Book Read Free

Am I Positive?

Page 14

by Abdurrahman Sarmis

  Chapter 11

  Grandma, i am...

  Brian turned back to his grandmother Samantha. She asked him to tell everything happened to him. She wanted him to be her best friend.

  "We are both all alone in this life. We have to connect each other very tightly. So, don’t hide anything from me. Don't worry because of my heart situation. I feel myself more mature and about the events i am like, "Whatever ". Do you understand me? I want to know everything and i want to guide you, help you. "

  So, Brian stopped at first, but he also thought Samantha has a right to know everything. But, he was so worried if she would have another heart attack suddenly because of his problems. He decided to hide HIV positiveness of him from her at first. But, he told about Kelly and the fight with Adam.

  "Oh my boy, i hope that would be a lecture for you. Don't wonder too much. There are lots of beautiful girls. There is a saying, " It all happens to someone because of wondering. " So, don’t wonder ok? If she left you without talking to you, it means she doesn't deserve you. I hope you find a great girl but you are very young now."

  "Oh yes, grandma. I have to forget girls now. I have to find a job. Do you have any idea? "

  "You know my boss is a nice guy, maybe you can work there? But the kitchen smells horrible, I am not sure if you can handle it. "

  "Oh grandmother, sure. You have been handling it for me for many years. You raised me. How can i pay it my sweet mother, grandmother?"

  "Oh your mother, i can’t believe that her eyes got blind that much. She left us." started to cry Samantha.

  "Oh mum, please. You are my mum now and my best friend. Laura chose her way, she'll have to answer in second world, God will ask her. I am so happy to be with you, you are a great mother. "

  They hugged each other after this emotional talk. Brian remembered his responsibilities. Now he had to be a man. He sent Hussain text message about job idea. Hussain suggested him to start a work in a hospital. He may learn a lot at hospitals, and it would be better for him to be close to the hospital. He accepted and asked for help. Hussain promised to talk to the director of the hospital. Meanwhile Brian was checking jobs online. He tried some websites, all were stealing his hopes and consuming his time. He didn't find a way to make money online. He tried survey websites, they were just using him. Hussain called Brian a few days later. The director wanted to talk to him. Hussain arranged an appointment for Brian. Brian was very excited and they talked. Hussain was also present at the meeting. Hussain became sponsor for Brian. The director accepted him as a cleaner for infectious diseases service. So, Hussain and Brian became co-workers. Brian was walking on air. It was his first job and a hospital job. Brian started to work the next day. So, new adventures in infectious diseases service started for Brian.

  First day at infectious diseases service

  Brian was very excited at first day. There were 7 rooms for infectious diseases patients at this service. Rooms were all full at first day of Brian. Josh was chief of cleaners in infectious diseases service. He told Brian his job. He warned him from a room,

  "There is a guy, here at room 6. He is HIV positive and has tuberculosis infection. So, don’t get into his room without mask and other protective wearings. He is in a very bad situation, he is vomiting blood. Don't touch him without gloves, ok?"

  "Ok Sir."

  "Start cleaning rooms from 4. Rooms 4, 5, 6 and 7 are yours. Clean them in the morning and afternoon. You have to work hard, we have to keep here very clean. We are fighting against microorganisms here, and the most dangerous of them."

  After this short lecture, Brian started working. He understood the job was hard. Patients were being charged daily at rooms 4 and 5. He was changing sheets, cleaning all of the inside of the rooms whenever a patient charged. But the guy at room 6, he was staying every day and he was getting worse. He entered his room for daily morning cleaning. He was coughing.

  " Hey good morning man." Brian saluted that patient.

  " Man, you know HIV sucks man. I never took it serious before, but it was serious to collapse my body. I feel very tired and alone. "

  " Take it easy please. You will be alright man. Docs are doing their best for you. " Brian tried to support him.

  "Oh man, they surely do, but i ruined myself. I didn't follow their advices, i didn’t go to the controls properly. I deserved this f... life. "

  "If you don't mind me asking, how did you get the virus? " asked Brian.

  "I went to Thailand man. I paid a woman to sleep with me. I heard AIDS was very common in Thailand but i was also drunk. So, i f... up everything, i did all to myself and i am dying here."

  Meanwhile, Doc Hussain entered the room, he saw both of them, Brian was wearing his mask. He checked the patient, listened to his heart. After examination, he wrote his order. The patient asked,

  "I am going to die soon doc. I did a lot of sins, can you call me a priest? I want to confess my sins and i want to die in peace? "

  "Sure, if you want so. But i would like to tell you something. I am a Muslim, and in my religion we confess our sins only to Allah which you call God. We confess to him and we ask him to forgive us. We don’t let another person know our secrets between us and Allah. I will call you a priest, but i just wanted to tell you that too."

  "Thank you doc, i am not a religious man. But, i don’t want to go to hell. I realize that when I am close to die. I am open to anything to make me get rid of hell."

  "I can help you if you want. My suggestion is for you to convert to Islam whenever before you die. "

  "I want to talk to the priest first doc."

  “Ok, sure.” said Dr. Hussain. Brian was attracted from Hussain’s connection to his religion and Allah. He was like dedicated himself to serve this religion and people. What did make this connection so strong? His interest was increasing by the time he learns more about Hussain.

  Hussain checked his blood test results. His CD4 + lymphocytes were about 200. His immune system was weak. He decided to give him some natural foods increasing lots of vitamins. He was giving him warmish water with lemon squeezed inside of it. Lemon is full of vitamin C and it is perfect for all parts of body. He was also bringing him kiwi, orange daily. Hussain was really interested in his patients. They had a test 1 week later. His CD4 + lymphocytes were increasing even though the increase was not so much. That made both of them very happy. Hussain also advised Brian those fruits to consume daily. This guy started to do better.

  That guy had a catheter, which directly opens into the vessels. They were giving medicine, serum from this catheter. One morning, Hussain found out the lid of this catheter was open. He got mad. He asked the patient who left this so, he said the nurse on duty last night. Hussain couldn’t find her at that day, because she left in the morning after duty. Hussain made a little operation and he removed the catheter and sent it to the microbiology lab to culture it. Because, it was very likely to get infection from that opening. And so it did. After a few hours later, this guy started to have fever. He was taking anti HIV medicines, anti tuberculosis medicines and now he had to take antibiotics. Hussain was turning red and crazy. He gathered all of the nurses. He called everybody even not working. He wanted all of them to join that meeting.

  “You ladies, you nurses, you are ladies, which should be symbol of mercifulness, helpfulness. All of these patients need you, they are defenseless, weak. You can either help them or leave them alone, or!!!!....or you can harm them. That’s all on your hands. If you do your job properly, you can help them, and maybe even save them. If you don’t do anything, you can’t help them, but you can get your salary. So, maybe it is not problem for you. But if you do your job wrongly, you can kill them. Now this guy, room 6 is burning with high fever. He is taking anti HIV medicines, anti tuberculosis medicines, now we have to start antibiotics, and maybe we will also have to add antifungals if microbiology lab. sees any fungus. Do you know why he is in that situation? It is because a nurse friend didn’t do her job properly
. She did it wrongly. She left the catheter open without lid. You know what? That’s a very big fault. If he will not get well soon, i will follow the rest of this mistake. Ladies, this is a very important job. Take care of your job. Some nurses complain about not being taken care enough. You all have to take care of your job first. Otherwise,don’t expect anything from anyone. Just do it or leave it.” said Hussain.

  Hussain was very angry. Normally, nurses like him. They had never seen him like this before. They understood the seriousness of the situation. The guilty person was so sad and ashamed, her face turned to the red. Nobody said anything, they all turned back to their work.

  Hussain was busy with other patients too. There were 3 infectious diseases specialist working at the service. Hussain had 3 patients and policlinic examinations. He called Brian. He wanted him to be careful about the patient at the room 6. He wanted Brian to be observer about nurses and other workers. Brian accepted the duty. Hussain also asked Brian how it was going with HIV.

  "I am doing great, Sir. I follow your advices, i escape from crowded areas, i sleep well, i eat fruits regularly, i consume water with lemon. It is awesome. I stay away from junk food. My life is tidy. I am making money and my grandmother is having rest at home. We are very happy."

  "See, if you take care of yourself well, you don't need to worry. How is your weight? "

  "Great sir, i keep my form. I didn’t lose weight."

  "Cool, ok see you tonight."

  They were having their regular meeting at Hussain 's house. Brian’s heart was very close to Islam. The more he learned, the more he liked. Brian came to Hussain's house. He never seen his wife. She was staying in another room.

  “Islam and its sublıme nature “To Him (Allah) belong the Most Beautiful Names” (Tâ-Hâ, 20:8) Throughout the history of mankind all religions, the first of which was revealed to Adam, have in essence been the same. The only religious changes that have occurred have been in regard to social laws since the communities of man have been in a continual process of development. Nevertheless, these changes have not pertained to the essence of these faiths. Thus, all religions which have been revealed from Adam (a.s), who was the first human being and the first prophet, up to the last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are in fact at the core level essentially the same as Islam. Therefore the Prophet (pbuh) said: Narrated by Abu Huraira: “I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘I am the nearest of all people to the son of Mary, and all the prophets are paternal brothers, and there has been no prophet between me and him (i.e. Jesus)’.” (Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 651) Therefore it is a wrong supposition to think that Islam is restricted solely to the Qur’an, since it contains all the previous religions that have been revealed by Allah. Of course, here the word religion signifies their original forms prior to their distortion by human beings. The Qur’an confirms this in the following verse: “The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account.”(Al-i Imrân, 3:19) This verse also demonstrates that Islam is the sole solution for the problems of humanity. Here we are referring to the Qur’anic declaration that it is salvation both in this world and in the Hereafter. The following verse clarifies this fact even more clearly: “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).” (Al-i Imrân, 3:85) Hence, Islam is a religion that has been continually revealed from Adam through to the last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) , and has been perfected through the stages of human history, finding its most perfect form in the Qur’an. The description of Islam can be summarized in two principles: 1. Faith (Iman): To believe in the five principles of Islam sincerely. 2. Good deeds (‘amal al-sâlih): To do good deeds that are demanded by Allah with sincere faith. Islam practiced under these two principles organizes our life, thought, and behavior in a balanced way. Islam is a path that leads the believer to Allah by connecting logic, ear, tongue and heart to divine light. If the beauties of Islam were to fall on a piece of rock, it would turn the rock into soft fertile soil. On the other hand, the hearts of those far from Islam are turned into hard rocks. Only Islam has the ability to soften and cure them. Islam perfects the intellectual and practical life of human beings and takes them from darkness into light. Those who embrace Islam are elevated from the lowest of states to the highest peak. It has the capacity to transform an ordinary human being into a perfect man. Islam achieves this spiritual transformation by returning man to his original form. Islam is a robe of guidance extended from Allah to all of humanity. Those who submit to it, will rise above their mortality and will attain the elixir of immortality. Allah has summoned all prophets, who are beings at the peak of servanthood to Allah, to one condition: “When Allah said unto them: Surrender! Each of them said: I have surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds.” In the personality of the great prophet Abraham (a.s) this reality is declared in the Qur’an: “When his Lord said unto him: Surrender! he said: I have surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds.” (Baqara, 2:131) This submission is realized in experiencing the closeness of Allah through mentioning His names. In fact, the aim of all forms of worship is to attain proximity to Allah, to attain to the knowledge and love of Allah. One preacher was speaking in a mosque about death and its aftermath. He was explaining those questions that we will be asked after burial such as: “How did you spend your life, where did you spend your wealth and health, did you practice what you learned, were you following the commandments of Islam and did you refrain from what was forbidden? He was speaking about details and was not addressing the essence. Among the listeners, the great Sufi Master Shibli was present, and in order to remind the preacher of the essence of the matter he said: “O preacher! You have forgotten the most important question that Allah will ask His slaves in the Hereafter. When we meet Allah in the Hereafter, He will ask: O my servant! I was with you at all times, whose company were you in?” Based on this form and level of respect, Islam is to lead a life where we feel the presence of Allah at all times: “And He is with you wheresoever ye may be.” (Hadîd, 57:4) The well being of the earth and the sky is dependent upon our obedience to Allah. In the absence of this obedience, the wrath of Allah will descend upon us. “Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea (the order of the universe has broken, natural calamities appeared) on account of what the hands of men have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return (from the wrong path that they follow).” (Rûm, 30:41) What this verse means is that abandoning Islam causes corruption of the harmony and order of nature. Here natural disasters are perceived as warnings to return to Islam.”

  So, i guess that’s enough for tonight.” ended the meeting Hussain.

  Brian was about to give a decision. He was considering to be a Muslim. He decided to ask his grandmother. Because he promised her to tell her everything. He asked her idea, and she asked what Islam wants from him.

  "It wants me to have a great connection with God. I have to wake up early before sunrise when it is dark. I have to clean some parts of my body with clean water which is performing ablution, after cleaning i have to pray. Praying is like talking to Allah in Islam. Muslims start day like this every day. And i have to be very careful during the day, i should not forget Allah, i should never tell a lie, never drink, never use drugs. I should never hurt anyone, i should keep smiling and helping people. It is also advised to visit patients, relatives regularly. I should stay away from fornication, i should marry with someone appropriate. I should keep my eyes away from looking at women sexually. I should be a very nice person. This is real Islam. And i should help people, even animals. And i should be very honest at my job or whatever i do. That's what Islam wants from me." replied Brian.

  "This doctor taught you all of these? "

  "Yes mum. Look a
t him, he is a gift from God. He saved me. Look, how much i changed?"

  "You are right my son, i respect your decision. You can do whatever you want. I would be happy if you become a religious boy even if you are not christian."

  "Aww, thank you so much my grandmother. I love you so much."

  The next day, Brian was very excited and happy. He decided surely, he was thinking he found the happiness. When he was going to hospital, he saw that guy who was the leader of gangs in the rural area where Alex used to live. He stopped him and asked about Alex. Brian told him that Alex was dead because of AIDS. That guy squeezed Brian's neck.

  "I will search about it, if you're telling me a lie, i will kill you. And, you still didn't bring me drugs or money. I didn't forget about it."

  "You know that night ambulance called the police, i was coming to you with drugs but policemen stopped me suddenly. I had to run and throw it away and i was taken to the station. It was the last drug Alex told me about. I don't know any other. "

  "Why not? Don't you also use drugs? "

  "Nope, no more. I did quit because i had HIV from Alex' needle. Ok? I am positive, ok?"

  Gangs were worried and they did let him go. Brian was surprised and told himself, "There are really good sides of HIV." and smiled.

  He understood why Allah has just made him met these gangs. He got rid of them by help of HIV. He started to like being positive. Yes, he was HIV positive but he turned to positive about all of his life. Now, he was about to change his life with his doctor, Hussain.

  The day was friday. Brian came to doctors room very early in the morning. He started to clean their room very well. After then, he passed to clean his rooms. Meanwhile, Hussain came with a plastic package and a bag. He was also very excited. Doctors had breakfast at their room, others were very surprised about the job Brian did it in there. After breakfast, Hussain called Brian to his policlinic room. He locked the door and asked him if he was ready to be Muslim. Brian was very exciting. Hussain asked,

  “Oh Brian, is it all of your own decision to convert to Islam?”

  “Yes, Sir. It is completely my own decision.”

  “Did anyone press you?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Ok then, repeat after me. Ashhadu…”


  “An la”

  “An la”

  “Ilaha illallah”

  “Ilaha illallah”

  “Wa ashhadu anna”

  “Wa ashhadu anna”

  “Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulihi”

  “Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulihi”

  “I witness there is no god but Allah”

  “I witness there is no god but Allah”

  “And i witness Muhammad is his servant and prophet.”

  “And i witness Muhammad is his servant and prophet.”

  “Welcome to Islam, my brother. You were my brother in creation, now you are my brother in religion. Our connections are stronger than brothers from same parents.”

  “I always feel so since we met, Sir. You helped me out a lot. I believe you are a gift of Allah to me. Thank you so much.”

  “It is my pleasure. Brian, there is a very big fire all over the world. People are burning, animals are burning. We have to save them all we can. We are responsible. Look at news, we hear killing news everyday. People are going crazy. Drugs, rapes, harming each other, fights, kills etc. are very common all over the world. Islam is a religion for peace. We have to learn and leave it very well, so we can be examples for people around us. We can’t force anybody to be Muslim, choosing religion is everyone’s own decision and everybody is responsible from their own decision. But we have to be a good sample, showing them the right. They should leave bad things at least. This is why i chose being a doctor. I wanted to be a good sample and help people. Now, i feel like you will be one of my best helper. What do you think?”

  “Sure Sir. You are absolutely right. I can find poor teenagers in Alex’ situation. Maybe we can help them, save them from that life. I promise you i will try my best. But, it is not easy. There are gangs among them. For example, when Alex was sick, i called the ambulance to take Alex away from there, these gangs didn’t let us go, they even didn’t let ambulance enter. Ambulance called the police, after then they took Alex to hospital. We need to corporate, there are big risks. But i am ready to die in Allah’s way, to save Allah’s servants from those dump sites.”

  “Ok Brian. Oh Brian, we should give you an Islamic name. I prefer Bilal, what would you say?”

  “Wow, that’s very nice. Bilal, sure. My new name is Bilal.”

  “Ok Bilal, take this book, you should do major ablution today. It is a great guide for a new convert Muslim. You can follow it and ask me anything you want anytime. Now, let’s go back to our work. We should start helping people from here, especially the patient at room 6. He really needs help. Ok, let’s go.”

  Brian was happy with his new name. He was like he was born again. He started his work back. The days were passing so. He was meeting with Hussain regularly about his HIV positiveness status and Islamic meeting. The more he learned, the better boy he became. His grandmother was very happy from new Muslim Brian as Bilal.

  They tried a lot for the patient at room 6, but he was getting really worse. Hussain and Bilal were in front of him at that day.

  “Doc, i am going to die soon. I am a christian, but i have fears, what if Islam was the right religion, where will i go in second life, hell or paradise?”

  “Well, Islam accepts first christians when Jesus was sent. If you believe in Islam, you will believe in Jesus too with one very important different. Because Jesus was prophet. So, if you die without converting to Islam, Allah knows where to send people, but our prophet says, “The key of the paradise is faith. Faith to Allah and his prophet Muhammad PBUH. Allah sent Muhammad PBUH after Jesus as a prophet. It was also written in real bible. His name was Ahmad, Faraklit in original Bible. So, man if you believe in Islam, you won’t lose anything.”

  “Oh..oh…” gave the patient his last breathe.

  Hussain and Bilal looked at him. Hussain tried all he could but there were no response. “Did he believe, Sir?” asked Bilal.

  “Allah knows Bilal. I saw something changed at his face. But we can’t know his heart.”

  Then, they left the room, they took off their masks. Bilal said,

  “That’s the second death from HIV i have seen.”

  “Hey, HIV didn’t kill directly. HIV destroyed his immune system. He was very weak and he was open to other infections. Tuberculosis, bacteria, fungus, other viruses were also the reason. His CD4 + cells were very low. So, don’t worry, be happy. You take care of yourself very well. You are also lucky to see those patients. It can motivate you to take care of yourself. Take care of yourself well man, the humanity needs you.”

  Bilal smiled. He liked that Hussain was finding a perfect solution to all problems. He was a real guide for him. His life has been tidy with his help.

  After this patient, the room 6 was disinfected and was not used for 48 hours. After then, they opened it and a few hours later, a fainted HIV positive patient was brought to the emergency department by an ambulance. They called Hussain to check. Hussain was kinda HIV specialist among the infectious disease specialists. Hussain checked the patient and they replaced the patient into the room 6. Hussain was informing other docs about the patient,

  “The patient is Caterina Marinelli. She has been working as a streetwalker without control. There are no blood tests, no examination. They took blood samples here in ER (Emergency Room), and strongly HIV positive. They are working on confirmation tests. Caterina was brought by an ambulance. 911 was called from someone saw her laying down fainted this morning in a rural area. Her vital findings seem ok. I took HIV panel tests. We are waiting for results. She woke up at ER, but she doesn’t want to tell anything. I ordered her anti HIV meds. I also want to know the opinion of neurologists and shrinks. She was doing some weird movements
during examination. Her face expression is like she has a very bad headache. Any ideas?”

  “It is difficult to say anything without taking a good story from her, but seems like she has a really serious situation about her CNS (Central nervous system) with HIV. So might be,

  1)CNS lymphoma in HIV,

  2)Mycobacterial infection,

  3)Fungal infection,


  5)Could be other viral CNS infections.

  We really need to check STD panels because of her job.” said Dr. Ellie Tiger. Hussain agreed her. Hussain started on job after discussing the patient with his co-worker doctors.

  So Hussain asked a consultation with neurologists and shrinks. Neurologist Dr. Chris checked the patient Caterina, he tried to talk to her, Caterina was not responding. And at the end of the examination, her fever raised. Dr. Chris wrote his note,

  "The patient has HIV and high fever, examination findings indicates focal encephalitis (infection of the brain). It is advised to search possible causes."

  Hussain was trying to find a way to connect with Caterina or at least someone who knows her. He asked Bilal's idea. Because Bilal used to live in same rural area.

  " I don't know her, i never seen her before, but i am sure some people in this area may know about her. But i can’t go ask anyone. My suggestion is to ask police or to wait for someone visits her."

  "Good idea Bilal. Thank Allah you are here."

  "Anytime, sir. I thank Allah a lot. "

  Hussain called the police, informed about her. The policeman works at the hospital came to service and talked to Hussain.

  "Caterina Marinelli, she is 27 years old, she moved here from Italy 5 years ago. She worked at some hotels, also she studied tourism here for two years. There has been no job record for last couple of years. Her latest address is at gangs area. She never got out of country since she entered here. That's all we have."

  "Thank you so much."

  Hussain was checking her in two ways. One is medically, other is socially. He did her tests,

  "Oh, CD4+ cells are 100. She is very probably having a bad infection. We have Toxo Ig G and Ig M positive, and about syphilis we have VDRL positive, TPHA negative. So, she probably has toxoplasmosis with HIV. We should perform brain MRI." talked Hussain with Dr. Ellie.

  "And if we can do Toxo PCR test from her cerebrospinal fluid, we can be more surely about the diagnosis." added Dr. Ellie.

  "Oh yes, thanks a lot Ellie. I will let you know the results."

  Hussain did all tests. He took a sample from her cerebrospinal fluid. It was very difficult, because she was not cooperating with Hussain and nurses. They took the sample from her waist. It was kinda painful, and she screamed. They also did brain MRI. MRI showed several enhancing lesions in the right parietal lobe, and the large, main mass showed rim-enhancement. And PCR for toxoplasmosis was positive. So, they were sure about diagnosis. They started the therapy.

  At the second day, Bilal was cleaning the room 6.

  "Hey you! " said Caterina.

  Bilal was so surprised, he came close to her.

  "I remember you, you must be Alex' friend Brian. "

  "Oh, how come you know me?"

  "Alex was working for me. I used to be leader of gangs girlfriend. Alex was my bodyguard for a while. He was a nice boy. I haven't heard about him for a year. How is he? "

  "Oh, you are that Caterina. Alex never told me about you. When he was away, he was saying he was busy at work. Wow, what happened then?"

  "We did something wrong, we liked each other, the leader suspected, he started to sell me as a prostitute, and he didn't give Alex another job. Alex started to lose his everything. The leader, code name Snake was very mad at him. I know he forced Alex to start using drugs. He made the first shot, and needle was owned by a HIV positive boy. How is he? How is my little sweetie Alex?"

  "Oh no, he is dead right now, unfortunately it was too late for him when he was diagnosed AIDS. "

  "Oh, no. And what about me? Why am i here?"

  "I am not a doctor. Ask your doctor, Mr. Hussain. He is a great doctor. He would do his best."

  "I am so scared of talking. Snake can kill me even here."

  "Look, you should talk to Hussain first. He can inform commissar and an officer can wait for you here."

  "Oh commissars, i know snake has commissar friends. They inform him before operations...He gives them lots of money. Snake is very powerful, i should have turned back to Italy. "

  Someone knocked the door.

  "Hey Brian, work faster. You got 3 more rooms and a hall. Hurry up. "

  That was Sivan. She was the chief of staff. She was not a nice person. She knew about Brian’s friendship with Hussain. Brian changed, he became Bilal. So, he had to be patient, Hussain told him the secret of happiness,

  "Don't hurt, don’t be hurt."

  So, he was trying not to fight with anyone. He told Caterina that he would come back after finishing his job. Bilal was thinking about what all Caterina told. Alex never told about her and the job that snake gave him. What if Caterina was telling a lie? But she asked him if he was Alex' friend. So, she must have seen him before. He needed Hussain's advice what to do. He decided to talk during lunch break. He told Hussain everything. Hussain was surprised.

  "Oh man, what a guy that snake is. He is a real cruel. What can we do about him?"

  "Sir, it is kinda very hard. Now, i understood why he was not arrested. We need Caterina's help. We can't trust police. If they trust her, she can be our agent to collect evidences, and we can sue him with those evidences."

  "Yes, but this is very risky for Caterina. They also know you. We need someone they don't know. Do you know anyone can help us? I really wish him to go to jail. Otherwise, he will hurt others."

  "Sir, what does Islam say about such a situation? For example, can i kill him?"

  "No, we can’t punish them, but we can't ignore the cruelty. We should try our best to help people to get rid of his cruelty, but that should be all legally. Our Prophet Mohammad PBUH says,

  "Help your innocent and cruel brothers."

  "Oh Rasulullah, (Prophet of Allah) P.B.U.H, we understand how to help innocent people, but how can we help our cruel brothers? " asked his PBUH friends.

  "You should help them by stopping their cruelty." replied Rasulullah P.B.U.H.

  So, if we can stop him doing all of these, we will be also helping him too Inshallah. " said Hussain.

  "Wow, real Islam is a real religion of the peace." said Bilal.

  "So, any idea about someone can help us? "

  "Nope sir. That's a very risky job."

  "I know some Muslim friends but they are being watched by the police just because they are Muslims. Anyway, let’s keep doing our job and praying. May Allah opens us a new door."

  "Yes Sir, but won't you arrange a policeman for waiting in front of her room? She is under risk."

  " Police is following situation, they informed me. If she doesn't want a protection, i can’t do anything. I will try to talk to her."


  Hussain went to the room 6. Hussain opened the door and he found out Caterina Marinelli was choked. She was dead. Hussain got crazy again. He called the responsible nurse. Everybody working in the service was very surprised. Someone entered the room when everyone was having lunch, and he killed her, nobody heard Caterina. They recorded the name of visitor. Hussain called the police, they checked the cameras and found the murderer. His name was Bill Booker. He was called "BB". He was being searched for two years. He also killed some other people for probably money. So, he was a murderer for hire. This guy was very professional.

  Hussain looked at Bilal so sadly.

  "We lost someone else, maybe i should have called the police as you told me about her."

  "Sir, don’t blame yourself please. Even if you called, policemen would not run. I don't believe in police, we just should stay away from those people. We can do anything if police asks
help. Otherwise, it is very risky to follow all of these. We have to help people here, sir."

  "Oh Bilal...

  There was prophet Abraham who worked for Allah’s religion, to spread the belief of oneness of Allah, was decided to be burnt in a very big fire. The king made his soldiers prepare a very big fire which was not seen before. There was an ant carrying water to put that fire out, they asked him,

  “Why do you carry this? You can not put it off with just small amount of water?”

  “I know i can not put it off, but at least my side would be clear. I am at Abraham’s side which is the right way.” answered the ant.

  So, there is a fire, and i am just trying to make my side clear. Allah will ask me. But, you know, it is very hard to do others job." said Hussain sadly.

  "Ok then, just do your job and trust in Allah.

  Remember this ayah from the Holy Book Qur’an:

  “Perhaps, [O Muhammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they will not be believers” (Ash-Shu’ara’, 3)

  So, please, don’t be so sad, i witness you are doing everything you have to do." tried to support him Bilal.

  "I should write a social project about HIV positive people. If they accept, we can go to this rural area and collect blood samples for screening HIV. A civil policeman can join us, we can collect lots of information about The Snake. I am sure there are brave boys don't like The Snake among them. What do you think? "

  "That is a great idea. Remember, i and Alex was trying to find a way to get blood tests. We pretended like we were going to give blood donation, so they had tested us. I am sure there are lots of drug users, young men looking for a chance to do blood tests. But, i am afraid of something.”

  “What is it, boy?”

  “The will need a few police cars around you. And, also he might punish people giving blood samples. Many of them may be afraid of giving blood samples.”

  “Oh, The Snake...What is the solution?”

  “My advice is just write your project. If they accept it, they can send some policemen with you i guess. The snake can’t risk killing cops. Maybe the vehicle can be mobile. So, they can’t observe who is giving blood samples. Just do it sir. Save them Inshallah.”

  Hussain smiled, and thanked Allah. He started working on this project. He finished writing it in a few days. He wrote everything he wants detailed. He was also suggesting to find a sponsorship to reduce the costs if the government thinks it would cost too much. He wrote it and he sent it to health minister and foundations about HIV. He had a reply one month later. They accepted it, and one of the foundations accepted the sponsorship. The project was going to take 5 days. So, Hussain had a special permit for this job. His other co-workers were anxious. What if the number of patients will increase too much? What if they don’t have health insurance? Will their salary go down? Hussain didn’t have such thoughts. His effort was to save young people from those gangs and drugs.


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