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Rebellion MC: Tag & Lucy's Story

Page 17

by Nicola Jane

  “Who was that chick?” asks Callie.

  “My world,” I sigh, “My whole fucking world.” Callie pouts and I unwrap her arm from my waist.

  “Well that was a cluster fuck,” says Ace, “I won’t come to you for lessons in love.”

  “Man, she’s as stubborn as you are,” I huff and he grins.

  “At least she gets her good side from me.”

  “You know I’m gonna claim her right?” I say and his face hardens. He glances to Hulk for back-up and he saunters towards me, a smile on his lips.

  “Check you out, the gangster using our words. You wanna claim my sister, you have to work for it!”

  “I have a feeling she’ll make me do that without you fuckers getting involved.” They both laugh and I groan, Lucy is gonna be hard work but now she’s got a part of me growing inside of her, there’s no way I’m leaving her alone.



  I’ve squeezed myself in to a ridiculous slim line black dress. It’s covered in sequins and I instantly loved it, but I didn’t consider the lack of stretch in the material now that I’m seven months pregnant.

  The room around me is filling up. My mother is flapping around her guests, welcoming them and ensuring everyone has a full glass of champagne. I hate these functions but for once, I love the charity that my mother has chosen to help. After many discussions, she settled on a charity that supports families that have suffered from domestic violence, I think that hearing my side of things when I finally told her about the truth behind me and Noah, helped her choice.

  Tyra waves to me as her, Piper and Bel enter the large hall. We hug in greeting and then settle at our table. “Your mom looks stressed,” says Tyra.

  “She’s always stressed, she thrives on it.”

  “I need to tell you something,” says Piper, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

  “Does it have anything to do with that hunk of a man that impregnated her?” asks Tyra staring across the room. I follow her gaze and spot Tag, Scar and Anton making their way through the crowd.

  “Oh Piper, what the hell have you done?” I hiss, trying to sink back in my chair.

  “It really wasn’t me this time, I promise. I spotted his car outside when we arrived.”

  “I think I might vomit,” I groan. I watch in horror as all three guys take a seat at our table.

  “Ladies, you all look amazing,” grins Scar.

  “What are you doing here?” asks Piper. A shadow falls over her and Hulk pulls out the seat next to her she pales, shifting her seat further away from him.

  “We paid a lot of money for these seats,” says Anton, “It’s lovely to see you all.”

  Tag gets the seat next to me and I look around for something that I can throw up into if the need arises. “You look hot tonight,” he whispers, close to my ear.

  “Tag what are you doing?” I ask, my voice pained.

  “I’m giving money to a great cause.”

  “You know what I mean,” I sigh.

  My mother saunters over, glancing around the handsome men that have joined out table. She kisses my cheek, smiling at Tag. “Darling you look lovely,” she says, “And girls, it’s so lovely to see you all.”

  “I’m Matteo,” says Tag, holding out his hand. My mother blushes, it’s nice to see that I’m not the only one affected by his charms. “The father of your soon to be grandchild.” My smile freezes in an awkward grimace and the other girls glare at Tag in shock.

  “Oh,” my mom stumbles to find the words she needs. “Darling, shall we talk?” she adds.

  I stand but so does Tag. “I’d like to join.”

  “No,” I snap, “you’ve done enough.” He ignores me and follows my mother. “Oh dear god, someone help me,” I cry and Piper gives my hand a sympathetic squeeze.

  “At least she doesn’t know who I am yet,” grins Hulk and I groan louder, following my mother and Tag.

  We go into a small office. “Sorry to just spring that on you, but I don’t think Lucy was ever going to tell you.”

  “You are such a snitch,” I hiss.

  “I appreciate you being honest with me,” says my mother sternly. “I don’t understand why you are keeping secrets Lucy, it’s good that you have someone.”

  “I don’t,” I mutter, “We aren’t together.”

  “I have money, I’m willing to provide for your daughter and our child,” says Tag and I want to punch him in the face.

  My mother smiles, “So you plan to marry Lucy?”

  “Oh my god mom,” I yell, “please stop!”

  “I do, yes. Lucy is taking some convincing though,” says Tag.

  “She’s stubborn, she gets it from her father,” says my mom and she shares a laugh with Tag.

  “I’d like you to join us for dinner soon, I’ll arrange it and give the details to Lucy,” my mother smiles, “I have to get back to the guests. It was lovely to finally meet you Matteo.” She breezes out of the room and I’m left staring at Tag open mouthed.

  “What was that?” I snap.

  “I’m laying my cards on the table Ten.”

  “Stuff your cards, how dare you just turn up and introduce yourself.”

  “Ace said she was scary, I thought I should prove how serious I am about us.”

  I growl and then stomp from the room. I really could do with a drink right now.

  Piper looks just as annoyed when I return to the table. Hulk is talking into her ear and she’s staring down at her napkin, occasionally shaking her head.

  Tag returns, taking the bottle of wine from the center of the table and filling his glass. He looks annoyed and I wonder if he expected me to fall into his arms at his declaration of commitment. “You do know that I’ll keep turning up, keep harassing you until I get what I want,” he mutters, taking a large gulp of the wine and then wincing at the bitter taste.

  “You’ll get bored before I do,” I say confidently.

  “I doubt that Ten, I’m very persistent when I want something.”

  “Until you get it and then…” I trail off.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Well look at the lengths you went to so that you could get Ella. You got her and then you lost interest.”

  Tag stands suddenly, surprising everyone at the table. He slams his hands on the table, “Fuck you Lucy. You have no idea.” He marches out of the room.

  “You know, I could always just have you kidnapped,” sighs Anton, his tone bored.

  “The best thing you could do, is tell him to give up,” I hiss.

  Anton stares me down, and even though I’m annoyed and hormonal, I quake at the warning in his eyes. “You don’t want to cross me Lucy.”

  “You don’t want to threaten my sister!” growls Hulk and Piper practically swoons next to him.

  The dinner is brought to the table and the waitress begins to serve. We sit in silence. Tag returns, drinks more of the wine and pushes his food away. I wish for the hundredth time that I’d stayed at home in my sweat pants.


  Why is it so hard? I used to click my fingers and have women drop at my feet. The one woman I want and she’s determined to keep me away. “What was that between you and Piper?” I ask, glancing in the rear-view mirror at Hulk as we drive home.

  “She’s met a guy, I found out.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” asks Anton.

  “Nothing, I just wanted to remind her that if she goes on the date, me and her can never happen again!”

  “You and Piper are a thing?” asks Anton in surprise.

  “No, we hook up sometimes. She’s free to go with any man she wants, but she won’t be climbing back into my bed.”

  “Sounds to me like you like her a whole lot more than you’re letting on,” I say.

  “Like you know anything about women. How did it go tonight?” asks Hulk sarcastically.

  “It just takes time, she’ll come around eventually.”

  Anton slows the vehi
cle to a stop outside of my apartment block. “You want us to come up?” he asks.

  “No man, I’m good. Thanks for coming tonight.”

  I stop outside to light a cigarette. I hear the roar of a motorbike heading my way and as I glance to the left I see the headlight slowing down. I half turn to see what the hell is going on; Anton must think it’s suspicious too because his car slows down.

  I don’t react quick enough as I see the gun, I know it’s pointing at me, but I freeze, my legs suddenly feeling like stone. The sound of the shot ricochet’s off the surrounding buildings, making it sound louder. A second shot rings out as the first rips into my stomach.

  I always go out in a bullet proof vest, but tonight I left it home because it made my suit look too bulky, I smile to myself at the thought, it seems such a strange thing to think about in all this chaos.

  I fall to the ground, everything is moving in slow motion. The second bullet hits my leg but the pain from my stomach is much worse and I grip the wound with both hands. I look down at the blood pouring between my fingers and I try to feel for the hole so that I can plug it better.

  The sound of rubber screeching, followed by another shot, has me craning my neck to see what’s going on. The bike is already away and Anton’s bullet misses him.

  Scar drops down by my side. He’s yelling into his cell for a doctor, while ripping his shirt over his head. He drops his cell to press his shirt to my wound and I smile at him gratefully. I try to talk but nothing comes out. Instead I lay my head against the cool ground, it suddenly feels so heavy and my eyes feel tired. “Tag, don’t close your eyes brother, stay with me.”

  I’d love to stay but it’s such hard work. I try to open my eyes again, I really do. I can here Anton shouting my name and I try to lift my hand so that I can reassure him that I’m not scared. That too, feels like lead.

  The voices grow distant until I don’t hear anything - just silence. It’s nice to finally feel at peace, it’s been far too long since I felt this relaxed and free and as I give in to the pull of eternal peace, I see Lucy.

  She’s looks sad and she’s holding out her hand to me. Tears stain her pale face and one hand cradles her neat bump. Her mouth is moving but I can’t hear her words. I move closer to her; I feel like I’m floating and as I get closer I see her mouth the word ‘stay.’



  My cell buzzes to life and I moan, reaching out for the bedside table but with my eyes still firmly closed tight. I feel around until it’s in my hand and then blindly put it to my ear. “Hello,” I croak.

  “Baby girl, it’s Ace. I’m at your door, please open up.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s three in the morning. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important.”

  Adrenaline pumps through my body and I rush to open the door. Ace steps inside, he looks out of place in my small apartment. “It’s Tag.”

  “Is he okay?” When he doesn’t answer, panic sets in, “Dad is he okay?” It’s the first time I’ve used this title for him and it feels right; even if the timing is wrong.

  “It’s not looking good Lucy; we need to go to the hospital. He was shot.”

  I hate hospitals. The smell, the dull paint on the walls, the constant beeping of machines that keep people alive. I rub my arms and pace back and forth. The waiting room is busy. Saturday nights in London can get messy, people can’t handle their alcohol these days. When I arrived, Tag had already gone into surgery.

  All I can think about, is the last time I saw him and how I would do anything to have this night all over again so that I can forgive him. I place my hand on my stomach and feel the baby wriggle around.

  The doctor approaches, “Mr Martinez,” he says to Anton. “Follow me and I’ll update you.”

  I go to follow and Anton shakes his head, “Stay here.”

  “No, I want to know what’s going on,” I snap and he raises a warning eyebrow in my direction. “Anton, please.” I’m not ashamed to beg, I’m so desperate for news.

  Anton nod’s to Ace who takes me by the arm, “Stay here, Anton will update us.” I sigh, I’ll never get my own way if they’re all in agreement and so I take a seat and watch them disappear into a side room.

  He’s gone for around five minutes but it feels like hours before he reappears. We all look in his direction expectantly. He locks eyes with Ace and then shakes his head once. I glance back and forth between the two, “What?” I ask, “What does that mean?” I can feel myself getting hysterical. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Lucy,” says Ace, his face twisted in agony, “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what, I don’t understand?” Ace takes my hands and gently rubs the back of them with his thumbs, “Please,” I whisper, “Please Dad, he’s not gone.” I’m sobbing and he wraps me in his large embrace.

  “Let’s get you out of here, you need privacy,” he whispers into my hair.

  “I want to see him,” I cry, “I need to see him.” Anton shakes his head again and Ace sighs. “Don’t you tell me no, you are not the boss of me,” I scream towards Anton. I’m sick of him calling the shots. “Where were you, why didn’t you protect him?”

  Ace begins to lead me away, “Baby girl, now is not the time.”

  Ace takes me back to the club house. I’m wrapped in a blanket and placed on the couch with Piper and Queenie either side of me, whispering words of comfort.

  I replay our last time together at the charity function and begin to cry again. Queenie goes to make tea, telling me sweet tea is exactly what I need. I need him, I need Tag.

  “You have a room here Lucy,” says Ace, “Anton doesn’t want you left alone until he knows who is behind the attack on Tag.”

  “Murder,” I mutter, “It was murder.” He hangs his head and then gives a nod. “We need to speak to the police.”

  “No, Anton is dealing with it Lucy, the police aren’t involved.”

  “Not involved, are you serious?” I screech, “He was shot down in the street, how can the police not know about it?”

  “They know, it’s just how things are done. You know he wasn’t legit, so we do this Anton’s way.”

  “Fuck Anton, Get me my phone!” I yell.

  Piper takes my hand, “Listen,” she begins, “I know this is awful and I have no idea how you feel right now, but lets trust Anton on this, he knows what he’s doing. If you still feel the same tomorrow then we’ll call Anton and discuss it with him. He isn’t going to let the people that did this get away with it, Tag was his best friend.” I know she’s right, Anton and Tag were close.

  Queenie brings me my tea and I take a sip. My heart hurts so bad and I just want to be alone.

  The days blur into one. I spend time with Ace, it’s the only good thing to come out of this whole sorry situation. I don’t hear or see anything of Anton which frustrates me. I’d at least like an update on the funeral. Even though me and Tag weren’t a thing, I’m still carrying his child and I’d still like to say my goodbyes, he’d want me to be there, I know he would.

  I close my eyes, Piper is running a brush through my freshly washed hair. Her and Queenie have taken it upon themselves to make sure I get up and dressed every day, as well as eat something. They’re doing it because they care, but a part of me wishes I was at home in my apartment so that I could hide away from the world. In a few days’ time I will be seven months pregnant, just two months away from giving birth. The thought brings fresh tears to my eyes. “We should think about going shopping for the baby, have you got anything yet?” asks Piper.

  I shake my head, I hadn’t known for very long and then all this happened with Tag. I don’t think I have it in me to go shopping and look at baby things, this should be a happy time.

  Ace wanders overlooking sheepish. “Tyra and Bel are here to see you darling,” he says, “Anton is with them.”

  I push myself to sit up straighter, looking over to the bar area where I see the three of t
hem. “Does Anton have news?”

  “Sort of,” says Ace. “Let’s go into my office.”


  I open my eyes. The light is blinding and I instantly squeeze them shut again. “Tag.” It’s Anton’s voice. “Are you awake?” I open them again, this time I blink until they adjust to the lighting. I’m in a bedroom but it’s not my own. “You’re at my place,” explains Anton. He looks tired and stressed. His hair is messy, like he’s been running his fingers through it. “Man did you give me a scare,” he sighs, taking a seat at the side of my bed.

  “Ten,” I croak. I need to see Lucy.

  “Long story Tag, I’ll fill you in once the Doc’s been in to check you over. Doc!” he yells. The Rebellions club doctor enters, he gives me a smile and then presses some buttons on a machine at side of the bed. It beeps and then something on my arm squeezes tight.

  “Just checking your blood pressure,” he explains.

  “What happened?” I whisper, my throat is so dry that it’s hard to get the words out.

  “You were shot,” says Doc, “It’s been a tough week.”

  I think back to the charity function. Ten was annoyed with me and I drank too much wine. We left on bad terms; I was frustrated with her. I remember getting out of Anton’s car and walking towards my apartment block and I remember the motorbike. I turn to Anton, “Did you get him yet?”

  Anton shakes his head, “No man, we’re close though.”

  “You’re doing well Tag, a few more days rest and I think you’ll be up and about. You’ll need to take it slow, no jumping into the fighting ring for a while but considering what happened, you’re very lucky.”

  “I want to see Lucy,” I repeat.

  The doc and Anton exchange a wary look and then the doc leaves. “About that,” mutters Anton. “She thinks you’re dead.” The beeping noise on the machine gets faster and I try to sit up. Anton places a hand on my chest, pushing me to lie down again. “Hear me out Tag.” He waits for me to settle down. “We don’t know who put the hit out on you. I put the word out that it was successful because I’m trying to keep you alive. Until I know who wants you dead, it’s better for them to think that you are.”


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