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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

Page 15

by Nicola Jane

  Scar’s words make sense. If I’m honest and she walks away, then at least I’ve tried. If I walk away and I don’t even give her a chance, I’ll never know. I can’t live never knowing.



  I’m officially drunk and it feels nice. I’m more relaxed than I have been in months. “I need your keys,” says Ace, holding out his hand expectantly. “For your apartment,” he clarifies.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “I’m packing up Noah’s shit and sending it to him. After what he’s done, I don’t want him anywhere near you.” Hulk stands by his side, his face stern and I decide not to argue, and hand my keys over. I’d told the girls all about my relationship with Noah and how it ended. Queenie made it her mission to tell Ace. And for once, it’s nice to have people care for me.

  “I have some other business to take care of so we’ll be an hour or two,” he adds. I feel privileged that he’s bothering to explain to me why he’ll be gone for some time.

  “Wow, how cute is that. I’ve always wondered what kind of father Ace would be to a daughter and he’s exactly as I imagined,” swoons Mae.

  “You have serious daddy issues, swooning over the Pres like that,” laughs Nova and Mae nods, clearly in full agreement.

  I’ve discovered that Piper, Nova and Mae have grown up in the MC. Piper’s father Bear is one of the founding members, along with Ace. Nova’s father is the club’s doctor, I’ve yet to meet ‘Doc’ but I hear he’s also big on family. Mae’s father was killed by a rival MC years ago, leaving her and her mother with the MC. Her mother, Bernie, cooks for the guys and they all adore her.

  “I need to bring Tyra and Bel here, you’ll love them,” I say. I feel like they will all get along well and now that I’ve stepped away from Lucille and the clique, I’ll have more time for my real friends.

  “Looks like your man is back,” says Piper, nudging against my arm. I look over in the direction of her stare. Sure enough, Tag is over by the bar with Scar, and I can’t help the warm fuzzy feeling I get inside when I see him. I sigh and the girls giggle. “That’s pure love in your eyes.”

  “It is not,” I protest, “He’s an ass. It would never work. He’s part of something bigger and I can’t handle that.”

  “Of course you can. You’re Ace’s daughter, you can handle anything,” says Piper. I laugh. If only that were true. She takes my hand and pulls me to stand, “We need to dance,” she cries, wiggling her hips to a song that begins to pump from the speakers. “Turn it up Whiskey,” she yells to the bar tender. He shakes his head and laughs, then turns up the song.

  The other girls whoop and holler, joining us. There’s a space between the tables where we can dance and I let the girls pull me around as we laugh and wave our arms around. It feels good. As I spin, I hit against a hard body. Tag’s face looks unimpressed as he glowers down at me. My smile fades, I don’t want another fight.

  “I need to talk to you,” he says. Previous experience tells me I shouldn’t argue, he always gets his way in the end. I follow him outside, the fresh air hits me and I suddenly feel dizzy. “Ace tells me he’s giving Noah a message tonight. You aren’t getting back together?”

  I shake my head and lean myself against the wall to keep my balance, “How’s the wedding plans coming along?”

  “They aren’t,” he says dryly, “Ella is moving to Scotland as we speak.”

  “Oh,” I mutter, “But I thought…”

  “It’s over. She’s betrayed me and she’s damn lucky her father is Conner Martinez because I don’t know what I’d do if…” he stops talking and shakes his head.

  “You’re hurt,” I observe and his eyes fix to mine.

  “Not over Ella,” he says, “Hurt that I’ve been a fool.”

  “It’s never nice to realize you’ve been made a fool of,” I say, raising a brow and he nods in understanding.

  “Well, call this payback for how I treated you.”

  We fall silent before my curiosity gets the better of me, “What did she do to betray you?”

  “It’s not important. But, we’re both single now.”

  I laugh, “I guess so.”

  “Which means we have nothing standing in our way.”

  “Oh god, please don’t hit on me Tag,” I groan, “Not after everything that’s happened between us.” He steps closer to me; I feel trapped against the wall and I turn my head so that he can’t lay any surprise kisses on me.

  “Why are you denying what I know you want,” he growls close to my ear.

  “It’s too late for us Tag, what you did was unforgivable. I was a bet, a fucking bet. And now your prize has betrayed you, you want to hit me up again. No thanks.” I shove past him and go back inside feeling strong and empowered. My inner girl is sobbing in the corner and squeezing my heart.


  I watch the sway of Lucy’s ass as she goes back inside the club house. It must have felt good for her to blow me off like that and I expected it. She isn’t going to forgive me just like that, but it doesn’t mean I’m ready to give up.

  My cell buzzes, a photograph of my father laying still and covered in blood opens up. I text Ace back, ‘Video it, Conner won’t believe a picture.’

  He calls and I answer straight away, “What if he notices him breathing or something,” he snaps, “I’m not a fucking miracle worker.”

  “Get him to hold his breath,” I suggest, “Or punch him, either way, make sure it’s believable.”

  “Right, I’m on it. Are you still at the club, is Lucy okay?”

  “Yeah she’s fine. I was just chatting to her actually.”

  “After tonight you owe me brother, remember that.”

  I sigh and disconnect the call, owing The Rebellions might come back to bite me in the ass but I couldn’t use any one that could go back to Conner and tell him the truth, that my father isn’t dead but he’ll be on the first plane out of here after the video of his ‘fake’ death is done. I needed someone not connected to the Mafia and the MC is completely separate, refusing to have any business with us.

  I wait another five minutes before I receive the video. It’s convincing. I call Dan to collect me and we make our way back to Conner’s. It’s almost nine so I’m an hour late but he’ll let it go after everything with Ella.

  I find Conner with the other men, in his meeting room. Everyone looks very official in their suits and I’m still in my jeans and black T-shirt. Conner shakes my hand and leans in close. “I’m sorry about everything with Ella son, I’m deeply ashamed.”

  “It’s done. Is she gone?”

  “No, first thing tomorrow.” I nod and pull out my cell phone. I hold it up for him to see the video and he smiles, patting me on the back.

  I move around the room, greeting the other men. Anton thrusts a whiskey in my hand and I drink it down, coughing as it burns. I hold out the empty glass so that he can top it up.

  “Gentleman, may I have your attention,” Conner says firmly and then waits for the chatter to die down. “I think you all know why we are here. Matteo, join me,” says Conner, holding his arm open. I step next to him and he places his arm around my shoulder. “It’s done. As agreed, Matteo will now step in to his recently deceased, father’s shoes; as head of the Corallo family.”

  There are a few cheers and then I’m swamped with back slaps and handshakes. I feel honored and proud, the only thing that would make this better, would be to have Lucy by my side.

  The men raise a glass to me and I join them. I drink down the amber liquid and wince, letting my glass be refilled again. “And now, for the women,” announces Conner.

  The door opens and women in scantily clad clothes enter, they smile and make themselves busy, chatting to the men. A leggy blonde wraps her hand around my arm and smiles, “Tag,” she whispers, “Come with me.”

  I pull free, the last complication I need is another woman. I turn to Anton who is chatting happily to one of the girls, “I’m going to see Ella,”
I say and he waves me away, not showing any interest.

  I take the stairs two at a time and tap lightly on Ella’s door. When she doesn’t answer I pop my head in, she turns a tear streaked face in my direction and when she sees it’s me, she lays back down, pressing her cheek into her pillow.

  “Did he hurt you?” I ask.

  “Like you care,” she sniffles.

  “I do care El, you know I do. What the fuck happened, why did you do all that shit?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

  “I would, talk to me.”

  “Since I was seven,” she sniffs, pushing herself to sit. “My father has been coming into my room at night.” I freeze, my breath stuck in my throat. “It started as a cuddle, I liked that he cuddled me.” Ella begins to cry, “No one would believe me.”

  “Jesus El, are you being serious?”

  “See, you don’t believe me!” she yells, “He began touching me, telling me it was our little secret and that no one could know. You were supposed to get me out of this hell!”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I growl.

  “Conner Martinez has been forcing himself on me for years. And now, he’s sending me away because I disgust him, I DISGUST HIM!” she screams the last part.

  My heart hammers in my chest, Conner’s been like a second father to me. He’s a man of power and great respect, it doesn’t seem real. I pull Ella into my arms and she sobs against my shoulder. “I hate him,” she cries.

  “At least if you’re in Scotland you’re away from him.”

  “He’ll visit, you know he will. I’m never going to get away from him now. You know why he’s delayed me going to Scotland, so he can spend one last night with me.” She looks up, staring past me. “Anton,” she whispers and I spin to see the pale face of her brother glaring at us.

  “Anton,” I say warily, standing. He doesn’t take his eyes from his sister and I realize he’s heard all of that conversation. He suddenly turns and leaves the room, slamming the door hard behind him. Ella scrambles from the bed, shoving me out of the way and yelling Anton’s name over and over. I run after her as she almost throws herself down the stairs, trying to catch up with Anton’s long strides. As I reach Ella at the office door, a loud bang rings out and I pull Ella from the room, pushing her to the floor and drawing my gun. I point it towards the door, “Stay down,” I whisper to her and then I push to my feet.

  Anton is holding his gun to the ceiling, a large hole above his head. “Is it true?” he asks, glaring at his father.

  “What the fuck is going on Anton?” yells Conner, his face furious. Another of the men goes to reach for his gun and I shake my head, warning him not to get involved.

  “Have you been fucking your daughter, my sister?” Anton screams, shaking the gun and pointing it at Conner.

  “What shit is she spouting now, is she so desperate to get out of going to Scotland?” asks Conner, adding a nervous laugh.

  “I’m not lying,” I turn towards Ella’s shaky voice. “Every night, since I was seven.” She then holds up her cell phone and Conner’s voice fills the room.

  ‘You stupid slut, wasn’t I giving it to you enough? You’ve always been a greedy little cunt.’ Conner pales, ‘Don’t think by going to Scotland you’ll be safe. You belong to me and even if Tag took your sorry ass back, I’d still be paying you visits.’

  Everyone turns to Conner. “She asked for it, she’s a dirty slut!” he growls.

  Another loud shot rings out, we all duck and Conner falls to the ground, blood spilling onto the fluffy cream carpet. Anton pulls Ella into his arms and she sobs into his chest. “I’m so sorry El, so so sorry,” he repeats, kissing her hair.

  Maxim, the head of the Snow family steps forward, he shakes Anton’s hand, bowing his head slightly. I don’t know the logistics of this situation but I’m guessing that Anton will step into his father’s shoes and as the other men step forward and kiss Anton’s hand, heads bowed, I realize that I’m right. I also step forward, kissing his hand and lowering my head in a sign of respect.

  Anton leans down and pulls the family ring from his father’s hand. He spits on him. “Michael,” he calls and Conner’s right-hand man steps inside the room. His eyes dart around at the chaos before him. “Get rid of this mess,” Anton orders.

  “Yes sir,” he says, ever the professional.



  I brush my teeth to try and get rid of the vomit taste in my mouth. Why did I drink so much. There’s a loud banging on my door and I look at my watch. It’s almost five in the morning. I prepare myself for the wrath of Noah, I doubt he’ll go quietly just because Ace has told him to. I pull on a shirt to cover my nakedness. The banging continues. “Alright, I’m coming,” I yell.

  I rip the door open and I’m pushed back inside. “I know you hate me but I need you right now,” pants Tag, his hands roaming under my shirt.

  “What the hell…” I growl, shoving him away. He tugs at his hair; his eyes are wild and his breathing is deep and fast.

  “Sorry, I, I just…” he trails off and then growls, tugging at his hair again in frustration.

  I sense the desperation in his tone and take his hand. I lead him to my couch and push home to sit down. “Take a breath and start from the beginning.”

  For the first time I note that Tag looks vulnerable and scared. “The last few hours have been crazy. I need to feel normal, like me.”

  “You’re not making any sense Tag.”

  “Matteo,” he growls, “Call me Matteo.” I notice he’s shaking and there’s blood splatters on his jeans. He sees me looking at them and then rubs at them like it will make them disappear. “I don’t want you to see this, see me like this, but every so often it gets too much and that’s when I realize, I don’t have anyone. Not really.”

  “What about Ella or Anton.” His expression looks pained and he rubs his face hard.

  “Ella, poor fucking Ella,” he groans, “I can’t get her out of my mind.”

  “What happened between you?”

  “I told you, she betrayed me,” he says coldly. “I just need you, please Luce,” he’s almost begging and my heart breaks for him.

  “What do you need from me?” I ask and he stands, taking my hand. He tugs me towards my bedroom.

  “Just to lay with you, nothing else, I promise.”

  I nod my head, “Okay,” I relent, “Okay.”

  I pull the covers back and climb into the cool sheets, Tag follows, laying on his side and pulling me into his arms. He buries his nose into my hair and breathes me in. “Be careful, I smell of vomit,” I whisper.

  “You smell of Vanilla. Are you sick?” he mumbles into my hair.

  “No, I drank way too much.”

  “That can’t happen when you’re mine,” he whispers, pulling me tighter against him.

  “Tag,” I say, my tone warning.

  “Matteo, call me Matteo.”

  We fall silent and within minutes I hear Tag’s breathing deepen, light snores fill the room.

  A few hours later, I hear movement and open one eye. Tag is creeping from the room. I sit up and he freezes, turning slowly to face me. “You going somewhere?” I ask with a smile.

  Tag’s eyes dart from me to the door and then back to me, “Erm,” he pauses, looking unsure. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “I thought it’d be best if I just leave, save any awkward conversations,” he says, adding a wince.

  “So you were sneaking out of here?” I laugh again, but I feel insulted. He came to me in his hour of need and now he’s leaving with no explanation.

  Tag sighs, the haunted look has left his eyes and he stares at me blankly. “I shouldn’t have turned up like that. It wasn’t fair to you. I should go,” he says, pointing to the door and edging closer to it.

  “You came to me and now you’re acting like I’m a stalker. If you want to leave
Tag, you don’t have to sneak out, I won’t beg you to stay.”

  “I’ve offended you…again. I keep fucking up.” He sighs again and rubs his forehead, “It would never work between us.”

  “Christ Tag, I haven’t asked for a relationship!” I almost screech, he’s brushing me off like I’m coming on to him.

  “I know, I’m just saying. It wouldn’t work.”

  “Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?” I snap.

  “Both of us. I’m relying on you to be the adult and every time I turn up here, and there will be many times that I do, you need to send me away.” He moves back to the bed and sits on the edge, taking my hand and giving me a serious look. “You’re too good for me Lucy, way too good. I will ruin you, corrupt you, shock you, scare you. All those things you thought of when you discovered who I really was, they’re all true. I am that person. I don’t want to taint your beauty with all the bad that’s in me.” He brushes his hand against my cheek and I turn my face into his touch. “I’m trying to do the right thing, be the good guy.”

  “I’m honored,” I smile.

  Tag leans in towards me, placing a gentle kiss against my cheek. Instinct takes over and although my head screams no, my heart does the happy dance as I turn my mouth towards his and we clash together, hunger controlling us as we pull at each other’s clothes while our tongues taste our mouths. I grip his hair, leaning back until I’m laying down and Tag is on top of me. He pushes my shirt up and groans, “You’ve been pantyless all night, right next to me?” I grin, nodding a yes.

  His mouth crashes against mine again and I feel him reach between us, lining his cock with my entrance. As he enters me I cry out, digging my nails into his back. The friction from his swollen erection is too much to take and I begin to see stars the minute he moves. I don’t care that it shows my desperation for him as the orgasm rips through me. “You were supposed to be the responsible one,” he groans, thrusting hard and pushing me up the bed.

  “I never promised,” I pant.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to let you go, Ten,” he groans, burying his nose into my hair and breathing me in. “You’re my new drug.” I want to tell him to get his fix from me every time, but I keep my mouth closed, shutting my eyes tight and focusing on the amazing things he’s doing to my body.


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