The Body

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The Body Page 6

by Arabella Abbing

  It was no wonder he was so fucking popular with women. He knew exactly what he was doing and as my second orgasm rode in right on the back of the first—I wondered how many other girls had gotten this very same treatment.

  The unpleasant thought wasn’t enough to put even the slightest damper on the pleasure he brought me, but it did make something clench inside me. Was I really different than the other girls Adam went after just because I was smart?

  After he finally released me and sat back on his heels with a cocky grin, I remembered Stacy’s words about not showing my insecurities. I’d have plenty of time to go over those later—after he inevitably left.

  His hands ghosted up my thighs as he stood and leaned over me, smiling as he said, “You taste like honey.”

  “No, I don’t,” I shyly denied, unable to fight off a smile.

  “Yeah, you do. Taste,” he softly commanded, bringing the two fingers that had been inside me up to my lips and gently pushing against them.

  It wasn’t something I had ever done before, but I was hardly in the state-of-mind to deny him. Not when he was hovering over me with his shirt hanging open and tenderly gazing down at me.

  I opened my lips to accept his fingers and his smile fell away. His eyes drifted shut as I sucked my own juices off his fingers and I wondered if he would let me suck something else of his before we got to the grand finale.

  His fingers were pulled from my mouth and replaced by his lips and tongue. I kissed him back and used the opportunity to push the shirt off his shoulders one at a time, then ran my fingernails down the warm skin of his back. Adam shivered and pulled away to look down at me.

  “I think you’re ready for it,” he said with a crooked grin, rocking forward to press himself against my thigh and let me feel how hard he was. “How about you?”


  He chuckled and pushed himself up and off the bed. I sat up to watch as he unfastened his slacks and let them fall to the floor, taking a moment to take off his shoes and socks before he slowly slid off my heels.

  “Love those shoes,” he mumbled as he dug his thumbs into the arches of my feet and began to massage them.

  “They’re Stacy’s,” I breathed out, letting my head fall back as I enjoyed the feeling of having the tension worked out of my feet. “But thanks.”

  “This feel good?”


  “You mind if I continue this afterwards?”

  “Not at all,” I readily agreed, pulling my head back up to watch as he stood up. “I want to see you.”

  Adam chuckled and rose to his feet, reaching to pull me into a standing position as he whispered, “I want to see you, too.”

  He unzipped the dress with ease and let it fall to the floor. Since it wasn’t the kind of dress I could wear a bra with, I was left totally bare.

  Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one.

  Holy hell.

  Adam went above and beyond my expectations. I mean, yeah—he was The Body. Sure, I’d seen him shirtless from a distance in gym class. But being up close and personal? I finally got it. I finally understood the girls who made the Adonis comparison.

  “You’re... beautiful,” I dumbly stated, unable to keep the words from leaving my mouth.

  Adam’s head cocked to the side, the surprise at my words evident on his face. “That’s not a compliment I get very often. Or ever,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered, blushing under the weight of his stare. “I mean—you’re sexy, too. I just think—”

  “Hey, hey,” he cut me off, hooking a finger under my chin and tipping my head up to look into his eyes. “It wasn’t a complaint. Just not used to it.”

  “Women don’t tell you?”

  He shrugged. “They do call me The Body, you know. I’m used to that and words like ‘sexy.’ Beautiful is usually reserved for people like you.”

  He cupped my cheek and bent for another kiss, but I managed to dodge it. I shook my head when he frowned at me and tried to explain myself.

  “I disagree. Beautiful can be applied to a lot of things—not just women. And I mean... I do think you’re sexy—obviously—but...” I trailed off as I looked down at him, my breath catching in my throat and proving my point. “You really are beautiful. Sorry if that’s not manly enough for your liking, but you are.”

  Adam curiously stared at me for a long moment and I tore my eyes away to look back down at his body. I ran a hand up his flawlessly sculpted abdomen until I reached his chest, where I could feel his heart thudding beneath my palm.

  God, no wonder he could pick me up like a doll and carry me through the apartment like I weighed nothing. He was solid muscle everywhere.

  Speaking of solid, I let my other hand reach for what I had been so happily groping in the car, reveling at his sharp intake of breath when I curled my fingers around it. I looked down and my eyes widened when I finally saw his cock for the first time.

  I think I gulped at the sight. It looked a hell of a lot bigger in my hand than it felt in the car. And that was seriously saying something.

  Adam suddenly growled and gripped my wrist, pulling my hand off his as he darkly murmured, “My turn to look at you.”

  I pouted a little, laughing when he lifted me up and laid me back on the bed.

  “But I was going to suck it like you wanted me to do in the car.”

  “Are you trying to make me lose my shit? Because if I do—I’m going to fuck you harder than you can even imagine”

  “That sounds promising,” I cheekily replied. “I’ll take one of those, please.”

  Adam laughed. “Real cute, gorgeous. You’d regret asking for that when you can’t walk right tomorrow.”

  He wasn’t the first guy to say something to that effect to me—but I had a feeling that he’d be the first one who could actually deliver on it. Thrilled by the prospect—and knowing that I had nothing else to do the next day—I began to nod even as his hands started to gently explore my body.

  When he noticed me nodding, his paused and asked, “What?”

  “Do it,” I urged, shoving away the embarrassment I always felt when I attempted dirty talk because I had the sneaking suspicion that he was going to like it. “Fuck me so hard that I’ll be feeling you in me for days.”

  Okay, so I might have ripped that line off from the last guy I had sex with, but it’s not like anyone was going to call me out on it.

  But even if Mikey himself jumped out of my closet and gave me shit for using one of his lines—it would have been totally worth it for the low growl that tore out of Adam’s throat as he crawled up the bed and crouched between my knees.

  “You know, I always thought that you’d be shy in bed since you’re a bookworm,” he rumbled as he reached for the bag at the foot of the bed and ripped open the box of condoms. After he was sheathed, he gripped my hips and flipped me over, tugging me back by the hair until I was on my knees with my back against his chest. Against my ear, he growled, “I’m so fucking glad that I was wrong.”

  “Oh yeah? Prove it,” I choked out, arching my back to rub my ass tantalizingly against his hard-on. “Fuck me.”

  “Anyone ever tell you that you have a dirty fucking mouth?” he asked as he bent us just far enough forward to line himself up with my entrance. Once he was in position, he guided one of my arms to sling back around his neck.

  “You might want to hang on, baby. You’re in for a hell of a ride.”

  Before I could think of a witty retort—he slammed his huge length into me with a hard thrust. Without missing a beat, he pulled out and pushed forward again, the remaining few inches sliding in thanks to the slickness from my earlier orgasms.

  “Ohhh my god,” I choked out when he stilled with his cock buried to the hilt. “You—Jesus, Adam. You’re—”

  “Big? I know,” he grunted, the arm that was wrapped around my waist flexing as he held onto his limited restraint. “Tell me when.”

  I wriggled around a l
ittle, gasping at how snug the fit was around his cock. I wouldn’t lie—it was a tad bit painful at first—but he thankfully gave me time to adjust to his size. When the sharp pain eventually melted to a pleasurable ache, I craned my neck back and whispered, “Now.”

  The change in him was instantaneous. The arm gripped me tightly as he began to wildly pump his hips and I took his advice and held onto his neck for as long as I could. Once my grip started to slip, he guided my arm away without even pausing in his thrusts and let go of his hold on me.

  I pressed my palms flat on the mattress and gripped the sheets tightly as his hard pounding drew out screams of ecstasy that I couldn’t even think about stifling. My pillow was a little too far out of reach to use to smother my sounds, but I honestly didn’t even care about how loud I was being because Adam was grunting and groaning behind me just as loudly. Every now and then, he’d let out a snarl like he couldn’t control himself and the sound sent jolts of pleasure up and down my spine.

  It was only a matter of minutes before I was burying my face against the mattress as my third orgasm of the night crashed into me. Adam slowed his strokes when he felt me clenching down, reaching beneath me to work my clit to draw it out for as long as possible.

  When my body stopped shaking beneath him, he withdrew completely and turned me over until I was lying flat on my back. He stayed up on his knees and drew my legs onto his shoulders before he realigned himself and pushed back inside.

  “Holy fuck,” I moaned the moment I felt him penetrate me from the new angle. “Please don’t stop!”

  “Not gonna,” he promised as he picked right back up at the rhythm he left off at. “Not until I’m sure you’re gonna be feeling this for days. Not until I’ve ruined you for other men.”

  “Fuck, Adam!” I shouted before I breathlessly admitted, “You already have.”

  If I was really being honest—which I wasn’t planning to be—he had ruined me for other men long before tonight. Only in the sense that, like Stacy had so wisely pointed out, I had been completely obsessed with him for reasons I couldn’t even begin to explain. I was doomed to obsess and think about him even while I was with other men.

  Being with him like this? Yeah, this just solidified it. I was ruined. Completely and utterly decimated.

  Totally fucked.

  Adam lifted my hips off the bed to get a better angle, groaning as he pumped into me over and over again.

  “You’ve got such a tight pussy, baby. Fits me perfectly.”

  I opened my eyes in time to see him close his, his jaw going slack as his pace started to become more erratic.

  “Don’t know if one time will be enough,” he panted, the words making my heart pound against my chest even harder and little shocks of pleasure spiraling through my body. “Don’t know if it’ll ever be enough.”

  Those words and his tone as he said them sent me soaring again. Or maybe it was the direct stimulation of my g-spot combined with the way he purposely ground his pelvis against my clit every other thrust.

  It was probably all of the above.

  It wasn’t quite as strong as the last one and my voice was so hoarse that my cry of pleasure was weak—but he felt it all the same. Adam let out a surprised grunt before drilling down hard—slamming in and out of me ridiculously fast before he abruptly pulled out.

  I managed to get enough control of my upper body in time to push myself up and watch as he ripped the condom off and worked his palm over his shaft. It only took four rapid strokes before he let out a guttural groan and spilled all over my stomach and tits.

  Spurt after spurt landed on my skin and I curiously dragged a finger through the sticky substance and brought it to my lips to see what he tasted like.

  Adam’s groan turned into a breathless moan at the sight and I felt one last round of droplets land on my hip before his orgasm finally ended and he tossed his head back to stare up at the ceiling.

  “Christ,” he gasped, his throat bobbing as he roughly swallowed. “There really are no words.”

  Considering my legs felt like wet noodles and my entire body was still tingling, I was inclined to agree.

  “You definitely kept your promise.”

  He tipped his head back down and gave me a slow, lazy smile. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think I could move even if I tried. Which—not gonna.”

  He frowned for a second and glanced around my bedroom, crawling to the other side of the bed to grab a few tissues and cleaning up the mess on my stomach.

  He hesitated over my breasts and sadly murmured, “I didn’t give these enough attention.”

  “What’s the matter? Not up for another round?” I teased, torn between hoping that he was and hoping that he wasn’t.

  I honestly wasn’t sure if I could take it if he was.

  Adam chuckled as he moved on to cleaning himself up. “I usually am, but you took a lot out of me, gorgeous. Give me twenty minutes to nap and I’ll be good to go again.”

  I stretched like a cat, pleasantly sore in all the right spots. “A nap sounds good,” I agreed with a yawn. “But you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. I understand if you want to go.”

  Adam slid the blanket out from under me and covered us both before he moved to pull me into his arms.

  “Believe me, Brianna. There’s no place I’d rather be tonight than in your bed.”

  Honestly, I fully expected him to slip out right after I fell asleep. Despite what he’d said in the heat of the moment and the honesty of his voice during the afterglow, I simply hadn’t allowed myself to believe him when he said there was no place he’d rather be.

  So when I cracked an eye open the next morning and realized it was six o’clock and he was still snoring softly beside me—I was shell-shocked.

  I was also afraid to move. Now that it was morning and the harsh light of day was upon us, I knew the afterglow was officially over.

  My point was proven not even ten minutes later when he jolted awake and slowly sat up. I quickly closed my eyes and feigned sleep, not the least bit surprised when I felt him ease himself out of bed and heard the telltale sound of fabric shuffling as he quietly got dressed.

  I knew it was coming, but it still hurt nonetheless. Instead of making it awkward for the both of us by confronting him, I stayed perfectly still and waited for him to disappear.

  He surprised me once again when I felt him come close to the bed and lower himself down to his knees. I was too chicken to open my eyes and check, but I swore I could feel his gaze on my face. A moment later, the heat of his eyes was replaced by his lips as he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and gently trailed his fingertips down my cheek.

  I wished I could have seen the look on his face as he did it and gotten some kind of idea about what the meaning behind it was. Because, to the touch, it felt so incredibly intimate and tender that it made my breath catch in my throat.

  Before I could manage to work up the nerve to open my eyes and look—his presence was gone. I waited and listened for the soft click of my apartment door closing before I stood up and gingerly walked to the window. My legs still felt slightly rubberish even after our intended nap had turned into a full night of sleep.

  Yeah, Adam had definitely made good on his promise to have me walking funny.

  I pulled the curtain back and watched as he stepped out of the building and strode to his car. Even from the second story and as far away as I was—I could easily see just how damn attractive he was.

  His title of The Body was certainly well-deserved.

  He opened the door of the car, but hesitated before getting in, glancing up at my window like he could feel me watching him. I gasped and ducked to the side, closing my eyes tightly and hoping that I hadn’t just embarrassed myself. I took a deep breath and gently eased the curtain to the side just enough to watch the car as he backed it out of the spot and drove away.

  With a sigh, I crept back to the bed and flopped down, trying to ignore the fact that my sheet
s smelt like sex and Adam’s cologne and failing in a rather spectacular fashion.

  Chapter Ten


  Driving away from Brianna’s apartment was... unusual.

  Hell, if I was being real—nothing from the moment I ran into her the night before to when I left her could be classified under my usual definition of normal.

  Sex with Brianna had been… intense. I chuckled and shook my head as I glanced over at the passenger seat that she had occupied less than twelve hours ago.

  Maybe intense wasn’t a strong enough word. But I supposed after eight years of pent-up attraction, that wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary. It was a simple enough explanation for it.

  So why did the drive home this morning feel so much more draining than it ever had before?

  I sighed when I finally pulled the car into the driveway. I reached into the back for my suit jacket and stepped out, steeling myself for the worst possible scenarios I could think of as I walked to the porch.

  It was time to go back to hell.

  As soon as I stepped inside—I heard my mother’s heated whispers coming from the kitchen. When my weight made the floorboards creak in the living room, she mumbled a quick goodbye and hung up.

  “Who was that?” I asked as I rounded the corner and nodded at the phone still clutched in her hand.

  “Nobody worth mentioning.”


  She sighed and dropped the cordless phone on the kitchen table. “It was a bill collector. But don’t worry—I’ve got it covered. The damn postal service lost my check, but I already spoke to the bank and had them cancel it so I could write a new one.”

  And so began another round of a game I was uncomfortably familiar with. Two truths and a lie. Only the way my mom played it was more like six lies and a half-truth.

  The saddest part was how well she executed the lies and how stubbornly she’d stick to them. Even if I managed to catch her and present proof that she was lying, she always had a back-up lie ready to go to excuse the first one.


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