Book Read Free

Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg

Page 64

by Jack Kerouac

  and Burroughs works

  and Cassady arrest

  and Cowley

  criticisms of JK by

  Doctor Sax comments of

  Evergreen recordings of

  at Five Spot

  and Howl trial

  and Jarrell

  JK comments about

  and JK New Writing works

  Nation article about JK by

  as New Directions advisor

  New World Writing publication of article by

  and On the Road

  party at

  poetry readings of

  and power of publishers

  and publication of JK works

  radio program of

  reviews of JK works by

  in San Francisco

  as San Francisco poet and writer

  and Subterraneans

  support for JK of

  and Visions of Neal

  Visions of Neal reading by

  Williams-AG discussion about

  “Richmond Hill” (JK)

  Rilke, Rainer Maria

  Rimbaud, Arthur

  “River Street Blues” (AG)

  Riviera Bar (New York City)

  Roberts, Ed

  Robinson, E. A.

  Robinson, Jethro

  Rochambeau bar (New York City)

  rodeo: JK in

  romantic: AG as


  rooming house poems, AG

  “The Rose of the Rainy Night” (JK)

  Rosenberg, Anton

  Rosenthal, Irving

  Rosset, Barney

  Rotha, Paul

  Rowohlt Verlag Publishers

  Rubens, Peter Paul

  Russell, Vicki

  Sampas, Sebastian

  San Francisco Blues (JK)

  San Francisco, California

  AG decision not to go to

  AG in

  AG jet plane trip to

  AG plans to go to

  AG plans to leave

  AG views about

  and Beat Generation as “San Francisco Renaissance,”

  Corso poem about

  FBI investigation of people from

  JK-Cassady trip to

  JK in

  JK plans/desires to visit

  JK views about

  JK writings about

  poetry readings in

  and SF poetry

  See also specific person

  San Jose, California

  AG in

  Cassady in

  JK in

  San Luis Obispo, California: JK in

  San Remo bar (New York City)

  sandwich of pure meat (AG poem)

  Saroyan, William

  Saturday Evening Post magazine

  Saturday Review

  Schapiro, Meyer

  Schleifer, Marc

  Schnall, Norman

  Schorer, Mark

  Schweitzer, Albert



  AG views about

  JK views about


  and AG at Maritime Training Station

  AG poem about

  AG views about

  Burroughs views about

  Cassady writings about

  in Doctor Sax

  JK views about

  and JK visit to New York City

  JK writings about

  The Shadow of Dr. Sax (JK)

  Shakespeare, William

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Shields, Karena (Mexican author)

  “The Shroudy Stranger” (AG)

  Siesta in Xbalba (AG)

  Sim, Alistair

  Simpson, Louis

  Simpson publishing

  sin: AG views about

  Six Gallery reading


  Slochower, Harry

  Snyder, Gary

  AG comments about

  AG first meets

  and AG interest in Buddhism

  AG letters to/from

  AG possible visit with

  AG relationship with

  and Allen

  and Buddhism

  California trip of

  and The Dharma Bums

  Evergreen recordings of

  and Ferlinghetti

  illness of

  invitation to JK from

  in Japan

  and JK Beat Generation article

  JK camping trip with

  JK comments about

  JK inquiries about

  JK letters to/from

  JK lives with

  JK plans to visit

  JK relationship with

  and Lamantia

  lovers of

  and Lustig poetry readings

  and Merims

  in Mill Valley

  in mountains/Oregon

  New York City visit by

  nickname for

  and poetry readings

  publication of works by

  in San Francisco

  and Whalen

  and Wieners

  and Williams (Sheila)

  and Williams (William)

  world travels of


  AG views about

  JK view about

  Van Doren views about

  Solomon, Carl

  at Ace Books

  AG comments about

  AG first meets

  AG inquiries about

  and AG-JK meetings

  AG letters to/from

  and AG as literary agent

  AG recommendation to Landesman of

  AG visits with

  and Ansen works

  and Burroughs writings

  and Cassady-AG relationship

  Cassady-Lamantia meeting at home of

  and Cassady writings

  and de Angulo works

  in Denver

  du Peru’s similarity to

  and Empty Mirror

  and Genet

  and Harrington books

  and Hoffman joke

  and Holmes works

  homosexuality of

  and Howl

  and Huncke works

  identity of

  as jealous of JK

  JK comments about

  and JK finances

  JK letters to/from

  and JK writings

  in mental hospital

  in New York City

  and On the Road

  in Paris

  personal background of

  problems of

  and publication of AG works

  publication of works of

  suicide attempt by

  trips of

  Some of the Dharma (JK)

  “Song: Fie My Fum” (AG with Landesman)

  Sorrells, Lois

  South America: AG trip to

  Southern Pacific Railroad

  Spender, Stephen

  Spengler, Oswald


  Sputnik: AG views about

  Stanford University: AG participation in LSD experiments at


  Stern, Gerd

  Story magazine

  Stringham, Ed

  Sublette, Al

  as actor in JK play

  AG comments about

  and AG in San Francisco

  arrest and imprisonment of

  and Cassady

  drinking of

  and drugs

  JK description of

  JK friendship with

  JK inquiries about

  JK letters to/from

  and JK in San Francisco

  and JK-Taylor meeting

  JK views about

  JK visit with

  and JK works in New World Writing

  jobs for

  at Marconi Hotel

  New York City trip of

  South America trip of

  views about JK of

  and Williams (Sheila)

  Sublette, C

  The Subterraneans (JK)

  and AG as agent for JK

  AG copy of

  and Allen

  characters in

  criticisms of

  Italian trial concerning

  JK autographs copies of

  and JK finances

  and JK at Lee house

  JK requests copy of

  JK views about

  Lee copy of

  movie version of

  “psychoanalysis” of

  publication of

  reviews of

  revisions to

  and Rexroth

  Trilling comments about

  and Williams


  AG views about

  as basis of AG-JK friendship

  Burroughs views about

  JK views about

  summer camp: JK work at


  “Surrealist Ode” (AG)

  Suzuki. T.

  Tejeira, Victor


  and image of Beat Generation

  JK interviews on

  JK views about

  parody of JK on

  Temko, Allan

  Tennessee: Cassady trip to

  Tercerero, Dave

  Texas: JK in

  Texas’l Darling (musical)

  Thomas, Dylan

  Thoreau, Henry David


  AG views about

  AG writings about

  Bloom talk about

  Van Doren views about

  Time magazine

  Times Magazine

  “Tip My Cup” (AG)

  Tolstoy, Leo

  Tombs (Riker’s Island)

  Town and City “T&C” (JK)

  advertising for

  AG comments about

  AG gives Parker copy of

  and AG views about U.S.

  Carr (Cessa) copy of

  Carr views about

  characters in

  and Edie-JK relationship

  JK comments about

  and JK as disciple of others

  and JK finances

  and JK “personal-ness” problems

  JK views about

  and JK views about immortality

  lines from

  paperback edition of

  publication of

  and publicity for Burroughs Junkey

  reviews of

  sequel to

  West End bartender requests copy of

  writing of

  “Trembling of Veil” (AG)

  Trilling, Diana

  Trilling, Lionel

  Tristano, Lennie

  Tristessa (JK)


  AG views about

  JK views about

  Tuttle Publications

  Twain, Mark

  20th Century Fox

  Ulanov, Barry

  Ullman, Bill

  United Nations

  United Press

  United States

  AG views about

  JK views about

  University of California at Berkeley

  University of Chicago

  unknown/unknowable: AG views about

  USNS Joseph F. Merrell, AG on

  USNS Sgt. Jack J. Pendleton, AG on

  Van Doren, Charles

  Van Doren, Mark

  and AG book

  AG comments about

  and AG Guggenheim application

  and AG-JK friendship

  and AG legal problems

  AG lunch with

  and AG madness

  and AG in mental hospital

  AG reliance on

  AG sends Howl to

  and Cervantes

  and Giroux

  humility of

  influence on AG of

  JK views about

  JK visit with

  and JK writings

  and Melville notes

  as moral man

  and people at Columbia views of AG

  and publication of AG poems

  Shakespeare comments of

  society views of

  and T&C

  time views of

  writings of

  Van Meter, Peter

  Vanguard Publishing

  Vanity of Duluoz (JK)

  Vidal, Gore

  Vietnam War

  View magazine

  Viking Press

  AG views about

  and Beat Generation

  Cowley as consultant to

  and The Dharma Bums

  and Doctor Sax

  and Howl

  and JK finances

  and JK Paris book

  and On the Road

  publicity for JK at

  and Visions of Gerard

  Village Vanguard (New York City)

  Village Voice

  The Vision of the Goatherds (JK painting)


  of AG

  AG views about

  JK views about

  JK writings about

  Visions of Bill (JK)

  Visions of Cody (JK)

  Visions of Gerard (JK)

  Visions of Neal (JK)

  and AG as agent for JK

  AG comments about

  AG influence on

  AG reading of

  AG requests excerpts from

  and Allen

  Americana in

  Burford views about

  and Carr comments about JK

  Cassady reading of

  changing title of On the Road to

  classic sentence in

  Duncan reading of

  in “Jazz Excerpts,”

  JK happiness while writing

  JK readings from

  JK views about

  Laughlin reading of

  publication of

  reviews of

  Rexroth views about

  Village Vanguard reading of

  and Williams

  writing and typing of

  Voices magazine

  Von Hartz, Ernest

  VVV magazine

  “Wail” (JK)

  Wake magazine

  Wake Up (JK). See Buddha Tells Us

  Wald, Jerry

  Wallace, Mike

  Warren, Henry Clarke

  Washington Blues (JK)

  Washington: JK in

  Watts, Alan

  WBAI radio station

  Weaver, Helen

  Weitzner, Richard

  Welch, Lew

  Wesleyan College: JK at

  West End Bar (New York City)

  Whalen, Philip

  and AG in Alaska

  AG comments about

  AG letters to/from

  AG reading work by

  AG visit with

  and AG writing style

  and Ansen

  and Avon anthology

  and Big Table magazine

  and The Dharma Bums

  Evergreen recordings of

  and Ferlinghetti

  finances of

  and Giroux

  happiness of

  and Howl

  and Jarrell visit to San Francisco

  and JK-AG letters

  JK comments about

  JK drawing of

  JK letters to/from

  and JK move to California

  and JK in San Francisco

  JK views about

  and Levigue picture of Orlovsky

  New York City trip of

  and On the Road

  and poetry readings

  publication of works by

  and Snyder

  and Wieners

  and Williams

  “What the Young French Writers Should Be Writing” (JK)

  White, Ed

  White Horse Bar (New York City)

  White, Phil

  Whitman, George

  Whitman, Walt

  whys and whats: G-K exchange about />
  Wieners, John

  Wilbur, Richard

  Williams, Jonathan

  Williams, Sheila Boucher

  and AG appearance

  AG first meets

  and AG interest in Buddhism

  AG meeting with

  and AG-Orlovsky relationship

  AG relationship with

  and Burroughs-AG relationship

  and Cassady

  and Cassady-AG relationship

  and drugs

  in jail

  JK comments about

  JK desire for

  Moreland as similar to

  in New York City

  railroad ticket for

  reactions to JK writings by

  returns to San Francisco

  and Snyder

  and Sublette

  Williams, William Carlos

  and AG in Europe

  and AG finances

  and AG Guggenheim application

  AG and JK visit

  AG letters to/from

  and AG in NMU

  AG reading works of

  AG relationship with

  AG views about

  AG visit with

  and AG writings

  Arts and Sciences grant for

  City Lights publication of work by

  Collected Essays of

  and Corso

  death views of

  at Horace Mann School

  and JK-AG letters

  JK comments about

  JK letters to/from

  JK meeting with

  and JK writings

  JK writings about

  and Lamantia

  Lowell letter to

  and Measure magazine

  mind views of

  “Notes on the Short Story” by

  Orlovsky comment by

  Paterson by

  Patterson trip with AG of

  and Pound

  and Rexroth poetry readings

  San Francisco trip of

  Selected Essays by

  and Snyder

  and Whalen

  Wilson, Edmund

  Wingate, John

  Witt-Diamant, Ruth

  Wolfe, Thomas


  AG views about

  Carr views about

  at Ginsberg (Sheila) party

  JK views about

  and JK views of half-of-life-is death

  in The Netherlands

  picking up

  See also specific person

  Woods, Dick

  world: as death


  AG views about


  JK views about

  theory of

  Wyn, A. A.

  See also Ace Books

  Wyse, Seymour

  X concept, of AG

  The Yage Letters (AG and Burroughs)

  Yeats, W. B.

  yiddishe kopfe (shrewd Yiddish foresight)

  Yokley, Sara

  Young, Bob

  Young, Celine

  Young, Lester

  Young Socialists League

  Yugen magazine

  Zen: JK writings about

  “Zizi’s Lament” (AG)

  1 Edie Parker was Kerouac’s girlfriend at the time.

  2 Ginsberg frequently used pseudonyms to disguise the true identity of the people he was writing about. Here it seems probable that Louise was either Joan Vollmer Adams, with whom Edie and Jack were sharing an apartment, or Lucien Carr, who was in jail. Adams later became the common-law wife of William Burroughs.


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