Thirteen Days in September
Page 39
Nobel Prize nomination of
occupied territories as viewed by, prl.1, 9.1, 9.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
peace treaty signed by
personal austerity of
in rebellion against British Mandate, 2.1, 2.2
rebellion in party of
religious views of, prl.1, 11.1
request for debt relief of
resignation of
retirement of
rights of Palestinians and, 1.1, 3.1, epl.1
at Sadat’s funeral
Sadat’s Israeli trip and, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4
Sinai surrendered by, epl.1, epl.2
speaking ability of
terrorism of, prl.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 12.1, 12.2, epl.1
Washington trips of, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4, prl.5, prl.6, prl.7
Weizman vs., 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
West Bank settlements authorized by, prl.1, epl.1
Begin, Menachem, at Camp David, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 9.1, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1
in alleged agreement to withdraw from territories
ambiguity in treaty language exploited by
arrival of
atmosphere as viewed by
Brzezinski’s chess game with, 5.1, 5.2, 12.1
Carter’s doubts about sanity of
Carter’s final negotiations with
Carter’s threat to blame failure on, 11.1, 11.2, epl.1
coldness of
departure considered by, 6.1, 8.1
desire for two agreements by
division in delegation of
doubts about sincerity of, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 7.1, 11.1
and fears of Carter-Begin conspiracy
Framework rejected by
Gaza and West Bank plan of
initial proposal of
isolation of, epl.1, epl.2
Jerusalem considered non-negotiable by, 13.1, 13.2
Kadishai’s relationship with
misunderstandings of
name “Palestinian” avoided by
power of
Rosalynn Carter’s prayer modified by
Sadat’s initial position and, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2
second U.S. plan disliked by
Shabbat dinner hosted by, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
side letter composed by
at signing of Accords, 13.1, 13.2, epl.1
supposed West Bank settlement moratorium of, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, nts.1
on term “legitimate rights,” 6.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
U.S.-Israel treaty sought by
U.S. plan and, 4.1, 4.2, 6.1, 6.2
Begin, Ze’ev Dov, prl.1, prl.2, nts.1
Israeli invasion of
Ben-Gurion, David, prl.1, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 6.1, 11.1
Dayan praised by
Deir Yassin and, 12.1, 12.2
Gaza border patrols ended by
King David Hotel bombing and, 2.1, 2.2
on reprisals against Arabs
in Suez crisis, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
in War of Independence, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak
Betar, prl.1, prl.4, 11.1
Bible, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 8.1
Birch Lodge, 1.1, 1.2, 12.1
“Black Sabbath,”
Border Police, Israeli
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 10.1, 11.1
Braunstein, Louis
Brezhnev, Leonid, 10.1, 10.2
Brik, Erik, see Barak, Aharon
Brisk, prl.1, 2.1
British Mandate, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 6.1, 12.1
Brown, Harold, prl.1, 11.1
Brown, Wesley
Brzezinski, Tadeusz
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, prl.1, 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, epl.1
Begin’s chess game with, 5.1, 5.2, 12.1
collusion with Sadat desired by
Sadat’s plan and
Vance’s rivalry with, 1.1, 4.1, epl.1
Bulganin, Nikolai
Cairo Central Prison
Callaway, Howard “Bo,”
Callaway, Royall
Camel Corps
Camp David:
history of
informality of
Camp David Accords, 13.2
final drafting of
fundamentalist Islam’s criticism of
Kamel’s anger at Sadat over, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2
outcome for Palestinians at
Camp David peace treaty
ambiguity in
Dayan’s praise for
in Knesset, epl.1, epl.2, epl.3
radical Islam set loose by
signing of, epl.1, epl.2
U.S. media’s pessimism on
Camp David summit, 1.1
ambiguity at
captured territory at, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, epl.1, epl.2
Carter administration’s doubts about
deadline fixed at
delegations’ avoidance of each other at, 1.1, 1.2
illusion of
isolation of
levity at
living quarters at
in media
party at, 3.1, 3.2
plans for, 1.1, 1.2
precedent for
risks of, 3.1, epl.1
Rosalynn Carter’s prayer for
Sadat and Begin’s first meeting at
Sadat proposal at, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 6.1, 6.2
Sadat’s team’s opposition to
second U.S. position at, 7.1, 8.1, 8.2
secrecy surrounding
territories and settlements at, 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, nts.1
timing of
U.S. pressure on Begin at
U.S. proposals at, prl.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 11.1, epl.1
Canaan, prl.1, prl.2, 3.1, 4.1, 6.1, 6.2n
Carter, Amy, prl.1, 1.1, 6.1
Carter, Billy
Carter, Earl
Carter, Jack, 3.1, 3.2
Carter, James Earl, III “Chip,”
Carter, Jimmy:
Begin’s abruptness with
“born again” experience of
in campaigns for governor, prl.1, 3.1, 3.2
childhood of, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4
community work of
farming background of, prl.1, prl.2, 3.1
Holy Land trip of, prl.1, prl.2
Knesset speech of
military career of, prl.1, 3.1, 3.2
negotiating method of
Nobel Prize won by
nuclear physics studied by
presidential run of
as progressive governor
racial attitude of, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, 3.1, 3.2
religious beliefs of, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4, prl.5, prl.6, 13.1, epl.1
Rosalynn courted by
in run for House
in run for state senate
wedding of, 3.1, 3.2
Carter, Jimmy, as president:
as advocate of Palestinian refugees
Begin on Middle East views of
Begin’s arrogance disdained by
Begin’s criticism of
Begin’s request of debt relief to
Begin’s visits to, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4
congressional report on Accords of
election of, prl.1, 3.1, 4.1, 11.1
fishing enjoyed by
frustration with Middle East by
at Gettysburg, 6.1, 6.2, 10.1, 13.1, epl.1
hemorrhoids of
Lebanon and
Middle East peace as priority of, prl.1, 8.1, epl.1
Middle East trip of, epl.1, epl.2
peace treaty signed by
Rabin as v
iewed by
recognized Israeli borders sought by
Sadat and Begin profiles read by, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4
Sadat as regarded by, prl.1, 1.1, 8.1, 11.1
Sadat criticized by
at Sadat’s funeral
Sadat’s overestimate of power held by
sale of Camp David considered by
to-do lists of
weak position of
Carter, Jimmy, as president, at Camp David, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 8.1, 10.1, 10.2, 13.1
at Baz and Barak’s meeting
Begin greeted by
Begin’s final negotiation with
Begin’s sanity doubted by
Begin’s settlement plan rejected by
at Begin’s Shabbat dinner, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
Begin’s sincerity doubted by, 1.1, 2.1, 7.1
Begin’s worry about Sadat’s conspiring with
belief in failure of summit held by, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 13.1
critical juncture feared by
despair of
Egyptian delegation as suspicious of
on Egyptian position, 2.1, 2.2
end of conference announced by, 11.1, 12.1
Framework for a Settlement in Sinai put forward by, 8.1, 8.2
illusion of
impatience of
invited to Egypt by Sadat
isolation enjoyed by
on Israeli-Egyptian agreements
list of unresolved issues made by
minutiae as obsession of
“Necessary Elements of Agreement” written by
optimism of
on problems with stalemate
risks run by
Sadat convinced to stay at, 3.1, 4.1
Sadat-Dayan meeting sought by, 10.1, 10.2
Sadat greeted by
Sadat’s changing view of
Sadat’s position and, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1
Sadat’s proposed departure and
Sadat’s safety as concern of
second U.S. proposal made by
side letters composed by, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3
at signing of Accords, 13.1, 13.2
signing schedule drawn up by
talk with Dayan and Barak requested by
U.S.-Israel defense treaty disdained by
U.S. plan’s announcement delayed by
Carter, Lillian
Carter, Littleberry Walker
Carter, Rosalynn, prl.1, prl.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, epl.1, epl.2
background of
at Begin’s Shabbat dinner, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
bookkeeping of
Camp David prayer of
and Carter’s campaigns for governor, 3.1, 3.2
Carter’s courting of
community work of
as first lady
Hurst’s threat against
illness of, 12.1, 13.1
Israel visits of, prl.1, prl.2
as most admired woman in the world
in move to Hawaii
wedding of, 3.1, 3.2
Cemetery Ridge
Central Intelligence Agency
Begin profiled by, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4, prl.5
Sadat profiled by, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3
China, 3.1, epl.1
Chinese Farm
Chou En-lai
Churchill, Winston, prl.1, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
civil rights movement
Clinton, Bill
Clinton Camp David conference
Clough, Susan
Coastal Highway
Cold War
constructive ambiguity
Cronkite, Walter
Crusades, prl.1, 8.1
Cuban missile crisis
Cyprus, prl.1, 5.1
Cyrus the Great
Damascus, prl.1, 10.1
David, King of Israel, 4.1, 6.1, 6.2, 8.1
Davis, Alonzo
Dayan, Dvora
Dayan, Moshe, 1.1, 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 9.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
agreement signed by
archaeology as interest of, 4.1, 7.1
background of
Begin chastised for terrorism by
Begin implored to compromise by
on Begin’s proposal
at Begin’s Shabbat dinner, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
in British invasion of Syria
Camp David doubts of
Carter’s request for talk with
in charge of Jerusalem holy places
on Chinese Farm battle
on David and Goliath story
death of
eye lost by, 1.1, 2.1, 4.1, 6.1
Gaza border patrols of
at Gettysburg
Israeli army training manual written by
Jerusalem considered non-negotiable by
Joshua as model for
1973 War as viewed by
1973 War not foreseen by, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4
1973 War strategy of, 10.1, 10.2
1973 War television address of
occupation disdained by
at peace treaty signing
poor health of
resignation of, epl.1, epl.2
Rotenberg’s eulogy delivered by
Sadat convinced of Begin’s insincerity by
Sadat’s dislike of
Sadat’s position derided by, 2.1, 3.1
Sadat’s talks with, 10.1, 10.2
Sinai plan of, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 10.1, 12.1, 13.1
in Six-Day War, 5.1, 5.2
Suez Canal withdrawal proposed by
in Suez crisis, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1
Tohamy’s lie regarding
Tohamy’s meeting with, 1.1, nts.1
U.S. position and, 6.1, 7.1
in War of Independence, 3.1, 3.2, nts.1
Weizman’s rivalry with
Dayan, Shmuel
Dayan, Yael, 4.1, 4.2
Defense Forces, Israeli
Defense Ministry, Israeli
Deir Yassin, 12.1, epl.1, nts.1
Delilah, 4.1, 4.2
Denshawi, Egypt
Diaspora, prl.1, prl.2
Dimona nuclear reactor
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dogwood Lodge
Dome of the Rock, prl.1, 5.1, 8.1, 11.1
East Jerusalem, 2.1, 12.1, 13.1
Eban, Abba, 9.1, nts.1
Arab boycott of
in battle with Hittites
British occupation of
Canaan occupied by
civil chaos in
Gaza controlled by, 3.1, 4.1
history of Israel’s conflict with
Hyksos’s invasion of
inflation in
in Israel’s War of Independence, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
oil of
Persian occupiers overthrown by
revolution in
Sadat unpopular in
in Six-Day War, 5.1, 9.1
slavery in
socialism in, 1.1, 8.1, 9.1
Syria’s defense pact with
U.S. aid to
in War of Attrition, atn.1, 9.1, nts.1
Egypt Air
Eid al-Adha
Eilts, Hermann, 1.1, 13.1, nts.1
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight, 1.1, 4.1
El Alamein, Egypt
El Arish, Egypt, 4.1, epl.1
End of Days, prl.1, 5.1
energy policy
Eppler, Johannes, 2.1, 2.2
Eretz Israel in the Past and Present (Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi),
Eshkol, Levi
Exodus, 3.1, 3.2
Fahmy, Hekmet
Faisal, Turki al-
Fallows, James, pr
l.1, prl.2
Farouk, King of Egypt, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1
Finkelstein, Israel, n
Fisher, Roger, 5.1, 9.1
Foote, Shelby
Ford, Betty
Ford, Gerald, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, 1.1, 3.1, nts.1
Foreign Office, British
“Framework for a Comprehensive Peaceful Settlement of the Middle East Problem, The,” 2.1, 2.2
“Framework for a Settlement in Sinai,” 8.1, 8.2
“Framework for Peace,” 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2
“Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel,”
France, 3.1, 4.1
in Suez Crisis, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 9.1
Free Officers, 8.1, 8.2
Friedman, Thomas
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gaza Strip, prl.1, prl.2, 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 11.1, epl.1, epl.2
Dayan’s border patrols on
discussed at Camp David, 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 13.2
Egyptian control of, 3.1, 4.1
free movement from
history of
Israel’s capture of, prl.1, prl.2, 9.1
Gemayel, Bashir
Geneva Conference
Georgia, race in, prl.1, prl.2
Germany, prl.1, prl.2, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1
Getting to YES: Negotiation Agreement Without Giving In (Fisher, Ury, and Patton), 5.1n
Gettysburg, Battle of
Gettysburg address
Gettysburg National Military Park, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 10.1, 13.1, epl.1
Ghali, Boutros
Givat Shaul, 12.1, 12.2
Golan Heights
at Camp David, 3.1, 7.1
Israel’s capture of, prl.1, prl.2, 9.1
in 1973 War, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5
Goldberg, Arthur, 13.1, 13.2
Golden Gate
Goliath, 6.1, 6.2
Gorodentchik, Yehoshua
Grand Teton National Park
Great Britain, prl.1, 2.1, 5.1, 8.1
anti-Semitic attacks in
Suez Canal abandoned by
in Suez Crisis, 4.1, 4.2, 9.1
Great Depression
Guantánamo, Cuba
gulags, 2.1, 11.1
Gulf of Aqaba, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2
Hafez, Fawzi Abdel
Haganah, 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 12.1, nts.1
Hall, Cloyd
Hall of Names
Halperin, Rachel
Hancock County, Ga.
Harvard Negotiation Project, n
Hassan II, King of Morocco
Herut party, 11.1, 11.2
Herzl, Theodor
Herzog, Chaim
Hickory Lodge
Hilton Hotel
Hitler, Adolf
Holly Lodge, 7.1, 12.1
Holocaust, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, prl.4, 2.1, 4.1, 6.1, 9.1, 11.1
Hooker, Joseph
House of Representatives, U.S.
human Immunology, 6.1n
human rights