The Body

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The Body Page 5

by Arabella Abbing

  She moaned against my mouth when I sensually ground my hard cock against her pelvis and the sound sent a small shudder up my spine. I pulled away and swallowed hard, grinning when she finally opened her eyes and I saw how dilated her pupils had become. I imagined mine must have looked identical.

  I cupped her cheek with my hand, my cock still pressed firmly against her as I whispered, “You want this?”

  She nodded without hesitation.

  “Say it.”

  “I want you,” she breathed out. “Do you—”

  I silenced her by pressing a finger to her lips.

  “Don’t finish that question. I know you can feel just how much I want you.”

  Brianna smiled under my finger and I arched a brow, pulling the digit away to let her speak.

  “I was going to ask if you have condoms.”

  I blinked a few times in surprise before I started laughing like hell. I thought she wanted to reaffirm any lingering insecurities by asking if I wanted her in return, even though the evidence of my arousal was still between us. But she shocked the hell out of me by skipping the insecure part entirely.

  I did indeed have a box of condoms in the car, but in saying that to a girl like her, I felt like there was a strong possibility that it’d be taken the wrong way. Like I had planned to get laid tonight from the start.

  Which—yes, I had.

  But Brianna didn’t need to know that.

  So I gently kissed her cheek and chuckled as I said, “I’ll stop on the way.”

  In yet another surprising move, she beamed up at me while her hand blindly searched for mine and interlocked our fingers together. I was staring at the spot where we were holding hands as she began to drag me into the building with a beautiful, playful smile curling up the corners of her lips.

  Finally—after eight years of pent-up desire from wanting Brianna but staying away for both her benefit and mine…

  Tonight was going to be one hell of a night.

  Chapter Eight


  “What are you doing?” Adam asked as he turned over the engine and glanced over to find me pulling my cell phone out of my clutch. “You’re not making a safety call, are you? I’m hurt.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No, I’m texting my roommate to tell her not to come home. We have a system.”

  One I had never taken advantage of before but was now incredibly grateful to have in place. He nodded in understanding and a few seconds after I hastily sent out the message, my phone chimed with a response.

  “Perfect. She met someone at the reunion and wasn’t coming home tonight anyways.”

  “Is your roommate the girl I saw you talking to earlier?” Adam asked without taking his eyes off the road. “Short blonde hair, little black dress?”

  “That’s Stacy,” I confirmed, giving him a sly smile. “You saw me talking to her?”

  “Yes. I was watching to make sure you didn’t leave before we could talk again.”

  “That explains why you chased me out.”

  Adam shrugged as he pulled into the parking lot of a convenience store. “I didn’t want to miss my shot. You want to stay here?”

  I nodded. “I’ll watch the car.”

  Adam turned, flashing me a charming smile as he said, “Just don’t leave me stranded. I’ll be right back.”

  I gave him a tight smile before he hopped out of the car and jogged into the store, letting it fall off my lips as I quickly dialed Stacy’s number.

  “Are you seriously taking someone home? You go girl!” she exclaimed, totally skipping the greeting.

  “It’s Adam. Stace—it’s fucking Adam.”

  “WHAT?” she yelled. “Where is he now?”

  “In the gas station getting condoms. I’m panicking.”

  “Oh my—What the fuck? This is awesome! What are you panicking about?”

  “What if—What if I’m bad? It’s not like I have a ton of experience with this!”

  “Girl, you just need to relax. I’m sure Adam has enough experience for the both of you,” she reminded me with a chuckle. “Just follow his lead.”

  “Okay, I can do that,” I muttered, trying to convince both her and myself at the same time. “Should I—I don’t know... Is there anything I shouldn’t do?”

  “Yes. Don’t show him this bit. Just get it out of your system right the fuck now and slap on your confident face.”

  “I don’t have a confident face.”

  “Yes, you do. It’s the face you have all the fucking time, right up until Adam is mentioned. Stop letting him get to you like that. He’s just a guy.”

  I watched him through the glass windows of the store as he handed the clerk a bill and took the bag, waiting for his change.

  “I’ll do my best. I gotta go, Stace. And thank you.”

  “Anytime. Go and give that fucker the ride of his life. It’s certainly long overdue.”

  I chuckled and told her to be safe, ending the call just as Adam pushed opened the doors and quickly strolled back to the car. He tossed the bag in the backseat where his suit jacket was and buckled his seatbelt before putting the car in reverse.

  “You’re going to have to give me directions here. I have no idea where I’m going.”

  “Take a right out of the lot like you were heading for the college.”

  The ride itself was pretty silent save for when I told him when to turn, but the tension seemed to ramp up with every mile that passed. I tried to keep my eyes on the road to give him directions, but I was having an incredibly difficult time focusing on anything other than his body.

  He was casually leaned back in the seat, one arm outstretched and the sleeve still rolled up to show off his toned forearm. His fingers were tightly gripping the wheel and I wanted to believe that it was so he wouldn’t give in to the urge to touch me.

  It might have been bullshit, but it was a nice fantasy to think that if he had already known where I lived, he might have used that hand to tease me during the drive home.

  Stacy’s words about my confident face echoed in my head and I forced myself to swallow down my embarrassment. I checked the road, noting that we still had a few miles before the next turn, then I subtly shifted closer towards the center console.

  In my peripheral vision, I could see him glance over at me with a small, questioning smile. I waited until I saw his gaze return to the road before I turned my head just enough to spot the slight bulge in his slacks.

  After a harsh swallow, I held my breath and let my hand drift over to his thigh. I felt his muscles tighten immediately and when I trailed my fingers up to where his cock rested, he let out a shaky exhale as he instantly hardened.

  I stilled for a moment to see if he would tell me to stop or give me any other instruction. When he didn’t say a word, I let my hand travel back down and rub his leg more firmly, smiling as I felt the hard cords of muscle clenching and unclenching. I dared to take a direct look at his face just in time to see his jaw doing the same.

  Pleased by his reaction, I slowly continued to tease him. I’d run my fingers up his thigh until I could feel his hard length hit the side of my hand, then I’d quickly move away.

  I repeated the move a number of times until Adam let out a frustrated groan and tightly grasped my hand with his and brought it directly over his cock. He forcefully curled my fingers around it, shuddering hard when I squeezed his length through the slacks.

  “Fuck. Please tell me we’re almost there,” he growled.

  I glanced back at the road and frowned. I’d been so focused on teasing him that I completely missed the last turn.

  “Damn it. Turn around.”

  I moved to pull my hand away, but Adam snatched it back and held it firmly over his cock.

  “Don’t stop now,” he commanded as he eased the car into an empty lot and turned around. “Where to?”

  “Heathridge Road. About two miles back.”

  He gave me a jerky nod, waiting for traffic to pass before p
ulling the car back onto the road and gunning it.

  I silently thanked Stacy for not only answering her phone, but also for giving me sound words of advice. Because Adam’s reaction to my forwardness was turning me on just as much as his heated kiss in the quad had.

  He spotted the road as I continued to rub my palm up and down his length. I distractedly told him the name of my apartment complex, unable to hide my smile when groaned at the news that we were still five minutes away.

  His reaction made me bold and I raised my finger to the waistband of his slacks and gently eased them inside. Adam pushed my hand away for a moment to swiftly undo the button and tug down the zipper a few inches, giving me better access.

  I nearly moaned out loud when I realized he had gone commando. I ran my fingers over his pubic hair and finally down to his bare cock.

  The rumors were true. Even though I couldn’t see it yet—this part of his body was definitely just as magnificent as the rest. I clenched my thighs together after I attempted to wrap my hand around the girth and realized that my fingertips didn’t touch.

  Jesus Christ.

  The car slowed and I looked up to see his jaw was clenched tight and his eyes were beginning to droop. When my hand stopped moving, he thrust upwards—glancing over at me and giving me a pointed look.

  I continued to explore, ghosting my fingers down the length until I reached the head and smoothing the precum I found there all around. The positioning was awkward as hell, but I thought I was doing a pretty damn good job. Adam did as well if the choked-off moan that slipped past his lips was any indication.

  The clicking of the turn signal pulled my attention to the road and I saw the sign of my apartment complex just ahead.

  I tried to pull away again, but he placed his free hand on top of the slacks and held me there. So I croaked out the directions to my side of the building and told him which numbered spot he could park in while trying not to moan aloud as he continued to use my hand to massage his cock.

  When the car was finally parked and he turned off the engine, he took a moment to relax back against the seat and thrust his hips hard against my hand, licking his lips and growling low in his throat before his eyes opened and he turned to me.

  “Did you enjoy the ride?” he asked, his voice low and slightly hoarse with arousal.

  “Yes,” I whispered as he started to gyrate himself against my hand. I watched his throat bob as he roughly swallowed.

  “Then you’re really going to enjoy what happens next.”

  Chapter Nine


  Adam refastened his slacks and reached for the condom bag before I could even get my body to move. My legs were shaky when I stepped out of the car and I was thankful to find that Adam had jogged around to my side and allowed me to put my hands on his chest for balance.

  “You all right?” he asked, a knowing smile tugging at his lips.

  “Never better.”

  “You will be soon,” he promised before pressing me against the car. “Did you have fun teasing me?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I murmured, trailing off in a low moan as he dipped his head down to trail his lips across my neck.

  “You realize I’m going to have to return the favor.”

  “Nooo,” I whined as he pulled away and offered me his hand. “Please don’t.”

  “You started it.”

  “But we were in the car! It’s not like we could’ve actually done anything.”

  “You could have leaned over and wrapped those pretty lips around my cock. I would have loved to see that.”

  Something told me he was baiting me—inviting me to play with him and keep the mood light. It wasn’t an invitation I was planning to turn down.

  “Get back in the car and I’ll do it.”

  He sucked his lower lip between his teeth and slightly narrowed his eyes, toying with the idea of calling my bluff. The funny thing was—I wasn’t bluffing. If he asked me to get back into the passenger seat and suck him off—I gladly would have done it.

  Hell, if he asked me to take off my panties right here in the parking lot so he could bend me over the hood of this car and fuck me—I probably would have done that, too.

  But I didn’t get the chance to find out. He shook his head a lowly rumbled, “I’d rather you take me to your bedroom this time.”

  I guess he didn’t like the way he phrased it because he froze in the spot and frowned at me.

  “Actually—before we go up—I want to make sure that we’re on the same page here.”

  I waved him off with a nonchalant eye roll, even though the implication did sting a little more than I would have liked. But I wasn’t naive enough to think I was any different than any of the other girls he had ever shared a bed with. “I assumed this was a one-night offer.”

  He gave me a small smile. “It is. Is that... okay?”

  I almost laughed. “Do you ask all the girls you sleep with if they’re okay with that? I can’t imagine that going over well every time.”

  “I usually don’t ask. It’s just… heavily implied beforehand.”

  “Then why are you asking me?”

  “Because you’re not like other girls.”

  The way my heart fluttered just from those simple words should have been ample warning to tuck my tail between my legs and run—but I was determined to see this through to its conclusion.

  “Is that why you never made a move on me?” I asked, searching his gaze for answers. “Because I’m somehow different?”

  The smile turned wry. “Essentially. I figured you were way too smart to get involved with a guy like me.”

  “A guy like you? You mean a player?” I asked dryly.

  “That’s not what I meant,” he denied, though he didn’t bother to elaborate.

  Before I could ask for clarification, he leaned down and gave me a kiss filled with desire—something I was helpless to fight against. I threaded my fingers into his dark hair and kissed him back passionately, smiling a little when I heard him softly groan.

  Adam pulled away and panted, “Bed?”

  I nodded and started the trek up to the apartment I shared with Stacy with Adam hot on my heels. When we finally got to my door and I was digging the key out of my clutch, Adam put his hands on my hips from behind and ground his cock into my ass. I threw my head back and groaned up at the ceiling, whimpering when I felt his teeth tugging at my earlobe.

  “If you don’t hurry up, we aren’t going to make it to your bed.”

  He pulled away and gave me a gentle pat on the ass, spurring me into quickly finding my key and unlocking the door. As soon as it was open, I spun around to grip his shoulders and drag him inside, but Adam had other ideas.

  My clutch was ripped from my hands and he lifted me up with ease. My legs wrapped around his torso instinctively and he started walking forwards, only pausing to kick the door closed behind him and step back far enough for me to reach around him and twist the lock back into position. He looked around for a brief moment and dropped my clutch on the table beside the door before directing his gaze back on my face.

  “Which way?”

  “Hallway. The door on the right.”

  He found my room easily enough—there really were only so many doors in this apartment—and he dropped me on the bed before standing up and looking down at me with a sexy grin. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch as he rolled his sleeves down and started working at the front buttons on his white dress shirt.

  “Take off your panties,” he demanded, jerking his chin towards when the hem of my dress had ridden up high enough to show a hint of the black lace hidden underneath.

  I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it with him standing between my spread legs, but as soon as I wiggled them down my hips, he took a step back and lifted my bottom half up by my ankles with one hand while the other dragged the underwear up and off my legs.

  I had never felt so thoroughly exposed, but damn if the look in his eyes didn’t make me feel lik
e some sort of goddess.

  He lowered me back down to the bed and ran his huge palm slowly up my thigh, breathing hard as he tried to subtly shove my underwear in his pocket. I noticed but opted not to say anything. For whatever reason, I found it strangely erotic.

  “I love your legs,” he said as he massaged my thigh for a moment before gently pulling it to the side. Once I was spread open for him, he looked down and grinned. “And I love what’s between them as well.”

  He finally freed the last button on his shirt, but I didn’t get a chance to bask in the glory of The Body because he abruptly pulled my ass to the edge of the bed and dropped to his knees.

  When he spread open my sex and licked my slit, I moaned. His earlier threat to return the teasing was rolling around in my head and I prayed that he didn’t stop what he was doing.

  Because while I’d had sex before and given plenty of blowjobs, being on the receiving end of oral was a first for me.

  And fuck me—it was amazing.

  Adam groaned against my core when my hips wantonly bucked against him—desperately seeking more friction. He rubbed the tip of his nose against my clitoris for a moment before replacing it with his tongue, swirling the pointed tip around and around until I was nearly seeing stars.

  “Oh-my-god-please-don’t-stop!” I gasped on an exhale when I felt a thick finger slide into my pussy and begin to pump in and out in time with his talented tongue.

  When his lips puckered around my clit and he alternated between hard suction and swipes of the flat of his tongue—I was done for. A second finger joined the first and I twisted the bed sheet between my fingers as my hips rose on their own accord.

  He didn’t let up on the pressure and—true to his word—I screamed his name as my toes curled from the ecstasy. I moaned and whimpered and thrashed around but he didn’t stop, he only pulled me further off the bed and slung a strong arm over my hips to hold me still.


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