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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

Page 13

by Nicola Jane

  One of the older ladies steps forward and hugs me, “I always hoped you’d come and find us,” she says warmly. She’s rounded and has all the signs of a mother bear, even down to her kind features. “I’m Queenie, Bear’s old lady.” she points across the room to a grey haired man propping up the bar. “You need anything, you come to me.” I nod.

  “Me, Bear and Queenie are some of the oldies here,” explains Ace, “Been here from the beginning.”

  Queenie takes my hand and pulls me forward, away from Ace, “Go, leave us to look after her,” she orders and he gives me an apologetic smile before stepping away. “This is Foxy, Truckers old lady,” says Queenie, “And this is my daughter, Piper.” Piper smiles, she’s more my age and I feel at ease right away.

  “Hey, lucky you, Ace is great,” she says. “He’s talked about his girl for years, I bet you’ve made his year turning up like that.”

  “I wasn’t sure about coming here, but I’m so glad I have.”

  Piper takes me by the hand, “Let me introduce you to some of the girls that are from our generation,” she jokes and her mom playfully taps her arm.

  Two girls are by the bar, “Nova, Mae, this is Lucy,” says Piper, they smile, “She’s the Pres’ daughter.”

  “No fucking way,” gasps Nova, “So you’re Hulks sister?!”

  “Lucky cow,” sighs Mae.

  “How is it lucky, it means she can’t crush on him?” says Nova.

  “Exactly, how nice would it be to not have to love him?” groans Mae and we all laugh. I feel like I’m going to make some good friends here.

  The next day I go into my office with a bounce in my step. I’ve spent the night thinking about my new family. I’ve been invited back on Saturday night for a cook out. Piper promised that it would be a brilliant night.

  Keelan stands as I enter, “Thank god you’re here, I tried calling you a hundred times,” he says dramatically,

  “Something wrong?” I ask, glancing at my watch, I’m only half an hour later than I usually am.

  “Yes, a woman rang this morning to make an appointment with you, you’re cutting it close, she’s due in ten minutes.”

  “Relax Kee, I’m here now.”

  “She requested you, I tried to book her in with me but she wasn’t having any of it. She said you’re the best!”

  “Well, I can’t argue with that,” I laugh.

  “It sounds like a big one though Lucy, she talked about money being no problem.”

  “Great,” I huff, I hate rich bitches. They expect the impossible, like a few weeks ago, a girl from Chelsea requested twenty unicorns. She didn’t know that Unicorns weren’t a real animal.

  I pour myself a coffee and open up my Mac Book. “You can’t afford to blow this Lucy,” says Keelan in a warning tone. I know he’s right, last month’s figures weren’t great and the last thing I need is my business failing, my mother would revel in that and now that I’ve made the choice to split from Noah permanently, I have to make a good go of this.

  “Relax Kee, it’ll work out and I’ll be the biggest ass licker ever, I promise.”

  I get lost in my emails when the door opens and I hear Keelan welcome the client. The voice makes me look up instantly, I’d recognize that annoying sound anywhere and my worst fears are confirmed as Ella makes her way toward my desk. “Lucy,” she says like she’s happy to see me. “How wonderful to see you. I love this little place,” she says, looking around.

  “Ella,” I say, confusion on my face.

  “And this is my mother, Alison.” I glance at the carbon copy of Ella as her mother holds out a bony hand for me to shake, her diamond ring catching my eye.

  “Ella tells me you’re the best planner in London,” she says.

  “Thank you, maybe not the best though,” I say.

  “Oh don’t be silly, of course you are,” says Ella, sitting down opposite me. Her mother does the same. “Tag highly recommends you.” She arches her brow and I wonder if Tag knows that she’s here.

  “So,” I say, “What can I help you with?”

  “I can’t officially confirm the date until after Saturday,” begins Ella excitedly, “But my once my father has announced it, I’ll call you. Anyway, I want a huge wedding so thought I’d book an appointment so we could make a start, the date is a minor detail,” she shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  “And the groom didn’t want to be part of the planning?” I ask casually, tapping away on my laptop. I need her to confirm its him that she’s marrying, even though deep down I know it is.

  “Well, you know Tag, not one for the important things,” she laughs and the sound grates on my nerves, “But he said he’ll be happy with whatever I choose and of course, money is no object, he insists I have my dream day, he’s such a cutie. I’m thinking pink, glitter, animals and a theme.”

  I knew those were the things she’d pick out, all rich bitches want a tacky wedding. Tag will hate it and so I smile, I’ll give her exactly what she wants.

  “Then you’ll love this,” I say, opening a catalogue of previous tacky weddings I’ve been forced into doing. Ella leans forward eagerly, her eyes scanning each page like she’s in heaven. I catch Keelan’s eye and we share a smirk.

  “Will this date be sooner rather than later?” I ask.

  Ella’s mother nods yes, “I should imagine it’ll be within the next couple of weeks.”

  “Weeks!” I screech, “Weddings take months to plan, not weeks.”

  “That’s why we came to you. I’m sure it’ll be no problem seeing as money is no object.” That’s another rich person flaw, they think everything can be done at the drop of a hat.

  “I’m sorry, but we may have limited options if it’s going to be weeks.”

  Ella pushes fake tears to her eyes and her mother takes her hand, “Don’t worry darling, Daddy will sort this,” she says soothingly. I roll my eyes, even the mafia cannot pull off this diabolical wedding in a few weeks.


  Ella pulls off her shirt and I try not to watch as she unhooks her bra angrily. “Who the hell can’t put a wedding together in a few weeks, she must be incompetent!” she complains. She turns on the shower, “And stop turning away from me, we’re practically married!”

  I turn back towards her, she’s safely behind the frosted glass screen now anyway. “I was being a gentleman,” I huff.

  “Daddy is furious,” she continues on her rant.

  “Can’t you just find another wedding planner?” I suggest, I have no interest in all of the planning.

  “No Matteo, I can’t just find any planner, I want this one!”

  “What’s so special about this one if she can’t even pull off what you want?”

  “Because, she fucked my fiancée and he still thinks about her!” she yells. The words penetrate my brain and then I pull open the shower door, steam billowing out. Ella’s hands continue to rub soapy suds into her naked, wet body and I try not to let that distract me.

  “You went to Lucy?” I growl.

  “Of course I did, the message needs to be clear, you are mine!”

  “Me and Lucy are over! She knows everything.”

  “And yet you still think about her,” she says, a dangerous glint in her eye.

  “No I don’t,” I lie, “I’m marrying you aren’t I!”

  “But you fucked her and now she plays through your mind.”

  “Grow up Ella, all that was for you, I did all that to get you!”

  “But you let her win you over, it became more than a bet and you know it. I saw the way you looked at her, I’m not blind.”

  “We are not having her plan our wedding!” I shout, slamming the shower door closed again, “You go against me and there will be consequences!” Her laughter rings out as I leave the room.

  Half an hour later, I sit in the car opposite Lucy’s shop. “Do you want me to go in and cancel boss?” asks Dan. I shake my head. It’s hard seeing her again, I watch through the window as she laughs, dancing wi
th her assistant and spinning around the room like she’s the happiest person ever.

  I step from the car and head over. As I push the door she stops spinning and when she spots me her smile fades. “Tag.”

  “Hey, I came to talk about Ella.”

  “I told her already, you can’t expect miracles with no notice. A lot of the things she wants are already booked up but I’ll do my best. Sending in the heavies won’t change things!”

  “Heavies?” I repeat, “You think I’m here to threaten you?” I laugh, shaking my head. It’s another reason we’d never work, she doesn’t understand my life. “I just came to say cancel it. Ella will have to find someone else.”

  “Someone else, Why?”

  “Well, it’s a little weird isn’t it. She’s done it to prove a point.”

  “It’s not weird at all,” she says indignantly, “I’m a wedding planner and she needs one. Why is it weird?”

  My eyes shift from her to her assistant. “Well, with me and you…” I trail off.

  “There is and was never any me and you. We were a huge mistake and it was all fake. I’ve moved on and you need to do the same.”

  “Moved on?” I repeat, “What does that mean?”

  “Just what I said. Now if you don’t mind I have a wedding to plan. I hope you like the color pink!”

  “Pink!” I repeat in disgust, “Tell me that’s a joke.”

  She laughs, “That’s what happens when you hand over your bank card and take no interest in what is supposed to be the biggest day of your life!”

  “Right, are you free now?”

  “I’m about to go home actually,” she says.

  “Then bring some ideas and I’ll buy you dinner.”

  “No, book an appointment with your fiancé.” She says the words bitterly, the first sign she’s shown that none of this is okay with her.

  “Are these the books we need?” I ask, grabbing an arm full of folders and glaring at her assistant for confirmation. He nods and I smile gratefully. “Let’s go Ten.”

  “No, I have plans.” I don’t want to know what the plans are, especially if they involve another man. I hand the files to her assistant.

  “Put those in that car,” I say, pointing across the street. I take Ten and effortlessly pick her up over my shoulder, slapping her ass when she screams and tries to wriggle free. Something feels right about being this close to her again, like its where I belong.

  I place her into the back seat of the car and then climb in beside her, not trusting her to jump out if I was to sit in the front. “I don’t want pink or glitter or anything girly. I want class.”

  “Then you should have married class,” she snaps and then she slaps her hand over her mouth, realizing her mistake.

  “Careful ten, the punishment for speaking out like that could get you into trouble.”

  “What do you do to people that speak out?” she asks. “Same as what you do to people that don’t pay up even when they have nothing?” I glance at her, “I paid your little friend a visit, the one in the restaurant.”

  I’d been told that Kenny had paid his debt in full just yesterday. Dan catches my eye in the mirror and I know he’s thinking the same as me. “I trust you have no issue with him now he’s paid what he owes,” she continues.

  “And what do you know about that Lucy?” I growl. I see her throat bob up and down as she shallows, “Because I’m hoping to god you didn’t give that sleaze any money?”

  “What if I did?” she snaps, folding her arms across her chest defiantly.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose and count to five. The car comes to a stop by Lucy’s apartment. “You aren’t coming in!” she huffs, getting out of the vehicle.

  “Dan, go sort Kenny. I’ll deal with Miss interfering.”

  “No problem boss.”

  I grab the folders and follow Lucy to her apartment. “You have no idea what a fool Kenny is,” I say as we step in the elevator. “How much did he rob from you?”

  “He didn’t rob it, I offered it.”

  “And he told you that he owed how much?”

  I follow her to her apartment and she turns to face me, her back to the door. “You aren’t coming inside.”

  “I am.”

  “Leave or I’ll call the cops,” she threatens.

  “Great, say hi to Chief Graham, he wins a lot of money on my fights.” Lucy stamps her foot in frustration and I smile as I follow her into her apartment. “What were your plans for tonight?” I ask, placing the folders down on the kitchen counter.

  “I was going on a date.”

  My eyes snap to hers, “With?” I ask.

  “None of your business, all you need to know is he is good in bed and I’m madly in love.” I know it’s a lie but it still cuts me.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “I was planning on joining Tinder tonight. I’ve been told its the hottest app,” she says.

  “Yeah for hook ups,” I mutter coldly.

  “Exactly!” I sigh, she’s trying to piss me off and its working.

  “So how much did you give Kenny?”

  “I’m not telling you.”

  “Because his debt was ten grand.” Her face changes as she realizes that Kenny is a con man and he’s taken full advantage of her offer. “And now, because of you, I have to end him.”

  Her eyes widen, “What? No!”

  “Yes. He’s taken advantage of you and made a mug of me.”

  “He didn’t ask me to pay it, I offered!”

  “And how much did you give him?” I yell suddenly and she jumps in fright.

  “Fifteen,” she mumbles, her eyes filling with tears.

  “You gave him fifteen grand! Who the hell hands over that amount to a stranger!” I yell and her tears spill down her face. “What the hell were you thinking!” She doesn’t answer and that pisses me off more. “This is the reason we can never work; you don’t get it. Kenny is a terrible person. Us visiting weekly to collect money meant he kept his nose clean!” I yell, moving into her face. “It meant he couldn’t fuck kids!” Lucy gasps at that. “The story was so much bigger than him owing me money.”

  “I didn’t know,” she mutters.

  “No you really didn’t. Ella gets me, she understands me,” I shout. “You have your rose-tinted glasses on, you want to save the world and make it pretty. Well it isn’t, none of it is!”

  Lucy swipes at her tears, “I didn’t know. Why are you yelling at me, if you hadn’t of lied in the first place none of this would have happened. If you’d kept me out of your stupid games!”

  “I really wish I had of, trust me.”

  “Just go, I don’t want you here.”

  “You don’t call the shots, not now you’ve crossed over into my fucking world.” I’m shouting again and before I register it, she slaps me hard across the face. She rushes back away from me until her back crashes against the wall, knocking the wind from her. I move towards her. She mistakes my prowling stance as danger and she pushes herself as far against the wall as she possibly can. The fear in her eyes wounds me, that fucker of an ex put that there. I link my fingers with hers and move her hands so that they are above her head. I run my tongue over her lips, tasting salt from her tears. She sucks in a breath of surprise and I take the opportunity to deepen the kiss, pressing my erection against her stomach.

  When she realizes I’m not mad anymore she wraps her leg around my thigh, I release her hands and lift her from the floor, encouraging her to wrap her legs around my waist. I rub her breast through her shirt and she hisses against my mouth. Fuck, I’ve missed this. My cell buzzes in my pocket and we freeze. It breaks the mood and Lucy hangs her head; she’s regretting this. I lower her back to the floor and step away from her, pulling the cell from my pocket.

  “Dan,” I sigh as I answer. “All sorted?”

  “Yeah boss. There’s cash in his safe, you want it back for the girl?”

  “Yeah, bring it here.” I disconnect the call. Lucy loo
ks guilty as hell and I move her hair from her face. “Dan has your money.”

  “I don’t want it, not if it means you’ve hurt Kenny.”

  “It’s your money. You’re having it back. I’ll make up whatever is missing.”

  “I don’t want your blood money. Get out.”

  “Ten,” I sigh and she glares at me.

  “Lucy, my name is fucking Lucy. Get out.”

  “No.” I take a seat. I can’t leave like this when she hates me.

  “I don’t understand you, remember, so why do you insist on doing that?” she snaps, pointing to the wall where we were standing just seconds ago.

  “I can’t stop myself around you. It’s an insane attraction.”

  “Well just stop.”

  “I’ll try. You were going to Tinder to find it, I can give it you,” I offer, smirking and she groans.

  “You disgust me. You have a fiancé. I should tell her.”

  “You could, she wouldn’t leave me. She might also have you killed. Her father is kind of a big deal.”

  Lucy glares at me, “Oh my god. So now I’m in danger!”

  “Only if you open your mouth.”

  My cell rings again, it’s Dan announcing his arrival. I go to Lucy’s intercom and press the unlock button. I then wait at her door. There are splatters of blood on Dan’s white shirt. I hand him my jacket and he pulls it on before handing me an envelope stuffed with cash. “Five grand,” he confirms.

  I take it to Lucy; she refuses to take it and so I place it on the coffee table. “I’ll speak to Ella’s father; we’ll find another wedding planner.”

  “Whatever you want Tag.” Her voice is cold and distant.

  “I’m sorry you keep getting dragged back into my life.” She doesn’t bother to reply, staring straight ahead with a stony look on her face. “Well, I’ll be off then. I’ll transfer the rest of your money.”

  “No don’t bother!” she hisses.


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