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Page 11

by Emme DeWitt

  Hands helped me undress, and I froze. Internally, I was ninja kicking them all away, but my limbs froze at the awkward sensation. I was in my bra and underwear---and awkwardly only one sock---in no time. I hugged myself automatically, bowing my head to shade my flaming cheeks.

  “Let’s see what we’re working with,” Gaby said, her appraisal soft and diligent without a hint of malice. She turned me to the side, checking my profile, humming in approval. “Ariel, grab me your spare bodycon. She’s almost your same measurements, I think.”

  A dress appeared in the circle of women, and Gaby offered it to me.

  “Straight over the top,” she directed me with an encouraging smile.

  I reached out a tentative hand and took the dress, skeptical such little fabric would cover my whole butt. It reminded me of the embroidered tea towel I had held less than an hour before. Bile rose again to my throat, but I did my best to wiggle into the dress.

  Hands immediately came to the rescue, tucking and pulling until the dress was indeed past my butt and encompassing all of my womanly features, plentiful or not. Gaby took a step back, clapping with delight.

  “Perfect!” she crowed. “Let me grab a few things while we get you done up, hmmm?”

  Gaby led me toward the vanity, shoving me into a seat and the waiting hands of another girl with large eyes and a cascade of artfully curled tresses.

  “This is Ariel. Gosh you guys have a lot of similar features,” Gaby said, comparing the two of us with a few quick glances. “Bottom heavy, big eyes, and long hair. We should rename you Night and Day!” A chorus of laughter filled the room, and my cheeks flamed again.

  “I would kill for your eyes though,” Ariel said, her voice a little gravely. “They are the most beautiful shade of brown.”

  “We can trade,” I said, clearing my throat awkwardly. “I can’t even tell if your eyes or blue or green. It’s so pretty.” Ariel waved my comment away in the air.

  “Grass is always greener, right?” she said with a raspy giggle. “Now. Do you trust me?”

  I gave a short nod, my lips pursed in anticipation. Ariel smiled and turned the chair around, away from the mirror.

  “We’ll do a reveal like all those reality shows,” Ariel said. “Now close your eyes, and don’t flinch.”

  I tried my best to follow her directions, but it was clear who was the pro and who was not. After a few botched attempts to put on false eyelashes, Ariel gave in and decided some well-sculpted mascara tricks would have to do. My clammy hands remained tangled in my lap, as I was not allowed to touch my hair. I felt like an alien with my hair bound up in large plastic curlers, but I did my best to keep calm.

  The energy in the room was contagious, and everyone seemed to be in a great mood. Instead of allowing my anxiety to take over, I relaxed, the positive energy waves washing over me. My barriers were slightly lowered, my curiosity getting the better of me, but surprisingly, nothing bad happened. My doomsday thinking was thwarted for once, and I sighed internally with relief.

  “Finishing touches,” Ariel said next to my ear, waking me from my semi-trance state. My hair was being unbound, and hands were fluffing and twisting my locks into an acceptably manufactured mess. She turned me back toward the mirror and squeezed my shoulders.

  I opened my eyes fully and yelped, clapping my hands to my mouth.

  I looked like a social media influencer.

  The girls screamed with joy and excitement at my reaction, deeming the pity project a success.

  “You look foxy,” Gaby said in approval, high-fiving Ariel with a broad grin. She held out some thick stockings and a pair of boots that reminded me of Noah. A small sad smile flickered across my newly painted lips at the thought.

  “But not too sexy,” Ariel said, grabbing a comb with a birdcage netting attached to it. She secured it in my hair, directing the netting to obscure part of my face. “Some nice armor for you.”

  The subtle effect bolstered my confidence, hiding just enough of my face for me to feel like I could go unnoticed. Against all these beautiful ladies, I had no doubt I wouldn’t catch too many eyes.

  “Stockings go up to your mid thighs, and they’re warm. You’re going to be sitting and not running around like the rest of us, so it does get chilly. Here,” Gaby said, shoving them into my lap while she bounded away. She returned in a moment, holding a cropped jacket. “This also has a high collar, but it’s very chic. I promise.”

  I yanked on the stockings, slipping into the booties as I stood. I hung my arms like a scarecrow, and Gaby threw on the jacket, turning me around and doing a final assessment. She nodded in approval, and Ariel stepped in to give me a quick hug.

  “All set,” Gaby said. “Go get ’em, killer.” She winked at me, scuttling me toward the door and out into the corridor. The din of the women getting ready died away immediately once the door was shut, and I stood facing Niko yet again.

  He glanced at me and my new outfit. I must have passed a test because he nodded, holding his hand out for me to go first. I scowled at him.

  “Oh, now you’re nice about it,” I said, storming ahead. Luckily, the booties were wedges, so I didn’t ruin the show of power by wobbling or falling over. I felt a little stronger with the few extra inches, but I was skeptical if I could run long distances in these. I felt a pang for my practical street clothes lying in a heap in the dressing room.

  “Don’t want to ruin everyone’s hard work,” Niko said, his tone amused. I tossed my hair back over my shoulder so I could glare at him. “No pouting. You look your age when you do that.”

  “I am my age though,” I said with a scowl, making the pout deeper.

  “Not tonight you aren’t,” Niko said, pausing at the side entrance to the club. “And don’t say anything. Just listen.” Niko raised his eyebrows, giving me an intentional look.

  I swallowed hard, shaking out the last nerves in my fingers as I did a mental check of my barriers. Not knowing what I was walking into, I prayed silently that Niko was offering sage advice.

  I nodded to Niko, and he opened the door, ushering me into the unknown.

  I felt lightheaded as I walked across the dance floor. The lights pulsed along with the music, and I was so overwhelmed with the vibrations of the bass that I tripped a few times over nothing but my own nerves. Niko was only a step or two behind me, and his steady hand on my back was a small comfort as I teetered my way toward Aleks’ VIP corner booth. I used the bouts of darkness in between the strobe lighting to steady my breathing, flexing my hands nervously before he came into view.

  Aleks’ head was inclined toward another man in a dark suit. Although the stranger seemed older than Aleks at first glance, Aleks’ presence was clearly the one radiating dominance. The other man’s posture was more extreme, contorting to accommodate Aleks’ slightly inclined head. The other face was obscured, but Aleks was frowning in concentration at his guest’s words. The inky black aura around him tickled at their ankles, but remained sequestered inside the booth’s perimeter.

  I froze, causing Niko to bump into me slightly. I had forgotten about the black aura. How was I supposed to sit next to him for a minute, let alone the whole night? My legs went cold, and I couldn’t feel my toes for a moment.

  The pressure of Niko’s hand between my shoulder blades propelled me forward, and my stiff legs managed to move in spite of the alarm bells ringing in the back of my head. In two breaths, we were at the bottom of the steps leading up to the VIP booth. A behemoth of a man stepped in front of me, taking up the majority of the width of the stairs. I squeaked in surprise.

  Niko stepped forward, exchanging words with the man. With the din of the music and the raised cloud of voices of the patrons, I wasn’t sure how they could hear one another. After a moment, I realized they were laughing like old friends.

  Niko clapped the man on the shoulder, and the other one cracked a toothy smile, letting me pass. Niko stayed at the bottom of the stairs with his friend, and I was left to climb the stairs alon
e. I took a deep breath in through my nose, belatedly hoping the bodycon dress didn’t make me look like a stuffed toad with the expansion of my stomach. It was dark, I reminded myself. No one could see anything.

  I squared my shoulders and ascended, trying to exude a cool confidence to match my new duds. I tried to freeze my face like those fierce runway models, but I had no idea how successful I was. Not knowing who the other man was, I kept with Niko’s advice and said nothing.

  Aleks’ eyes caught mine on the last step, and I slowed down, hoping for a cue as to what I was supposed to do next so I could move with grace and confidence. Or at least try to.

  Does one curtsy for His Royal Highness? I thought to myself. Aleks’ lips twitched, trying to hide a smile. His attention was no longer on the man speaking to him.

  Aleks’ guest, sensing a shift, looked up in my direction. I could feel his gaze assessing me critically, his thoughts broadcasting sporadically. Upset that I had interrupted. Not as upset as his eyes lingered on my accentuated frame. The moment he leaned back from Aleks, his broadcasting was clear as a bell.

  My head tilted in curiosity, and I hoped the movement wasn’t too obvious. As much as Aleks’ dark cloud scared me, it seemed to have its uses. I tabled my hunches and put them in the back of my mind. Now was not the time to be daydreaming. I had to remain vigilant.

  Both men had stopped talking, and I waited to see what would happen next.

  Aleks, realizing his faux pas, stood, one arm indicating the seat in the booth next to him while the other held his jacket shut. The other man stood, mirroring Aleks’ manners, bowing his head slightly in greeting. The top of his dark head shone with product, and a lock of hair fell free of its shellacked prison, causing the man to nervously swipe it back into place. I nodded back, smiling without my teeth, as I sat as daintily as I could manage in the restricting dress. The dynamic in the booth was interesting, and only about to get worse.

  “Would you like a drink?” Aleks asked me, and I nodded. His hand rose, and a woman appeared from the shadows, her attire more austere than the ladies in the dressing room. She placed a tumbler in front of me, something clear and fizzy with red marbling. I inclined my head to her in thanks, and she was gone again immediately.

  Aleks bent his head toward mine, and I only had to turn slightly to hear him.

  “It’s a Shirley Temple,” he said. I could feel his smile against my hair. “Non-alcoholic. And poison-free. I promise.”

  I dipped my head again to acknowledge I had understood him. He chuckled at his own poor joke falling flat.

  He lingered, and I felt a slight zing of nervousness as the silence dragged on.

  “We have to stay here for a bit. Let me finish up with Akira and then we’ll be able to talk freely,” Aleks said. “You look great, by the way.”

  I nodded, glad my hair and the dim lighting hid my blush. This whole not talking thing was much harder than Niko made it seem. I clenched my hands together in my lap, determined not to ruin my hair even though the urge to twirl a strand was overwhelming.

  Instead, I focused on Aleks.

  I had never been this close to him before, and I was thankful his shielding was working better than it had earlier. He wore a tailored black suit, almost a severe cut, which complemented his strong jawline and cheekbones. I could hardly imagine this had been the man to greet me less than an hour ago.

  Confidence rolled off him in waves, and he had a subtle way of carrying his authority, which really did remind me of a prince. His aftershave was subtle, almost woodsy, like a piece of amber I had found in the forest once. The smell seemed softer than Brendan’s, since his was almost overwhelming in its sharpness, but there was no mistaking its masculinity. I bit the inside of my cheek.

  Brendan. I hadn’t thought about him much since our separation.

  A wave of guilt crashed over me, and I had to work hard to compose my face once again. I tried to shove the emotion in a box and hide it in my mind. I clasped my hands even tighter, willing my self-control to swing back into place.

  Later, I promised myself. We could think about everything later.

  Brendan. Abuela. Tomas.

  Please, just not now.

  Aleks placed his hand gently on top of mine. I stiffened, but didn’t move it away. He was still in deep conversation with his guest, the man Akira, but he managed to send a wave of comfort my way. All thoughts of Brendan slipped away as Aleks slid his hand between mine, breaking the tension I had centered there, taking my hand in his. All my thoughts scattered as he laced his fingers through mine, bringing our hands to rest on his leg in a cradled, relaxed position.

  He squeezed my hand softly in solidarity.

  I opened my mouth, unsure if I could say anything. I closed it slowly, biting my bottom lip. What was happening right now? Aleks was still mid-conversation, letting no indication of his actions leak through to his other interaction. I was left to wonder alone.

  Finally, Akira inclined his head toward Aleks, shaking hands in parting. The action seemed stiff, and I wondered belatedly who the man was. As Akira walked down the steps, he turned back toward me, bowing in parting to me as well. I did my best to reciprocate, but I had no idea how to act. Niko and the other bouncer stepped aside for him, and he was lost to the crowd before I could think on it much more.

  Yet again, my tumultuous inner world had taken over, and I had not been paying enough attention. I let the frustration wash over me, letting my scowl bore holes in the inch of skin showing between my dress and the stocking socks on my upper thigh.

  Another squeeze to my hostage hand brought me back to the present. I looked up, and Aleks’ full attention was on me, assessing every line on my face.

  “What?” I said, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in defiance. He shook his head, a light chuckle escaping through his half smile.

  “You’re amazing,” Aleks said. I looked at him skeptically, and he laughed again.

  “Is that why you won’t let go of my hand?” I asked, attempting to subtly remove my warm fingertips from his. He held on, ignoring my hint.

  “What do you think about all the time?” he asked suddenly. His eyes were searching my face again, and I bit the inside of my cheek. I was doomed if he was able to read my expressions.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, hoping my deflection would work.

  It didn’t.

  “You’re so animated when you’re in a conversation, but when you aren’t, it’s like you’re in sleep mode. I was a little worried I was too overwhelming again,” Aleks said, my eyes catching on the creeping black aura obscuring our feet. It remained a small nebulous cloud, and I tried to ignore it.

  “Well, your shielding was much better than earlier,” I said. “I was only a little lightheaded.”

  “What shielding?” Aleks said, his head leaning closer toward mine as the bass dropped in the background. Even in the VIP area, the vibrations were overwhelming.

  “You,” I said loudly, over enunciating in the hope Aleks could read my lips before I shattered his eardrum. “Your black aura was under control. Weren’t you shielding the whole time?”

  Aleks shook his head.

  “I don’t know how.” He shrugged.

  “Then how…” I trailed off, snapping my mouth shut. I focused on our clasped hands once more, my confusion channeling through that focal point.

  “But I could hear you,” Aleks said, his fingers lightly touching my chin, redirecting my gaze back up to his face.

  “I didn’t say anything,” I argued. “Niko told me to be quiet.”

  “No,” Aleks said, pointing to his temple. “Here. The Your Highness comment. Remember?”

  I froze, my mouth dropping open as another tidal wave of confusion crashed over me.

  “And the other things. Some were feelings. Some images. Something about the woods?” Aleks’ eyes shone with curiosity, and his head fell to the side. “How do you do that?”

  “I am so sorry,” I said, my
voice wavering. Once again, I tried to pull my hand away from his grasp, but he held on. I could feel tears prickle in the corners of my eyelids, and I tried desperately to contain them. “I’m usually very good at shielding. I didn’t mean to…I’ll try better next time. I promise.” I let out a shuddering breath, my constant attempt to pull myself together unsuccessful yet again.

  “Hey,” Aleks said, catching my chin again, forcing my wandering eyes to swing back to focus on him. “It’s okay. Shhhh. No one got hurt. Nothing happened. No one else noticed. You’re safe.”

  I hiccupped. I groaned, mad at my pitiful state. Aleks just smiled, releasing my chin from his light grip.

  “Starting tomorrow, we’ll get a whole work up done,” Aleks said, his voice strong against the buzzing cacophony on the floor behind us. “I know you’re really overwhelmed right now, but we just have to focus on getting through tonight. Then we’ll be golden. Sound fair?”

  I nodded, hiccupping again, my face immediately resetting into a pout. Aleks laughed.

  “Shut up,” I quipped, hiccupping more violently. Aleks tried to sober up, but his smile broke through his failed attempt to stop laughing. I shoved my shoulder against his. “Stop!”

  I hiccupped in the middle of the word, and it only set Aleks off more.

  My jaw dropped open in indignation, and he looked at least a little chastised. He raised our clasped hands to his mouth and kissed mine in apology.

  “Let’s get you some food, huh?” Aleks said, flagging down our personal waiter. The woman appeared out of the shadows again, scaring me. I jumped, and Aleks went off again with laughter. I went to shout at him and realized my hiccups were gone, which made him nearly inconsolable for several minutes.

  Once he could speak again, he ordered us a late dinner, wiping the tears from his eyes with his free hand, never letting my hand go. I surrendered to his infectiously happy mood and tried to stay in the moment. The dark thoughts lingered in the back of my mind, but I did my best to keep them behind the curtain. Like Aleks said, we just had to survive tonight. I could go one night without worrying, right?


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