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Highlander's Magic

Page 12

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Let go,” he whispered.

  “No, I want to do this together. It’s time. Make me yours in every way.”

  * * * *

  “Aye, in every way.” Archie’s mind went dark with lust. “Together.”

  She glided her hands down his sides and brushed over his erection. With the softest caress, she explored his length over the leather covering him. Such friction. She would send him over the edge before he was ready. “I want you, inside of me, right where you belong.”

  His heartbeat hammered out of control.

  “Now.” She slid his belt free, dragged open his trews and encircled him. He fought his need to move, to explode in her hand as she stroked his shaft, her thumb swiping seductively over the head. “I want you to be the man who takes me first. No other but you.”

  Hell, he wanted it too. He shucked off his clothes. No more could he delay, and with his hands on her hips, he lifted her to him and moved between her legs. He teased his cock along her slick folds. “Open wider for me.”

  She spread her legs further. “I know they’ll be a little pain. I can handle it, but don’t stop.”

  Covering her mouth with his, he demanded a response that would distract her mind. Then he pushed against her thin barrier. This was the moment he’d never thought he’d have with her, and now he couldn’t hold back. He tore through her innocence and plunged deep inside her hot channel.

  She smiled against his lips, clutched his butt and urged him to go faster. “Make me yours.”

  He kissed her, pounding harder, deeper, until she consumed him. Her soft moans encouraged him, and he took her frantically, unable to hold back.

  “So good.” She raked his back then screamed his name.

  He was lost as her inner muscles tightened and dragged him in. His thoughts flew and his release exploded violently along with hers. Deep within, he spilled his seed.

  A perfect surrender, a moment like no other.

  “My woman,” he whispered as he slumped on top of her, completely spent. “For as long as I can keep you. I wish for no other.”

  * * * *

  Archie slowly lifted himself from her and cool air swept Marie’s damp skin. Her limbs had gone to mush, but she pushed open her eyes and grinned at his satisfied smile. “We need to do that again, my Highlander.”

  Powerful magic passed between them as he’d come inside her. She was his first, as he was hers, but she wanted more.

  “Are you all right? I didnae hurt you too greatly?”

  “No, and that was incredible. I had no idea it would be quite like that.” She stroked his back, running her fingers over his corded muscles.

  “If I’m too heavy, tell me.” His breath tickled her ear.

  “It would hurt more if you weren’t where you are.”

  He rocked his hips and his shaft stirred and lengthened again inside her. “I never want to leave your body.”

  “Then don’t.” She sighed as he continued to rise and fill her. “This feels so good, so right.”

  “I would like to love you, all day and all night.” His sensual words sent a thrill through her. He kissed her, taking her places she more than desired. He stroked deep inside, as if touching the very heart of her. “I want whatever time we have together to never end.”

  “As do I, Archie.”

  He increased his rhythm, slid his hand between her folds and rubbed her clit.

  She moaned as she arched against him, moving with him as another orgasm built.

  “I need to hear you scream my name.” He drew his long length in and out, his kisses matching the ebb and flow of below. Then with one decisive flick of his finger over her nub, he made her come, so staggeringly fast.

  She convulsed around him, crying out his name as he’d wished. She rode the waves, crashing hard as he roared and sank balls-deep inside her. His seed shot to her womb, and joined as one, a more perfect moment she’d never known.

  “You distract me beyond my endurance, lass.” He kissed her, stroking her sides as he rocked gently inside her. With a tender touch, he slowly brought them both back down.

  She caught his face, looked deep into his eyes. “And I’ll never let you forget it. Love me, Archie. I want more.”

  Chapter 11

  Archie dragged himself away from Marie’s warmth under the plaid he’d wrapped around them. So many hours he’d spent loving her.

  “Where are you going?” Her seductive tone was achingly sweet, causing his cock to twitch with life.

  “The goose is well and truly cooked.” He nabbed it and returned to her side. “Are you hungry?”

  “Exceedingly.” She winked. “I told you that before.”

  “Imp. What will I do with you?” He tore off a chunk of meat, slipped the morsel between her lips then took a bite for himself. She looked so beautiful, the sun’s late afternoon rays catching the golden strands in her hair and lighting them to brilliance. Her cheeks were flushed, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. “What are you thinking?”

  “Of nothing but you.”

  “You too consume my thoughts.” He kissed the corner of her mouth then licked along her lower lip. “I never want that to change.”

  “You have such a way with words. Stubborn yet sweet.” She glanced at the horizon. “When do we have to go back?”

  “Afore one of my men come searching for us.”

  “And when will that be?”

  “The tide will soon be high, and they’ll wish to sail for Dunyvaig.” He continued to feed her, ensuring she’d eaten her fill before polishing off the remainder of their meal.

  “We need to talk about MacLean then.” She tugged her shirt on, shimmied into her breeches and covered every delectable inch. “Even though I’m not fae, I’ve always believed I needed to fulfill your wish before I can return home to Katherine. To win this war, you need to hand MacLean over to the king.”

  He dragged on his clothes, his gut clenching at her request. Worse, though, she’d yet to steer him wrong, which meant he was doomed to go along with her plan.

  “Archie, MacLean is an integral part of all this. You know as well as I do the king wants the three chiefs involved in this feud to atone for their behavior. He already has two of them, and I believe once he has MacLean, he’ll be able to fully address his concerns with them.” She laid a hand on his arm, her soothing touch easing some of his frustration. “This dispute has raged for years, and only one man can now bring about a difference. Let the king do what he’s supposed to do. Rule.”

  “’Tis no’ the—”

  ‘I know. I know. ’Tis no’ the Highlander way,” she said. “But please, at least consider what I’m asking. Angus MacDonald, Donald MacDonald and Lachlan MacLean are all at fault here. They’ve caused such havoc.” She scooted onto his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m counting on you to keep a level head and agree. You’ve had your vengeance for MacLean’s attack on the village and he’s lost a large number of men. The battle between the clans has to stop.”

  Damn it. He understood her reasoning. He just didn’t care for it.

  “Please, say you agree.”

  “’Tis only a matter of time afore MacLean’s men regroup and attempt another assault. He will have a second who’ll come for him, and if MacLean remains in my dungeons, I’ll have a bargaining chip.”

  “Bargaining chip aside, this is about keeping history on course. You have to follow through with my plan. I’ve learnt so much at Mary’s hand, and once added to what I already knew, I haven’t a doubt this is the right move.” She brushed her nose against his. “What else do I need to say to convince you?”

  “I’ve learnt fae or no’, your magic is strong. I will consider what you ask, but only consider.”

  “Thank you. It’s a start. I can see it’s going to take me some time to work out all your bad kinks. I’ll get there though. Just watch me.” She kissed him, one hot kiss he wished could go on all day, except she pulled back and smiled. “Now take me home. I want to b
ounce around on a soft mattress and experience every pleasure you have to offer.”

  “I wish to explore, to leave no part of you untouched.” He launched to his feet, taking her with him. Aye, he would seek every treasure her body held and uncover it.

  * * * *

  Marie raced up the sand dunes and stopped at the top. The tide was high, the anchored birlinns bobbing off shore. What a beautiful sight. Soon they’d be home. Hmm, when had Dunyvaig become home to her? She certainly missed Mary and James. Having kin close mattered.

  Archie stepped in behind her, one arm sliding around her waist as he pulled her back to his chest. She wriggled her bottom against his groin and he groaned. “Take care, lass. I need to be able to walk from here to the galley.”

  She grinned. “Well, if you need aid, you know who to ask.”

  “Behave.” He nipped her ear with his teeth.

  “You need to take your own advice.”

  He grinned and waved to his brother as John strode toward them. “Archie, you’re looking hearty and hale. I see your black mood has lifted.”

  “Aye, a little rest goes a long way. What of our men and MacLean’s?”

  “The dead have been buried and the injured tended to. Their loss has been significant, and of course our men wish to return, to celebrate our victory with our clan.”

  “We’ll set sail. There’s no need to delay.”

  “Good.” John slapped his back. “Let’s be away.”

  Archie lifted her into his arms, waded through the shallows and swung her into his boat as John boarded the other birlinn.

  She raced to the stern, planted her hands on her hips and bellowed, “We sail for Dunyvaig. Hurry up and get this ship moving. That’s an order, men.”

  Archie chuckled as he joined her. “You wish to captain my vessel?”

  “I wish to get home and offer my endless aid as I’ve promised I would.”

  “Aye, and I willnae stop you.” He kissed her then turned to his men. “Islay is ours, and no MacLean will ever defeat us. Hoist the sail and do as my lady bids.”

  Cheers abounded, and at the front of the birlinn, bound and gagged, MacLean grumbled.

  Oh yes, there was nothing better than sailing the seas. They cruised out of Loch Gruinart, freedom now theirs.

  As they journeyed around the coast, the sun dipped along the horizon and sent a final flare of red across the sky. Night fell. So beautiful. Even the moon, a bright ball of glorious orange, hung low, guiding their way home.

  She nestled against Archie as a round of hearty songs rang out from his men. This was as it should be, and she was one step closer to getting back to her sister. The thought brought a moment of joy, until her heart heaved at the thought of leaving Archie. This was their time, but it wouldn’t be for long. Still, she’d make every moment left to them count.

  “We’re almost home.” Archie wrapped an arm around her shoulders, warding off the evening chill.

  “Yes, home.”

  They rounded the tip of The Oa, the wind so favorable they shot across the water toward Lagavulin Bay with speed.

  Before long, the massive stone walls of Dunyvaig beckoned with its strength. From the narrow tower windows, light glowed in welcome. Their clan awaited their return.

  “Hell.” Archie heaved to his feet.

  A war galley approached fast from the north. Such a powerful ship with two masts, one in the center and one at the stern flying the King of Scotland’s flag. Hell was right. She jumped up. “They must be searching for MacLean. What are you going to do?”

  “I shouldnae be surprised they’ve come this far south.” He grasped her hand and pressed it against his chest. “I dinnae care to hand him over.”

  “You have to. Please, it’s the right thing to do. The king has a far greater force, an entire army at his disposal. You’ll never win a fight against him.” And surely, he couldn’t think to take on the king’s men at sea.

  “Highlanders fight for what is theirs.” He looked deep into her eyes then groaned. “Damn it. I cannae risk your life again, no’ while you’re on board. I’ve no choice.”

  “No, you’re doing what’s best for your clan, Once MacLean is in the king’s hands, negotiations will get underway and a resolution found. You must see that.”

  He kissed her, so tenderly. “I dinnae wish to lose you.”

  “You never will.” She touched her chest. “I’ll always hold you close.”

  “Captain,” Eric shouted. “What’s your order?”

  “Make berth. ’Tis time for MacLean to atone for his warring. The king shall have his way.”

  They crested the white-capped waves and skimmed the waters into the bay. From atop the battlements, a shout was hailed from one guardsman to another.

  Archie steered her to the bow then handed her over to one of his warriors. “Escort her inside. Immediately.”

  Archie’s guardsman led Marie into the keep.

  * * * *

  When Archie had made his wish, his mind had been set on winning the war against MacLean. His wish shouldn’t have brought him and Marie so close. Her very essence had become branded into his soul. By her deeds and desires, she’d woven her own spell around his heart, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to let her go when the time came.

  He found his chamber window. There, darkened and cold. He thumped one foot as he waited then released a long breath as a light from within flickered to life. She was safe, and waiting for him.

  “Archie.” John bounded from his moored vessel onto the stone steps beside him. “What’s your decision?”

  “’Tis time to hand our captive over.” In the birlinn, MacLean straightened from his sagged position at the bow then narrowed his gaze on the war galley sailing into the bay. The fearsome chief was helpless to change the course of the unfolding events, as was he.

  “Are you certain? What of Angus?”

  “This is a day of victory, and he will hear of it. That willnae be forgotten.” He faced Eric. “Unbind MacLean’s feet and bring him. He must walk toward his destiny.”

  “Aye, Captain.” Eric unknotted MacLean’s roped ankles, heaved him up then handed him across.

  Archie seized MacLean’s arm and marched him to the end of the sea-gate.

  The war galley came into moor, and the ship’s captain leapt onto the landing in his finely cut uniform. He tugged the dark cuffs of his coat as he passed his narrowed gaze over MacLean. “You are the very man we’ve been searching for.” He eyed Archie. “The king requests the Chief of MacLean’s presence in Edinburgh, in whatever state we must bring him in. Although, I’m surprised to see he still stands alive in your hands, after what the villagers north of here have told me.”

  “We’re no’ barbarians. Take him, but if he ever steps foot on Islay again, his death will be assured.”

  The king’s man motioned his second to come forward. “Take Lachlan MacLean and bind him to the center mast. Keep a guard on him at all times.” He turned back to Archie. “I’m Captain Hugh Lindsay.”

  “Archie MacDonald.” He crossed his arms. “MacLean attempted to take the Rhinns on our western coastline. He was unsuccessful.”

  “Another attack. I’m no’ surprised. The king will be pleased though to hear of your willingness in handing MacLean over. I understand your predicament.”

  Willingness? Nay. ’Twas all Marie’s doing. She alone had achieved such an outcome. He nodded at Captain Lindsay, eager to see him gone and off MacDonald land. “If there is naught more you need…”

  “Nay, we must be away. Thank ye.” The captain dipped his head and rejoined his men.

  John grasped his shoulder. “’Tis the right thing to do, and none will gainsay your decision. This is certainly a day which will go down in history.”

  “Aye, even though I wish it differently.” The king’s men pushed away from their mooring and hoisted their sails.

  “Speaking of wishes.” John stroked his jaw. “It seems a woman from the future has cast a very decide
d spell over you. You’ve changed your mind then? The man who said he’d never take a woman as his.”

  “She’s mine, but her future is elsewhere.” He strode along the steps and up the trail.

  John fell into step beside him. “Archie, Mother never had a midwife to tend her during her labor. Eventually you must set your worries aside. Life cannae be lived so.”

  “Dinnae tell me how to live my life.”

  “All women wish for bairns.”

  “I know, but ’tis a moot point since my woman willnae be here to bear them.” He marched through the entrance. “She’ll soon return to where she came from. I wish only for her to remain safe in her own time.”

  “That is no’ what you wish for, and I willnae believe otherwise.”

  “I wish for her to live, to have a long life.”

  “Aye, but what of you? You want her. ‘Tis clear to see.”

  “My heart bleeds for more, but this is one fight I will never win.”

  * * * *

  What a bittersweet moment. Marie stood at the narrow window while below, Archie and John strode in. The king’s war galley sailed into the dark with Lachlan MacLean aboard. She’d done it. Fulfilled Archie’s wish, or at least as far as she could manage. Angus’s release was now in his own hands. And that was how it should be, what history had foretold.

  Surely soon, she’d now return home.

  Tears misted her gaze as she searched the faerie circle. On the center stone a glimmer of moonlight sparkled off Mary’s amulet. The sacred circle remained untouched. Even the grass was still, though it rippled in the breeze beyond. Such a place of magic, where the fae played, and where she would await the return of the veil.

  “Marie.” Mary pushed the door open, clutched her emerald skirts and raced toward her. “I heard. Lachlan lives and we won the battle.”

  “Yes, all is well.” She hugged Mary, and her tears fell.

  “’Twill be all right.” Mary cupped her cheeks. “The men said you were in the heart of it all.”

  “It couldn’t be helped. Your brother was rather insistent I join him, not that I would’ve wanted it any other way. I live now because I was there.”


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