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Darla's Three Troublemakers [Love in Stone Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Tate snorted. “And I’ve got two carpenters who like to stay away from me.”

  “What? I thought things were going well between you three,” Darla said. Tate had been dating Tyler and Neil, the two carpenters in Stone Valley. Their work is amazing and anyone who could do that kind of craftsmanship with their hands had to be good in the sack.

  “Nothing is happening, and I cancelled all future dates with them. They were secretive and silent all the time. I was tired of drawing them into conversation. It was boring, and I was bored. I’m not that desperate to connect with people. Anyway, let’s get back to your problems. You’re inside the Willis house and you’re not even stalking their stuff?” Tate asked.

  Glancing around the room, Darla saw her friend’s idea had something to it. “What would I do?”

  “Go and stalk. They’re not sharing a room with you, so you’ve got three rooms to go and check out. It’s what I’d do.”

  Darla giggled. “Thank you. I’m going to let you get back to sleep. I’m sorry about Tyler and Neil.”

  “So am I. Have fun.”

  Hanging up the phone, Darla picked up her hot chocolate.


  There was no chance for her to go wandering around their home. It wasn’t her home, even if they did say she could go looking around. It was wrong and she shouldn’t even be considering it.

  Don’t think about it.

  She went into the kitchen and put the cup in the sink.

  “No, I’m not going to check everything out.”

  Heading upstairs, Darla saw the three rooms in the opposite direction of the hall. Closing her eyes, she tried to fight the urge to go and check out their rooms. The fight was short-lived and she was heading toward the first room on her right.

  Opening the door, she turned the light on. By the side of the bed was a picture of her and Ryan and she knew it was his room. Sitting on the bed, she picked up the framed photograph. She’d been heavily pregnant by that time. Thinking back to the time the photo was taken, she would have given birth one month later. Ryan had come to visit her from college. She’d loved spending the time with him, even heavily pregnant.

  Putting the framed photo down, Darla sat on his bed, noticing how neat and clean Ryan was. There were no strewn clothes around the floor. Everything was neat and had a special place of its own.

  Lying back against his sheets, Darla breathed in, inhaling his masculine scent.

  “What are you doing?” she asked herself.

  Getting up from the bed, she saw a folder. Taking it out of the case, she opened the photograph album that was filled to bursting of pictures. Some were of Jon, Luke, and Ryan growing up. She saw the photo of his stepfather and mother.

  What surprised her were the many photos of her. Closing the folder, she put it aside and headed out the door.

  Pressing her head against the door, she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. Going into Ryan’s room was a mistake.

  Instead of going to her room, she went to the next door and started to rummage through Jon’s stuff.

  * * * *

  Luke couldn’t keep his gaze away from the clock. It was a little after ten-thirty and he was more than ready to call it a night. Thinking about Darla home alone was driving him insane. For a weeknight, the Dancin’ Donkey was busy. Ryan and Jon were both trying to stop women from hitting on them.

  Cleaning the glass he was holding, he placed it with the others.

  “Hello, handsome.”

  Turning around, Luke watched a young bleached-blonde take a seat at his counter. Her shirt was too tight and the skirt she wore was too short to cover anything. He didn’t recognize her.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Come on, is that all I get?” she asked, practically purring at him.

  “What drink would you like?” He turned toward her, waiting. There was no reaction from his body as he looked at the woman before him.

  She leaned forward, showing her buxom chest. They looked fake, and were nothing like the natural mounds Darla possessed. He remembered the way Darla’s tits felt in his palm and the way she responded to him when he grazed her nipple with his thumb.

  “I’m Peaches.”

  “Luke. What can I get you?” he asked.

  “Now that’s a loaded question, but for now I’ll take vodka, neat.”

  “Can I see some ID?” He wasn’t going to risk his bar for this woman.

  “Sure thing.” She handed over her card, which she extracted from her chest. Glancing at her age and the picture, Luke figured it wasn’t fake and poured her a vodka.

  Turning to leave, he was caught once again as she started to speak.

  “I’m new here and I’m looking for a good time. I heard this was the place to find some good action,” Peaches said.

  “There are plenty of available men for you to pick from.” Luke wondered how Darla was doing. He didn’t like leaving her by herself, but what more was he supposed to do?

  “What about you?” Peaches asked. “Are you looking for some action?”

  “No thanks. I’m taken.”

  “Yeah, he’s seriously taken,” Tate said, tapping the woman on the arm. “Get lost.”

  “Are you his woman?” Peaches asked, looking Tate up and down.

  “I’m his woman’s friend. She’s not here. Consider me a stand in. Go and flirt with a guy who is available.” Tate shooed her away and shot her glare at him.

  “What?” he asked.

  Ryan and Jon joined him at the bar as Tate kept glaring at him. “I’m on an early shift tomorrow at the diner. I was getting an early night because my life is not at all that inspiring.” She turned her attention on Tyler and Neil. Peaches had found Luke’s replacement in the two carpenters. For a split second, he saw the pain cross Tate’s face. As quickly as the pain appeared, it was hidden and she turned back to them. “Darla’s young, and she’s been through a lot. She’s just moved in with you, changing her life, and all three of you needed to be here, tonight?”

  Luke looked at both his brothers, feeling the woman’s spite directed at him.

  “Are all men morons, or just the ones who can’t see what’s right in front of them? Do you know what it took for Darla to move in with you?”

  “She’s our woman, Tate. I appreciate—”

  “Shut up, Ryan, okay? Just shut up. I get that you were friends your whole life, but guess what? This isn’t high school or the past anymore. You don’t get to sit on the bleachers and pretend everything is going to be all right. Newsflash, it’s not.”

  The whole of the bar had paused to hear them being talked down.

  “I don’t care what you do, but one of you needs to be home with Darla. It’s her first night in her new home and not one of you cared enough to sit with her.” Tate shook her head. “You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

  Luke watched her turn on her heel and head out of the door. Before she made it to the door, she stopped by Neil and Tyler’s table. “It’s so over,” she said.

  The two men looked at each other and ditched Peaches.

  Turning back to his brothers, Luke rubbed a hand down his face.

  “I’ll go home,” Jon said. “You don’t need me and I’ve not spent as much time with her as either of you. It’ll be good for us.”

  Luke wanted to say no, but he nodded, seeing his brother off.

  “Are you all right?” Ryan asked when they were alone once more. The night was wearing down with only a few customers remaining. He saw Peaches was still waiting and kept looking at him.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Why didn’t you fight Jon for a chance to be with Darla?”

  “Jon had a good argument. Out of all of us, he’s the one that’s not spent as much time with her.”

  Nodding, Luke left the bar to go and grab some cases to restock their shelves. He was bent over, reaching for more beers when a hand caressed his ass. Jerking upright, he turned in time to see Peaches standing behind him.

  “I was wonder
ing when I’d get you all alone,” she said, pressing her body against his.

  “Baby, I’m not available, so get the fuck out of my storeroom.” Luke went to sidestep as Peaches dropped her shirt to the floor.

  “What do you think?” Peaches asked, touching her nipples. “I can blow your mind and make you wish for so much more.”

  “It’s not going to happen. Stop it,” Luke said, feeling sick to his stomach. He’d never been trapped in his storeroom with a woman intent on molesting him.

  “Come on, baby.” She licked her lips. “I’ll do anything for a piece of you.”

  She stepped closer, pushing him against the shelves. Peaches put one of his hands on her fake breasts, squeezing it.

  “I can do everything and blow your world.”

  He pushed her away. “Fucking stop it. Ryan!” Luke shouted, needing for his brother to come and save his ass.

  For the split second he wasn’t looking at her, Peaches attacked him, scratching his face.

  “Whoa,” Ryan said, pulling Peaches away. “That’s enough from you. Stop it or I’ll call the Sheriff.”

  “Go ahead. I’m sure he’ll want to hear how Luke was trying to force me against my will.”

  “You can say that. We’ve got cameras in here and I’m sure they’ll say something different,” Ryan said.

  Peaches let out a frustrated sound and stormed out.

  “Thank you,” Luke said, cupping his cheek. “Great, how the hell am I going to explain this to Darla?”

  “I’ll help and talk to her about the crazy stalker.” Ryan handed him a cloth and he did the best he could, taping it up.

  “This is the last thing I need,” Luke said. “I’ve never known a woman to be like that. There was no stopping her.”

  Smiling, Ryan left him alone, chuckling.

  Luke couldn’t rid the bad feeling inside his gut. He didn’t know why he was feeling like something bad was going to happen, but it was there.

  * * * *

  Peaches slammed her hotel door closed. She couldn’t believe she’d agreed to throw herself at a man for money. Luke really was a loser, wasting all that fine ass on a woman who wasn’t even sitting at the bar waiting for him.

  Removing her shirt, she wiggled out of her skirt until she stood in the room, naked.

  “Why are you here alone?” the man asked.

  Turning, Peaches put a hand over her heart. “You scared me, baby.” She stepped toward the man she’d met on the streets. Driving downtown in the city, she’d found him looking for a ride to Stone Valley. He said his name was Derek and he didn’t give a last name. Their time together had been adventurous. She loved every second of it so far. When he asked her to get dressed up and bring Luke back to the hotel, she hadn’t questioned it. Derek loved to watch her with other men. It was one of the things she loved about him.

  Derek opened his legs. “Why are you alone?”

  She walked between his legs as he started to tease her body. “He wouldn’t come. Some bitch has her claws in him.”

  “Who?” he asked.

  “Why does it matter?” she asked, moaning.

  In one quick move, he had a hand around her neck, squeezing.

  “Listen to me you, fucking whore, I gave you an instruction and you fucking failed me.” His grip got tighter and Peaches started to panic. There was something deadly about the look in his eyes. “What was the girl’s name?”

  “A girl called Tate started shouting the name ‘Darla,’” Peaches said.

  Derek threw her to the floor and she gasped for breath. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him pulling his belt off. Bile rose in her throat.

  “I think I’m done with you now, but before I get rid of you, I’m going to have a little fun.”

  Peaches screamed as the hard metal of the buckle hit her flesh.

  Chapter Four

  Jon let himself into his home, dropping the keys into the dish on the shelf by the door. He couldn’t hear anything. Checking the kitchen, he saw the used saucepan of Darla’s hot chocolate. He didn’t find her in the kitchen, the sitting room, or the small library they’d built. Heading upstairs, he checked on Nathan before opening Darla’s door. She wasn’t there and it looked like her bed hadn’t even been slept in.

  Closing the door, he discovered his door open. Frowning, Jon entered and found Darla curled up in his bed. The light was shining on her as she was curled around a book. Without any hesitation, he moved to her side, sitting on the side of the bed. Taking the book from her grip, he set it on the bedside table and stroked her hair back off her face.

  She looked so beautiful and peaceful in sleep.

  Her eyes opened and she jerked up in bed.

  “It’s okay. It’s only me,” he said, cupping her face.


  “Yeah, baby, it’s me.” He smiled down at her, taking her hand within his.

  “Are you all back?”

  “No, only me. I volunteered to keep you company. Tate came and gave us all a firm talking-to. She’s not a good woman to piss off,” he said.

  Darla chuckled. “I spoke to her on the phone. I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s more than okay, baby. This is your home and everything we’ve got is yours.” He nudged her further on the bed and settled in beside her. Wrapping an arm around her middle, he got her to rest her head on his other arm.

  “I missed you,” she said, snuggling in close.

  “Luke and Ryan have spent a great deal of time with you. I thought it was only fair that I got my fair share.”

  “I didn’t realize it was a competition for time.”

  “It’s not.”

  He stroked her stomach, breathing in her lemony scent. Jon loved the scent and taste of lemon.

  Her breathing grew deeper and he felt her stomach flutter.

  “Do I make you nervous?” he asked.

  “Sometimes.” Jon glanced down in time to see her licking her lips. She turned her head to glance up at him. “I don’t know what to expect from you. Luke and Ryan have made their intentions known. You’ve not.”

  “What about earlier? I thought that kiss would settle things between us.” He kissed her neck, loving the way she shivered.

  “It was one kiss. I don’t want to blow everything out of proportion.”

  Jon moved his hand up to cup her breast. He rubbed his thumb against her nipple, feeling the nub pucker. “How about now?”

  She moaned in answer.

  “Ryan and Luke have been with you a long time. We’ve spent some time together, but not like them. I want to change that, Darla.”

  He loosened his hold as she rolled over. “I want to change that as well.” Jon had closed the door on the way inside. Nathan’s monitor was beside his bed.

  “What were you doing in my bed?”

  “Tate told me to explore. I hope you don’t mind.” She rested a hand on his chest with her head on top of his hand.

  “She’s a meddling woman.”

  “A good woman, though.”

  Running a hand down her back, Jon caught a firm grip of her ass. She gasped. “I wasn’t lying, Darla. I want us to get to know each other.”

  “With sex?”

  “Sex would be great, but I want more.” He stroked her cheek, looking up at her. Jon saw she licked her lips whenever she was nervous. Tucking some of her chestnut hair behind her ear, he ran a thumb over her lip. He was fascinated by her lips. They were plump and seemed to have a heart shape to them.

  For several minutes, neither of them spoke. Jon stared into her eyes, wishing there was something more between them. He’d been in love with her for a long time, but he’d stayed back, with everything that had happened to her.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “We keep asking that of each other,” he said. “I’m fine, baby. I’ve gotten everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “And what did you ever want?” Darla asked.

  “You, here, in my bed.” He tugged on h
er shirt. “And now I want you naked.”

  In quick movements, Jon had her naked and back beside him in bed.

  She chuckled. “That was fast,” she said.

  “It was, but don’t expect anything to happen tonight.” He climbed out of the bed to remove his shirt and jeans. Jon would wash in the morning.

  “Nothing’s going to happen?” she asked.

  “Soon, but not tonight.” He climbed back onto the bed, settling under the blanket.

  “What about the others?”

  “And that’s why nothing is going to happen. We’re all together. Ryan and Luke are not going to be jealous about you being in my bed. They’ll wish we were all together.” Jon held her tight in his arms, inhaling her scent once again. Her body was soft and sweet against him.

  “Do you have a big room or something that you’re expecting us to share?” Darla asked.

  “Luke’s bed is the biggest, but we’re not going to all share a room.”

  “Why not?” she asked, turning over to look at him. He couldn’t help but look down at her large breasts. Pushing the blanket out of the way, he knelt over her, gazing down.

  Her hands covered her breasts when she must have realized what he was looking at.

  “Please, don’t. Could you turn the light off?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No, I want to see you naked. I can see you.”

  “You’re worth seeing in the light.”

  Hating her words, Jon leaned down, kissing her lips. “You put yourself down again and you’re going over my knee.”

  Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would, baby. You’re perfect.” Cupping her left breast, Jon watched her arch up, meeting his touch. “You’re so responsive. To me, Darla, you’re perfect.” He kissed down her neck to her chest. Staring at her body, he felt the first stirring of arousal at looking at her. Caressing her stomach, he felt the slight marks from carrying Nathan. Kneeling down the bed, he kissed each mark on her stomach.

  “You shouldn’t have to do this,” Darla said.

  “But I’m doing it. Now, no more putting yourself down, or there will be a punishment in it for you.”


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