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Lost (The Everett Gaming Series Book 5)

Page 36

by Drew Sera

  Sydney’s squirming and giggling were quickly replaced with quiet noises of pleasure and subtle movements that told Anthony and I that she was enjoying everything. Anthony tugged her panties off and moved my hand out of the way. He knelt between her legs and lowered his head. One of Sydney’s hands immediately went to his hair and the other reached for me. I continued sucking, licking and kissing, alternating between her breasts.

  I pulled away from her hard nipples and sat upright on the towel and grabbed Anthony’s attention. I knew he was enjoying himself and I was happy about that, but I need a little more contact with Sydney. When Anthony sat back on his heels, I pulled Sydney over to straddle my lap and I loosened the strings on my swim trunks and tugged it open, freeing my erection.

  Sydney put her hands on my shoulders and slid down the hard shaft. She looked in my eyes as I filled her and gave me a sweet, sexy smile. Playfully, she tugged on my hair and I wrapped my hands around her hips and began moving slowly with her.

  Sydney and I had worked into a sexy, slow rhythm and while my focus was her, I had worried that my neediness had potentially pushed Anthony out. While I was sucking on Sydney’s nipple, I felt her shift some on my lap and then Anthony moved my hands down to her butt cheeks. Excitement raced through my system when I realized he wanted me to part her cheeks. I knew he was trying to stay engaged, which is what I wanted and what we needed.

  Anthony moved closer behind Sydney, close enough to where I could feel his legs on the outside of mine, but didn’t enter her. He had pushed a finger, maybe even two, inside her ass. Her reaction was instant and it turned our girl into an aching mess. Her nipples seemed to swell and her slow movements were now rushed. Our girl needed to come.

  “You like Anthony’s fingers in your tight little ass, don’t you, Sydney?”

  “Yeeees, Sir,” she moaned while twisting her fingers in my hair.

  Our playing had gone from sweet and slow to driven by need. Sydney’s hands were tugging and grasping at my hair and her movements quicker.

  “Anth-on-y,” Sydney hissed out seductively.

  Her voice was laced with need and I could tell her body was ready to fly. I reached down and felt her swollen clit and couldn’t help but smile. She moaned out his name again and this time he moved to the side of us while still keeping his fingers in her ass. With Anthony in her line of sight, one of her hands left my head and reached for him.

  Sydney looked like she had a million things on the tip of her tongue but couldn’t formulate any of it into a sentence. She was enjoying herself that much but the need to be closer to Anthony was apparent as well. He was teasing her and he knew it. He finally leaned in closer and ran his tongue along her jaw until he nipped at her lip. A small whimper escaped her lips and Anthony covered her lips with his and they began a feverish episode of passionate kissing, which made me fuck her with a quicker pace. Watching the two of them go at it like that charges my body up.

  “Sunshine, let go. Colin and I have you.”

  Their mouths were locked together and I pressed my thumb against Sydney’s swollen clit. Moments later her moans were being smothered by Anthony’s mouth as her pussy gripped and throbbed around my cock. I grunted out my own release and pulled her body against mine while wrapping my arms around her. Their mouths had separated and their foreheads rested against one another. I could hear nothing but our panting breaths and the ocean. It was sexy.

  “I love you so much, baby,” I said while looking in her eyes and brushing her hair off her face.

  “I love you too, sunshine.”

  She smiled wide, flung her arm around Anthony’s shoulders and pulled him closer by his hair. She kissed him and then me hard on the lips.

  “I love both of you.”

  Sydney clutched both of us to her and for a moment, the three of us were still. We relaxed under the warm sun until our bodies were dry and I suggested we go inside. Sydney was wobbly and Anthony carried her inside, cradled in his arms.

  We spent the afternoon inside watching movies again and taking small naps here and there. I ordered us pizza for dinner again and before we took it outside to the deck, I made sure Anthony and Sydney both took their medicine.

  We had just finished eating when Anthony leaned back to stretch out on the lounger. He folded his arms behind his head and smiled as he watched Sydney finish her pizza. He and I have long made it a sport to watch Sydney doing anything and everything. She set her plate down on the table and sat back down next to Anthony on his lounger. Sydney’s smile warmed the deck when Anthony reached out to stroke her hair and her back. I could see the blush color her cheeks and the look of love and desire spread across his face. I loved watching the two of them interact and absolutely loved directing the two of them. Anthony didn’t get much hands on play this afternoon and I got an idea that made me hard in anticipation.

  “Anth, move your legs to the sides of the lounger. Baby, kneel between his legs.” They moved into position and Anthony folded his arms behind his head again and watched Sydney with intensity. “Good girl, baby,” I praised. I was about to remind her of her safe word when I bit back my words and thought for a second. I think for a while, this needs to be approached a little differently for both of their sakes.

  “If you guys need to stop, say red. Sydney, pull Anthony’s cock out and suck on the head. Just the head.”

  Sydney moved her hands to Anthony’s shorts and pulled his cock out from the fly and did as I instructed by only sucking on his head. My view was heavenly. I moved my chair a little closer but just so that they were out of reach for me. Sydney’s mouth was making Anthony hard. He gazed at her head as she moved around his cock head. He was oozing pre-cum and this was a very good thing. I just hoped he’d be able to do as he told Sydney this afternoon and just let go.

  I grabbed a throw and beach blanket that was folded up on another lounger and set it down on the deck next to the wood railing. I instructed Sydney to stand next to the lounger and face Anthony. I had to exercise discipline and control and not reach out and touch her as I desperately had wanted. If I leaned over far enough, I could have touched her as she stood up.

  “Anth, take her clothes off, but leave her panties on.”

  He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the lounger so that she stood between his knees. Anthony worked slowly to undress Sydney. He pulled off her top and kept one hand on her lower back while he reached around and unhooked her bra with one hand. I collected the top and the bra and set them on the table while I watched his hand skate across her torso. He moved to unbutton her jeans and let them slide down her legs. And there she stood just in a pair of light blue panties. Anthony traced the elastic of the panties with his finger as he stared into her eyes. Her lips were parted to accommodate her increased breathing.

  “Anth, go sit on the blanket.”

  He was still wearing his shorts with his hard dick hanging out but had lost his shirt before he removed Sydney’s clothes.

  “Come here, Sydney,” I said to her.

  She stood in front of me with a smile waiting for instructions. I stood and turned her around to face Anthony. I wrapped my arms around her waist and set my chin on her shoulder.

  “He wants you and needs you, Sydney. Do you trust us to take care of you?”

  “Yes, Sir. Of course.”

  “Do you trust us to push you some tonight?”

  I could feel her swallow hard and then begin to nod her head.

  “Yes, Sir. I trust you and Anthony.”

  I looked at Anthony, sitting there slowly stroking his hard cock. I knew that he wasn’t going to be doing any pushing tonight in regards to Sydney. He’d be pushing himself some and I was going to do the rest.

  “Good girl. Use red if you need it. Straddle Anthony, leave the panties on. Stay up on your knees and rub your panty-clad pussy over his cock. Keep your hands on the railing above his head and keep your eyes on his.”

  Fuck, it was so sexy to watch her rub her pussy just over his cock w
ith her panties on. I knew they’d be soaked before long from his oozing cock and her wet pussy. She had her hands up on the railing, right where I wanted them.

  I leaned back in the chair to unbutton and unzip my jeans. I raised my hips so I could shove them down and then took my aching cock in my hand and began to stroke myself while I watched them.

  “Anth, pull her panties to the side so you can feel her wet pussy move back and forth.”

  He tugged them to the side and grabbed the base of his dick and helped navigate it back and forth against her slit. With his other hand, he had it on one of her butt cheeks and was gripping it tightly. I could see the pressure he was putting on her skin and it was pretty fucking hot.

  “Baby, how does his cock feel?”

  “Hard, but also velvety smooth, Sir.”

  “You made him hard. I think he could use some relief. Sit down on his cock, baby.” She lowered herself down on Anthony’s shaft and sat still. Anthony’s hand was still on her butt cheek, squeezing it. He was still controlled and calm though I could see it building in his eyes. I didn’t want it to get to a frustrating point though.

  “Anth, why don’t you help hold Sydney in place.”

  I prayed he’d know what I was silently saying to him. He looked over her shoulder at me and I saw his crooked, wicked smile appear. Good, he knew. He took his hand off her butt and looked upward at her hands gripping the railing. Anthony loves rope bondage and even though we had started working with Sydney on it before the Paul incident, we aren't close enough to being able to venture down that road again, yet. I knew that he loved restricting her in some fashion, so he might enjoy this. I fucking hoped he’d enjoy it and that it wouldn’t send Sydney into a tailspin.

  He moved his arms up through the railing and his hands reached over and held the tops of her hands as she gripped the railing. I could tell he was looking in her eyes and when I saw his smile broaden, I knew she must be giving him some indication that she was okay.

  “Fuck him, baby. I want to see that ass of yours come up off his thighs and slam down on him.”

  My balls ached watching this. Though still nursing many leftover lash marks, her ass was beautiful and each time it hit the tops of Anthony’s legs, I wished they were my legs. She continued to bounce on him while he held her hands on the railing. It was so fucking hot to watch them. I began pumping my cock rapidly and shut my eyes for a brief moment and took in the sounds that they were making. Anthony was grunting while Sydney was making that sweet moaning sound.

  “Fuck!” Anthony hissed out.

  I opened my eyes and saw how intense his gaze was. I had to be closer to them. I leaned against the railing and let my eyes feast on Sydney. Her breasts bounced each time she slammed down on Anthony’s cock. Her eyes didn’t move from Anthony’s and her smile was infectious.

  “You two look fucking amazing. So hot.”

  All I could hear were his trance-like grunts mixed with her trance-like moans. I think I zoned out while I was stroking my cock and watching them. I snapped out of it though when I heard a different grunt from Anthony and saw his head bang against the railing.

  “Fuck! Sydney, I’m going to come!”

  I looked at his hands that were still on top of Sydney’s, though now they were white knuckled and he seemed to be gripping her hands firmly. His body went stiff and then he convulsed and the sound that ripped from his throat was one that I hadn’t heard for a while. Not since Sydney had been taken had I heard that guttural noise of satisfaction.

  “Ah! Sir!” Sydney tensed and she stopped bouncing on Anthony. Her eyes were shut but her mouth was open.

  “That’s it, baby. Open your eyes. Let him look at you when you come.”

  Anthony made a movement with his hips once her eyes were open and it sent her over the edge. Her body tried to bend in the middle but she was still without her arms and hands. I pumped my cock hard and fast and was thankful when I felt hot jets of come spray out onto Sydney’s chest. Some hit her arm and some hit Anthony’s stomach, but most of it went on her chest. It was sexy as fuck.

  “Here, baby. Clean me up.”

  I waved my oozing cock closer towards her mouth. She opened her mouth and I pushed my cock in for its bath. Fuck, it felt wonderful. I tapped Anthony’s hands so he’d let go of hers. They both had their arms and hands up over their heads for a while and needed to get the blood back in them. When her hands were released, they fell down to her side and she leaned forward trying to cuddle into Anthony. He quickly took hold of her hands and placed them on his chest while he rubbed up and down her arms to infuse some heat in them. Both of them seemed shaky and neither were saying anything. The look on Anthony’s face was indescribable. It was as though his orgasm pumped new life into him. Whatever was going through his head was heavy though. He was coherent enough to hold her and keep her hands on his chest where he needed them. I was proud of both of them for trusting me to push them tonight and know that they’d be alright. Now I needed to take care of them. They were the better part of me and I loved them.

  I crouched down on the beach blanket and encouraged Sydney to continue leaning against Anthony and rest. I picked up the throw and covered her back and draped the sides around Anthony. Kneeling behind Sydney I reached around and rubbed on Anthony’s arms a few times and then gave them a light slap. They’d be fine. His balls were empty and her pussy was full.

  This was intense, as I knew it would be for a few reasons; Sydney was held in place and wasn’t able to move and I thought Anthony might have finally let go of the monster in his head. I was proud of both of them and knew Anthony would get those thoughts out of the way so he could come. But I was really proud of Sydney. She trusted him to hold her in place but not hurt her. She knew that all she’d have to do was say the word and she’d be out of that situation.

  As the chill set in for both of them, I flicked on the heat lamp close by and sat next to Anthony against the railing. He looked over at me and nodded. I sat beside them until the two of them started talking. Soon, I discovered we were all starving again and went inside to round up some treats.

  Anthony sat at the table with Sydney on his lap and the blanket wrapped around them while I popped some pre-made M&M cookies into the oven.

  “While those are baking, let’s get you two cleaned up.”

  I ran upstairs and brought down their lounge clothes and some damp washcloths. I tended to Sydney while Anthony took care of himself. They were both cleaned up in clean clothes by the time the cookies were done. The three of us spent the evening eating cookies and coming down from the events out on the patio. It was a fantastic day and I was energized and motivated by how well they did today.

  “You guys up for a drive tomorrow?” I asked.

  “Yeah, where to?” Anthony asked as he shoved another whole cookie in his mouth.

  “North. I want to show Sydney where I grew up.” I eyed Anthony trying to tell if this was something he’d rather not do. I knew his biological father had lived outside of San Francisco and that he lived there with his dad for a number of months until he went to college. “We can stay in the city and spend a few days there. Let Sydney take in the sights.”

  Anthony nodded and Sydney started asking about all of the places to see in San Francisco. She was very excited, so naturally Anthony and I were too.

  Chapter 62

  Wednesday, February 26th


  Last night when we went to bed, everyone was still kind of fuzzy from our deck sex. Sydney was still chilled and Anthony seemed to be doing okay, but I really wasn’t one hundred percent sure. I just hope that my pushing them some is helping and not hindering them. The three of us have been through a lot lately, and the two of them especially have fears about losing “us”. I was working on making it very apparent that the three of us failing as a V, is not an option. It’s not a possibility and they need to take it off the table. Easier said than done, I know.

  After my early morning heart to heart chat wit
h Anthony yesterday, I spent a good part of yesterday thinking about how I can keep him connected and worry free. Being able to direct their play scene last night was incredible and sexy. I thought that maybe my talking and instructing kept him connected and didn’t give him the chance to run off somewhere in his head.

  Still, I worry. As we got ready for bed, Sydney was chatty but Anthony was more subdued. That made me worry and I began rethinking our play on the beach on then on the deck. I worried that I may have taken it too far when I jacked off and shot my load on Sydney and some of it landed on Anthony. I had no intentions of that happening, and in hindsight, that might not have been my smartest move. I worried that because of the events with Victor, something like my cum landing on him might trigger something. In all of the women he and I have co-topped and been with, stray cum shots were common, though never intended. After fifteen years of co-topping, I would have known by now if it were a problem. He seemed okay last night, but the worry is laced in my mind now. I debated about asking him about it, but then I was also afraid to draw attention to it.

  As the three of us settled naked in bed in our usual spots, I decided to continue my work on the two of them by doing nothing more than hold them. Both of them.

  Anthony has been sleeping on what normally is my side of the bed that way Sydney can still sleep with her head on him without putting any pressure on his chest wound. She has worked her way into the trusting graces of Anthony and sleeps with her hand covering his scar. When I snuggled behind Sydney, I reached over and laced my fingers with hers. It was imperative that he feel secure and supported especially after everything that has happened. I knew that there was a chance he’d freak out and pull away, but Anthony can be full of surprises and he didn’t tense or seem bothered at all.


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