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Soothsayer: Magic Is All Around Us (Soothsayer Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Allison Sipe

  I wondered if he had any idea the effect he had on me, if he knew that his touch awoke something powerful inside me.

  “I was six the first time I was able to do it on command,” he said, interrupting my thoughts. “We were all playing in the surf down at the beach, Brett, Jake and I, when we found a wounded baby seal. He was bleeding and had puncture wounds all over, like he’d gotten caught up in someone’s propeller.”

  I stared up at Robert, catching his eye. He looked thoughtful as he recalled the memory.

  “Brett was in tears, begging me to try and save the poor little thing. I was terrified and just as upset as Brett. I told both of them I didn’t know how to save it, but Jake encouraged me,” he said and chuckled.

  Having met Robert’s older brother and seeing him interact with his wife, Annabel, in a rough teasing manner, I had a pretty good idea of how he may have convinced Robert to help the seal.

  “I didn’t have the slightest clue how to help the animal. The few other times I had used my… ability,” Robert said and paused, eying me uneasily, “I didn’t do anything in particular. I’d find a squirrel or bird that got attacked by a hawk or something and just hold the animal and cry for my mother to come help. By the time she made it over to me the bird was flying away, or the squirrel was jumping out of my hand and scurrying back up the tree.” He shook his head and smiled.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “It’s just strange, saying it all out loud. I can’t imagine how it must sound to you.”

  “Strange.” I smiled.

  He returned my smile with a heart-breaking grin and continued. “Anyway, the only thing I could think to do was to hold the animal like I’d done with the others. I couldn’t exactly pick up the seal, since I was only six. I didn’t have the upper body strength I do now.” He jokingly nudged my shoulder with his. “So I sat down in the surf next to him and eased my hands onto his body. Brett sat silently watching me and it made me even more nervous. Jake stood by me and guided me through everything very slowly. The seal may have been injured, but you never know how a wild animal might react to a person being so close.”

  “You were a brave little boy, weren’t you?” I asked.

  “Not really. I was always a curious kid. I did plenty of stupid and dangerous things when I was young, always trying to satisfy my curiosity.”

  I smiled at the thought of Robert as a child chasing danger and pushing boundaries. His mother must have had her hands full with him, I thought.

  Robert hadn’t noticed my thoughts had run away from me and continued, “I wasn’t sure what to do, so I started running my hand up and down the seal’s body. I can still remember the way his skin felt under my touch. The fine hairs were coarse and he was slick with ocean water. His breathing was very shallow and he only moved as the waves pushed and pulled his body. Nothing was happening and I felt so bad. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started talking to him.”

  He looked away from me and back out at the water. He stayed quiet for a moment as he watched a wave crash onto the shore. His shoulders relaxed a little and I had a feeling he was seeing the whole scene unfold in the surf in front of us.

  “My voice must have startled the little guy. He lifted his head slightly and looked up at me,” Robert said, looking back toward me and down at our joined hands, lacing his fingers through mine. My hand tingled as his grip fell into place and our palms lightly touched. I wondered if he was keeping our hands joined in case I decided to make a run for it.

  “I'll never forget those eyes for as long as I live,” he said. “They were never-ending pools of black coal that glistened like the sea. I could feel his pain as he stared at me. His nose wiggled with each breath and his whiskers danced back and forth on his face. I started to cry but didn’t take my eyes off him and he kept staring at me. I felt something growing inside me. It was like a switch had been flipped and I could feel the pain of the animal subside. After a minute or two the seal looked away from me and wiggled free from my hands and out into the water. Somehow, I’d done it. I’d saved him.”

  “But how?” I asked, amazed. I couldn’t help but wonder what if felt like for the seal when Robert had healed him.

  He merely shrugged. “It’s just a part of who I am. Do you remember when I saved you, I told you to keep your eyes on mine?”

  “Yeah.” I blushed. How could I forget the warmth flooding through me as he stared down at me?

  “It helps me focus the energy if I can connect with you.”

  “Energy?” I looked at him, puzzled.

  “How can I explain this?” he said under his breath. “It’s like a hunger living inside me. I’ve learned how to control the energy so that when I touch someone I don’t heal any little scrape or paper cut. My ability only works when I want it to now.”

  “But why does eye contact help?”

  He turned his body toward mine and brushed a stray hair behind my ear. “It creates a connection.” He smiled and unleashed the full force of his gaze on me, erasing every last thought rattling around in my head. “It makes it easier for me to focus the energy.” His fingers danced across my knuckles and my heart skipped a beat as warmth spread through my fingers and across my arm.

  “I just don’t understand how any of this is possible.” I looked away from him and instantly the heat retreated from my skin.

  “You can’t try to understand it. It’s just something you know and can feel,” Robert explained, sighing as if suddenly deep in thought. “For instance, what did you feel when I healed you?”

  “I felt warm, like you were pulling me into the sun." I glanced up at him.

  “That’s the Magic. You felt it inside you. That’s the only way to know it’s real, to feel it.” He sounded full of hope, like he knew I was on the verge of understanding. But was I?

  “Have you ever believed in something you had no way of explaining? Something that you just knew from the bottom of your heart it was true despite proof?” he asked when I didn’t say anything.

  “You’re talking about faith.” I shook my head. “Maybe I had that once, but I’m not so sure anymore. I learned the hard way that believing in something you can’t see or touch just ends up causing pain.” I sighed, remembering all the heartbreak I’d endured throughout my life. Everyone I’d ever loved had been ripped from me, leaving a hole in my heart I wasn’t sure could ever be filled.

  “Violet.” His voice wrapped around my name like a gentle caress.

  Something in my voice must have given me away. He looked at me with sympathy and understanding as the pieces fell into place for him.

  “Just because they’re gone doesn’t mean the love between you is lost,” Robert said. His voice was like warm honey, sweet and soothing.

  “You don’t understand what it’s like to lose everything, to be alone…” I trailed off, taking a deep breath to keep my emotions in check.

  Robert just looked at me and squeezed my hand. I tried to read the emotions on his face but he looked calm and collected.

  “Anyway, we’re not talking about me,” I huffed and pulled my hand from his. I untied my hair and let it spill over my shoulders.

  “Violet…” Robert tried.

  “Just let it go, Robert,” I snapped. I didn’t want to talk about this with him. He had a way of breaking down my defenses and I couldn’t afford to let him in. Spending time with him and getting to know him was one thing but being open to him and making myself vulnerable was something completely different.

  “Okay, back to me then,” he said, offering a nonchalant nod. “What else do you want to know?”

  I thought for a moment and then decided to ask, “What’s it feel like for you, the Magic I mean?”

  “Well,” he said, scratching his chin, “when I’m not using it, it’s like a dull hum inside me. I can always feel it. And when I do use the Magic, especially for something big like healing you, it’s this surge of energy that runs through every nerve in my body.” He paused. “It’s hard to
put it into words.”

  “Can all Magical people heal like you?” I asked, glad the attention was off me.

  “No, very few souls are born with the ability to heal.”

  “Really, why’s that?”

  “Well, some people are born with the ability to create profound music like Beethoven, some people are able to read the code of the universe like Steven Hawking. They’re just born with an ability the average person doesn’t possess. It’s the same with Magical abilities; not everyone is created equal.”

  I guess that made sense. Not everyone could do the same things regardless of what they told you in grade school. Everyone was created differently, whether it was from genetics, environment or our soul - we aren’t all the same. For once something finally made sense in all of this.

  “It’s the same in the Magical world,” Robert continued. “Not all of us have special abilities, but we do all have the ability to learn how to use the Magic within us.”

  “So you’re special.” I looked up at him and fought a smile. He was special.

  “I guess you could say that. I really don’t like to think of myself that way but healers are coveted.” He smiled and reddened a bit.

  “So you heal people all the time then, bring them back like you did with me?” I suddenly felt incredibly insignificant.

  “I try not to. I'm not a God, Violet. It’s not my place to choose who lives and who dies.”

  “Have you ever saved anyone else?”

  “Not from death. At least, not anyone human,” he said and shrugged, uncomfortable.

  I stood up and took a few steps toward the water. “I just don’t know.” I looked out over the waves and wondered if Magic could really have a place in my life.

  I heard Robert's footsteps shuffle through the sand as he walked up behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and just like that I was pulled into the fog.

  Darkness surrounded me. I could barely see but I was definitely standing in my living room. I looked around and saw my prone body lying asleep on the couch with Robert on the floor just below me. I started to mumble in my sleep and Robert sat up to check on me. He tightened the blanket around me and took my hand in his. At first he didn’t say anything, he just drew a pattern on the back of my palm.

  “You have to believe me, Violet,” he whispered. “You just have to.”

  The room swirled around me, making my head spin like I was on a ‘Tilt-a-Whirl.’ Unable to see which way was up or down, I reached out to grab hold of something solid.

  Suddenly I was back on the beach with Robert.

  “Violet, are you okay?” Robert asked. His voice sounded muffled as I blinked the sunlight back into my eyes. Robert knelt next to me on the ground with his arm behind me for support.

  “How did I get down here?” I asked, putting my palm against my forehead to stop the world from spinning.

  “Your face went blank and you just fell to the ground.” Anxiety poured off of him.

  I tried to put the pieces together. This wasn’t the first time I’d had a daydream so real I couldn’t tell the difference between reality and what I saw.

  “Violet, what happened?” Robert asked as he helped me off the ground.

  As I stood the blood rushed from my head and my vision blurred. I held onto Robert’s arm for support as the fuzzy blackness disappeared.

  “I don’t know. The last thing I remember is you walking up behind me and placing your hands on my shoulders. You… your touch…” My heart began to race as dread set in.

  “Did you do that to me?” I asked as I backed away from him.

  “Do what to you?” Robert replied. He took a tentative step toward me.

  I stepped further away. “Did you do something to make me see that?”

  “See what, Violet, talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.” He stopped and let his hand fall to his side.

  Did he really not know what I was talking about? Was I really starting to lose my mind?

  “You can’t just ignore me,” Robert said when I didn’t answer. He took another slow step toward me and this time I didn’t back away.

  “Why does this keep happening to me?” My voice trembled. Every nerve in my body felt stretched to the point of breaking. I couldn’t comprehend what was going on and I struggled to hold myself together. The tears that had been building up for days now finally spilled over onto my cheeks.

  “What do you mean? What’s happening to you?” He reached out to touch me but dropped his hands before he reached my side.

  “These daydreams or visions or whatever,” I said, placing my palm over my eyes.

  Robert placed his hand on my shoulder, deciding it was safe to touch me again and I let myself collapse into him. I placed my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped one arm around me and pulled me close to him while smoothing my hair with the other, trying to coax me into relaxing.

  “Visions?” he asked. Robert’s voice was low and contemplative.

  I didn’t answer him but took a deep breath. His cologne barely lingered, letting me smell the sweet scent of the ocean clinging to his skin. He smelled of sweat and old wood, distinctly male and strong. It comforted me. I took a ragged breath and sighed. No matter what was happening to me, I knew I could find safety in Robert’s arms. In that moment I realized I’d already chosen my path. I couldn’t have him in my life if I didn’t believe in Magic. Knowing my path was one thing, though. Actually believing was another. But I was determined to try.

  “Violet, this is important,” he said, pulling me away from him. “What exactly did you just see?”

  “Umm… well,” I said and blushed. “I saw you asking me to believe you while I slept.”

  He let go of me. “That was just last night.”

  “So that really happened, it wasn’t just a daydream?” I asked, my eyes wide with hope.

  “Have you seen things like this before?”


  “What do you mean, what else have you seen?”

  “It’s private,” I said frowning at him. I could feel the blood rush to my face and turn my cheeks a rosy shade of red.

  “Private,” he said, indignant. “Violet, this isn’t a joke. What did you see?”

  “Well, last night after you gave me the journal I saw…,” I bit my lip unsure of how to continue. What did I see exactly?

  “What is it?”

  “I saw myself, only it wasn’t me. I was standing in a field, you were there and I was holding a sword. My hand was covered in blood, and my eyes…” I looked up at Robert, “They were amethyst.”

  “Was there anything else, any other details?”

  I shook my head and looked down at the sand.

  “Okay, I don’t really know what to think about that one, but we’ll deal with it,” he said confidently. “Anything else?”

  I felt like I was being interrogated.

  “Why does it matter?” I looked away from him.

  “Will you just trust me?” Though I wasn't looking at him, I could sense in his voice that he was rolling his eyes in frustration.

  I hesitated to answer. I wanted to tell him but I was afraid. I was afraid to admit what was happening to me. The vision, or whatever it was, of Robert kissing me flashed before my eyes and I instantly turned an even darker shade of red.

  I sighed and looked out over the water. “I saw you,” I finally admitted.

  “What about me?” he asked.

  I decided against telling him about the kiss, instead I would tell him about how I saw the night he healed me.

  “Well, do you remember when we met of the pier, when you first came back?” I snuck a glance in his direction.


  “And do you remember when you touched me, it was like suddenly I was somewhere else?”

  “Yes.” He sounded apprehensive and that made me nervous.

  “When you touched me I saw you… healing me. It’s like I was there all over again. I could smell the cool
sticky air. I could feel your hand on me and I could feel your eyes on mine.” I cautiously looked at him, trying to read his expression. He gave me a reassuring smile. “And that’s it, nothing else?"

  “Nothing that matters.” I blushed again, remembering his soft lips pressed against mine. That was either a vision or possibly just a fantasy. Whatever the case, I wasn’t willing to share the details with him.

  “Everything matters,” he noted.

  “Well this particular fantasy is none of your business,” I said.

  “Fantasy?” There was humor in his voice and he stepped closer to me.


  “You know what I mean.” The words struggled to escape my throat. I felt the heat of his body and couldn’t help but be pulled in.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me?” He brushed my hair off my face. His hand lingered on my cheek before he pulled my chin up so my eyes were level with his.

  “I’m sure.” The words barely left my lips and I could feel myself leaning closer to him, yearning to feel the strength of his embrace.

  “Suit yourself.” He smiled and walked back to the small cropping of rocks.

  I followed a few steps behind him. “Robert?” I asked tentatively, “do you know what’s going on… I mean do you know what’s happening to me?”

  “I have a theory,” he said. He furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

  “Care to share what that theory might be?”

  “I think your Magic is starting to manifest itself. The visions, they might be your ability.”

  “My ability?”

  “Yes.” He ran a hand through his hair. “But it doesn’t make sense that you would only see the past,” he said under his breath.

  “What if it’s not just the past?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The... vision that I didn’t want to tell you.” I hesitated, “It’s not something that’s happened, at least not yet.” I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to hide my smile.

  “Well, that would make sense. You’re sure you don’t want to tell me what it is then?”


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