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Alien Romance: Conquered By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 2)

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by Bertina Mars

  It tore at him that she sobbed her rage and fear as he held Lana immobile before him. When she seemed to finally exhaust herself, Akketon lowered her to the floor and wrapped his arms around her to control her movements.

  “You bastard,” she cried at him. “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me, you genocidal monster.”

  “Stop Lana, you do not know the whole story. But you need to understand that I do not want to hurt you.” Akketon kept his voice low, even, hoping that the very angry and scared woman would calm down. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be likely in the next few minutes.

  “You lied to me! You touched me! Why? What the hell are you doing?” Tears coursed down her face and her body started to shake.

  Akketon sighed, stressed and painfully aware of the congregation getting bigger outside the ship. Akketon heard a keening whine of sound come from her throat.

  He forced himself to ignore it and instead unpinned her thighs and dragged her behind him, out of the ship. He carefully maneuvered her out of the gaping hole in the hull – determined to keep the jagged metal from marring her delicate flesh.

  “Deal with the mess,” Akketon tossed the order over his shoulder to Varan. The man nodded as Akketon knew he would. With Varan’s affirmation, Akketon dragged Lana to one of the small seemingly single individual pods.

  When she struggled against his hold, he simply left at her and placed her into the seat. Proving he was much more flexible and that the pods were much larger on the inside than she had originally thought, Akketon piled his incredibly large frame into the same pod with her. Though it was tight, if not a little awkward, they both fit within the passenger seat of the car.

  Lana watched, but she didn't really pay attention, Akketon suspected that in other circumstances the woman would have been watching every move, every flick of the controls until she had figured how to pilot one of the terrestrial units on her own.

  The day that happened, Akketon knew that he would have to lock down the ships. While others would heed his instruction to not take or utilize one of the vehicles without correct authorization, Akketon was absolutely confident in his assumption that the very upset woman settled on his lap wouldn’t care less, if she saw an opportunity to explore.

  Lana was watching what the arrogant bastard was doing with the controls. He hit a series of switches including the button with the fire emblem, which she had figured out how to use to create a distraction just a short time before.

  In no time, with little effort, Akketon had the ship, the small personal pod, the one she didn't trust to take her back to Earth, for good reason, shooting back through the ruined city toward the large fortress that he had seized and was since calling ‘home,’ or rather, ‘citadel.’

  Chapter 6

  The termagant struggled. Akketon was thoroughly infuriated; she had nearly managed to get the Raspettian ship off the ground. If he thought about it, Akketon would be forced to admit that had the external locks not been clamped onto the hull of the ship, she would have succeeded.

  The thought that she had nearly escaped him, her mate – even if she wasn’t yet ready for that reality – caused his blood to boil. He had no idea what had incited Lana’s desperate bid for freedom, but he damn sure was going to find out.

  Akketon dragged her through the halls of the citadel much as he had after the previous escape attempt. However, this time they would not be interrupted.

  He would get his answers and then he would force his glorious alien humanoid to realize that she was his, not because she was trapped with him, but because they were a pair. Mates.

  Once more, by the third flight of stairs, Akketon lifted Lana to his shoulder, clamped an arm across the backs of her thighs, hand gripping one thigh while the other hand was shackled around her ankle. He might be livid, but it wouldn’t due to drop her, to risk injuring her despite her thrashing in his arms.

  It was one-part fear and three-parts pissed off that had Lana hitting, kicking, and twisting on top of Akketon’s shoulder. She had been so sure that she would successfully escape. So sure. But she had managed to pick the ship that was locked in place.

  That alone had caused her to fail and was therefore the primary contributor to her rage; being dragged through the fortress, again like a sack of Russian potatoes, was merely a moment of DejaVu. She even fisted a hand in Akketon’s long hair once again, and again received the warning pop, which landed more cleanly on her ass this time.

  Once more, she had a moment of weightless flight when Akketon hauled her from his shoulder and tossed her onto the pond-sized bed. Then the similarities to her first experience with this bed ceased – Akketon remained standing at the foot of the bed; that his temper barely held in check was now painfully obvious in the muted, stone cast light.

  Finally, after several long minutes of him fighting to control his irritation, during which he muttered in an incomprehensible mutter, the warrior’s warrior, a man’s man, took a deep breath and his words were clipped as they slipped past his teeth.

  “Are you completely out of your mind? You have no idea how volatile those ships are; their creators liked to play with giving machines intelligence.”

  “You mean the actual inhabitants of this planet? The ones that I was actually supposed to meet with? The race you had exterminated from their own planet? They could have fixed my ship. I could have been able to go home!” Lana finished the last accusatory statement with an enraged scream.

  Akketon stared down at Lana. It had been years since he had resorted to raising his voice, but his control was slipping – in fact, her frustrated scream made it snap.

  “They would not have allowed you to go home, you fool. They wanted a female sent since they were unwilling to pay the hefty sum that a female humanoid costs. The ruler that used to claim these chambers enjoyed the taste of hominid flesh.

  He dreamed of having his own supply and since he was a sexual deviant on top of that, he would have tortured you in between when you arrived and he was able to secure a compatible male to breed you. Be glad that we got here first. And I didn’t wipe them from existence, I just forced their numbers to scatter and eliminated those most likely to pose a threat.”

  Disbelief marred Lana’s face, but apparently sharing what he had in anger gave the claim, though completely true, more credible to her mind. Somewhere, something inside of Akketon snapped. He had been confident in his ability to do things slowly. To convince the infuriating woman that she was his mate. However, his control was finished.

  One moment Akketon was standing, the next he was on the bed. His mouth sealed over Lana’s, silencing her agitated antagonizing. With her sufficiently muffled, Akketon went about tearing the clothes from both of their bodies.

  Skin to skin, they continued to struggle against the other’s will, but Akketon refused to accept defeat and succeeded in getting Lana where he wanted her – beneath him.

  She was playing with him, tempting his control and they both knew it. She struggled against Akketon; Lana was determined, she wasn’t going to be taken easily, she didn’t want to be taken easily. She felt the fires of desire surging through her body, the rush of pitting herself against him caused her body to throb hotly.

  Lana was wet, swollen – both her pussy and breasts were full of blood and sensation. Yes, she wanted Akketon to take her, but there was no way she was going to make it easy for the alpha male that seemed to have always had his way.

  Lana twisted her body against him, almost throwing him off his mount, off balance. She could feel the burning shaft of his cock against her buttocks as he attempted to both prepare her – an unneeded, but appreciated sentiment considering she was so soaking that her inner thighs were slicked with need.

  Akketon grabbed both of her wrists and held them shackled in one of his own and stretched them out on the silks in front of her. The position she was in was so submissively erotic, that Lana could feel herself becoming even more desperate beneath him.

  Her arms stretched out, her breasts
pressed into the bedding, on her knees with her ass high in the air – vulnerable to Akketon’s desires.

  It was devastating to her senses to be pinned that way, unable to truly resist him – had she wanted to – the heat was building between them. It wrapped around her, licking at her peaked aching nipples.

  Her body was so sensitive that when his fingers once more smoothed between her thighs, testing her readiness to receive him, over the slippery flesh there, she nearly climaxed from such a marginal caress.

  “Mmm,” he groaned in her ear. “You are so ready that if I were to pleasure you with my mouth, I could likely drown in this place. Having you like this makes me so desperate to have you like this as often as I can manage. I could tie you like this, restrained and open to the mutual pleasure.”

  Before Lana could get frothily annoyed or embarrassed at Akketon’s suggestions, she felt the stone-hard, heat of his cock nudging against her. With a shallow thrust of his hips, the head of his terrifyingly large member breached her tight sheath. The both groaned at the sensation.

  He was so hot inside her, which only made her hotter, slicker, as he began the exercise of working his cock into the tight entrance of her body. Pushing her shoulders more firmly to the silks, he forced her legs to stay widely spread, the full curves of her ass cushioning his pelvis.

  Determined to make Akketon work for it, Lana snarled, “Damn it!” As she struggled, fought to escape the pleasuring hold. She bucked against him again, but the action was less effective, instead it only seated the thick head of his shaft deeper inside her.

  Fuck – that is too good. The sharp pleasure of the impalement had her body begging for more, the peaking center of her pleasure, just out of reach above where Akketon was entering her, ached for attention.

  Lana tugged against his hold on her wrists, wiggled her hips – surprising them both when she dislodged his cock from between her legs. She yipped in surprise when the palm of his free hand landed firmly on one curved cheek of her rear.

  He repositioned himself at the entrance of her body again. Pulling back, he thrust lightly, once again working the rigid shaft into her tight sheath once more. He preemptively popped her ass again with his palm before she could try to dislodge him again.

  Akketon felt the muscles of the snug passage he was working to conquer spasm around his sex and leaned forward to whisper in her ear again.

  “Do you like that Lana? Do you like a little punishment?” She did, but there was no way that she would admit it to the arrogant man running his tongue over the shell of her ear.

  “I am happy to oblige you, later. Try to toy me again now and I will take you hard.”

  Promise? Lana wanted him hard and deep, wanted to shake that control that she had so far only managed to bend. She actually wanted to more than shake it – she wanted it to break.

  When Lana felt him nudge just a bit deeper, he was trying to do this easy, to wait for her body to draw him into her, she felt his grip on her wrists loosen just enough. She bucked her body back, forcing him back as well before she attempted to scuttle across the sheets on the massive bed.

  Akketon let loose an inhuman snarl, caught Lana by her hips and hauled her back into the shadow of his body and drove his cock deep inside of her. She cried out, her desperate need to have that massive cock inside of her was finally being fulfilled.

  She arched against him. He pulled back only to drive his hips forward – pushing, thrusting deeper. It took him several strokes to finally sheath his thick, heavy shaft within her.

  A fist in her hair forced Lana’s head to turn and look into the need glazed cerulean eyes. Before his lips sealed over hers, Akketon withdrew and filled her body again with a surging thrust, forcing a moan from her lips. The next cry of pleasure, he swallowed – breathed it in as he ravished her mouth in an intense kiss.

  Lana was wound so tight; burning, consumed in the flames of need and desire and pleasure, which Akketon continued to heap upon her that it did not take long before the first climax crashed over her in never ending waves.

  Fire streaked up her – inside of her. Pleasure tore relentlessly from the place where they were joined over her entire body. Each time Akketon drove himself inside of her, Lana cried out only to have her cries greedily claimed by his lips.

  Akketon took Lana hard, his thrusts increasing in power and depth. He plunged inside of her as he finally broke their kiss and let the peaking screams fill the chamber and ricochet off the smooth walls.

  “Harder. More. More, please. Please.”

  Akketon wondered in a brief moment of sanity if she was a female to enter a cascade of climaxing pleasure if he forced the first few releases through her.

  That would have to be a goal for the next time, for the next time her body clamped down on his sex in a rippling vice, the last vestige of control snapped and his own pleasure surged as she bucked convulsively. Driving him deeper. Deeper.

  It was never ending. Wave after wave of sensation poured over them both; Lana had been trapped in the inferno, now he joined her. Body limp, but still twitching in the throes, she collapsed against the cushion of bed. Akketon followed her down, his face buried between her shoulder blades as he shuddered in the final waves of his own orgasm before pulling free.

  Too content to move much less move, Lana let Akketon pull her to him after he had shifted to lie beside her. His chest heaved beneath her cheek as he tried to catch his breath.

  “We are talking in the morning, you sneak off before then and I am going to confine you to this bed for three days.” Akketon’s grumbling voice made Lana smile.

  “Promise?” Lana never heard his reply as she drifted off to a deep sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Somehow after the spectacular failure of her escape attempt, Akketon went out of his way in the following days in order to make Lana feel more settled under his power on Raspett.

  She was allowed more freedom to wander about the fortress without a supervisor, and Akketon ultimately had to inform her why she could not go beyond the confines of the exterior wall without an escort.

  “Wait, so you are telling me that the previous ruler would feed on humanoids? And that the rest of the populace got into the practice as well?”

  “Yes and no; there is more to the situation than just that. The practice is part of the reason why my warriors and I selected Raspett to conquer. The previous ruler…the Raspettian ruler had a certain proclivity toward seeking what any race would refer to as deviant sexual pleasure.

  He enjoyed prolonged torture, rape, psychological abuses and ultimately the ordeal for his victims would culminate with a death derived from some extremely horrific means – dismemberment, skinning – and he would often subject the person to a twisted bout of auto-cannibalism in the midst of their final demise. He would then eat his victims.”

  “That is repulsive.” Lana froze before she could even bring herself to comment further, too stuck on the new information to really think of anything more to say.

  “Imagine if, when you had crashed, you had had to deal with him as opposed to me.”

  “Point taken. But why are the other Raspettians that I have met, so different from what you are describing?”

  “The ones that remain are neither a threat to you or to anyone else for that matter as long as their individual existence isn’t threatened – they will only defend themselves, which we happily respect.

  I had no desire to exterminate the race, but I was through with the festering sore that the ruling body of this world had become in my race’s system. I expressed this and was given the blessing that if I could acquire a substantial enough force, I was cleared to take this world for my own.”

  “Why have I not seen any females?” Lana knew that she threw that question at Akketon out of left field, judging by the surprised look he cast her.

  “Well, there are only the Raspettian females, and while they are identifiable, they do look awful similar to the males.”

  “What do you mean ther
e are only Raspettian females?” Do females not exist in his race?

  “I will have to strike some sort of deal with either a slaver or a populater – don’t give me that look, I have no desire to keep the females as slaves, and I am going to insist on women that have not been broken. However, the reality is that that is the easiest and quickest way to get compatible females onto the planet.”

  “What about females of your race?”

  “They’re rare, and it is also rare for females to be born of mixed heritage – my race has a propensity to produce males, sons. My father purchased my mother – as one of the powerful of our race, he was expected to breed.

  My mother was treated equally to anyone else, but she was brought to the planet by a slaver. It is the way that things are for our race, and as everyone knows that. Since everyone knows this, a person’s heritage is rarely, if ever, held against someone.”

  “That is…fascinating,” Lana finally decided. “A little disturbing, but fascinating. And you; are you expected to breed?”

  Akketon sighed and stared out through the doorway onto the balcony – he had been hoping to avoid this a little longer, to give her more time. “Yes. Yes, I have to breed.”

  “Is that how you will acquire the mother of your sons?” Lana asked and even she could hear the odd note in her voice.

  “No, due to gifts passed from my mother’s race, I know who my mate is.”

  “Oh…I see,” though honestly, Lana didn’t. If he knows who his mate is, why did he have sex with me? Is he like the aristocrats of old on Earth, they either didn’t care, or sought to sow their wild oats – I believe the phrase is – before connecting with their intended spouse.

  Akketon must have understood where her thoughts had wandered.

  “Lana, you are my mate. I knew who you were the instant I saw you. I sensed your arrival before your ship ever came within view of this planet. I had hoped to give you more time to become accustomed to me. It seems that is not to be.”


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