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Full Throttle

Page 4

by Adriana Hunter

  “God, Aubrey. You’re amazing. This…is amazing.” His words emerged between gasps and she watched as he closed his eyes, lips parted, head tipped back. He held himself above her for a moment, then looked back at her.

  “I’m so close…I can’t…are you ready?” He searched her face and she found herself nodding, unable to form words.

  He threw his head back, forcing himself into her, holding himself for a long moment. Aubrey watched, open-mouth, her own pleasure momentarily forgotten as she watched Caleb’s face, his features suffused with the intensity of his experience. And then she felt him, deep inside, filling her with the most delicious sensation of heat. She squirmed beneath him, her body taking on a life of its own, every sensation she felt now honed to a fine point, all coming together.

  As Caleb drove himself into Aubrey, she let everything go, her body shaking beneath him as she spiraled out of control. She was aware of Caleb holding her, her own cries and moans, and then everything went dark.

  She regained consciousness to find Caleb holding her, brushing the hair back from her face.

  “Welcome back. ‘Le petit mort.’”

  “I’ve heard that before. “The little death”…hmmm, that’s pretty accurate. And yes, before you ask, I’m okay. Better than okay.” She shifted in his arms so she could look at him.

  “This has been…unexpected.”

  Caleb’s brows drew together, a bemused expression on his face. “Well, that’s a first. I’ve never been called unexpected before.”

  Aubrey smiled, shaking her head, anxious to explain but not sure if enough words existed to tell Caleb how she felt. “Not you…the whole thing. But you…” She reached out, tracing a finger down his cheek. “You’re more than…different…you’re exactly what I needed.”

  “Needed? Or wanted?” He put his hand over hers, stopping the movement of her fingers on his face.

  “I wanted you…still want you, Caleb.” She sighed and he released her hand. She lay back against the pillows.

  “Truth?” She looked up at him and he nodded.

  “Earlier, for maybe five minutes, you were just a guy with tattoos on a motorcycle giving me a ride, offering me an escape from everything in my life, even if it was just for a little while.”

  Caleb’s eyes held a brief flash of pain and it sent a pang of guilt through her heart.

  “And what am I now? Still just a guy…a guy with tattoos and a bike?”

  Aubrey shook her head. “No, not at all. You’re far more than just a guy. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. I thought I was looking for an escape, but I found you instead.”

  She touched his face again, softly. “Right now, with you, is the only place I want to be, for as long as this lasts. You’re not an escape anymore and definitely not a one night stand. At least, I hope you’re not…but that’s as much up to you as me. But I don’t want that, not at all.”

  Caleb regarded her for a moment, his face serious. “I don’t play with women that way, either with their emotions or their bodies. And I don’t do that to myself.” Then the corner of his mouth curled into a slow smile.

  “But I can’t say that I wasn’t attracted to you the first time I saw you. If the guy hadn’t grabbed your purse, I still would have found a way to talk to you.”

  He leaned over and caught her lips in a brief kiss, intense and passionate. When he pulled away, she was slightly breathless.

  “I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend, or a relationship of any kind, really. But now…well, I hope whatever this is between us… I hope we just let it take us wherever it may.”

  Caleb kissed her again, long and slow, and another wave of heat started low in Aubrey’s body. She moaned against his mouth and he pulled her against him, his body answering hers, his arousal evident as he pressed himself against her.

  There was nothing slow this time as he took her, no teasing, no lingering kisses or feather light touches. It was fast and hot, a spontaneous combustion between them, all sparks and intense heat. Aubrey’s moans quickly escalated to cries as she twisted beneath Caleb, head rocking from side to side, eyes closed.

  He held her face between his hands and she opened her eyes as he lowered his head, his kiss consuming her. The force of her orgasm threatened to overtake her again and she clung to Caleb as he shuddered in her arms.

  Caleb finally collapsed next to Aubrey, breathing hard. She fell back onto the pillow, her heart pounding in her chest. They lay side by side for a moment and she felt Caleb reach for her hand, winding his fingers through hers. She drew a deep breath and exhaled, closed her eyes, and was instantly asleep.

  Chapter Three

  Someone was shaking his shoulder, but all Caleb wanted to do was sleep. His body felt leaden, his mind far away. But the shaking continued and he heard his name being called by a voice he didn’t immediately recognize.

  “Caleb. Wake up. I have to leave.”

  He opened his eyes. Aubrey was sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed, her ruined purse in her hands. Struggling to sit up, he squinted at her in the dark.

  “What time is it?” He rubbed his eyes, his voice hoarse with sleep.

  “Just before five o’clock. Listen, I have an exam today. And I have to go home, shower…change. Maybe even study.”

  Caleb rubbed a hand over his face. “I’ll take you. Give me a minute to get dressed.”

  “No…really, it’s okay. I called a cab. It’s downstairs. I wanted to let you sleep…you were out and you looked so comfortable.” She ran her hand briefly through his hair. “I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

  He sat up against the head of the bed. “Come here, woman.”

  Aubrey smiled, curling up next to him. He rested his chin on the top of her head, inhaling the scent of her hair.

  “Here.” She handed him her cell phone. “Give me your number. That is, if you want.” Her voice was muffled against his chest, but he heard the hint of uncertainty and it touched him. He hugged her against him, taking the phone with his free hand.

  “I want to, very much.” He punched his number into her phone, then hit dial. From somewhere on the floor, he heard the chirp of his phone.

  “There. I have your number on my call list.” He handed back the phone and she slipped it into her purse.

  “I do want to see you again, Aubrey. Like I said last night, I’m not into one-night stands. If there’s something here, between us—and I think there is—I want to just go with it.”

  She turned her face to him and in the dim light he saw she was smiling. “I want that too, Caleb. Last night…this morning…it was all amazing.”

  “And I hate that I have to go, but…” She shrugged. “I still have school.”

  “I know, and I understand. It’s okay.” He leaned forward, cupping her cheek in his hand. “But are you sure I can’t convince…”

  The strident blare of a horn broke through his words. “Shit. The cab.” Aubrey climbed off the bed.

  “I guess that answers my question.” He watched her walk to the door and contemplated asking her to send the cab away so he could have her to himself as he took her home.

  “I’ll call you after class. Should be later this afternoon.”

  “How about a real date tonight? With some planning, I should be able to take you some place nicer than the Plaza.”

  “I’d like that…oh, no. I can’t. My mother rescheduled the dinner that I missed last night.” She hesitated by the doorway, her face lit by the hall light. He could see her disappointment, hear it in her voice.

  “How about dessert? I can pick you up at your parents’ after dinner. I work at the shop till around eight or so.”

  Aubrey broke into a wide smile. “Oh, perfect. Yes.” The horn blared again, two short blasts.

  “I have to go…” She hesitated, then ran back, jumped on the bed, and threw her arms around Caleb, kissing him hard. Then she was gone.

  He heard the slam of a car door and then the sound of the c
ab pulling away. As much as he’d wanted to go back to sleep, he was now wide awake, Aubrey occupying his thoughts. He rose, padded to the other side of the bed, and searched in the dark for his jeans. When he found them, he pulled his cell phone out of the pocket, flipped it open, and hit the call back button. It rang briefly and then Aubrey answered.

  “I miss you.” He climbed back into bed on the side Aubrey had slept on. He could smell the vaguest whisper of her perfume on the pillow.

  “I’m sorry I had to leave.”

  “I know. But I can still miss you. I like having you here. I’d like to have you back here again.”

  “Your house? Or your bed?”

  He was surprised by the overt sexual teasing, but he had to admit he liked it.

  “Both. But right now, my bed would be my first choice.”

  She laughed, low and seductive, and there was an immediate reaction in his body. He shifted slightly, aware of the sheets against his body, the scent of their lovemaking surrounding him.

  “You’re incorrigible, you know? But I like that about you. I thought you were going back to sleep.”

  Caleb smiled in the dark. “No chance now, I’m pretty much up for the day.”

  There was that laugh again. “I’m sorry I had to wake you and then leave. It would have been nice to…do what we did, all over again.”

  “Yes, it would have been nice. Very nice.” Caleb shifted again.

  “What are you going to do now that you’re awake?”

  “First, a cold shower. And then I’ll probably work on a painting I started. Maybe head to the shop early. But yeah, the cold shower first.”

  He was hoping for a laugh from Aubrey, and he wasn't disappointed. “Poor Caleb,” she crooned. “I really am sorry that I had to leave.”

  “You can make it up to me later, after dessert.”

  There was a muffled exchange, voices and noises, and then Aubrey was back. “Caleb. I’m home. I gotta go. But I’ll call you as soon as I’m done with class.”

  “Deal. Good luck.” But she was already gone. Caleb flipped the phone shut and tossed it on the bedside table.

  He thought about Aubrey, the improbability of their meeting, and even more improbable, the chemistry between them. He’d been attracted to her, no doubt; she was a beautiful girl. But to feel so connected to someone in such a short amount of time; it seemed unusual, almost surreal.

  She’d surprised him, in more ways than one. The uptight girl obsessed with her damaged violin had become an unbelievably passionate woman in his bed. He knew better than to base a potential relationship on sex alone, but she’d brought out feelings he’d never had before.

  A deep longing had sprung up in Caleb. He’d never had a deep relationship with a woman. While it was true he didn’t believe in one night stands, he’d never taken the time to really get to know just one woman. The self-professed free spirit lifestyle of doing what he wanted when he wanted had taken a toll in this one area.

  All of this surprised him and scared him. Scared him quite a bit, if he thought about it. But when he thought about Aubrey, even after what little time they’d spent together, he wanted to know more about her, what she thought, what she felt, what passions she had.

  Caleb sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He’d told her the truth; there was no going back to sleep for him. He stood and padded to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and adjusted the temperature. A shower was in order, although maybe not a cold one after all.

  Chapter Four

  Bare-chested, dressed in just an old pair of sweats, Caleb went into the kitchen and made coffee. With a steaming mug of black coffee in hand, he walked into his studio. Technically it was either the second bedroom or a study, depending on what the landlord thought would interest potential renters.

  The painting he’d started¸ the one he intended to continue working on, was suddenly boring. The model was Stephanie, the redhead he’d been using for the past couple of months. The one who’d brought out Aubrey’s jealous side. He smiled, remembering her reaction in his kitchen when she’d discovered his paintings were nudes.

  He took the half-finished canvas off the easel, setting it carefully aside. From the stacks of stretched blank canvases in the corner, he selected a small one and clamped it to the easel. The sun was just coming up, washing pale golden light across the canvas.

  With a stick of charcoal, he began a sketch of a woman lying on a bed, long legs, arms stretched overhead, curves in all the right places. He worked quickly, deftly, with confidence. Before long he had the basics blocked out, her body, the bed, the room beyond. It was Aubrey as she’d lain on his bed, as he’d looked at her and she’d looked up at him.

  Caleb picked through his oils, selecting and mixing until he had the color he wanted. Aubrey’s skin was pale with golden undertones. He worked quickly, his brush flying across the canvas, engrossed in his work.

  The phone startled him and he set down his brush, walking to the kitchen to retrieve his phone. He flipped it open, startled to see Andy’s Tattoo on the caller ID.

  “Caleb here.”

  “Caleb’s there and not here. As in, Caleb, are you coming to work today?” It was Cassandra, the counter girl at the shop. Caleb glanced at the kitchen clock. It was after one o’clock; he was over an hour late.

  “Jesus, Cass. I’m sorry. I got tied up here. I’ll be in as soon as I can. Did I have a client?”

  “Nah, not until after two, but Andy’s been asking. You’re on walk-ins and everyone else is busy.”

  “Got it. Be there soon.” He flipped the phone closed. Shit. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been late for work.

  He took the stairs two at a time, heading for his bedroom, where he stripped off the paint-spattered sweats and tugged on his jeans. Yanking open a drawer, he grabbed a t-shirt, pulling it over his head. Boots were apparently downstairs and he found them in the living room with no recollection of how they’d ended up there.

  Aubrey had left his jacket in the kitchen. He found his keys on the table, grabbed his phone, and bolted out the door.

  Fifteen minutes later found him parking his bike behind Steve’s. He ran up the back stairs, almost colliding with Andy, his hands full of ink tubes and packages of disposable tattoo needles.

  “Sorry, man. I completely lost track of time.”

  “Ahh, it’s no big deal, especially considering you’ve never been late before.” Steve raised one bushy white eyebrow, regarding Caleb for a moment. “I hope she was worth it.”

  Caleb stood speechless, mouth open. Andy laughed, shaking his head. “Don’t ever play poker, boy. You’ll lose your shirt.”

  Andy continued on toward the front of the shop and Caleb followed him down the short hall, heading for his area. Low walls covered in corrugated steel, giving the place an open feel with an industrial vibe, separated the artist’s areas.

  Caleb hung up his jacket and made his way to the front counter, where Cassandra was perched on a tall stool. She looked up from the magazine she’d been reading and her face brightened at Caleb’s approach.

  “Hey, the prodigal son returns home to roost.” She swiveled on the stool, reaching out to poke him in the arm. The poke turned into a lingering caress as he stepped to the other side of the counter.

  “You’re mixing your metaphors again, Cass.”

  He grabbed the appointment book, glancing down at the day’s page. His first client was due in about half an hour. She was getting a large piece done and they’d finished the outline the last time. This appointment was going to be the start of the color work.

  “You want me to set up for you, Caleb?” Cass worked the counter as well as occasionally setting up and tearing down the stations for the artists.

  “No, I got this, but thanks.” He gave her a noncommittal smile. Cass had had a crush on him since the first day she’d started, just after her eighteenth birthday, and he tried not to encourage her. But she was fixated nonetheless.

  Back in
his space, he started setting up for his client, his hands busy but his mind going back to Aubrey. He wondered if she was done with her exam and felt a slight pang of guilt for whatever part he might have played if she did badly.

  A prickle of anxiety started at the nape of his neck as he waited for her call. It was still early, he knew, but he wanted to talk to her, to experience that giddy feeling in the pit of his stomach at the sound of her voice. And then later, take her somewhere, anywhere, as long as they were in the same place at the same time.

  There were a few ideas bouncing around in his head as to where that might be now that he’d had had time to think about it. He’d suggested dessert, the only thing that came to mind in that moment, an almost desperate thought before she slipped away, as a way to get to see her again. There were a dozen places he could think of where they could get something to eat, but all of them were ordinary. He wanted something special, something unexpected.

  He laughed; she’d told him he was unexpected. It hadn’t been what he’d expected to hear at all. In fact, it had bothered him. But she’d explained what that meant, how she felt, and it made sense to him. She wasn’t out for a one-and-done, not that she’d seemed like the type. Now, as far as tonight…


  He looked up, startled. Cass was leaning over the short wall of his station. Behind her, he saw his client, an older woman who gave him a small wave. He nodded.

  “Hey, Marie. Come on back. Thanks, Cass.”

  Marie maneuvered past Cass, who lingered, intently watching Caleb, working hard to catch his eye.

  “You need anything, Caleb? Water, ink cups, ink?”

  “I’m fine, Cass. I think you’ve got a customer though.” He gestured toward the front where a couple stood, checking out the flash art on the walls. Cass jerked upright, walking quickly back to the counter.

  Caleb turned to Marie. “Ready?” She nodded and Caleb rolled over his work stool, trying to push back the excitement over Aubrey, ready to focus on what he loved to do.

  Chapter Five


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