Evers & Afters (Dare With Me Series Book 2)

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Evers & Afters (Dare With Me Series Book 2) Page 10

by J. H. Croix

  Chapter Sixteen


  I let myself steal a glance at him and felt butterflies spiraling in my belly. I was dripping wet, the absolute opposite of sexy. But my body didn’t really think about much when it came to Elias. With the chill in the air, he exuded a cool, but easy masculinity that I wanted to wrap around myself.

  The drive was quiet, and I bit my tongue several times to keep from thanking him too much. “I don’t know what to do about my windshield,” I finally said with a frustrated sigh.

  “You’ll get it fixed. I took a look at it when I tied the tarp down. It’s just the glass. It’ll be all right. Insurance actually makes it easy to get windshields repaired. If you have a regular mechanic, call them. If you need a suggestion, I can scare up the number of the place we use at the resort.”

  “I’ll call my insurance company tomorrow and go from there. Thanks again.” I paused before blurting out. “I seem to be thanking you a lot. I promise I’m not always an accident waiting to happen.”

  “Shit happens to all of us. I’m sure you’ll get to return the favor someday,” he replied easily.

  “Do you want to get pizza?” I asked impulsively.

  He slowed to a stop at the intersection just before he would turn onto the road that led toward my place. His eyes slid to mine. “Darlin’, I’ll never say no to pizza.”

  My lips curled into a smile. “Head to Glacier Pizza then. It’s on the way.”

  Moments later, the neon sign for Glacier Pizza loomed through the rain. “My treat,” I said when he stopped in the parking lot

  He started to protest, but I shook my head firmly. “You fixed my tire for free, gave me a ride home and back the next day, and you had the foresight to put a tarp over my broken windshield. Let me get the pizza. You wait here.”

  Glacier Pizza was a local and a tourist favorite. I pushed through the door. Although the crowd was thin, there were still a few scattered customers, and it was cozy and warm in here. This was a basic, no frills restaurant with amazing pizza. A massive brick oven sat in the center of the space with an open kitchen and counter encircling it. Customers could watch the pizza process while sitting at the stools by the counter, or relax in the booths lining the walls. There were photos from locals and tourists lining the walls, along with license plates from all over the country.

  I hurried over to the counter, asking the young man, Ryan, behind the register, “What large pizzas do you have ready to go?”

  That was one of the best things about Glacier Pizza. They kept pizzas ready to sell by the slice or full size. You could order your own choices, but everything they made in their wood-fired oven was delicious.

  The guy turned to stride toward the back of the kitchen to check. I quickly texted Elias.

  Are you picky? Will pepperoni work? Or are you vegetarian or vegan? I added a wink emoticon after that. Somehow, I seriously doubted Elias was vegetarian, much less vegan.

  He replied almost instantly. I love pepperoni, but I like vegetables too. I’ll take whatever they have and whatever you prefer.

  Ryan returned to the counter and cast me a quick smile. “All we’ve got left is pepperoni and plain cheese. We’ve had a run on the ready-made stuff.”

  “I’ll take two large pepperonis if you have enough.”

  A few minutes later as Ryan was ringing me up, I asked, “How are things at the store?” I was referring to the outdoor gear store his older brother Eli owned and where he also worked. Ryan did as many Alaskans did and worked multiple jobs. He picked up hours here, worked for his brother, and was also training to be a hotshot firefighter.

  “Not so busy yet, but give it a few weeks and things will start picking up. Winters are our quiet time, which is why I work more here,” he replied with a quick smile.

  “I’m sure Eli would keep you busy if you wanted more hours,” I returned as I put the change in the tip jar by the register.

  Ryan gave an easy shrug. “He gives me plenty of hours, but I like money. I work forty hours there and then do three nights here. I’m saving up for a truck.”

  “You’re a good kid.”

  Ryan cast me a faux glare. “I’m not a kid anymore, Cammi. I’m twenty-one. I can legally drink.”

  I flashed him a smile. “Okay, okay. You’re not a kid, but don’t be stupid about alcohol.”

  He rolled his eyes and waved me off. In the time I’d gotten to know Ryan, mostly through knowing Eli and his wife Jessa, I’d learned he was old for his years. He was reliable and responsible, and I kind of wished maybe he could just be irresponsible for a little bit.

  “Stay dry,” I called as I left and dashed under the awning into Elias’s truck.

  He looked at my hands as I set the two boxes of pizza on my lap. “Two boxes?”

  “You can never have too much pizza. Plus, leftover pizza for breakfast is the bomb.”

  Instantly, I realized I wanted to offer leftover breakfast pizza at Misty Mountain Café. It wouldn’t be true leftovers, but I could advertise the concept. I reached for my phone and quickly typed the idea into my notes.

  I felt Elias’s gaze on me and glanced over. “What?”

  “I’m not going anywhere until you buckle up. What’s so important you need to jot a note down right now? Color me curious.”

  I suddenly felt a little shy. Only Susie and Tess knew I was actually taking the steps to seriously consider buying the café. But Susie said my numbers looked good, so maybe I had a real shot.

  “I had an idea for breakfast. I’m looking into buying Misty Mountain Café because the owners are selling. I’ll be able to make a lot more stuff there, and I thought it would be fun to have fake leftover pizza for breakfast. What do you think?”

  It was quiet for so long that I started to feel foolish, but then a smile slowly unfurled from one corner of his mouth to the other. “That’s fucking genius. Now, buckle up and let’s get you home so we can enjoy that pizza.”

  It felt as if my heart was actually smiling. Elias wasn’t the kind of guy to hand out compliments easily. If at all.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Cammi sat on a stool in her kitchen. She had a cute, maybe even charming, place. It was small, but felt spacious. The space was open with a view of what I presumed was the bay, although we couldn’t see a damned thing right now. Nothing but driving rain was visible outside the windows. There was an oval-shaped island separating the living room and kitchen. The living room had a couch and a loveseat that were facing each other with a pair of matching chairs, and a fireplace with the television mounted above it.

  She’d insisted on starting a fire when we got here. I dried off as best I could, but my clothes were damp. She returned from what I presumed was her bedroom. She’d changed into a long sleeve T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Her hair was drying in messy waves around her shoulders, and her cheeks were still flushed from our dash through the rain into the house. She eyed me, tapping her fingers on the counter.

  “Hang on a sec. Susie left a fishing bag here from last summer. It’s in the coat closet. I bet there’s a clean change of clothes that might fit you.”

  “Uh, I appreciate it, but I seriously doubt Susie’s clothes would fit me,” I called over.

  She hurried to a closet by the door, coming out beaming. “Here it is. You know Jared, right? I went fishing with him and Susie. I know her clothes won’t fit, but I bet his will.”

  “Of course, I know Jared. We refer clients to them all the time. And, you’re right, we are probably close to the same size.” I took the bag she handed me and went into the bathroom, relieved to change out of my damp clothes into the borrowed T-shirt and jeans.

  Not much later, I took a swallow of beer, Diamond Creek Brewery, of course, before lifting another slice of pizza. “They do make good pizza,” I commented after I finished chewing.

  Cammi was not one to hold back when it came to eating. She was working on her third slice of pizza. She smiled over at me. “I know
. They’ve been around forever, and they don’t need to change a thing. It’s just perfect.”

  She finished her slice with relish before leaning back. “I need to take a food break.”

  The wind was blowing the rain against the windows, creating a cacophony that sounded like tiny pebbles striking again and again. She pushed her plate away and lifted her wine glass to take a swallow. My eyes snagged on her bottom lip when her tongue darted out to catch a drop of wine at the corner.

  Nothing about what was happening with Cammi felt within my control. It was a cascade of events, each one increasing the momentum and shredding my discipline.

  The wind came in rolling gusts off the bay, buffeting her small house as the land and the ocean pushed the wind back and forth in the dance of the storm. The lights flickered after a sustained rush of wind. Cammi unhooked her toes from the rungs on her stool and stood, hurrying around the island to open a cabinet above the stove. She pulled out several candles, the thick, chunky kind. She placed two on the counter and then circled the house, distributing a few more.

  I went to check on the fire and add a little more wood. If we lost power, we would be toasty as long as we stayed in the living room. When I straightened, she had a lighter in her hand and lit the two candles in the kitchen. She glanced up at me as I approached.

  “This way, if the power goes out, there’ll be a little light.” She paused, her eyes searching mine. “If you’re going to go home, you might want to go soon. I know your drive is at least twenty minutes.”

  If I had any sense, I would’ve opened my mouth and told her that, yes, I was going home. But I didn’t want to leave. Every cell in my body was tuned to the frequency of Cammi, and I needed her. My need for her was unlike any I’d ever experienced. I’d had my share of desire and casual encounters, many hot, quick, and fun.

  Yet, with Cammi, there was a sense of burgeoning, my draw to her running deep and anything but casual.

  I closed the distance between us, stopping in front of her where she stood with her hips resting against the edge of the counter. She still held the lighter in her hand, and I reached for it, the burn of electricity sizzling up my arm from where my fingers brushed against hers. I set it on the counter before resting my hands on either side of her hips. Her eyes blinked up at me. The subtle hitch of her breath in her throat was like the lash of a whip against my already galloping need.

  I closed my eyes for a moment, taking in a swift inhalation of air. Opening my eyes, I finally did what I’d been wanting to do, well, since the last time I kissed her.

  Dipping my head, I pressed a kiss on the side of her neck. I already knew she was sensitive there. Another hitch of her breath, and I pressed open kisses along her jawline as I found my way to her mouth.

  With licks of heat racing through me, our kiss got hot and heavy. Her sassy tongue twined with mine as I dove into the sweet taste of her mouth. Too soon, I needed air, which was in short supply whenever I was too close to her.

  Breaking free, I took in a gulping breath. Her eyes were hazy and dark, and her cheeks flushed. I could feel the press of the zipper teeth against my swollen and aching cock. My thin cotton briefs weren’t much help when I needed her this much.

  “What are we doing, Elias?”

  Her voice was raspy and breathy. I just wanted to kiss her all over again. I simultaneously wanted all of her right now, and yet I didn’t want to rush it because then I’d miss all the details.

  “Kissing.” I paused and took another breath. “And then, whatever comes after that,” I added.

  She was quiet for a few beats, while the air around us felt loaded, quickening with the energy and spark of our desire. “Okay,” she whispered, just before leaning forward and stringing kisses along my collarbone.

  Fierce wind lashed the house. The lights flickered, going out and coming back on before going out again.

  “Smart move,” I murmured.

  I gave in to the urge to trail my hand down and cup her breast. Her nipple pebbled under my touch. I was gratified to discover she was not wearing a bra under her T-shirt.

  “What do you mean?” she gasped when I lightly squeezed her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

  “You lit the candles before the power went out.” Reality intruded when another punishing gust of wind blasted the house, rattling the windows. “Is there anything you need to check on?”

  “Let me just light the other candles.” She shimmied out from between my body and the counter, grabbing the lighter and dashing around. As she lit the candles, light glimmered in the space.

  She pushed her bedroom door open, glancing over to me. “This way the heat from the woodstove will carry in there, so I won’t freeze tonight.”

  Crossing over to meet her halfway, I stopped at the end of the couch. “I don’t think you’ll be cold tonight.”


  I shook my head and waited, giving her a chance to step away and slow down this insanity. She didn’t. Instead, she lifted a hand, trailing her fingertips along with my stubbled jawline before she leaned up for another mind-melding kiss.

  This time, I pulled her into a full body clench as I took deep sips of her, feeding off the fire that burned so hot between us. Her curves were soft against me, and my cock nestled right in the cradle of her hips. I savored the feel of it when she rocked against me.

  Needing air, again, I lifted my head and turned, catching her hand. She tumbled into my lap when I sat down on the couch and gave her a light tug. Fucking perfect. Her knees fell to the sides of my thighs. Without missing a beat, she threaded a hand in my hair and caught my mouth in another breath-stealing kiss.

  My hands got busy, shoving up her T-shirt. Her skin was silky soft, and the fabric of her shirt bunched on my wrists. She reached down, catching the hem and lifting it up and over her head. The sound of it rumpling as it fell to the floor mingled with the other sensations racing through me.

  Cammi half-naked in my lap with flickering shadows on her skin was a sight to behold.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” I murmured as I pressed open kisses in the valley between her breasts.

  I cupped one in my palm, savoring the lush weight as I leaned forward, circling my tongue around her nipple, giving it a suck and lightly grazing my teeth as I drew away. She let out a breathy whimper and shifted restlessly on my lap.

  When I lifted my head, she protested, “You have too many clothes on.”

  I chuckled. “Should we see who can strip the fastest?”

  Her hair swung around her shoulders when she shook her head. “We should just get naked.”

  With that bold comment, she shimmied off my lap and pushed her sweatpants down over her hips. I threw my T-shirt aside, only to open my eyes and discover she was wearing a pair of hot pink silk panties. I wasn’t ready for those to go yet.

  She had just curled her fingers over the elastic when I caught her hand. “Not yet, sweetheart.”

  Her dark eyes held mine and she bit the corner of her lip, which sent a hot surge of blood to my groin. She arched a brow, giving me a pointed look. “You lost the race.”

  “There was a race?” I murmured as I stood and quickly tugged off my clothes. As I stood there, in nothing more than my thin cotton briefs, I realized that if I had a condom it was in my glove compartment.

  As if she read my mind, Cammi dashed away, giving me an absolutely delicious view of her bottom in those pink panties. A moment later, she came out of the bathroom with an entire box of condoms, still sealed.

  “That’s ambitious,” I teased when she set them on the coffee table.

  She rolled her eyes. “This place used to be a rental. Those were here when I bought it and since the box wasn’t even open…” Her words faded as she pressed her palm on my chest, pushing me back. In another moment, we were right back where we’d been, tumbling into the hazy, lightning-hot need.

  Our kisses blurred from one to the next. We took turns gulping in air, while her hands were busy eve
rywhere. She mapped my chest and arms, as I savored her silky skin and the sweet give of her curves.

  All the while, need built in me, the pressure spinning tightly. I trailed my fingers on the sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs, pushing that pink silk out of the way and delving into her slick, hot core. She cried out, rocking into my touch. We spun into kiss after kiss, a slow, teasing exploration of touch, all the while she rippled around my fingers.

  Within minutes, Cammi was stretched out on the couch. Somewhere along the way she’d ditched her panties, which was now exactly what I wanted. Sliding my palms up her calves, I pushed her thighs apart and licked into her folds, just as I sank two fingers inside.

  Her body arched as tremors rippled through her as she let out a sharp cry. She was already at the edge. Her scent and musky flavor surrounded me as I teased her higher and higher until her channel clamped down on my fingers.

  She was still trembling when I finally kicked off my briefs. When I reached for that box of condoms, I had to fumble to tear off the plastic and open it. I made quick work of that and smoothed on a condom in a matter of seconds. By that point, I was near desperation.

  I absolutely had to bury myself inside of her. I eased my weight over her, but she was impatient, curling her legs around my hips and pulling me to her. I stole another kiss before I drew back and notched my cockhead into her entrance.

  Chapter Eighteen


  There was a sheen of sweat on my skin. The firelight flickering on Elias illuminated his muscled form. The man was in such good shape, he was sculpture worthy.

  My heartbeat was thundering, echoing through my body. I felt the thick crown of his cock at my entrance and craved the fullness. We breathed together. On an exhalation, he filled me in a swift surge. The pleasure was intense, almost intoxicating, as I closed my eyes.

  I took a ragged breath, opening my eyes just as Elias said my name. Staring into his piercing gaze, I felt stripped bare, inside and out.


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