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Soothsayer: Magic Is All Around Us (Soothsayer Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Allison Sipe

  She nodded in acknowledgment but I knew I’d have to answer to her later. Becky was relentless when she was after something and right now she was like a hawk circling her prey.

  The further we got from Pismo the more I felt like me again, the old me. I slowly started falling back into a rhythm with the girls as the night went on. That being said, I still wasn’t one hundred percent in the moment. My thoughts kept finding their way back to Robert and in the back of my mind I was acutely aware that my attacker was still out there. But being with the girls was like breathing fresh air. For the first time in a long while I felt myself start to relax. By the time we pulled up to the cabin in Yosemite I was joking and laughing right along with them.

  I made a beeline to one of the bedrooms when we arrived, in desperate need to freshen up. Moonlight spilled across the floor and filled the room with an otherworldly glow. I placed my bag on the bed, tore off my sweater, grabbed my toiletries bag and headed to the adjoining bathroom. I closed the door and went to flip the light on when someone grabbed me by the wrist and threw their other hand over my mouth.

  My body tensed and I bit into the hand over my mouth. My heart slammed against my ribcage. This is it, he’s going to kill me, I thought.

  “Violet, it’s me, it’s Robert,” Robert said, trying to shake off my bite. He slowly released my hand and took a step away from me.

  I swung my bag at him, clipping the side of his head, and shoved him into the wood paneled wall.

  “What was that for?” he asked and flinched. I could barely make out his shape in the dark, but his voice held a humorous edge to it. I contemplated swinging at him again but thought better of it.

  “You scared the shit out of me!” I said, grinding my teeth to keep from yelling. My heart still pounded and my body was tensed for a fight.

  “Keep your voice down. We don’t need an audience.” Robert flipped on the light and locked the door.

  The bathroom was small and made of the same dark wood as the rest of the cabin. It had a small porcelain sink that matched the toilet and shower-tub. A shelf above the toilet held folded red towels and little mountain trinkets placed around the room added a rustic ambiance.

  I turned the water on and let it run, then spun around to face Robert while it warmed up.

  “What are you doing in here?” I whispered.

  “I just wanted to check in with you,” he said in a hushed voice and leaned against the door.

  “But how did you get in here?” I tested the water with the tips of my fingers, still freezing. I wiped the icy water off of my hand with a towel hanging to the right of the sink.

  “Do I really need to answer that?” He pushed himself off the door and placed his hand over the faucet. “That should do,” he said as steam rose from the sink.

  I ran my fingers under the water again and this time found the temperature perfectly warm.

  “Right, Magic,” I said under my breath. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and splashed some water on my face. “So did you get all your loose ends tied up?”

  “Most of them, but there’s something I need your permission to do.”

  “And what might that be?” I asked, grabbing my face wash and rubbing it into my skin.

  Robert hesitated and said, “I need to cast a spell on you.” I could feel him holding his breath as he waited for my response.

  “What kind of spell?” I grimaced but continued thoroughly rubbing the face wash into my skin. It was a waste of time being surprised by anything anymore.

  “It’s a connection spell. It allows me to feel your emotions. That way I’ll know if you’re in trouble. I can’t keep close enough to you with the girls around.”

  “Isn’t that why Annabel’s here?”

  “Yes, but if something happens I won’t know about it until it’s too late.”

  “I see, and what exactly will you be able to feel?” I asked, bending over the sink to rinse the soap off.

  “Everything. Every emotion that passes through you, I’ll feel inside me,” he explained, handing me a towel as I turned the faucet off.

  “Why haven’t you asked me to let you do this before?” I asked, the towel muffling my voice.

  “It's a complete invasion of your privacy, plus putting a spell on someone isn’t something one just does whenever the mood strikes.” He pulled the towel away from my face to look me in the eye.

  “Would I be able to feel you too?” I was curious at the thought of finally getting under his tough exterior.

  Robert smiled. “No, I would make the spell only go one way. You don’t need the added distraction.”

  “But it can go both ways?” I raised an eyebrow, scrutinizing him.


  “And you’ll undo it when we’re back home?” As I studied the lines of his face his mouth twitched to the side and I could tell he was uncomfortable asking me to do this.

  “Of course,” he said.

  “Alright, go ahead.” I threw the towel in the sink and took a deep breath.

  “You’re sure?"

  “Yes,” I lied, but nodded. I was getting used to the idea that Magic was a real part of my life, but it still unnerved me.

  Robert stepped toward me and took my hands in his. He gave me a small smile and closed his eyes. “Tíegan mín sáwol eac hie sáwol,” he chanted. His hands began to glow as he continued, the bright light made its way up our arms and over our bodies. “Alǽtan mec áfindan eall breóstwylm fléding geond hie.” He looked up at me and we were both wrapped in the soft silvery light. It was the most beautiful and amazing thing I’d ever seen. Tendrils of light crawled over my skin like ivy. As each coil danced up my arms, another vine would branch off until my shoulders were completely covered in the silvery light. Looking down, the ivy light curled down my chest and settled over my heart. Every emotion I was feeling bubbled to the surface: awe, excitement, fear. It was overwhelming and my eyes began to fill with tears from the raw sensation. Just as quickly as they had come, the vines began to recede back over my chest, down my arms and up Roberts arms until all of the light moved from me to him. He dropped his hands and inhaled deeply as the last tendril vanished over his chest.

  “Did it work?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

  “Yes, but just to be sure…” Robert said, trailing off as he closed the gap between us. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and let his hand linger on my cheek. I tried to swallow but my throat dried up, clenching shut. My heart accelerated and the butterflies in my stomach alighted in full flutter. Our bodies were less than an inch apart as he leaned toward me. My hand found its way around his neck and I closed my eyes.

  Someone knocked at the door. “Violet, are you okay in there?” Annabel asked. Her voice sounded muffled through the heavy wood door.

  Robert and I both jumped at the noise. I could feel his breath on my lips and desperately wanted to curse Annabel for the intrusion.

  Robert smiled. “That was interesting,” he said under his breath as he pulled away from me.

  “Violet?” Annabel called again.

  “Yeah,” I said and cleared my throat. “I’ll be right out.” I did my best to keep my voice even as I whispered, “You’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Don’t worry, they won’t see me leave,” he said as he leaned against the door again and crossed his arms.

  I put my face wash back in my bag and fiddled with the zipper. “I should get back to the girls.”

  “You should,” Robert agreed but didn’t move away from the door.

  I took a step toward him and put my hand on the door handle. He shifted his body so we were face to face and his shoulder leaned against the door. I looked up at him and saw the uneasiness in his eyes.

  “I’ll be fine… and if anything happens you’ll feel it,” I said and turned off the light, placing my hand flat on his chest. I could barely make him out but I still felt the warmth radiating off of him.

  “Just be careful,” he said, taking my ha
nd from his chest and kissing the back of my palm.

  “I will,” I promised with a hushed voice. My heart gave a gentle squeeze as I undid the lock and turned the handle.

  Robert leaned away from the door so I could step through.

  “Goodnight, Violet,” he whispered.

  “Night,” I whispered back and closed the door behind me.

  I leaned back against the smooth wooden door and let out a shaky sigh. This is going to be a long weekend, I thought as I made my way back to the girls in the living room.


  The next morning we got up early and made a quick breakfast. Yosemite could get crowded this time of year so it was best to hit the trails just after sunrise. I finished putting my pack together and checked again to make sure I had remembered my zoom lens. Becky tried several times to get me alone so we could finish our conversation from last night, but thank goodness we found little privacy in a cabin with five people. I couldn’t avoid Becky forever, but I hoped I could delay this conversation at least until we got home.

  Rachel took charge of picking which trails we hiked. She loved the outdoors and always came prepared with a new and exciting trail. She promised this hike would give me an excellent view of Half Dome, once we got to the top. Every year I tried to get a shot of the mountain but the weather had never been on my side. The straight smooth surface juxtaposed with the half circle dome was not only one of the main tourist attractions, but also one of the most beautiful sights in the whole park.

  Supplied with plenty of water and lunch, we headed out the door a little after eight o’clock. The trailhead was only about a ten minute walk from our cabin. Once we arrived, we started up into the wilderness. Rachel took the lead of course and I picked up the rear with Annabel. I wanted to be able to stop and get the shots I wanted without holding up the rest of the group.

  Yosemite was photography heaven for me. The trees sprung out of the ground and stood with stoic beauty, creating a world of lush green leaves and pockets of blue sky above. The contrast between the hard granite rocks blanketing Yosemite and the softness of the pine trees made a beautiful photographic composition.

  “You sure are quiet back there, Violet,” Rachel said about forty-five minutes up the marked path. “Are you struggling that much? I didn’t think this trail would be that bad.”

  “Not that bad!” Christy gasped, struggling for air. “I feel like I’m gonna keel over!”

  “Stop your complaining, Christy, exercise is good for you,” Becky laughed.

  “Exercise, yes… having a heart attack on the side of a mountain, not so much.” Christy planted her hands on her knees and panted.

  “Here you go.” Annabel handed a water bottle to Christy and helped her sit down.

  “Why don’t we take a short water break?” I suggested, trying to keep the peace.

  “Yes, water break!” Christy said taking another sip from the bottle Annabel had given her.

  “So what gives, Violet? You’re never this quiet,” Rachel noted as she sat on the rock next to me.

  “She’s just a little… preoccupied, shall we say,” Becky said in a teasing voice as she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

  If looks could kill, Becky would have burst into flames with the glare I was giving her. Putting me on the spot like this was her way of guaranteeing she would get her questions answered. There was no way I could get away with short, noncommittal answers with all of them ganging up on me. Everyone’s eyes turned to me then and I squirmed under their scrutiny. There was no escape.

  “Preoccupied?” Christy said, looking at me with raised eyebrows and a smile.

  “That’s right,” Becky said, squeaking with excitement.

  “About what, exactly?” Rachel asked.

  “Oh, isn’t it obvious,” Becky said. “There’s a new man in Violet’s life.”

  Annabel and I shared a glance. This was going to be mortifying.

  “Who?” Christy asked with more excitement than necessary.

  “Thanks a lot,” I said, shaking my head at Becky. “Yes, there is someone, but it’s not what you think. We’re just friends.”

  A short laugh escaped Becky’s throat.

  “Violet, seriously, who is he?” Christy asked as she leaned on the edge of her rock.

  “It’s Robert Maxwell!” Becky blurted out.

  “Do you wanna tell them, then?” I bit, seething at Becky.

  “No, sorry. I’ll be quiet now.” She mimed locking her mouth and threw away the key.

  “Robert Maxwell, like the Robert Maxwell? Steamy, rich, mysterious Robert Maxwell?” Christy asked with a gaping mouth.

  Annabel laughed out loud and I covered my eyes with my hand.

  “He doesn’t usually put an article before his name, but that would be him.” My cheeks flushed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

  “Well good for you! You need yourself a good man,” Rachel announced.

  “I have to say, I do approve.” Annabel chimed in.

  “Start at the beginning and tell us everything!" Christy clapped her hands together.

  I sighed. “We met at the bookstore a week before your wedding,” I said looking at Annabel. “I was searching for a few books when he walked up to me.”

  “So he came on to you, that’s a good sign,” Rachel noted, smiling enthusiastically.

  “He came over and suggested a book. I could hardly string a sentence together, I was so taken off guard,” I continued, laughing at the memory. So much had happened since that day it was almost humorous remembering how tongue-tied I’d been the first time we met. “I didn’t know who he was at the time. It wasn’t until I met with Annabel later that day, that I put two and two together.” Everyone looked between Annabel and myself.

  “I ran into him again, at the wedding, in one of the bedrooms,” I continued.

  “One of the bedrooms?” Christy said, raising her eyebrows with barely contained excitement.

  “I didn’t know that.” Annabel’s voice was accusatory.

  I shook my head embarrassed by what I was about to say, “Yeah, he was naked.” I paused. “Well, half naked.” A grin formed on my lips as they each stared at me with rapt expressions. If I was going to be forced to tell them about Robert, then I might as well enjoy it.

  “What I wouldn’t give.” Rachel sighed and shook her head.

  “That’s what I said,” Becky laughed.

  “You better give us every little detail,” Christy added.

  I laughed and continued, “He looked amazing, of course.” I sighed as well as I remembered just how amazing he looked.

  God I hope Robert can’t interpret the meaning behind my emotions right now, I thought.

  “He came walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist the same time I walked into the room from the balcony where I was taking pictures,” I explained. “I was so embarrassed at having intruded on someone that it took me a minute to realize I recognized him. As handsome as he already is, he gets even better with his clothes off.” I had to pause then to catch my breath.

  “Okay, that’s my brother-in-law, you’re taking about.” Annabel threw her hands up.

  The rest of the girls stared at me, picturing Robert half naked and dripping wet. I couldn’t help but laugh. Christy and Rachel’s faces were glazed over with forbidden fantasies of the man they thought I was involved with.

  “So are you guys together now?” Christy asked.

  “It’s complicated,” I answered and looked up at Annabel. We were getting into a sticky topic.

  “Oh stop being shy. I saw him come out of your bedroom the other day,” Becky chimed in.

  “Oh my God, I could just imagine,” Christy fawned.

  Annabel cleared her throat to stifle a laugh. Robert and I were never going to hear the end of this from her.

  “We aren’t sleeping together. I told you, all we did was… well, sleep,” I explained, leveling my gaze at Becky. She rolled her eyes. Clearly she still thought I was lying a
bout what happened on that particular occasion.

  “Really? So nothing’s happened between you guys?” Rachel asked.

  “Well, not nothing.” I bit my lip, trying to hide a smile as I remembered his lips and body pressed against every inch of me.

  “So, details?” Becky asked with anticipation. Rachel and Christy kept their eyes glued to me. I had them completely hooked.

  “We kissed, just before you guys picked me up yesterday,” I admitted.

  “Finally,” Annabel exclaimed.

  Becky looked at Annabel out of the corner of her eye, sizing her up.

  “What?” She said noticing Becky’s glance, “They’ve been dancing around each other for far too long.”

  Becky nodded in agreement and the tension eased a bit. Becky could get a little territorial sometimes and I didn’t think she liked that I invited Annabel along who seemed to know more about Robert and I than she did.

  “So that’s it?” Christy asked, frowning with disappointment.

  “I definitely think she’s holding out on us,” Rachel said taking a bite of a granola bar.

  “I’m not holding out. Honestly, that’s all that’s happened between us.”

  “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Whether you want to admit it or not, he’s got it bad for you,” Becky said.

  I looked away, unable to meet her glare.

  “What do you mean?” Christy asked, saving me from having to come up with something to say.

  “It’s just this look,” Becky started. Christy, Rachel and Annabel turned their attention toward Becky. Sadly, I did too. I couldn’t help but wonder what she saw when Robert looked at me. “It's like Violet’s the whole world to him. When they were over for dinner the other night, he never took his eyes off her, even when we were watching the movie. He kept staring at her like she was going to vanish at any moment.” Becky kept her focus on me.

  Little did Becky know Robert looked at me like that because he believed I was The Waker, not because he was in love with me. Although, that kiss we shared had nothing to do with being The Waker. I frowned, unsure about how wrong Becky was.

  “I think you’re seeing what you want to see,” I said and sighed.


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