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Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1)

Page 1

by Stephens, Amy


  Copyright © 2014 by Amy Stephens

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Amy Stephens, except for the use of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Cover design by Rebecca Berto of Berto Designs

  Editing by: Kyla Stein of Missed Period Editing Services

  Interior formatting by: Tami Norman of Integrity Formatting


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41



  About the Author

  “Hey, Babe, do you think you can drop off the rent payment for me this morning? I’m already running late for work. I’m having to use cash since I’m out of checks, so just make sure you get a receipt since I want have my cancelled check as proof of payment.”

  I glanced over at my girlfriend, Macy, as she was zipping up her boots. Not wanting to look her in the eye for fear she would sense my unease, I quickly called out to her, “Sure, just make sure you leave it on the table, and I’ll stop by the front office.”

  I’ve had money issues, among other things, my entire life, it seems. I never wanted to make her feel like I couldn’t live up to what she needed, but I wasn’t exactly doing my part in providing for her either. Macy came from a fairly well-to-do family, and money never seemed to be an issue for her. She expected me to contribute my portion towards the rent, but each month, I always would come up short, sometimes having no money at all.

  Throwing her coat on, she grabs her purse, and tosses an envelope on the table. It has our number, apartment 214, written on the front. I manage to let out a sigh of relief, thankful she didn’t ask me for my portion this month.

  Actually, the apartment is all hers. Everything here, from the furniture to the dishes. The utilities are all listed under the name Macy Williams. It’s almost as though I don’t exist here, other than my few articles of clothing, which hang in the walk in-closet, and the top dresser drawer that’s more empty than full. I have a duffel bag that’s folded on the top shelf of the closet that contains a few personal documents, but that’s basically it. Oh, I also have a few things in the bathroom, but everything I use could be scooped up in five minutes flat, crammed in my bag, and with me out the door in record speed. Why, might you ask, am I concerned about how fast I could escape?

  Well, here’s a quick rundown of me, Brian Cooper.

  I’m twenty-one and don’t have a clue where I’m going with my life. I met Macy one night while out partying with the guys. I had had one too many beers that Saturday night; I lost my job earlier that day, and rather than be in the dumps all evening, I decided to drown my sadness in a few beers with my buddies at the local club. A band was playing in the background, and the ladies were everywhere. My friend, Craig, dared me to approach the cute brunette who was standing off to the side of the bar. So, I mustered up the courage, and walked up behind her, careful not to stumble. I had seriously drunk way too much.

  “Good evening ma’am. I noticed it’s been awhile since you’ve had a drink, and I was hoping you would allow me to buy one for you.” I hoped I hadn’t slurred my words. Dang, this girl was even hotter up close.

  She and her group of girlfriends looked over at me and laughed. It wasn’t a hurtful laugh, but rather a laugh like they couldn’t believe someone would have the nerve to approach their little group. I swear, girls can go out in groups, laughing, hugging and hanging on each other, and no one thinks anything of it. But if a group of guys hangs out for a period of time, people start to look at you funny.

  “Sure” she spoke with a slight southern drawl. “I’ll have a vodka and cranberry.”

  I grabbed her by the hand and walked her over to the bar. I frequented here with my buddies, so the bartender was quick to grab my order.

  “Hey man, how about a vodka and cranberry for my friend. Uh, my friend…. And I’ll have another Bud Light.” I swear I felt like the biggest fool for not even asking her name.

  “I’m so sorry. I feel like a complete idiot for not introducing myself.” I grabbed her hand again while telling her my name.

  “Nice to meet you Brian. I’m Macy,” she shared with me.

  I picked both of our drinks up from the bar and tossed a handful of bills in their place while nodding to the bartender. “Thanks man.”

  Macy and I walked out to the dance floor while sipping on our drinks and swayed to the music. We talked about everything possible. She seemed to be enjoying our conversation, and after finishing another round of drinks, this time on her, I pulled her close. Together, we slow danced to the country song that played in the background. Still feeling buzzed, I swear I couldn’t tell you the name of the song if my life depended on it, but I can remember she felt like heaven in my arms. Usually guys don’t remember details like that, but girls don’t forget a thing. I glanced over to where I had left my friends, only to not see them at all.

  An upbeat song played next, and she slowly pulled away from my arms. “Wow, it sure is getting warm in here. Can we walk outside for some fresh air?” Macy asked me.

  I grabbed her hand and directed her towards the door. The bouncer noticed the black ink stamp on our hands that would allow us entrance back in to the club. He nodded to us as I reached to hold the door open for her. We walked a few feet down the side of the building and she sat on the curb. I sat down beside her and continued talking to her. A light breeze wafted down the alley, and I could hear faint music playing in the night as the doors to other nearby clubs opened and shut.

  After sitting there for what seemed like forever, I noticed she was starting to get sleepy. Her brown eyes looked tired, but I think we both could have sat there and talked until the sun came up.

  “Well Brian, I usually don’t make it a habit of picking up guys at a club, but I have really enjoyed talking to you tonight.”

  “Yeah, I’ve enjoyed it too. Do you think maybe I could give you a call sometime?” I was praying silently to myself that she would say yes.

  And that is how I began my relationship with Macy. We talked the next afternoon, she invited me over for pizza that night, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. That was six months ago. While I never seemed to have trouble attracting a woman, my issue has always been with keeping them.
  I moved in with her a few weeks after meeting. Since then, I’ve bounced from job to job, unable to find the perfect fit for me. She claimed she understood, and was willing to work with me on my share of the expenses. But lately, I get the feeling she’s unhappy with me because I never have any money. She’s always footing the bill when we go out, but I know there is going to come a time when she’s had enough. Macy loves dressing up and going out to fancy restaurants, and doesn’t hesitate to buy a new outfit each time. I, on the other hand, own one nice pair of khakis and a few jeans. She doesn’t say anything, but I know she wishes I could match her appearance. She deserves that, since she is such an understanding person.

  I started a new job last week at the grocery store down the street from our apartment. Okay, I know it may not be the best job, but I was promised almost forty hours a week. I got sick last week and missed two days, but I should still have a decent paycheck. Next week, that is. I’m not thrilled to get paid every other week, but it’s just something I’m going to have to work out once I get my paychecks coming in regularly.

  I finished getting myself ready for work and grabbed a bowl of cereal. I knew I didn’t have any money to buy myself lunch, so I made sure to eat enough cereal to hopefully make it through the day. Macy loved to cook, and I knew she would have something good planned for dinner tonight. I picked up the rent envelope from the table and walked out the door.

  The light rain that had moved in overnight was now pouring down. I threw my coat over my head and jumped in the front seat of my car.

  “Shit,” I said out loud. I had forgotten last night when I got home that my gas light had been on for the last two days. Now, the car sputtered, and I knew it was not going to crank. I had used every last bit of gas in the tank. I lifted the console cover, hoping to find a few stray dollars in there, but I only came up with some sticky coins that didn’t even add up to a dollar all together.

  I swear sometimes, if it wasn’t for bad luck, I would have no luck at all. I glanced down at the envelope with “214” glaring up at me, knowing it contained cash. I wondered to myself if maybe the apartment manager would allow me to pay a portion of the rent now, and bring the rest later. I would simply explain to her about my new job, the delay in pay, and the running out of gas situation; surely, she would be willing to work with me since Macy always makes the rent payment on time. And, Macy would never know I had borrowed from our rent and needed a slight extension. Surely, they would both be willing to let me keep a hundred dollars of it, since I would be good to replace it in a few day’s time.

  I went back inside the apartment and found an umbrella in the hall closet. Pulling my coat on, I started walking down the hill towards the apartment office. I had exactly twenty minutes before I was scheduled to start work, so I really needed to hurry, take care of the rent problem and use the borrowed money from the envelope to find some gas. I got all the way to the office, and discovered a note taped to the inside of the door facing out, so it could be read by anyone on the outside.

  Office will be closed until

  noon today due to

  extenuating circumstances.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I felt like screaming.

  About that time, a strong gust of wind inverted the umbrella, and a steady flow of water coming from the covered porch eave flooded down on top of me. I contemplated dropping the rent envelope in the after hour’s slot, but knowing there was cash inside, I was hesitant to leave it. I tossed the broken umbrella into the nearby trash can, stuffed the envelope into my front pocket, and pulled my jacket up over my head as I turned to walk back up the hill towards the apartment. I got about halfway there when I noticed the maintenance man had pulled up beside me. He rolled down the window and asked me if I needed a ride.

  As I hopped in the truck, I introduced myself and told him which apartment I lived in.

  “Oh, you live with Macy. Sweet little thing, she is. Her daddy is my second cousin. I was lucky enough to help her get the bigger apartment when she decided she was ready to move out of her parents’ home.”

  Looking over at him, I smiled and said, “Yeah, she’s something else. Do you think you could help me out? I was ready to leave for work just now and couldn’t get my car to crank because it was out of gas. Maybe you have an extra can of gas in one of the maintenance storage rooms I could get from you?”

  “Today is your lucky day son. I just filled up all the gas containers yesterday. I was hoping to get the grass cut today, but seeing as it’s raining and all today, it’s going to be a day or so before it dries out enough to cut it. Let me just pull over to the maintenance room and I will grab you a can.”

  I could have hugged him, but seeing that I was soaking wet, I decided to stay put in my seat.

  I pulled into the parking lot at work and ran inside to clock in. I was already twenty minutes late, and I knew my supervisor was not going to be pleased with my tardiness. I’m thankful the maintenance guy was able to help me out though. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to come in today at all.

  As I put my coat away in my locker, I heard my name announced on the intercom, asking me to appear in the Manager’s office. I dropped my head, immediately knowing my tardiness would not go unpunished.

  I walked into the manager’s office, and I could tell by the look on his face this conversation was not going to go well.

  “Brian,” he began, “I brought you in my office today to let you know it’s not going to work out for you here.”

  “Excuse me, sir?” I know I hadn’t heard him correctly.

  “You were out two days last week, then today you arrived late. When I made the decision to hire you, I clearly told you up front about the ninety-day probationary period.” He’s literally looking at me like he could care less about me or any excuses I was already running through my mind. “Let’s just save my time and yours. Your final paycheck will be here next week. You may pick it up then. I’m sorry it’s not going to work out for you here anymore.”

  I just stared at him. “But sir…..”

  “Save it. I don’t need to hear your excuses. Please close the door behind you.”

  I walked back to the employee break room. I took my jacket from the locker and slammed the door so hard, the entire row of lockers tilted and fell to the floor causing a loud commotion. I gave it a swift kick and walked out.

  Macy hung up the phone as I was walking into the kitchen. I knew she was planning to cook a nice meal tonight and have a couple of friends over. She had been busy tidying up our apartment all day.

  “Hey Brian, do you still have the receipt from when you paid the rent at the first of the month?” I froze in place as she asked me this. “The front office just called and said they couldn’t find a record of my payment. I told them you had been the one to stop by, but the office manager couldn’t remember seeing you. She said she thinks it’s just an oversight and if I bring them the receipt, she will clear it all up for us.”

  Refusing to look up at her, I immediately broke out in a sweat. “Um, yeah, let me check through my stuff. I’m sure it’s probably still in my jacket pocket or something. Or maybe I left it in the car. I’ll look for it and let you know if I find it.”

  “Okay.” She had a hint of tension in her tone.

  I walked to the cabinet and began pulling out the plates and cups to set the table for our guests, who would be arriving soon.

  “What are you doing, Brian?”

  “I’m trying to make sure everything is ready for Lucy and John when they get here.”

  “I need you to look for that receipt please.” I could still feel the uneasiness in her voice.

  “I will.”

  “No, I want you to look now. I want to get this resolved as soon as possible. It bothers me knowing there’s been a mix up somewhere.”

  I looked at her, not liking to be told to do something now, like a child.

  “Damn it Mace, I told you I will.” I raised my voice to her. She hates it wh
en I call her Mace instead of Macy.

  “Brian, is there something you aren’t telling me? Why are you acting so weird about this?”

  I slammed the glass I was holding in my hand down on the table. “What are you implying? Like I didn’t pay it or something?” I glared at her now, angry she would even consider this thought. There had been several notices taped to the door of the apartment asking Macy to please contact them at her earliest convenience. I always made sure I had destroyed them or thrown them away in the dumpster out in the parking lot so she wouldn’t discover them. There had also been a few messages left on the answering machine, but I was very prompt to erase them. This entire month had me on pins and needles, sick with worry that I would be busted for not paying the rent.

  “Given the fact you still don’t have a job, nothing would surprise me about you, Brian. I have begged you to go to work, yet you still stay up all night playing those juvenile video games and sleep half of the next day away. I’m not happy with the way things are going.”

  “Macy, I’m looking. It’s just that no one is hiring right now.”

  “Cut the crap Brian. Just tell me. Did you pay the rent or not?”

  I finally looked her in the eye and told her the truth. “No, I didn’t pay it. I was having a bad morning, I ran out of gas……”

  “Just shut up. I don’t want to hear your lame excuses. Just give me the damn money, and I will stop by in the morning and get this resolved. I can’t believe you have put me in this embarrassing situation.”

  “I, uh, will take care of it, Macy.” I tried to remain calm, but it was taking all of my composure not to blow up at her. “Just let me handle it.” If I could talk her into letting me take care of it, maybe I could bide some time until payday next week, otherwise, I’m screwed.

  “No, I want the money now!” At this point, Macy was screaming, and I hoped the neighbors upstairs didn’t hear her shouting.

  “I don’t have it.” I confess.

  “What? I know you just didn’t tell me you don’t have it. What the hell did you do with it Brian?” By now, she’s turning red and I can practically feel the fumes.


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