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Aaliyah and the Billionaire's Lamp

Page 8

by Catelyn Meadows

  She flicked her gaze to his. “If I rub this, will it grant me any wishes?”

  River’s voice dropped to a level more suited to secrets. “Rub it all you like. That’s how the luck siphons into your fingertips.”

  He touched her fingers. The feel of his skin sparked possibility like a newborn star inside of her. He couldn’t be serious, yet she couldn’t help imagining just what kind of luck she was hoping to have. Freedom like this, to go where she wanted, when she wanted and with whom. Would she have that as CEO?

  Something told her the position would be more demanding than anything she’d yet dealt with. Her father had implied as much, but she hadn’t wanted to hear it.

  And what about Zayn and River? The wind swept through her hair, guiding her attention to the man standing beside her. Good-looking, warm, with a comfortable presence that was somehow simultaneously the complete opposite of comfort. She sensed she would never be quite complete or fully herself unless she was being held by him, that her soul would sing if she could only kiss him. Aaliyah exhaled. Where had that come from?

  Silly, romantic notions.

  She peered at the lamp again, thinking how quickly, how suddenly the thought to kiss him had come. What was it with this lamp? Her fingers tingled just holding something that belonged to River. He’d carried this with him. It had to be important to him.

  “I can’t keep this.”

  River’s lips curved at the corners. “I never said I was going to give it to you. Just letting you borrow it for a while.”

  Her stomach burned. He stood so close to her, and he hadn’t yet taken his hand away. She thought of the way he squeezed her hand earlier. She didn’t have the excuse of shifting the car to pull free. The truth was, she didn’t want to.

  “Where did you get this, anyway?” she asked, attempting to keep things casual even though the energy between them simmered like anything but. “Was it a gift?”

  “No, I found it.”

  “Found it? Where?”

  Shifting, he said, “Did you know I’m an adventurer?”

  “You like fast cars, so I might have guessed,” she said. “A fast car is always an adventure.”

  He rested an arm on Roxy. “My grandfather was a Spanish miner down in Arizona. I was visiting him one summer and helping him to extract silver and gold, and while digging in one particular cave, I came across the very lamp you’re holding in your hand. Undoubtedly, it was something someone dropped, but I’ve always found myself lucky since and I’ve held onto it.”

  “How do you know it’s lucky?” she asked.

  “Once, I was driving on the back roads near Sandwich, back in New Hampshire, when a moose stepped right in front of my car. He rolled over the top of me, shattering the windshield and back window. I veered and rolled again. The car was old. The seatbelts didn’t work. Yet, I somehow walked away with only a scratch on my jaw.”

  Aaliyah placed a hand on her heart. “Oh my goodness. You could have died.”

  He stared as if seeing the memory anew in his mind’s eye. “Yeah, it was scary, both for me and the moose. It’s not only that, though. This lamp is how I’ve been able to move on from job to job and get to where I am. I’m using it to help with my investments.”

  “That doesn’t sound like luck. You’re just driven.”

  He shrugged. “I like to think it’s luck, so I carry it around with me, just in case.” He leaned closer. His arm rested across the top of the car, but it felt like a shrewd way of putting it around her without actually putting his arm around her.

  He was attracted to her too, he had to be. Why else would he have agreed to stay today instead of following through with his plans to leave? She sidled in a millimeter closer, holding out the lamp as though she was supporting a butterfly which could flit off at any moment.

  He adjusted himself, taking a step away in response.

  Not what she was hoping for.

  She attempted to disregard the distance he’d added between them. “Most people have a rabbit’s foot or something.”

  “How many people have you met who have a rabbit’s foot in their pockets?” he said.

  She quirked a brow. “About as many who carry lucky lamp charms in theirs.”

  Carefully, he folded her fingers around the lamp, sending awareness down her arm. She was enthralled in his gaze, unable to look away, just pulses and touch and dark, mesmerizing questions.

  She shouldn’t be feeling this way. She was engaged to his boss. The marriage date was set. Yet her heart had never pumped like this around Zayn. He’d never sent any kind of thrill through her—he’d never been around long enough to.

  Tension high, she again wondered what it would be like to be with River instead. To wear his ring, to feel his kiss, to have private moments like this without any restrictions. She’d probably get swept away, just as his name implied.

  His jaw ticked. He stepped away, allowing the breeze to swirl between them. “Keep it until you no longer need it,” River said, his voice unsteady.

  Aaliyah supposed he was right to keep his distance. She could only imagine what it would be like to have him lean in, for his mouth to hover dangerously close to hers, for his breath to stroke her skin while his lashes fluttered against her cheek. Her muscles were starting to turn supple. They definitely needed some space.

  “We should probably head back,” she said. She took several breaths to clear her head and tucked his lamp into her pocket. Lucky indeed. Lucky she hadn’t lost her senses completely and kissed him like she’d wanted to.

  What was she thinking? She couldn’t get close to him. Kissing him was completely out of the question.

  “You’re driving.” She tossed River the keys, and he caught them with precision and fire in his eyes. He beamed with such youthful delight she smirked.

  “You’re on,” he said, sliding into the driver’s seat.


  River didn’t stop pacing for two full hours. He covered one end of his suite to the other, from the full kitchen (complete with granite countertops, sink, and barstools), to the seating area in front of the massive flat screen, to the adjacent bedroom with its king-sized bed, and walk-in closet, and back out to the door. Over, and over, and over again.

  He could blame the speed of his pulse on the rush torqueing through him after his ride with Aaliyah. It wasn’t just the blitz of her sports car, though that had been such a high. More so, it was her conversation, her dazzling, irresistible gaze, and the hypnotic way she’d managed to lure him in without a single word.

  “This can’t happen,” he repeated. Again. “I work for her fiancé. I’m only supposed to be helping out, not getting in the way.”

  Why—why did he have to go and give her his lamp? He wasn’t kidding when he’d told her of its luck. He never would have thought he’d part with it for anyone or anything. How wrong he was. How foolish! River wiped his hands over his face.

  He had to ask for it back and then he would leave. He would ensure Zayn’s return, knock some sense into him, and get things to the way they were supposed to be.

  River didn’t realize how much time had passed until he glimpsed the darkness outside his twelfth story window. Had he even eaten dinner? The tray by the door appeared picked over enough to answer that question, though the food had made about as much of an impression as the rest of the time that had passed.

  He was surprised he hadn’t heard from Zayn yet, considering the text he’d received earlier. Something was bothering Zayn, but he hadn’t told River what exactly. He’d just complained about Norris being as demanding as he usually was, and the date of the wedding being so sudden. As though River could do something about it.

  His phone rang, displaying Zayn’s name. River hurriedly swiped. He was greedy to speak with him. If Zayn had stayed here, River wouldn’t be in the situation he was in with Aaliyah to begin with. He needed Zayn to come back, to add some clarity to things, and yet, he wanted his boss to stay as far away as he could, for as long a
s he could.

  “Hey, Zayn,” River said, hoping his voice didn’t betray how rattled he was.

  “I’ve been waiting to talk to you all day, but I’ve been stuck in meetings trying to sort things out with Norris. Did you see my text?”

  “Yeah. I replied to it, remember?”

  “I feel like this situation with Aaliyah is all really rushed. I haven’t even been able to spend any time with her yet.”

  River had been spending plenty of time with her. He’d given her his most prized possession—something he wasn’t sure Zayn knew existed.

  Irrationally, frustration seeped through him. Zayn had the most incredible girl, and he didn’t even know how amazing she was. It was jealousy, plain and simple. And yeah, probably a heaping of guilt as well. River had held her hand. He’d nearly kissed her. If he hadn’t stepped away when he did, he would have. What was he doing?

  “How did it go with Norris?” River asked, wanting to change the subject.

  “Not good,” said Zayn. “He didn’t like my hesitation to see to his needs. He feels like I’m not committed.”

  “But you’re in Fiji. You’re there because you’re committed.”

  “He claims because I own a house here I’m on vacation.”

  “You wouldn’t have flown out there if it hadn’t been at his request,” River argued. “Not with your current offer with Mr. Elir and his daughter.”

  “True. But he also saw me speaking with Celia and—”

  River stopped pacing. “Hold up. Celia is there? What are you talking to her for?” Norris wouldn’t think Zayn was there on vacation unless he was giving Norris a reason to. What was Zayn up to? And with Celia Shepherd, of all people?

  Celia was the reason Zayn had purchased a home in Fiji in the first place, because it was her favorite vacation spot. Their relationship had turned out to be as fleeting as the wind. What was he doing seeing her now?

  “She’s vacationing and overseeing her accounts all at once. We haven’t seen one another in forever, and we just got talking and hit it off. Norris saw us together and he got the impression I wasn’t working as hard as I should be.”

  The frustration River had been battling since his drive with Aaliyah reached its peak. Hit it off?

  “You’re engaged, Zayn. You shouldn’t be with another woman.”

  Just like he shouldn’t be with Aaliyah, driving her car and holding her hand. The minute their skin touched it was like shattering the particles of air around them. He’d breathed her rosewater scent in, and she’d settled there, making it impossible for him to think about anything or anyone else.

  He needed to be thinking about anyone else but her. He needed Zayn to come back here, to focus his energy where it should be and not on some old fling he had a few years ago.

  He needed to help Zayn get his head in the game.

  “Aaliyah loves lilies. Maybe you should bring her some when you head back.”

  “I can’t come back now. How would that look to Norris? I’m flirting with Celia and then abandon his case right when he thinks he needs me the most.” Zayn said this with sarcasm. “He always thinks he needs me the most.”

  “Guess you should have thought about that before you got caught flirting. Was flirting all you were doing?”

  Zayn cleared his throat. His silence was answer enough.

  “Tell me you didn’t kiss her,” River growled.

  “She caught me off guard.”

  “You can’t off-guard kiss someone,” River argued. He sank against the barstool, one hand pressed to his temple. He breathed, seeking the ability to keep his voice level. “You agreed to this arrangement with Aaliyah Elir, heir to a billion-dollar resort line. This could add to your credo in ways you couldn’t imagine. Get your head where it belongs. You’re engaged.”

  “That’s what Norris keeps telling me, too.”

  “Then you’d blow this for a woman who may not want anything to do with you once you leave Fiji?”

  He was tempted to remind Zayn what had happened during his last fling with Celia Shepherd. The woman had doted on him and promised him everything, only to ignore every one of his calls once he returned to the U.S. She’d then been seen in gossip magazines with several different men.

  A woman like that got distracted easily. She was not who Zayn should be devoting himself to. What if they got caught together by a paparazzi and Aaliyah found out?

  “Who says I have to leave Fiji?” Zayn’s tone was all jokes and lightheartedness, but it boiled River’s blood. How could Zayn treat Aaliyah so casually? He didn’t care about her. Not like he should.

  Zayn answered his silence with a pleading, infuriating tone.

  “Come on, Riv, I’ll be coming back tomorrow, I promise. Clear my schedule, and make it evident I’ll take no more calls until my business here in Fiji is settled. Then I’ll be right back there to pick things up with Aaliyah.”

  Flirting with Celia. Kissing her. Picking things up with Aaliyah. Was this the same man he’d known and respected and worked for the past two years? He sounded as though these women were items in a vending machine.

  If that was how Zayn saw Aaliyah, he didn’t deserve her.

  “You have one month until the wedding,” River reminded him.

  “So Elir told me. I still don’t see why he’s pushing this so hard.”

  “Her father is eager. I can’t imagine why.”

  Zayn missed River’s sarcasm. “Aaliyah agreed?”

  “Yeah, she has,” River said through clenched teeth.

  “Why?” Zayn asked. “Why would she agree to this?”

  Again, River was exasperated. “Maybe that’s something you should ask her. Maybe that’s why you should get back here and actually talk to her. She’s starting to think you don’t want this.”


  “Don’t even. She’s amazing, if you’d ever give her the chance to prove it.”

  “I guess the good thing is even if things with Norris don’t pan out, I’ve still got other options.”

  River folded his arms. “Don’t talk about Aaliyah like that. She’s more than just other options.”

  “I know,” Zayn said, his tone more defensive. “I’m just trying to get you to ease up.”

  “You’re pathetic, man. You don’t know how good you have it with her. She’s a treasure while you’re off messing with fool’s gold.”

  River had never talked to Zayn like this before. Then again, while Zayn had confided things about Celia with him in the past, River had never been emotionally involved in Zayn’s affairs before either. He was steaming. He could lose his job for speaking to Zayn like this, but, he didn’t care. His brain had gone berserk ever since he’d given Aaliyah his lamp.

  “You’re right.” Through the phone, Zayn’s voice was humble. Remorseful. “You’re right. Man, I’ve been an idiot.”

  River inhaled to cool the simmering in his blood. “Just a little bit.”

  “Elir talked about going to the press with the engagement,” Zayn said, his tone finally matching River’s in seriousness. “Maybe that would convince Norris I’m serious in my intentions—or lack of intentions—with Celia. I couldn’t be fooling around with her when I’m engaged to someone else, right?”

  “I don’t know. Are you?”

  Another pause.

  “Like I said. One more day. I think I can tie up everything Norris wants in a day. Talk to Aaliyah for me, Riv. I’ll tell her dad to go ahead and inform the press.”

  “Why don’t you just call her?” River said. “You should talk to her yourself.”

  “It feels too weird. I’ll talk to her when I get there. You’ve been hanging out with her, just tell her for me.”

  “Whatever you say, boss.” River spat the moniker as acerbically as he could before hanging up.

  River choked his phone and stared at the kitchen area of his two-room suite. He was seething. He and Zayn had never clashed like this before. Usually, when Zayn made comments about his choices
or personal life, River just let them slide, but this? This was different. He’d never viewed Zayn to be such a womanizer before, and now seeing this side of him disgusted him.

  He rose from the barstool, stalked toward the window, and rested his forehead against it. AC had cooled the glass, and he was grateful for the chilling effect on his skin. His job was to carry out Zayn’s wishes and follow his commands, but he was coming to care for Aaliyah as a striking woman who deserved to be loved and respected. Not used.

  If Zayn and her father were going to the press about their pathetic engagement, Aaliyah deserved to know. She needed to know what kind of man she was getting.


  River had never been to Aaliyah’s suite directly, but he knew which one it was. The hall was quiet. He padded his way to the elevator, went up a few floors, and stopped outside her door. Pausing for only a moment, he lifted a knuckle and knocked.

  Aaliyah opened the door, wearing silky capris pajamas that accentuated her curves and made his ears burn. He worked on keeping his attention on her eyes instead of letting them trail down her body.

  “You’re up late,” she said with a teasing smile.

  “Is it late?” The sky had been dark outside, but he’d forgotten to check the actual time. He’d been distracted. Normally, he was more thorough.

  Aaliyah snickered. “It’s only close to midnight.”

  That explained the pajamas. For a moment, he wondered if he’d woken her, but from the brightness in her eyes, he suspected not. “That means you’re up late, too.”

  “I like to watch the Hallmark channel,” she said. “They have some cute, fluffy movies that help me forget things for a while.”

  “Chick flicks?”

  “Exactly.” She licked her bottom lip before seeming to take courage. “Want to see how this last one played out?” She seized him by the shirt and tugged him into the room.

  River nearly stumbled. The way she’d taken command, lured him inside with a fist on his shirt, and closed the door behind him, paired with the suggestion of her words, were so tempting it was all he could do not to scoop her in his arms and hold her to him. He realized how it must have appeared, for him to come to her room so late.


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