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Devoted to Love

Page 6

by Shayla Black

  He kissed her. That mouth of hers lured him. He couldn’t not kiss her lips that had gone red and puffy from the previous melding of their mouths. She was too tempting to resist.

  He went in slowly, sank deep, tasting her kiss with unhurried sweeps of his tongue. Maggie fired him up, defying description. How could she taste sweeter than before? What was that flavor of hers that kept him coming back for more? Every time he meant to pull away, he struck another rich vein of whatever addictive nectar she spilled. Then he found himself a prisoner until he drank all from her he could.

  Under him, she sighed, softened, craned up to meet him. But she didn’t move her arms. Not an inch. She kept them right where he demanded and let him overtake her body one kiss and one stroke at a time.

  Josiah was dizzy, high, shaken when she finally whimpered and thrust her breasts up at him, bare nipples hard and stabbing the air. Tearing his mouth away, he panted and tried to regain his bearings. The sight of her lips, now dark and bruised, lured him back. But her breasts with those tips he had yet to sample beckoned him even more. Would she be the kind of woman he could drive to the brink of orgasm simply by teasing and tormenting them?

  That possibility thrilled him.

  Maggie gasped for breath as he stared at her. “I should be sated. I shouldn’t want you this much.”

  She probably believed that. Maybe she’d never had a man devote every iota of his attention and desire to her. He’d fix that. What surprised him more was how readily she admitted her weakness for him. Knowing the usually reserved Maggie couldn’t stop herself from aching for him was a heady fucking thrill.

  “You shouldn’t be sated. You should want me this much.” He licked his way up her cleavage, ghosting his fingertips along the sides of her breasts in a touch so light, she’d probably wonder if she imagined it. “I’m going to make sure you want me even more. I’ll work until you beg me to fuck you again.”

  Maggie whimpered. Her hips wriggled. Her spine twisted. She lifted herself to him—a silent offering. It was nice, but he wanted her to plead out loud, knowing damn well what he wanted from her and the damage he intended to inflict on her reserve.

  “Josiah . . .”

  He laved his way up one of her breasts, stopping just short of the peak, then delighting in her frustrated sigh. “Yes, baby?”

  “I need . . .”



  He smiled against her skin as he dragged in her peachy-spicy scent. Not enough, not yet. But he’d fix that.

  Inhaling the heady pheromones rising from her skin, Josiah bent to her nipple and wrapped his lips around it. She gasped. He nipped the tender tip with his teeth. She hissed. He engulfed her in his mouth and sucked hard. She gave him a shaky cry of need.

  God, he couldn’t keep his mouth off her after that.

  He dragged his tongue along the bottom of her breast and inhaled there, where her scent was deep. He gently bit his way up the taut flesh until he reached the pinnacle. Then he sucked her in, drawing on her mercilessly, and abraded her nipple with his tongue until her legs parted restlessly and she let loose a long, strangling cry.

  To prove he was equal opportunity, he did the same to her other mound, loving the way she keened and lifted to silently offer him more. The way those sweet tips hardened and darkened and stretched toward him provided another level of hell, yeah.

  Back and forth, he worked her breasts with his hungry mouth, augmenting with his fingers. A pinch here, a tweak there. Maggie liked it rough. Her nipples were sensitive. He could do this for hours, and she would absolutely let him. They would both love it.

  “These are going to be sore in the morning,” he whispered.

  “I don’t care.”

  Every time she opened her mouth, he liked her better and better. Nipples were among his favorite toys, and if he could have her on his turf, with his equipment . . . the sensations he could unleash on these two beauties would blow her mind and excite the shit out of him.

  “Josiah . . .” she moaned. “Do something . . .”

  Ah, now they were getting somewhere. “I can keep plying your nipples and see just how sensitive I can make them or—”

  “I need you inside me. I can’t wait anymore,” she panted out.

  If he had more time with her, he would prove she could, in fact, wait. He would keep her suspended until she was desperate, nearly delusional. But they only had tonight . . . and her pleas didn’t help his resolve at all. In truth, he wanted to fuck her so badly, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could stand the depravation.

  Reaching back into the pocket of his pants that were still strewn across the floor, he fished out another condom. Two left. That wasn’t going to be enough to finish out the night. Maybe she had more? If not, he knew how to get creative.

  “How about both?” he whispered against her ear. “Stand at the foot of the bed and bend until your palms are flat against the mattress.”

  “Are you always this bossy?”

  “Yes. Do you always ask this many questions?”

  She hesitated. “I guess I do.”

  Apparently, that fact had just occurred to her, and Josiah actually found her answer surprisingly cute. It didn’t stop him from blindly needing to fuck her, just made her seem more real and human.

  Maggie leapt off the bed as if the promise of feeling him inside her motivated her to be quick. When she positioned herself exactly where he wanted, in the way he’d requested, he hummed in approval. The straight, delicate line of her spine lured him, but it was the indentation of her waist that flared to the curve of her hips and led to her lush ass that had him salivating.

  “You’re beautiful, Magnolia.” He stroked her back. “Do you prefer that to Maggie?”

  “Everyone calls me Maggie.”

  “That wasn’t what I asked. When you introduced yourself to me, you used your full name. It suits you. Is that your preference?”

  “It is, but my friends and family aren’t going to change their habits after all these years. Maybe you could call me Magnolia when you’re inside me? I’d like that.”

  Josiah would, too. It would be their secret. Another way of connecting.

  “Yes,” he promised as he gripped her hips, aligned his crest with her opening, and pushed in slow and deep. “My pleasure, Magnolia.”


  Sunlight splashed through her eyelids, summoning Maggie from sleep. The half-assed breeze from the lazy ceiling fan above tickled her skin. The pillow beneath her cradled her head softly, and some delicious whisper of happiness sat just outside the reach of her consciousness. A loopy smile lifted her lips, and she sighed. Screw opening her eyes. She could sleep a few more minutes . . .

  “Wake up, gorgeous,” a raspy male voice said in her ear as he spooned her, nudging her with yet another erection.

  Memories came rushing back. Josiah. All the seemingly infinite touches. The four times he’d crashed inside her and aroused her until she’d climaxed with multiple screams. The firm yet tender way he’d held her when he had finally let her sleep.

  Her smile widened as she lifted heavy lids and turned in his arms to face him. “Morning. Didn’t you get enough last night?”

  She asked the question smugly because she already knew the answer. He made it obvious when he shifted his weight, rolled her to her back, then maneuvered himself between her thighs and gave a teasing prod.

  “Are you wishing I had?”

  “No.” But that didn’t keep reality from intruding. “I wish we had more than a night together. What time do you have to leave? I need to help my grandmother and Sarah when the rental company comes to pick up the chairs, tables, and tent. But after that . . .”

  “I’ll help, too.” He stroked the hair from her face, his expression going solemn. “I’m not staying and I’m not a relationship guy, but I’m also not
going anywhere for a day or two. I intend to have a chat with the Enlightenment Fields folks until they understand that you’re not selling to them. By the time I’m done, they will leave you and your family alone.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You’d do that?”

  “Of course.” He kissed her forehead.

  She blinked. Why would he bother now that he’d gotten what he wanted? “Did someone ask you to? You’re not obligated—”

  “No, and I know I’m not. But I like you, Maggie. I want to take care of this for you so you and your grandparents can feel comfortable and safe in your home.”

  Wow. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t have to do that. Or even care. Most people didn’t. Hell, even half their community had welcomed Enlightenment Fields simply because they brought new blood to the county, along with a seemingly endless flow of cash.

  “Of course.”

  “Hopefully, those folks will listen to you. They don’t give a whit what I say. I’m a female. They don’t listen to my papa, either. They’ve tried to paint him as . . . not senile, exactly. But like his age makes him somehow less of a person.”

  Josiah frowned as if he didn’t like the sound of that. “What can you tell me about this place? Know anything about their goals? Their beliefs?”

  “The first time they came around, they left a pamphlet about themselves. I tossed it, but not before I’d skimmed it. It said something about building the farm of the future, using technology to create a greener, more earth-friendly harvest and meditation to create a happier culture. It sounded pretty harmless. Well, except the part where they mentioned devising innovative methods to be ready for the ‘destructive forces soon destined to transform the planet.’”

  He frowned. “You don’t think they meant global warming on a massive scale?”

  “It read like that. But some of the followers they’ve sent to insist we sell called it the ‘collapse.’ They talked about it as if it’s an event, almost a cataclysm of biblical proportions. That worries me.”

  His expression morphed into a scowl. “Don’t give it another thought. I have a way of making people see reason.”

  “I believe that.” She curled her arms around him and held him tighter. “You certainly persuaded me repeatedly last night.”

  That made Josiah laugh. “You sore?”

  “A little. But I’m more worried everyone will see I’m humming and glowing with pleasure.”

  “I think you look beautiful.” He caressed his thumb across her cheek. “But I didn’t persuade you to give me everything. Yet.”


  “You held parts of yourself back from me.”

  Maggie raised a brow and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I gave myself to you.”

  Josiah caressed his way down her side, then cupped her ass in his big hand. “No. You gave me your body.”

  “That’s what you wanted.”

  “When we walked into this bedroom, that’s exactly what I wanted. And I enjoyed every minute of it. You were spontaneous and sexy as hell. You shared your pleasure perfectly. But there’s something deeper I’m missing. I’m curious to know what’s going on here.” He tapped her temple. “And here.” He pressed his finger to her heart.

  Maggie wasn’t surprised by that truth, just by how quickly he’d realized it. Anytime she was with anyone, the more intimate things felt, the more something inside curled up in a protective ball and hid behind walls to ward them off. The sudden turn of this conversation was a good example.

  She pushed at his chest, rolled away, and leapt to her feet, grabbing for her sister’s discarded bathrobe. “Like I said, I don’t connect with people. Sex is great. I’m glad we had it. I appreciate everything you’re doing for my family.”

  “But?” He wasn’t pleased, and the sudden warning tone in his voice said so.

  Maggie ignored it. “But that was last night. Now I have to get dressed and head outside to lend a hand. Help yourself to coffee in the kitchen. I think Granna bought some bagels and cream cheese for everyone. I’ll . . . see you around.”

  She darted for the door, but Josiah was faster. “I’m not trying to pry my way inside your psyche or heart. Hell, I don’t even know why I’m bringing this up. But I noticed the distance last night. It bugged me. As a man . . .” He shook his head. “Fuck it, I should be honest. As a Dom, it’s not acceptable.”

  Wide-eyed, Maggie took a step back. “You’re a Dom? Oh, I’m not into that ‘Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir’ kind of shit. I’m pretty much about free will, and you bending me to yours runs counter to my wishes.”

  “Magnolia, why did you think I wanted to hear you beg so badly?”

  “Don’t call me that. You’re not inside me right now.”

  “Give me three minutes.” He slipped his palm between the lapels of her robe and caressed her until he cupped her breast, thumbed her nipple still sensitive from his touch, and awakened goose bumps all over her skin.

  She fought not to moan. “No.”

  “What did you think was happening last night when I ordered you to put your palms flat on the bed and bend over so I could fuck you?” Josiah raised a brow and caressed her taut bud again, his stroke slow and mesmerizing. “You didn’t seem to mind then.”

  She hadn’t. In fact, she didn’t remember ever wanting a man half as much as him. That scared Maggie. If he stayed for even another day, would she be able to stop wanting him before he unraveled her? She had a sinking suspicion he was the kind of guy who would demand way more of herself than she could ever give.

  “I’m never going to open up more than I did last night, no matter how much you command it.” She shrugged free from his touch. “So we should part ways here.”

  The words came out, but everything inside Maggie screamed in denial at the thought of never feeling Josiah’s touch again.

  She stifled it. They’d shared one night that ultimately didn’t mean a thing. Granted, she’d never had a one-night stand. But neither of them was looking for tomorrow, and if she was already this mixed up after less than twelve hours with Josiah, she needed distance from him—fast.

  “I don’t think that’s what you really want,” he challenged, as if he could read her mind.

  Maggie couldn’t bring herself to say a word or even nod. Instead, she scowled, ridiculously on the verge of tears as she gave him a little shove and darted out the door. When she reached the sanctuary of her room, she was pleased to see the wedding guests who had spent the night had already stripped the sheets from the bed and cleared out. She slammed her bedroom door and locked it, stumbling into the shower as the first sob ripped from her chest.

  * * *

  • • •

  That did not go as planned,” Josiah muttered to himself as the slam of Maggie’s bedroom door reverberated down the hall.

  Yeah, he probably shouldn’t have mentioned his kink. But that wasn’t the real problem, just her excuse. He’d gotten too close, made demands of something other than her body too quickly. He wasn’t even sure why he’d done it. He seriously wasn’t a relationship guy. He didn’t have any intention of staying more than another twenty-four hours at most.

  Why had he pushed her for more?

  Because he was ornery, and the Dom in him really didn’t like the walls and no-go points he sensed between them.

  Fuck it. Not his problem anymore. Maggie wanted it to be over? It was done. He’d drive out to Enlightenment Fields, say what he had to, let Logan know he’d done his duty, then get the hell out of Dodge. And if the thought of never seeing Maggie again, of never touching her exquisitely soft skin or drinking in her catching little moans, disturbed him . . . well, he’d get over it.

  Hell, he’d gotten over a backstabbing fiancée he thought he’d love for eternity. Now, he barely thought about Whitney anymore. He’d get over Magnolia West, too.

; With a sigh, he gathered his clothes, indulged in a quick shower in the all-pink bathroom. Lamenting the peony champagne body wash that had to be Shealyn’s, he lathered up and got the hell out, making a mental note to throw on some masculine body spray before he returned to EM Security’s offices and got ribbed by any of his fellow operatives.

  Minutes later, he was dressed in last night’s suit as he crossed the yard to his truck to look for the duffel he’d packed and his change of clean clothes.

  Halfway to his destination, Sawyer caught sight of him and made a beeline, cutting him off while looking him up and down as if he were no better than shit on the bottom of his shoes. Josiah stifled a groan. Nothing good was going to happen.

  “You spent the night with Maggie,” Sawyer accused.

  “That’s none of your business.” She may have kicked him to the curb, but he still felt compelled to protect her privacy. It was his, too, after all. Plus, he really didn’t like this guy in his face.

  “She’s mine.”

  Sawyer’s growl didn’t scare him. “If you were to ask her, I think you’d get a different answer.”

  “She’s confused.”

  Maybe, but not in the way this douche meant. “I just want something from my truck. Can you get out of my way?”

  The ranch foreman merely planted his hands on his hips and stood his ground. “Can you just leave?”

  Josiah sighed. “I do not want to fight you.”

  “Oh, because you’re the big, bad CIA agent. Right.”

  “Former, and yes. That is right. Not that I owe you an explanation.” He shook his head. “Look, I’m not staying on the ranch and I’m not taking Maggie with me. So you can stop snarling. Feel free to march upstairs and work out whatever’s between you two.”

  Even as Josiah said the words, he knew that if Sawyer called his bluff and followed through, he’d do whatever it took to stop the fucker.

  God, he didn’t have his head screwed on straight.


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