Son of Gun in Cheek
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Thrilling Wonder, 37
Tigerlily Affair, The (Cross), 131
Toler, Sidney, 150
Tooth for a Tooth, A (Pettee), 89–90
Too Young to Die (Saber), 56
Torture Love-Cage, 128
Towne, Stuart (Clayton Rawson), 146
Tralins, Bob, 129
Traubel, Helen, 61
Tunnel Mystery, The (Lenehan), 54
20 Minutes (Goodwin), 70
Two-Gun Gerta (Daly and Waddell), 30
Unbelievable 3 & 1 Orgy!, 128
Uncanny Tales, 118
Uncounted Cost, The (Gaunt), 5
Uninhibited Females (Lee), 129
Valcour Meets Murder (King), 63
Van Dine, S. S., 14, 164
Vanishing Gold Truck, The (Keeler), 70, 73, 75
Varno, Roland, 158
Velvet Fleece, The (Eby and Fleming), 197–200
Vendetta for the Saint (Charteris), 145
Verner, Gerald, 31
Voice of the Seven Sparrows, The (Keeler), 67
Vonnegut, Kurt, 66
Waddell, C. H., 30
Wallace, Arthur, 117–118, 120–123
Wambaugh, Joseph, 144
Ward, Harold, 86
Waugh, Hillary, 147
Wayne, Rick, 62
Weird Tales, 37, 117
“Where Beauty Dwelt in Terror” (Graham), 118–119
Whip-Hand, 126
White, James P., 60
Wild Mare Affair, The (Cross), 131
Wild Party (Fisher), 130
Will and Last Testament of Constance Cobble, The (Forbes), 57
Winning Streak, The (Grisman), 189, 209
Winters, Roland, 150, 151
Winterton Hotel Mystery, The (Corbett), 18
Wonderful Scheme of Mr. Christopher Thorne, The (Keeler), 81–83
Wood, Ed, Jr., 130, 157
Woodrow, Mrs. Wilson, 31
Wright, S. Fowler, 31
X. Jones of Scotland Yard (Keeler), 81–83
Yates, George Worthing, 60
Young’s Magazine, 67
Yung, Victor Sen, 150
Zucco, George, 156, 157