. I could have gone anywhere when I left home. It was my choice to go to my uncle’s pack.”

  Lucas took her hands and pulled her closer. His hand cupped her cheek. “I’m going to kiss you, Aria. Something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. Are you all right with that?”

  She nodded mutely, not sure if she could speak or not. She’d never wanted anything as
much as she wanted Lucas to kiss her. His lips brushed over hers, softly a first, then more demanding. Aria parted her lips, inviting him in for a taste. As his tongue swept into her mouth, she clung to him, wanting more. Lucas left her weak and dizzy. When he pulled away, she gripped him tight, for fear her legs wouldn’t hold her.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “Now, we ask the alpha if you’re allowed to come home with me, or if you need to stay here a little while longer. If you stay, so do I. It would be a little less awkward to claim you without an audience though. There’s no place in this house we could go where they wouldn’t hear us. Hell, even in my apartment there’s a good chance the neighbors will hear, but that’s a little less…awkward than the alpha and his mate hearing everything.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “I’d like to see your place.”

  He kissed her softly. “It’s our place now. And if you don’t like it, we’ll figure something out. If we ever decide to have kids, we’ll need more room, but for now, I think a one bedroom will be sufficient.”

  “It’s more than enough.”

  “Come on. We’ll get permission for you to come home with me tonight.”

  Chapter Five

  Lucas left Aria with Gabriel and Autumn long enough to take her bags to the apartment and prepare it for her. If he’d known he was bringing home a mate, he might have cleaned up a lot sooner. The apartment looked completely trashed, not because he didn’t care, but because he’d been so busy. He’d worked as many shifts as he could, and hung out with the pack at night. And now he was paying the price.

  It took nearly an hour just to do laundry and wash dishes. He’d vacuumed and wiped down every surface, scrubbed the bathroom a little extra. Lucas changed the sheets on the bed and then stood with his hands on his hips as he surveyed the area. Everything looked spotless, and while the space was small—only about five hundred square feet—he thought it was a place that Aria wouldn’t mind calling home.

  He needed to claim her as quickly as possible, just in case things didn’t go well between the council and her uncle. But he didn’t want to bring her home, throw her on the bed and just get it done. After everything Aria had been through, she deserved to be romanced a little. Maybe a lot. He wasn’t the richest guy in the pack, but he could afford to make the night special for her.

  Lucas grabbed his keys and hit the closest store that would carry the items he needed. He picked up a lighter, a handful of scented candles, and two bouquets of roses. Back at the apartment, he took one bouquet and pulled off the petals, spreading them across the fresh sheets, then he placed the candles around the bedroom. Once he’d set the scene, he took a shower and dressed in one of his nicer shirts and a pair of dark wash jeans. Hopefully, it would be dressy enough for the restaurant he planned to take Aria to, once he picked her up.

  Lucas snatched the second bouquet on his way out the door and jogged down the steps to the parking lot. One of the wolves hanging out nearby whistled, and Lucas flipped him off.

  “Quit being an asshole, Flynn.”

  The wolf smirked as Lucas got into his truck and pulled out of the parking lot. The Victorian where the alpha lived was only fifteen minutes away. Thankfully, Aria had selected a knit dress to wear today with her flip flops, which wasn’t enough for a fancy restaurant, but it was good enough for Red Ruby, a burger place where you could throw peanuts on the floor. And on the off chance she didn’t eat burgers anymore, they had chicken sandwiches and salads as well.

  He pulled into the alpha’s driveway and got out. Before he’d even made it up the steps, the door flew open and Aria raced out to meet him. Lucas swept her into his arms and hugged her tight. Her lips met his in a fierce kiss, and he couldn’t help but smile as he pulled away.

  “You must have missed me,” he said, handing her the roses.

  “These are beautiful. Thank you, Lucas.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I did miss you. You look nice. Are we going somewhere?”

  “I thought I’d take you out to eat. I know it’s too late for lunch and too early for dinner…are you even hungry? I didn’t really think this through very well.”

  “I’m starving,” she said. “I didn’t have much of an appetite during lunch.”

  “We should probably let the alpha know you’re leaving.”

  She nodded and took his hand, leading him inside the house. Gabriel and Autumn were at the kitchen table, a sales flyer for baby things lying between them. Gabriel stood as they entered the room, giving them a friendly smile.

  “Get everything taken care of?” the alpha asked.

  “Yes. I was just picking up Aria, but we didn’t want to leave without seeing you first. I’m taking her out to eat and then we’ll head home.”

  “Oh, that sounds like fun,” Autumn said. “Do you know where you’re going?”

  “I thought we’d go to Red Ruby’s,” Lucas said. “I didn’t think either of us owned anything fancy enough for some of the more upscale places. Besides, the food there is really good.”

  “I’d be fine with anything, Lucas,” Aria said. “Even fast food would be okay.”

  “It’s a special night,” Lucas said. “We’re not getting fast food. It’s not every day my mate moves in with me.”

  Her cheeks flushed, but her smile lit up her eyes.

  “You two have fun,” Gabriel said. “Just be careful while you’re out. Text me when you get home, so I’ll know the two of you are safe. I don’t think her uncle would strike at the apartments, not with so many shifters around at all hours.”

  “We’ll be careful,” Lucas promised. He herded Aria out of the Victorian and to his truck. Once they were buckled, he pulled out of the driveway and headed for the other side of town and Red Ruby.

  Aria laughed when they walked through the doors and she crunched on peanut shells. They were seated at a table away from the windows, which Lucas was thankful for. He didn’t want Aria on display to the outside world making it easier for someone to locate her. They perused the menu, and he answered any questions she had, mostly about what he’d tried and liked previously. After they placed their order and the waiter brought their drinks over, silence fell over the table.

  Aria picked a peanut out of the bucket on the table, cracked it, and dropped the shell on the floor before tossing the nuts into her mouth. Lucas felt nervous, like he had on his first date. Except this date was with Aria, and was far more important to him. She was important to him. He’d been with other women, but knowing that he was going to be with his mate tonight made everything else pale. As far as he was concerned, those other women didn’t exist, and he wished he’d never slept with them.

  “You’re thinking too hard,” she said.

  “Just worried tonight won’t be special enough for you.”

  She smiled a little. “Lucas, I’m with you. It doesn’t get more special than that. You’re the one I’ve always wanted, and now, I finally have you.”

  “I’m yours, for now, and always,” he vowed. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever truly wanted, Aria. I won’t lie though. I’ve been with other women over the years. None of them meant anything to me though. Mostly one-night stands when the loneliness got too much to bear.”

  “Lucas, you don’t have to tell me anything about the years we were apart. I’m not exactly a virgin either. It doesn’t matter how many people we’ve been with in the past, what matters is that we’re together now. It’s going to be special because I’ll finally get to be with my mate. Nothing else can ever compare to that.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “You’re pretty incredible; you know that?”

  “I’m ordinary, Lucas. Just one of millions of rabbit shifters. The only thing that makes me special is that I belong to you.”

  “Not true,” he said. “The way you smile makes you special. The way your eyes light up and your face glows when you’re happy makes you special. That endearing way you have of tucking your hair behind you
r ear when you’re nervous or bashful makes you special. Don’t you get it Aria? You’re you, and that’s as special as anyone can get.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “I love you.”

  His breath froze in his lungs at her confession, and his throat grew tight from the emotions nearly choking him.

  “I love you too,” he said.

  “You really mean that?” she asked.

  “Aria, I’ve loved you since the day we met. That love changed over the years, but it’s never going to burn out or fade. If anything, my love for you will grow stronger with every passing day.”

  She blinked back tears and squeezed his hand.

  Their food arrived. A double, deluxe cheeseburger for him, and the grilled chicken club for her. The waiter put a huge platter of bacon cheddar fries in between them. After topping off their drinks, the server left them in peace to enjoy their meal. Aria closed her eyes, an expression of bliss on her face, as she chewed the first bite of her sandwich.

  “It’s awesome, isn’t it?” he asked with a smile.

  “Definitely. Best thing I think I’ve ever eaten, but don’t tell Autumn that. She’s a great cook, but this sandwich is divine.”

  He laughed a little and took a bite of his burger. Their conversation hit a lull as they enjoyed their meal. Lucas had to admit the night was going well. He just hoped the rest of the night would go as smoothly as their date. While he’d never had a woman complain before, he felt pressured to make tonight incredible for Aria. He wanted it to be a night she would remember forever.

  Their meal came to an end, and Lucas paid the check. The ride to the apartment was a little tense, and he wondered if she was as nervous as he was. He cast a glance her way and saw she was looking out the window, watching the scenery pass. Lucas tightened his grip on the steering wheel and focused on getting them home in one piece. He checked several times to make sure they weren’t being followed, even though he doubted it was likely her uncle would ever find her in Ashton Grove. It wasn’t the logical choice for a hiding place, unless the man knew she’d been in contact with Amber.


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