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Waiting for Prince Harry

Page 21

by Aven Ellis

  I feel my throat swell up. “That,” I say, squeezing his hand tightly, “is not possible.”

  “You say that now. But going to dinner with me is not normal unless we are in a back room, chef’s table, or in a different city,” Harrison says quietly. “It’s a pain in the ass to do normal things with me in Dallas and I’m afraid—”

  I silence him by putting my fingertips over his lips. “No more of that. I will not be scared off by Seekers or Puck Bunnies or even Flynnbabes.”

  “Okay. But if it gets to be too much, please tell me the truth. I want you to be honest with me, so I can help you get used to dealing with it.”

  I nod. “I promise I will.”

  “Okay,” Harrison exhales, and I realize he had been holding his breath.

  I smile at him. “So are we good here?”

  Harrison smiles back at me. “We’re good.”

  My heart flutters inside my chest. Tonight is huge. Not only is this our first venture into a restaurant, but my Prince Harry is meeting my family.

  Another big step toward our future, I think, texting my mom that we will meet them in Southlake tonight. I know they’ll love him. When they see how Harrison treats me, they will fall in love with him just as fast as I did.

  I know Brandon is very skeptical, but I also know he’ll want what’s best for me. He’ll see that is Harrison after tonight.

  Then I picture what it will be like, with fans approaching the table to speak to Harrison. That will be strange, but I’m sure it won’t be as bad as I picture it being. Especially now that people know he has a girlfriend. I’m sure that will cut down on a lot of the Flynnbabes trying to get his attention.

  With that thought in my head, I get up, put my phone away, and go back to chipping tiles. Harrison does the same.

  And despite all of the obstacles I face tonight, I find myself looking forward to introducing my amazing Ginger Boy to my family.

  “Are you ready for this?” Harrison asks as he eases his Ranger Rover into a parking spot.

  I nod. We are at Southlake Town Square, a gorgeous outdoor shopping center with a gazebo, fountain, shops, and restaurants. People are out walking around, headed for restaurants for dinner on this Sunday evening.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t convince my mom to let us order in at my parents’ house,” I say quietly. I absently play with the starfish charm on my bracelet.

  “I’m not worried about me. I’m worried about you,” Harrison says, his hand skimming over my hair, down to the side chignon I have twisted my locks into.

  “I promise you I’m good,” I say, wanting to reassure him.

  Harrison nods but doesn’t seem completely convinced. He turns his attention straight ahead at the storefronts. “I guess we should head over there.”

  “Are you going to wear a baseball hat?” I ask. Harrison always wears one to cover his famous ginger locks in public. I learned that is one of his fly under the radar tactics.

  He gazes at me. “No. I mean, normally, yes, I would. But I don’t want to meet your parents wearing a baseball hat. First impressions are important.”

  Can you make me love you anymore? I think, staring at him.

  “But really, you’re the one who should be incognito tonight, Kylie Reed. You look so gorgeous that guys will be vying to simply look at you. I’m just damn lucky that Prince Harry is an ocean away. Otherwise I might not have a chance.”

  My heart skips a beat from his compliment. I’m about to tell him Prince Harry has nothing on my Prince Harry, but Harrison continues before I can say anything.

  “This dress,” Harrison says softly, rubbing his hand very slowly over my thigh, “is wicked hot.”

  I feel my pulse jump from his deliberate touch. I’m wearing a turquoise blue halter maxi dress, one that ties around my neck and falls to the tops of my jeweled sandals. I accessorized with a charm bracelet with items of the sea on it—starfish, shells, etc.—and vintage yellow bangle bracelet with two fish kissing at the top of it.

  “I’m glad you’re good with it,” I say smartly.

  “More than good,” Harrison says, his hand still on my leg. “But right now I need to focus on dinner instead of you. And I have no idea how the hell I’m going to do that right now.”

  I laugh and he raises an eyebrow at me. Then I take a deep breath and exit the car. Harrison immediately walks around to me and takes my hand in his.

  We stroll down the sidewalk, and within seconds, I realize he’s getting looks. People hesitating, looking at Harrison with brows creased, as if “Could he be Harrison Flynn?” Others just stare, gob-smacked that the great hockey god is right in front of them, in the flesh.

  I swallow hard. Harrison lives like this every day, I think with amazement. I glance up at him, and he acts like he’s oblivious to the staring. Or maybe he’s gotten so used to people gawking at him he actually is oblivious to it.

  “Oh my God!” I hear a teenage girl cry.

  I turn and see three girls, all about the age of sixteen, staring at Harrison.

  “Ohmigod! Mr. Flynn, I’m like the biggest Dallas Demon fan ever,” the girl says, her words flying out in a nervous rush. “Is there any way I could take a picture with you?”

  “Sure,” Harrison says easily, smiling at the girl. But I notice he’s not flashing the full smile. My heart skips. Again, I know that smile—the full, flashing his teeth smile—is mine and mine alone.

  The girl quickly runs her fingers through her long, dark hair and walks over to his side. Harrison lightly puts his hand on her back and one of her friends fumbles with her phone to take the picture.

  I notice the poor girl’s hand is shaking as she is holding the phone up. “Would you like me to take it?” I offer. “Then I can get one with all of you in it.”

  “Oh my God, thank you!” she cries, handing me the phone.

  I smile and take one of Harrison and the dark-haired girl. “On the count of three,” I say. “One, two, three!”

  And I snap the picture.

  Harrison smiles down at the girl. “Wanna check it? Let’s make sure you have a good one.”

  My heart fills with warmth. Harrison is so generous with his fans. He actually wants to make sure they have the picture just right before walking away.

  Okay, you’ve done it, I think. I love you more than I did a minute ago.

  I walk over and show the girl the picture.

  “Yes, that’s perfect,” she squeaks.

  “Let’s do one with everyone now,” I say.

  All the girls get around Harrison and their expressions of joy are contagious. I feel myself smiling as I take the picture. I show it to all of them, they thank both of us profusely, and I hear them shriek with excitement as they walk away.

  “Sorry,” Harrison says, taking my hand in his once again.

  “Why? That was awesome,” I say honestly.

  “You think so?”

  “Yes. They will remember this forever.”

  Harrison nods. “That’s why I try to be accessible. It’s one moment in time for me, but it’s a lifetime moment for those girls. I try to be mindful of that at all times.”

  “You’re a good man,” I say aloud as we make our way to the Mexican restaurant.

  “Remember that the next time I piss you off.”

  We both laugh as Harrison pulls open the door to the restaurant, and it is crowded for a Sunday night. Conversation is carried over the sound of the music, and tables are filled with diners noshing on chips and sipping margaritas as they wait for meals to arrive. A waiter moves past with a sizzling tray of fajitas, and I wonder if Harrison would share a platter of those with me.

  I scan the restaurant for my parents. I don’t see them, but spot my brother.

  I turn to Harrison. “B
randon and Candace are at the bar,” I say, squeezing his hand in mine. “Just remember, Brandon might be rough on you at first, but he’s like that. Don’t take it personally. He’s protective of me,” I say. “But he will like you, Harrison. I know he will.”

  “Well we have one thing in common already,” Harrison says.

  “What’s that?”

  “We’re both protective of you.”

  Okay, I would seriously fly off to Las Vegas and marry this man tonight if he asked me.

  I feel Harrison put his hand on the small of my back, and we head over toward the bar. Again, I feel eyes on us as we move. The people pointing and whispering. The furrowed brows of people trying to figure out if he is really Harrison Flynn . . .

  “Kylie,” Candace cries out, putting her frozen swirl margarita down on the shiny black bar top and grabbing me for a hug. “It’s so good to see you.”

  I step back from her and smile. She looks tanned and happy, just like someone should after a tropical honeymoon in St. Bart’s.

  “Good to see you, too. And you look gorgeous,” I say honestly. “I can’t wait to hear about your trip.”

  “Who cares?” Candace cries, looking over at Harrison. “I can’t believe we have one of Dallas’ most famous athletes joining us for dinner tonight.”

  Oh God. Oh no. Oh Please don’t act like a fan, I mentally scream. Please treat him like my boyfriend. Please, for the love of God, please, Candace!

  “Hi,” Harrison says, extending his hand to Candace. “Harrison Flynn. Glad to meet you.”

  “Oh, I know who you are,” Candace giggles. “You’re in Dallas Details all the time. And I pass your face every day on Mockingbird Lane. Your billboard promoting season ticket sales is huge!”

  My stomach begins to slide. Oh shit. Why do I have a feeling this is not going to go well?

  I clear my throat and look at Brandon, who is already eyeing up Harrison and all he has done is introduce himself.

  “Harrison,” I say, smiling at Brandon, “this is my brother, Brandon. Brandon, Harrison Flynn.”

  Harrison immediately thrusts out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Brandon,” he says. “Kylie has told me a lot about you. About both of you, actually.”

  “Likewise,” Brandon says, shaking Harrison’s hand. “Except Kylie really hasn’t told us anything about you.”

  Damn it, Brandon! He knows the reason I haven’t told him much is because I was protecting what Harrison and I are building.

  I glance up at Harrison, whose eyebrows are furrowed.

  “That’s because I want you to discover how amazing Harrison is by getting to know him yourself,” I say pointedly. “Just like I did.”

  Brandon just takes a sip of his blue margarita.

  And a silence falls over us.

  Shit. I glance at Harrison, who looks bewildered. So does Candace. And Brandon is just keeping a steady gaze on Harrison.

  My heart suddenly stops inside my chest. Oh, God, what if my family fucks this up for me? That could be enough to chase Harrison away. For him to say, “Who needs this shit?” when there are millions of girls out there for him to pick from with normal-acting families—

  “Do y’all want a drink? Mom texted me, they are running a little late,” Brandon says, breaking the silence.

  Yes. A drink. I need a drink. And at this rate, preferably a bottle of tequila.

  “Okay,” Harrison says. He begins to rub the small of my back and I feel myself relax a tiny bit. “What would you like, Kylie?”

  “A frozen pomegranate margarita,” I say.

  “You got it,” Harrison says. Then he looks at Brandon and Candace. “Do you guys need a refill or anything?”

  “No, we’re good,” Brandon says, picking up his margarita.

  Harrison nods and goes over to the other side of the bar, where the bartender is running a blender. As soon as Harrison is out of earshot, Candace latches on to my arm.

  “Kylie, I can’t believe you’re with Harrison Flynn,” she cries. “He’s like the most eligible bachelor in Dallas!”

  “Bachelor being the operative word,” Brandon says, looking across the bar at Harrison.

  My defenses instantly shoot up. I’m about to say something when Brandon interrupts my thoughts.

  “And just as I suspected,” Brandon says knowingly. “There’s our eligible bachelor, right at work.”

  I turn and look across the bar, and I see a gorgeous young woman talking with Harrison. And by gorgeous, I mean perfect. She’s tall, but has curves in all the right places, stunning long blonde hair, and her makeup is applied just right. Her clothes are top of the line and sexy without being slutty. She is flashing Harrison a huge smile, and then she takes a pen and hands him a napkin.

  My stomach has now coiled into a knot. I know this happens. I know there are Puck Bunnies and Flynnbabes whenever he is out.

  But this is the first time I’ve seen what happens when I’m not around. Women who are savvier than me, prettier than me—openly approach him.

  And even though I know I’m the only girl he wants, it’s hard to see this play out in front of me. Like I’m not here. Like the fact that he walked in with me doesn’t matter.

  I watch as Harrison scrawls something on the napkin and hands it back to the girl, who then hands her cell phone to the bartender, who snaps a picture. I notice the girl has put her arm around his back, too.

  “What are the odds he just slipped her his phone number?” Brandon asks.

  “Brandon!” Candace and I yell at the same time.

  “Don’t be like that,” Candace cries, looking appalled.

  Normally I would just ignore this. Let it eat away at me internally without saying a word because I fear confrontation. I would swallow it down and save the fight for a better one. One in the future, so I wouldn’t have to face confrontation now.

  But not when Brandon’s attacking the one thing I value more than anything on this earth.

  Suddenly the words come flying out of my mouth, as my need to protect Harrison makes me reach down and find the courage to fight back.

  “You’re going to stop this right now, Brandon,” I say, my voice shaking in anger. “I won’t tolerate you judging him like this. If you’re going to keep these comments up, we’re leaving. Your behavior will determine if we stay or go.”

  Chapter 25

  The Pop Quiz Question: It’s time to introduce your boyfriend to your family. How will they respond?

  A) Why on earth would I introduce him to them? I’m not serious with him.

  B) It’s that awkward first ‘getting to know you’ meet and greet, but if I like him, they will like him, too.

  C) If he doesn’t run screaming by the end of the evening I’ll coin it a raving success.

  Bam! The look of shock on Brandon’s face is priceless. He was never, ever, expecting me to call him out and issue an ultimatum on his behavior.

  To be honest, I’m rather shocked I did it myself. But once again, my feelings for Harrison are making me grow in so many ways.

  Like this.

  Before Brandon can say anything in response, Harrison comes back and hands me a margarita.

  “Kylie?” Harrison asks, his perceptive eyes moving from me to Brandon and back again.

  I turn and force a big smile on my face. “Thank you.”

  Harrison is gripping his Corona in his hand, and his gaze is focused on me. I can tell he’s about to ask me if I’m okay—

  “We’ve made it!”

  I turn around and see my parents walking up. Oh thank God. They couldn’t have had better timing if they tried.

  “Hi, Mom,” I say happily.

  “Hi, sweetie,” my mom says, giving me a hug.

  I inhale the
familiar scent of Chanel No. 5 on her skin and say a quick prayer. Please be normal to Harrison tonight. Please.

  My dad follows with a huge bear hug, and they hug Candace and Brandon. And then all eyes turn to Harrison.

  “Mom, Dad,” I say, “I would like for you to meet Harrison Flynn. Harrison, this is my mom, Hilary, and my dad, Jack.”

  Harrison immediately extends his hand to my mother. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Reed. Thank you for allowing me to join you this evening.”

  My mom gives a bright laugh. “Oh, please, call me Hilary. And I already feel like I’ve met you, with everything I have read online since I found out Kylie was seeing you.”

  Fuck! The one thing Harrison does not want to hear is how people have researched him!

  I can’t breathe as I glance up at Harrison. I know this is upsetting him, but I can’t see it on his face.

  I watch as he smiles easily at my mom. “Well, Hilary, that’s only one part of the story. The fiction written about me is much more entertaining than reality, I’m afraid.”

  I can breathe again. Harrison is going to roll with this.

  “I doubt that,” my father says, shaking Harrison’s hand. “Jack Reed. Nice to meet the Captain of the Dallas Demons in the flesh. Great season you had this past year. I just hope we have another one and aren’t locked out.”

  Seriously, can they hit any more of Harrison’s hot buttons?

  “I’m hoping there will be a resolution to that soon,” Harrison says easily, sidestepping that topic. “And again, thank you for inviting me to dinner tonight.”

  “Oh, of course. We want to know the man that Kylie is utterly crazy about,” my mother exclaims. “Except we don’t want to know about all the models you previously dated, right, Kylie?” my mom says, laughing.


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