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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

Page 3

by Nicola Jane

  “I thought you were at work all day,” I say, noting that it’s only just past noon.

  “I came home early, hoping you’d be here so that I could apologize for my atrocious behaviour last night.” I watch him walk towards me. It’s the same story, he does this at least once a month and the apologies are always the same. I genuinely think that he is sorry, if I didn’t; I wouldn’t still be here. I just wish he would remember this moment and stop getting so drunk. “I don’t deserve you baby, I’m a bastard but please forgive me.” He gently rubs his thumb over my bruised cheek. “I can’t believe I did that to you,” he adds.

  “It’s fine it’s done now. You didn’t have to buy me all of these flowers.”

  “You deserve so much more.” He pulls a jewellery box from his back pocket and opens it, a beautiful sapphire ring sits in the box. It’ll go lovely with the other beautiful jewellery that he always buys me out of guilt. He doesn’t notice that I don’t wear any of it, I guess he doesn’t really care once I’ve accepted the apology. I smile awkwardly, I hate expensive gifts. I place a gentle kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you, I love it.” I know what’s coming next when he leans in for a longer kiss. The last thing I want to do is have sex with Noah but it’s kind of a requirement when he buys me jewellery that I don’t want. He takes my hand and leads me towards the bedroom. Noah is very traditional, preferring missionary sex in our bed.

  I place the ring beside my bed, vowing to add it to the others in the safe. We strip off in silence and climb into bed. Noah props himself up on one elbow and lies on his side. He pulls the sheet from my body and stares at me for a few seconds, then he runs his hand along my side until he reaches my breast. Leaning forward he runs his tongue across my nipple and then sucks it into his mouth. There’s nothing romantic about it and I resist the urge to shudder. I let him do his thing, laying silently while he licks and sucks parts of my body. When he’s ready he climbs between my legs and prods my opening with his erection. “Are you ready baby?” he whispers. I smile up at him and nod. Noah lunges forward, and I suck in a surprised breath, usually he’s much gentler. He smirks down at me; he thinks I’m enjoying this. He pumps in and out no more than five times and then he shudders, groaning in my ear as he releases into me.

  Once he’s caught his breath, he places a kiss against my lips, “I love you,” he whispers.

  “I love you too,” I smile. And just like that, our argument is forgotten.


  I take the drink from the tray that Ella holds out for me. She’s bent low enough for me to look down her top. When she catches me staring, she smirks. “Thank you Ella,” her father, Conner, mutters, eyeing the two of us suspiciously. “There’s been no sightings of your father?” he asks. I know he thinks something is going on, like my useless, drunk ass father and I have conspired to get him out of the country so that he doesn’t have to answer to Conner.

  “No Sir, I’ve got men everywhere looking for him. I don’t want to spend too much man power on it, I’m getting bored,” I say, keeping my tone even. Conner is the only man I know that can look at you and know you’re lying before you’ve even said the lie. The truth being that I have hardly any men out looking because I don’t care. The longer he stays away, the more chance I have of stepping into his shoes and then Conner Martinez will be more inclined to let me marry his goddess of a daughter. My father is an important man in our world. Our family name causes fear in the men amongst us, as does Conner’s, who heads up all of our families. There’s an hierarchy, Conner at the top of the chain, followed by my father, or me because currently he is missing, and then it branches off into families that work for us, some have more of our respect than others but generally they all answer to my father and then he answers to Conner. We bring money in from the London streets, providing a protection racket for the bars and clubs in our area. They pay us to keep their properties and everyone inside of them, safe. We do a great job. That’s one of the reasons I am here today, to hand over Conner's cut for the week, something my father would usually do if he wasn’t AWOL right now.

  “What are your plans once you find him?” he asks, placing a cigar into his mouth and lighting the thick end.

  “Whatever is expected of me,” I say, my eye catching Ella’s as she enters the room again, her kitten curled up against her chest. How I wish that was me.

  Anton kicks my foot, bringing my attention back to Conner. “You know that you have to find him Tag. Once I have spoken to him, he will be executed, there can be no negotiation.” I nod my head once in understanding. If I get the chance, I’ll put the bullet in him myself. He may have brought shame on me and my mother but I won’t let him be tortured to death, he doesn’t deserve that.

  Conner stands, “I have an appointment to get to. I’ll speak with the families tomorrow. I think you should step up as head of your family, I don’t see why we should wait.” I bow my head, it’s a sign of respect, he wouldn’t appreciate me shouting ‘hell yeah’. “They may need to see more from you Tag. Not just in the cage.”

  He leaves the room, kissing his daughter on the head as he passes her. Anton turns to me, grinning from ear to ear. “Finally.”

  “About time you mean,” I mutter.

  Ella takes the seat that her father vacated. She makes a show of crossing her slender tanned legs, still holding the grey kitten to her chest. “A boss,” her glossy lips almost smile, I know she’s thinking the same as me, even if she is playing it cool in front of her brother.

  Anton rises to his feet, “I’ll go get changed, we’ll head out for training and then get food?” I nod and he leaves me alone with Ella. I crook my finger and she arches her brow. She likes to defy me, a game I love. “El,” I mutter, my voice low with a warning tone. She smirks and places the kitten on the floor. I wait until she’s in front of me, her skirt is way too short, something that she won’t get away with when she’s mine. I take her fingers in my hand and give her a gentle tug so that she falls on to my lap.

  “Really Tag, here?” she laughs.

  “You know me, I like to live dangerously.” She places her hand against my stubbly cheek and then licks her tongue across my lower lip. “Will you be at the fight tomorrow night?” I ask.

  She shrugs, placing gentle kisses along my chin until she gets back to my lips again and then kisses me with such passion that I curl my toes. I run my hand along her ribs but before I can reach her breast, she halts me, removing my hand and placing it onto the couch beside me. She smiles against my mouth when I groan in frustration. It’s a game she plays continuously, but in our families the girls respect themselves enough to wait until marriage for sex. She presses her ass against my erection, “Soon Boss, soon.”

  I hear Anton’s footfalls on the stairs and I grip her hips and stand her up. She wipes around her glossy lips and then picks up the kitten, moving away from me and running her hand along the bookshelf, pretending she’s looking for her next read. “Right brother, let’s go,” he says.



  I smile politely at the large suited man that stands before me ogling my breasts. “So, Colin, tell me how you won that Brown case because we had bets it wouldn’t go your way,” says Noah, handing me a fresh glass of Champagne and removing my half full one. He doesn’t think that Champagne should ever be drank at room temperature which I think is ridiculous and wasteful. He places my old glass on a passing waitress’ tray.

  “You have no faith Noah,” scoffs Colin, his raucous laugh catching the attention of the surrounding people. A passing man catches Colin’s eye and he turns to speak with him.

  “Are you having a nice evening?” asks Noah, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  I untuck it and smile, “Of course.” He places a light kiss on my lips and feeling daring, and possibly slightly tipsy, I try to take it deeper. Noah pulls back slightly, a confused grimace on his face, “Are you okay?”

  I run my hand up his shirt, laying it against his chest, �
��Maybe we could slip off, there are lots of dark corners where we could spend a few minutes alone,” I smile, adding a wink.

  Noah laughs awkwardly, kissing me lightly on the nose. “You are so cute baby,” he says, and then he turns to the couple behind us and introduces himself. I roll my eyes; I’d half expected him to ruffle my hair at the end of that brush off.

  “Having fun darling?” Charlotte Fielding’s irritating voice almost makes me shudder. I turn slightly to watch her approaching form glide towards me, I swear she floats just like a witch. She air kisses my cheeks and then repeats her son’s actions and tucks my hair behind my ear.

  “I’m having the best time,” I say, tucking my hair and running my fingers through it to shake the bouncy curls out.

  “Sarcasm really is a low form of wit dear,” she mutters.

  “Is Clyde not here yet?” I ask knowing full well that he is, I’d seen him sneak off ten minutes ago with a sexy looking blond.

  “He’s somewhere around here. We arrived separate because he came straight from work.” She cranes her neck to look around the room.

  “I’m just going to powder my nose. Please let Noah know where I am when he’s finished talking,” I say and then I push through the crowds to where the restroom sign lights up brightly.

  I push the door and despite there being numerous toilets inside, there’s a line of around ten women. I sigh and decide to go and look for one further afield. I step out of the grand room into the large entrance hall where the odd waiter is waiting with their Champagne bottles to refill the waitress’ trays. “Excuse me,” I say politely to one. He looks up and his expression is cold, I get it, he thinks this pompous event is full of stuck up arse holes, he’d be right but I’m not one of them. “Is there another bathroom, the one in there is full,” I say.

  He points to another door across the room but he doesn’t speak, rude. I huff and then make my way in the direction he pointed. There’s a winding staircase, why’s the bathroom always up the damn stairs. Once I reach the top I freeze, not wanting to make a noise. I debate whether to just turn around and leave or run straight into the bathroom which is literally two steps to my left. Noah’s father is at the far end of the corridor with the blonde’s legs wrapped around his waist and he’s thrusting hard and fast.

  “Lucy, did you find the bathroom, the one downstairs is full,” I spin around at the sound of Charlotte’s voice as she climbs the stairs elegantly. Clyde freezes and looks over his shoulder, panic is in his eyes as they meet mine and my instinct takes over. I turn and march down the stairs towards Charlotte, “Would you believe that it’s out of order, honestly, all this expense and not one free toilet, we should complain.” I link my arm with hers and we head back towards the ball room.

  I’m saved as we re-enter the ball room because Lucille has arrived. She gives me a slight wave and I release Charlotte’s arm so that she can go off and mingle. “Thank god you’re here,” I sigh, air kissing Lucille. “Where’s Wyatt?”

  “He’s been dragged off to talk business,” she says rolling her eyes, “Noah?”

  “Same. I hate these things, I’m so bored,” I sigh, taking a glass of Champagne from a passing waitress, “And I really hate this stuff,” I huff, taking a sip of the bubbly liquid.

  “We all do darling, just hold the glass for show like I do,” she says smiling at a passing couple. “It’s almost time to be seated, shall we go and check the seating plan?”

  My phone vibrates and I fish it out of my clutch. Tyra has sent me a photograph of herself and Maribel making silly faces at the camera. I smile and then send a text off asking what they’re up to. She wastes no time in replying asking how my boring party is and telling me that they are in a wine bar in central London. I’m so jealous and even more so when we check the table plan and I realize that I’m sat at a table without Lucille.

  I go to my seat and find that Noah is already at the table. To his left sits the blond that was with Clyde earlier. They are deep in conversation and hardly notice as I take the seat to Noah’s left. I sit in silence for at least five minutes before Noah’s parents join us. We stand to greet them, even though I’ve already air kissed Charlotte once. I watch Clyde closely as he kisses the blond on her cheek and then he turns to Charlotte, “Darling this is Emma, she’s been a godsend to the firm.” I arch a brow and Clyde avoids making eye contact with me.

  Charlotte smiles, taking the Emma’s hand and shaking it gently, “Clyde and Noah have told me so much about you.” I fold my arms across my chest, Noah hasn’t ever mentioned this woman before and it doesn’t look like anyone is going to introduce me as they all begin to take their seats again, I lean across the table, holding out my hand. “I’m Lucy, Noah’s fiancée.” She takes my hand, her eyes casually darting between Noah and Clyde.

  “My girlfriend,” corrects Noah and I glare at him. How dare he correct me like that in front of this perfectly groomed female. He gives a small chuckle and runs a hand over my shoulder.

  “Noah hasn’t mentioned you, have you worked for him for long?” I ask, choosing to ignore Noah’s comment.

  Emma smiles sweetly, “Three months.”

  “Wow, quite some time for him not to mention you then,” I say, glancing to Noah who is now settled back into his chair. “And you’re a secretary?” I ask, because clearly no one here is going to tell me.

  “Gosh no,” she giggles, “Noah is my sponsor, he’s training me to be as amazing as he is.”

  “You’re a lawyer?” I almost screech, she looks about eighteen. “Are you old enough for that?”

  “Lucy!” admonishes Charlotte, she’s big on manners unless she’s the one being rude.

  “I mean, you look so young,” I explain.

  “I get my genes from my mother’s side, I’m twenty-two.” That’s at least thirty years between her and Clyde, I shudder.

  “Have you finished with the Spanish inquisition now?” asks Noah. I’ll save the Spanish inquisition for him later because I find it odd that he hasn’t mentioned her when he’s clearly spending a lot of time with her.


  I wipe my mouth on the napkin, the meal was amazing but I’d of preferred the company of Ella over her brother. “Where to next?” asks Anton. I shrug, because honestly; I can’t get Ella off my mind today, the fact that I could be made head of the Corallo family mean’s I’m a step closer to getting exactly what I want, her. “Are you okay? You seem a little distant tonight.”

  “Thinking about my father,” I sigh.

  “Let’s hope he’s taken our advice and stays away. The minute he’s back here, he’ll be killed.”

  “He won’t come back. With all that money, he won’t need to.” The last insult was my father stealing money from the families. We discovered that he’d been skimming money for some time so who knows how much he’d saved. When Anton and I figured it out, Dad admitted it. We should have killed him, but at the end of the day, he’s still my father; and so we let him run on the condition that he never return. If he comes back here, I won’t let him run again, I can’t afford to look weak once I’m head of my family.

  “I think we should go to a club, find some girls, get them back and have a party. You still have some catching up to do,” suggests Anton, “After number ten blew you off last night, not literally of course.” He laughs at his own joke.

  “I was thinking about that. Let’s raise the stake,” I say, chucking some cash on the table to cover the meal. “Ten was a bitch. She called me smooth and not in a good way. I want to teach her a lesson and win at the same time,” I say. Anton looks at me with interest, he loves a good game. He follows me from the restaurant. “If I get ten in to my bed then you have to support me when I make a claim to your sister, your father is more likely to accept it if you’re on my side.” It’s not a secret between us that I love his sister, I have for many years, but he knows me too well and he knows what I’m like when it comes to girls and sex, I’m the last person he wants Ella to marry.

nbsp; “Ten would never go for you, she’s shown you no interest.”

  “Then what have you got to lose?”

  He ponders it for a moment, “We know nothing about ten, how would you find her?”

  “Because her friend was a journalist for the London Gazette. I’ll start there.”

  “Okay, if I go along with this, what do I get out of it when you lose?”

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  We turn the corner, Breach, a popular nightclub owned by Anton’s family, has a long queue outside. We cross the busy road and head straight for the door. One of the three doormen lift the thick red rope and we go inside. “I want something big if I’m agreeing to you and my sister. Not that it’ll ever happen because ten will not sleep with you.”

  “Let me worry about that.”

  “Okay, I want your apartment.” I spin to look at him, I love my apartment, he knows how much I love it because not only did it cost me a ridiculous amount to buy outright but it’s in a nice part of London called Chelsea and it overlooks the river Thames. It’s a highly sought-after area and I had to wait almost two years for something to become available.

  “My apartment?” I almost yell, “Are you shitting me?”

  “Man, you want my sister!” he yells back, laughing. “And it can’t just be as simple as you getting number ten into bed, it needs to be bigger than that.”


  “Yeah,” he taps his chin like he’s thinking hard. “Make her say I love you.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, ten has a boyfriend, and making her fall in love with me is a little far-fetched.”

  “Well that’s the deal man, take it or leave it.”

  We step into the VIP area. It’s full of hot women and important men. We move through the room, stopping to shake hands occasionally as we pass people we know. I fist bump with Cruise, “Ah, just the man I was looking for,” I say, slapping him on the back.


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